jWiL. ' - i nm" 1 i !- ii ii --f, r i L . imn.nlrrniK i ii n ,'i "' , jr v - .I, . ,, i a, i ; n , , ... - ...... . . jr.. . I i 1 I. '. 1 4 THE ROANOKE. BEACON Friday, August 16th, 1918- BEACON FLASHES. Capt. A. J. Newberry is in Norfolk this week. Mr; and Mrs: J. E. Singleton of near Roper were in town Tues day. " Miss Leola Ausbon of Norfolk is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. L. P. Pinkham made a business trip to Norfolk the 'past week. Ex-Sheriff J. T. McAllister of near Roper was in the city Wed nesday. 1 Mrs. Fred Knight is visiting Relatives and friends in Norfolk this week. Mr, T. S. Woodley and daugh ter or Columbia were in the city Wednesday. See L P. Pinkham for a Mu eller Pipeless Furnace. ad ' -Miss Lillie Gaylord of Roper is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W, T. Nurney, on Jefferson Street. Mrs. BetlieGurkin of William ston was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. T. Harrison, this week Miss Mary Ruth Broughton of Hertford, is the guest of Mrs. W. T. Nurney on Jefferson Street Mrs. W. R. White and child ren, Mr. Ryland Jr., and Miss Helen, are visiting relatives and friends in Norfolk. Mr. Abe. Adler h;is returned from the northern markets, where he has been buying his fall and winter goods. Mrs. P. E. Davenpsrt and children have returned home from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at IV hi takers - Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Stevens of Enfield visited Mrs. Stevens' pa.ents, Mr. and Mrs. J S Chcs s n on Jefferson Street, the past we. k Mr. G. H Harrison, Jr., of Fort Caswell, N. C. spent Wed nesday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Harrison on Washing ton Street FOR SALE 7 to 9,000 pickled herrings, at reasonable price. Apply or write to L. P. Pinkham, Plymouth, N. C. ad Dr. W. H. Hardison and Mr. Wm. Wiley of Creswell. Mrs. Sarah Basnight and Mrs Nattie Rhodes of Scuppernong were in town Tuesday. Mr. S. R Norman of Wash ington, D. C. and Mr. J S. Nor man and wife of Arringdale, Va , are visitingtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norma l on Main Street. Rv. E N. Harrison left yes terday to visit his sister in Nash ville He will not return until nxt week, consequently there will be no services in the M. E Church Sunday. We acknowledge with thanks a nice basket of cantaloupes and tomatoes left at our home by our old friend, Mr. J. II. Ham ilton, the past week. Su.h acts as this go far to mike bright oasis in the country editor's life. HONEY. -I have a lot of nice honey for sale; 24 sectnns to cai, $4 80 p?rcasef. o b, Ro per, N. C. G V. Lewis. ' ad New Registration. By order of the War Depa m3nt, we hereby notify all yo men who have become 21 yea of age since last registration, on June 5th, that they will be required to register f jr military service on August 24rh, 1918. Local Board. An Appeal. In order to serve our govern . i ... .i .n .ii -i . , meni ana sen an erooas at besr cash price, "I am asking m customers to pay their bil promptly at end of each monl Also to take all packages vj save uv-uaeijr ca(jcjim-. j packages to heavy to carry If deliver, after seven o'clock r self. f Summer Olothmg and Shoes at Bargain prices. Clyde Caiioon. COMMISSIONERS' -PRO VCEEDINGS. The Board of County Commis sioners met in special session on Monday, August 5th. 1918. Present J. W. Starr, Chm ; T. L. Satterthvvaite and N. W. Spruill. Minutes read and approved. The following amounts were allowed : Alice McQueen, services H Gurkin, Swain & Davenport, sup. T L Smith, drugs Roanoke Beacon, Pub. Plymouth L. & I. Co. Roanoke Beacon, Pub. W II Hampton & Son. Co. Home R II Chesson, bridge A W Swain, Recorder Van B Martin, Solicitor Zeb Vance Norman C V W Ausbon, Clerk J E Reid, Sheriff W F Ausbon, J. P. F E Reid, .witness Annie Nichols " $50 00 20 00 6 00 18 95 2 00 3 00 6 00 76 43 815 16 00 25 00 15 00 24 50 14 20 5 80 1 00 1C0 100 100 100 100 l'OO ioo! Lan Howell 4 4 Primus Gilliam L P Pinkham Joanna Cilliam " E M Blount Andrew Ainsley 44 M G Darden, rent Lena Gurganus, allowed 20 00 5 00 10 00 15 00 9 40 5 80 4 40 18 28 33 00 2 85 50 00 199 91 J W Darden, services J W Starr, tippli s J W Starr, services N W Spruill T L Satterthwaite 44 Dr. W II Ward 44 F R Join ston 44 Telephone Co. Nat. Baak of Com., int. J E Reid. Sheriff F. R. Johnston, Clerk. Mr. A. L. Alexander announ es that he has opened up a shmgle yard in Plymouth, and is prepared to furnish the public with good cypress shingles at short notice, and at prices that are right. ad "ONLY" The only differenca in our special Blend 30 c coffee from the 45 c. can coffee is you pay 15 c more per can. bave tms 10 c. to buy War Saving Stamps and help your country win the war. THE FAMILY STORE North Carolina. Tyrrell County. In the Superior Court. Novenv berTerm. 1918. . Sadie Swain, vs. CJeophas Swain. NOTICE OF SUMV10NS. THE DEEENDANT ABOVE NAMED WILL TAKE NOTICE: Th'if an notion, entitled ns above. has been instituted in the Superior Court of Tyrrell County, North Caro lina, for the purpose or obtaining, a di vorce from the Donas 01 matrimony ex isting betwoen lhesaid Sadie Swain and ihe snid Cleonhas Swain. The said ac tion is returtsable to the November Term, 1918, of the Superior Court ot Tyrrell County, North Carolina, which said term begins on the 26th day of November, 1918, at which time you are required to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plaintiff or else the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. You will further take notice that the complaint in this action has this day been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court. NEW BARBER SHOP. Thanking our friends for their past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same, we wish to announce that we have re-opened the Hotel Barber Shop on Washington Street, where we will be glad to continue serving you. Jas. 4Duck" Pettiford. TL H. Bostic. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to the voters in Creswell High School Distrist, in Washington County, North Carolina, that pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of said county made and entered on the 3rd day oi June, rJla. there will be an election held in said school district on Friday, the 16th dry of August, 1918, to ascertain whether the voters in said school district are in tavor ot issuing bonds in the sum of $15,000. 00, for the Durnose oi nuiiaing a school house and furnishing the same with suitable equipment, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per an num, and run twenty years, the tax to be levied to pay thev interest on said bonds and create a sinking f ur.d to pay the principal and -interest on said bonds when they fall due to be 25 cents on the hundred dol lars and 75 cents on the poll. Said election will be held in the usual place of holding elections in said school district. A new registration for said election has been ordered and will be made. J. F. Belanga has been appointed registrar and Jim Stuart and H. W. Bateman judges for said election. At said election those favor ing the issuance of said bonds and the levying of a special tax shall vte a ballot on which shall be printed the words "For Schoolhotise Bonds", and those who are opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed "Against Schoolhoaso Bonds " By order of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners of Washington County, North Carolida. Plymouth. North Carolina. July 10th, 1918. F. R. Johnston, 4 t Register of Deeds. Report of the condition of The Sank of Creswo3I at Creswell in the State of N. C. at the close of business June 29h, 1918. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $55,331 50 Overdrafts unsecured 281 47 U. S. bonds and Liberty Bonds 5.5GG (JO Furniture and fixtures 2,4oo oo Due from National banks 2,141 65 Due from State Banks and Bankers 490 33 Cash items held over 21 hr's. 1,203 28 Checks for clearing 9 10 Gold coin 70 oo Silver coin, including all mi nor c. in currency 1,175 22 National bank notes and other U. S. notes Goo oo Total $69,27 1 77 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 5,ooo oo Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and ta xes paid o,oi Pills navabk' 9,000 oo DeDOsits subject to check 20, 140 SO . Demaud certificates of deposit l,74o 00 Savings deposits " 29,445 55 Cashier's checks outstanding 9u 01 Certified checks 10 $0 Total State of North $09,271.77 Carolina -County VCashin?tou. 1918. I, D. K. Woodley, cashier, of the a- bovr Tiied Bank, do solemnly swear Vint (hp n linvfi statement is true to tae best of my knowledge and belief. D. L Woodley, Cashier. RnWribed and sworn to before me, this 13 day of July, 1918. E. S. Woodicy N. P. brrect-Attest: i VV. 11. liaruison, I Alfred Alexander, 1 y Directors. n v oivirv l n rr T r -r-' wash skirt? White Shoe A limited numb;r of msn r .11 . t .1 ror iu. wnen tnsse are Come early and get your LINEN Pure Linen Heavy qualitv dress linen all shades 1 yd. wide $1.25 PALM BEACH SUITS in snappy styles 6c etc., f Hags 9ft. by 12ft. Linen at $18.00. SHOES We will cash ou Low Shoes, this will not last any longer than August 1 5th. Com? early and get yours bsfore they are picked oer. S )lid Leather Shoss, $1.50 add up. Don't forget us and see us, we will North Carolina, Washiugton Cmintv. Superior Court. tie- fore the Clerk. Magnolia Land & Lumber Company, vs. John L. Roper Lumber Company, Bran- ning Mauui'actuiing Company, H. C. Clitton, Alonza Ambrose, Eli D. bpruili, S. D. I'helps, L. Oliver, C. M. McUowaii, J. L. Davenport, It. W. Davenport, S. E. Davenport, D. L. Davenport, A. U. Walker, VV. 1'. i'helps, The Bank of Creswell, Mar tha L. Ambrose. NOTICE OF SUMMONS, To Am. Whom it May OutiCKkN : The parties above named and all other per sons interested will take notice, that on the 29th day of June, VJ 18, the above named petitioner tiled a petition in the office or the clerk of tue bupe rior Court of Washington County, to have the title to certain lands theiem described registeied and conlirmta pursuant to Chapter 90 ot the Public Laws of WIS, and Acts amendatory thereof aud supplemental tnereto, ana that Summons lias beeii issued, returii sible at the office ot the clerk ot the Superior Court of Washington County, at t'lymouth, N. C on Saturday, the 31st uay of August, 1918. Said land is situated in the state oi Nortn Carolina, Washington Oouiiiy, adioiuiuo- the lauds of tue John.L. Ku per Lumber Company and others ana Sesc-ibed in the petition as lonovvs : Fihsx Thacx : Beginning at an iron marker set in concrete situated at the north edle Ot UKei neip aiaFu."i line of maiked trees Uivimng uie ,u m herein described and the land ot A. O. Walker's Weston faim to an iron mui ker: thence, south 74 degrees no min utes west 41.(57 chains along a hue oi marked trees dividing the and herein , :u.. nH ihv rinds oi D. h... ana flUVI' ui u. tre marked trees aiy.au g u ' described and the lauds ot S L Day. enpoit and others to a pine .tiee, thence, south 84 degrees no minutes west do.oo chains along a hue ot mark ed trees dividing the lands herein de scribed and the lands of K W and J. F Davenport, C. M Mc(?owan and -Jt - . Hiiinrin Ul" ... ..u.. n--n n others to trtjn inaiaci, u'vii.v. north 8G det rees no minutes west o.ou --,n.ic n'omr a mm oi iiuuuvu in an iron minutes west 21. o9 chains ueiiitw - . j;,.;;.,,. nlonff a hne oi maiKuu nc -'u"'i; the land herein described andthelagds . w Ambrose and others to an iron marker: tnence, souui it uegr no minutes west lo.i.Go chains aong a line of nvu-ked trees dividing the land herein describ d and the lands ot H. C Clifton, Hranuing Manufacturidg vnnv nnd others to a cypress tree ii. i i .1. attVecd'geof the lake, thence, east-! rly along me vanuus tuuisfn ui mc ed e of the lake to the point of begin- fling, C-'Hlaliliii .oovj ovita ihui t W'ss I lie aoove cuursts aim uiaianui.s i. l n ii f being irom a survey maue uy i. Phelps in July and August, 1917. mn 'marker set in concrete situated it the southwest end of the lake a few ards from tne lake water ana running hpnee soutu 4 aegrecs i; minutes ivest 51.05 chains along a line o) mark- d trees dividing the land herein de cribed and the lands of the Job l L. Roner Lumber company to an iron hiarker; thence, south 19 degrees 15 minutes west 4h.44 chains along a line of marked trees dividing the land here in described and the land of said Roper Company to an iron m.vker; thence, north 4. degrees 4o minutes west 43 54 chains alowj a line of marked trees di - viding the land herein described and the lands of said Roper Company to an iron marker; thence, north 28 degrees about 3o ieet west oi uie wuiui.. ual and running thence north J degrees ,Mi,,.itPsoiistl27.ao chains along a 11U miwvw - K Davenport anu uuiws . .ii. A I rijVirnpc dri mm. e: tnence, uwi 'v ... Vi in- nlnnir (i lin. m uiact ij.liu uiaiu o"u"b " rMvi miff tne mnu uujuh ti e lands of L Oliver, S 1) l'he ps Eli D Spruill, Alonza Ambrose and others 1 1 1 iVI lLl i n"-"vv i 1 go size before it is go Damask 70 in. wide $2. 50 per yd. is we win na yd. Only a limited 198 and up. number left fibre rus regular 22.50 value ollow 10" psr cent discount for all Men, Womn and Children when you need a straw Hat. Come in be glad to see you and show you. PLYMOUH'S SHIPPING CENTER HABERDASHER LADIES AND GENTS READV-TO-WEAR. yourMonejz in OUR MW44Wk U-f.W U ,..'jr 'sis A V -j.- ma lmmmsmm AND KEEP VOL! POOR ? EXTAW AGANCE ID A HABIT SAVING IS A HABIT. IT 13 A3 EASY TO PUT A LITTLE MONEY INTO THE BANK EACH PAY DAY; AS IT 13 TO FIGURE ON WHAT PI EXTRAVAGANCE YOU CAN INDULGE IN! BUT, YOUR EXTRAVAGANCE WILL LATER BECOME A GREAT BUR DSN YOU'LL GET THE "DEBT HABIT." YOUR SAVINGS WILL SOON SHOW A BIG BALANCE AND YO J CAN LOOK FORWARD TO SOMETHING WOftl ii WHILE. WE ADD Jt PER CENT INTEREST. COME TO OUR BANK. The ashington County Eank. 15 minutes tes w..;st 127.73 chains along a I urked lives dividing the land iitie of m herein described aai the lands of said Roper Company t.) an iron marker; thence, north 13 degrees 15 minutes west 7S.;$2 chains along a liu of mark ed trees diviaing the land herein de scribed and th"! land of said Roper Company to an iron marker; thence, uorti 38 de rees no miuutes east 274.00 phnins aloiicr a line of marked trees dividin" the land nsrein aescribed ana the lane! of said Roper Company to an iron marker which is situated south G4 degrees no minutes west 2o.oy chains nud south 5 degrees no minutes west n 75 chains from the old water oak " 1 l,fl!, W..,l. . -r . . t . .. 1 corner near me nvati m:ni.u.u , thence, south lo degrees o imnuies st 25o.jO chains aicng a noe i .o.-i.-fxl ii-ces eividinc tne iana r.er-in described and the land of the Branning 1 1, ring CcmpRuy anu tuners 10 ; wet 1 So ch.i:s to the peun oi orguv ning, coi.huniM; 3Ko acres n ore or U--s Ti e abn e tmirscs and d:s(ar.fis heii g from a survey made by R. M. Phelps in Ju'y and Aui'usl 1 Jl.. Y u m-e vur;her notdied lhat tniJess you answer the sid oti t i w i tti in the time pn scribed by hw that the ; petitioner wiii appiy iu ,v-' the relief diMiiat 1 ir. i fie peiHioii. This the 1 "Mh ('v of isr.rie, i;iir. i v: W. MJSRON. I 1 Clerk Superior Court 8t Washington County. two black gum trees at the rage ot xv.e 4 K3 n EQ51Mh' lul e thence, southei ly along the va- fe5W &Zl&UUvvtj nous courses ,f e edge of the lake T0MSoB!PT!0?J Prica 1 of the first course set out above; jiuti y0L3 Free Trial. thcnee. Miuui t ........ ! : Wh Lo: tfcprrleht Hart Schaff net Msr 9 is.. Van B. Martin W. F. Midifett PIAKTIN &TMDGETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in Harney Building PLYMOUTH, N C. lPartnershio does not apply to crim inal cases in Recorder's Court AND CURB the LUNGS I j Surest and uuioi-st Cure for all i i THROA'i' end LUNG TRGUS- 1 I.E-3, or iMONEY B.4X!X. rf? The Pi!l? That Do Curo. Take your Home Paper FIRST. N wiTH Or. King s - - s 4 J