' ' V . V ( ; 0'' - v V . . ' ' ' " .. ' ' . v .' J 91.00 Ymt hi Advance "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single OoplM, S Cents. vol; XXX PLYMOUTH, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918 NO. 2. t 1 rs,. I : t t it f i ll k - i f ; .1. 1-1 r .CONFERRING WITH FOREiGN PREMIERS NO HASTE TO BE MADE IN RE PLYING TO PROPOSAL OF GERMAN KAISER. ARMISTICE NOT CONSIDERED President Has Probably Already For. mulated His Reply, Subject to Approval of Allies. Washington. President Wilson is conferring with the premiers of the entente nations over the form of an swer to be made to Germany's latest peace proposals. The indications are that it will not be dispatched for a day or two. While there may be some question as .to form of the reply, there is no question whatever as to its , nature. It may not use the short and forceful term "unconditional surrender,"' which would reflect the sentiment which has come from the spokesmen of the na tion, but it is sure to convey to the German government clearly the fact that nothing less than the terms al " ready laid down can be accepted. By , this time, Prince Maximilian's note and that of Baron Burian, the .Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, in official form, undoubtedly are in the foreign offices in London, Paris and Rome, forwarded by President Wil son, as requested by the central pow ers. Obviously the American govern ment would not proceed to speak for the other belligerents on a matter of such importance without consultation among them, and, it is purposed to avoid the mistake of making a curt end peremptory rejection which could be used by the central powers, before their own people, to bolster up the argument that they are waging a "de fensive" war and that the objects of the co-belligerents are to "destroy them." Lacking official announcements of what the President has done it is highly probable that he had taken one of these two courses: Either he has asked Premiers Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando to advise him of their replies, or, more likely still, the President already has formulated a reply and asked the pre miers for their acquiescence. PEACE OFFENSIVE LAUNCHED FOR MILITARY PURPOSES New York. Once more it is essen tial for the American, people to rec ognize that they are in the presence of a peace offensive launched for mil ltary purposes. This offensive is de signed to benefit the military situation of the German by saving the German army from the immediately grave re sults of recent defeats and from the later disastrous consequences to the militaristic hierarchy if the army suf fers wholly decisive defeat. Germany wants peace, yes, but she wants peace on her own terms, having failed to impose victorious peace on her own terms. She is not in the least convinced that she will have to accept our terms. Her statesmen are now maneuvering to disrupt our alliance and at the same time to get the senti ment of the German people behind them again by establishing the fact that the enemy demands that Ger many shall pay the price of her crimes and meet the demand for res toration, restitution, reparation. These demands are just as unwelcome to the peasant as the junker and neither is yet ready to accept them. FIFTEEN HUNDRED AMERICANS ARE PRISONERS IN GERMANY WaRhinst.oTi. Mem barn of the Am erlcan expeditionary lorces who nave been identified as prisoners of war in Germany numbered 1,480 on October 6, said an announcement from the of fice of the adjutant general of the army. In addition, 220 civilians in terned in Germany have been identi fied as have 61 sailors" held in Con etantinoplefi ' NEW KING OF BULGARIA ISSUES HIS MANIFESTO Amsterdam In his manifesto to the Bulgarian people announcing his ac c ession to the throne, King Boris, ac cording to a dispatch from Sofia, re ferred to the fact that his father, in renouncing the throne, acrificed him self in the supreme national interest. In taking the name of Boris III, the new king sofepinly declared he would resepct the: constitution and worlc ifrJthfHy fori the prosperity of th c juntry where - t was bora. .': ' LADY VVILLINGDON V llllllliillfl The beautiful Lady Willingdon, daughter of Lord Brassey, and wife of Lord Freeman Thomas Willingdon, who has been governor of Bombay since 1913, and is first lord in waiting to hi majesty, George V. ENEMY'S VAIN RESISTANCE FULL RETREAT NORTHWARD OF AUSTRO-HUNGARIANS UPON THEIR OWN BORDERS. Allies Closing in on All Sides of Great Battle Area Despite the Strongest Opposition. Lens the heart of the great coal region in northern France and Ar mentieres, almost equally important as a manufacturing center, have been evacuated by the Germans; the Ger man fortified positions between Cam brai and St Quentin have been defi nitely smashed, and the Austro-Hun- garians in Albania, forsaken by their former allies, the Bulgarians, are in full retreat northward toward their border from the Adriatic sea to Lake Ochrida. Of the reconquering of invaded Bel gium and the progress of the French and Franco-American forces respect ively north of Itheims and eastward in Champagne to the vicinity of Ver dun, the tale remains the same the Germans slowly but surely are being forced everywhere to give ground and their vital defenses daily continue to be eaten into, notwithstanding the strong resistance that the enemy is imposing to make null the efforts of the allies to close in on all sides of the great battle area from the North sea to the Swiss border and compel the German command to reconstruct its fighting line. In Belgian Flanders the Belgian, French and British troops are keep ing up their eastward progress in their endeavors to compel the Ger mans to give up Ostend and Zee brugge, their naval . bases on the North sea. PRICE. OF WEARING APPAREL TO BE FIXED BY GOVERNMENT Washington. Prices and distribu tion of practically all articles of wear ing apparel are to be controlled by the war industries board. Regula tions issued prescribing certain fixed prices for shoes constituted only the first step in a general policy for price control of clothing. This was disclosed by Chairman Baruch, of the board, at a special meeting of the National Retail Dry Goods Association. Referring to the putting into effect of the agreement hptl!700n ttlA Ittarrl anI tfiA biaa In I f v r . ' wm. a IUIU IUV OUUO 111- dusry, Mr. Baruch said: "After that will have to come the regulation and distribution of mosti all of the things which you gentlemen have to deal with; I don't want you to say it can't be done, because it must be done. It is unthinkable that only the man with the longest pocket book can get the things that he needs." INFANTRY AND TANKS MAKE MOST SUCCESSFUL ATTACK London. The attack by British in fantry and tanks along an eight-mile front from Sequeheart to the canal north of Bony, in the St. Quenitn sec tor, jmpletely successful, accord- ingl frof l. Marshal Haig's report Vdquarters. j have reached the Cftgrehain (about five 1 4Hcourt) and further j I red Gouy ' and Le- I if ouf nV i I I 1 PEACE OFFER IDE BY GERMAN RULER PROPOSITION MUST SIGNIFY UNQUALIFIED ACCEPTANCE OF WILSON'S TERMS. NO COMPROMISE IS POSSIBLE Great Principle Is "Reign of Law, Based Upon the Consent of THE GOVERNED. Emperor William issued a procla mation to the German army and navy in which, after announcing that the Macedonian front had crumbled, he declared that he had decided in ac cord with his allies to again offer peace to the enemy. The text of the note forwarded by the imperial German chancellor, Prince Maximilian, to President Wil son, through the Swiss government follows: "The German government requests the President of the United State to take in hand the restoration of peace, acquaint all the belligerent states of this request and invite them to send plenipotentiaries for the purpose of opening negotiations. "It accepts the program set forth by the President of the United States in his message to Congress on Janu ary 8 and in his later pronouncements, especially his speech of September 27, as a basis for peace negotiations. "With a view to avoiding further bloodshed, the German government requests the immediate conclusion of an armistice on land and water and in the air." NEW PEACE MOVE IS NOT AT ALL POPULAR IN WASHINGTON Washington. The new peace move is not popular here. It is believed that the President will give it a quick and decisive answer. Leaders of Congress are unwilling to negotiate with Germany for peace. Here and there a member of the house or senate who hesitated about entering the fight against German au tocracy thinks that it would be well to discuss terms with the Berlin gov ernment, but the more sturdy con gressmen believe that the President should turn the proposition down flat. There is very little sympathy here for Germany," Austria or Turkey, and a majority of the senators and repre sentatives hope that the president will give a quick short answer to the Ger man chancellor. STRONG LANGUAGE EXUDES FROM GERMAN NEWSPAPER Amsterdam. Germany is beginning to realize and admit that it is a na tion of scoundrels. Press comment, always the best key to the public opinion of a nation, i3 veering around to the point where it is confessing Germany's faults. Frank ly the German papers are beginning to admit that they must abandon the idea that their armies are fighting for conquest, and realize that what they are fighting for Is bare existence. "It Is a matter of damnable import ance," says The Cologne Gazette, al ways regarded as a semi-official jour nal, "whether we are or are not re garded throughout the world as a na tion of blackguards. Indeed we are being so regarded." DESPERATE FIGHTING GOES ON ON AMERICAN FRONT Wlth the American Army1 North west of Verdun The American troops on the line stretching westward from the Meuse who are opposed by rein forced units of the German army were busy straightening out the kinks left in their long front. It was a day lack ing spectacular operations, but a sum mary of the reports reaching head quarters indicated the desperate char acter of the fightin;. The general line was not materially altered, but such changes as were made were to the advantage of the Americans. TERSE COMMENT ON GERMAN OFFER AND AS APT AS TERSE Washington. It hardly Is taking a position in advance of the American government to say that if the present proposition signifies Germany's un qualified acceptance of the four prin ciples laid down by President Wilson it will be considered. If it doesn't; if j it is an acceptance "fn principle" with ' saving diplomatic language paving the f way for quibbling around a council ta- j ble," It fill aot be1, considered. ' COL HERBERT A. BRUCE Col. Herbert A. Bruce, consulting Burgeon of the British army. SEES THE IPPROICH OF DIM THE GERMAN OFFEN8IVE HAS BEEN DEFINITELY BROKEN; ADVANCE ON ALL FRONTS. One of Darkest Nights in Human His tory is Coming to a Close; Vic tory No Matter of Doubt. The German offensive has been bro ken. Germany's conquered prov inces and cities are slipping rapidly from her grasp. Allied troops in Bel gium, in French Flanders," in Artois, in Champagne and in Lorraine, are advancing in country which has been German for forty-seven long months and all chance of a German return to the offensive is gone. The march to Berlin has begun. Cambrai, St. Quentin and Lille are only the starting places, but after four years no one can fail to see that the grand march has started. If the road is long the rate of our advance is increasing. One of the darkest nights in all human history is coming to a close. Victory is no longer even a matter of debate. From the North Sea to the banks of the Moselle the final ad vance is going forward. GERMANS STILL IN RETREAT ON WESTERN FRONT IN FRANCE Again the Germans are in retreat on an important sector of the western battle front in France. The scene of the new retrograde movement is a wide front north and south of La Bassee canal. The continuation by the entente al lied forces of their brilliant achieve ments in restoring Belgium, Flanders and the expulsion of the enemy from further territory in France from the region of Cambrai to Verdun evident ly has brought the Germans to the realization that the great bend in the line from Menin to the east of Arras is likely to prove aonther such trap as was the St. Mihiel salient unless they are fast enough of foot to move eastward, giving up Lille, Lens and Doual, and straighten their line from the vicinity of Cambrai to Belgium. On all the other six battle fronts from Belgium to Verdun the entente forces are keeping up their success ful advances. IMPERILLED AMERICAN FORCE IS RESCUED BY BRITISH British Headquarters in France The contimgent of Americans, who had been holding out since Sunday in a far advanced position between Cam brai and St. Quentin against greatly superior enemy numbers, have been rescued. In our attacks around Vendhuile we were able to fight through and relieve this party, numbering some hundreds, who having taken up their position Sunday night were surrounded by the Germans. Notwithstanding that they were opposed by such superior numbers and only possessed the ammunition and rations which they themselves were carrying, the Americans made a magnificent resistance and the ground was strewn with German dead. LARGE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL IS CAPTURED BY AMERICANS Washington. Genera! Pershing's communique says that a partial count of the material captured during the past week by the American troops ad vancing between the Meuse and Ar gonne shows 120 guns of all calibers, 750 trench mortars, 300 machine guns, 100 heavy tank guns, thousands of ar tillery shells and hundreds of thou sands of rounds of small arm ammu nition. Only artillery and machine gun fire was reporfed on the front. ES OF ALLIES IKE STEADY GAM NO REST IS GIVEN TO WEARY HUNS IN RETREAT BEFORE RELENTLESS FOE. AMERICANS HOLDING LINES Italians Attacking and Defeating Ene mies in Mountain Regions of Northern Italy. Nwhere are the armies of the Teu tonic allies being permitted to rest. On the fronts in Flanders, France, Italy, "Albania and Turkey the enemy still continues to lose ground, or is being compelled to throw strong re inforcements into his battle line to hold back his aggressors. In Belgian Flanders, the Belgians, British and French troops are still driving forward, although their sped had been somewhat lessened by reason of the bad condition of the ground. The enemy i3 swiftly evacuating the salient between Armentieres and Lens and the British now are standing only a scant six miles southwest of Lille over a front of about four miles be tween Wavrin and Eqinghem, at the former place having gained a position astride the Lens-Lille railroad. la the mountain region in northern Italy the Italians on several sectors have attacked and defeated the Aus trians, while in Albania the Austro Hungarians are in fast retreat before the Italian armies. Italian cavalry is working far in advance of the in fantry, harassing the enemy. The Semeni river in western Albania has been crossed, and the enemy supply center invaded. In Palestine the Turks have been driven far beyond Damascus with the British still on their heels harrying them. OUR AVIATORS AGAIN COVER THEMSELVES WITH GLORY With the American Army North west of Verdun. The American avia tors again covered themselves 'with glory and performed almost the im possible. Dawn broke witlv mists heavy over the trenches and the coun try across which the Americans were to go, and it was hours before the weather cleared sufficiently to permit of any observation to speak of. The splendid laison that marked the day's operations was due in great part to the work of the aviators, who countless times risked their lives in reconnoitering, attacking the retreat ing Germans and bringing back re ports. German fliers during the entire morning swooped over the heads of the American infantry only a few hun dred meters above the earth, using machine guns with telling effect until driven off. AMERICAN TROOPS ARE DOING GOOD W9RK ALONG THE MEUSE With the American Army North west of Verdun The Americans re sumed the attack west of the Meuse and advanced their lines from two to five kilometers. They captured, Hill 240, north of Exermont, and the villages of Gesnes, Fleville, Chehery and LaForges. In. the face of heavy artillery and machine gun fire Illinois, Wisconsin, western Pennsylvania, Virginia an4 West Virginia trons have forced the dnemy back in t .rt Kriemhilde posi tion, so&th of Foret wood. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO LIBERTY LOAN TOO MUCH BELATED Washington. The nation is march ing toward its six-billion dollar Lib erty loan goal at just a! little more than half the speed required to main tain a daily subscription rate of $315, 600,000. Bond sales officially tabulat ed were announced by the treasury as $855,132,900 or an incresae of $229, 000,000 in the last 24 hours. At the standard rate of $315,000,000 a day, the record by this time should have been $1,575,000,000. AMERICAN CASUALTIES ARE SAID TO BE MODERATE ! London. British and French forces continued to advance north of St. Quentin. They reached the outskirts of Bontbrehaln after severe fighting. The American casualties in the. Ar gonne region are described as moder ate. The Germans have been unable to maintain their usual artillery flr and undoubtedly beginning seriously to feel the loss of tha large numbp of guns captured from' them recPDt't' ENCOURAGED OVER PLAGUE SITUATION RALEIGH INVASION SEEMS TO Bi LARGELY CONFINED TO COL , LEGE AND ST. MARY'S. PERMANENT HOSTESS HOUSE Mrs. Josephus Daniels is Taking Lively Interest and Giving The Work Personal Attention. Raligh. At the state board oi health it was thought that there was an improveanent the stata over in tha influenza situation fewer new casea and a less per cent going into pneu monia. Raleigh has about 300 casea with much improvement in the gen eral situation. In fact the Raleigh in vasion seems to be almost entirely confined to two colleges, the A. & E College anl St. Mary's school. Each !has a number of serious cases o imeumonia, but it is hoped that no more serious cases will develop. May or Johnson believes that it will no1 be necessary to have any interrup tion in the schools or to abridge in any official way the assembling ol people. The women of Raleigh have al ready perfected arrangements for a hostess house in connection witn Camp Polk, the new tanker traininn camp. A suitable building has been secured near the fair grounds temper arily and a site has been allotted foi erecting a permanent building with in the camp grounds. Mrs. Josephu Daniels is taking a lively interest in the establishment of the hostesi house here and is giving personal at tention to the inauguration of this work by the Raleigh women. Liberty Day Celebration. Charlotte. The big "Liberty day celebration which is planned to be held here the night of October 12 at the city auditorium will be featured by an address by James H. Pou, a Raleigh lawyer. A telegram announc ing his acceptance of the invitation extended by Mayor McNinch and John A. McRae, committee to secure a speaker, was received. The prepara tions for the celebration are under direction of George Stephens, chair man of the soliciting committee oi the Charlotte Liberty loan organiza tion. Mr. Pou's address will be patriotia in nature, and Intended to arouse greater interest among Charlotte's people in the fourth loan. .Mr. Pou is regarded as one of the authorities in this state on the war and its histori cal background. As a public speaker he is widely known and because ol the number of addresses he is invited to make, Mr. McRae said Charlotte is fortunate to have his acceptance. Why "Spanish Influenza?" Salisbury. There is no particula! reason for the word "Spanish" being attached to the word "influenza" ac cording to Dr. Warren, health officer for Rowan county, who issued an ar ticle about the disease that hai "caused several communities in th state to become hysterical." Dr. Warren says the "so-called Spanish influenza is nothing mora than the oldr-fashioned Influenza or grippe that we have been having (Dor generations past. We had a pan-epidemic twenty-five years ago and it has appeared as a local epidemic In some localities practically every year since. That it has become more wide ly epidemic this year is probably due to the ambulatory character of a great portion of civilization today." f Pays First Dividend. Gastonia. For the first time in its nearly 20 years of operation the Lcray Mill, Gastonia's largest textile plant, paid its first dividend on its common stock. There is $289,200 worth of pion stock outstanding, and dend paid was six per cent of $17,352. An extra six pe- also paid on $381,400 wo' J red stock, amounting tc J total dividends amount More New Charlotte. Unci ed with 77 bra-" that number V Greene took V citizenship before Judf one-week i was cor birth 1 ber th ' t r f V.

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