Rap 3: l rhe Co Vditton of The Peoples Bank CCreswell^N. C. at the dose of business April, 3rd,; 1923, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 175,543 98 Overdrafts secured 190.61* Overdrafts unsecured , 388.30 j All other Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages 3,200.00 Banking Houses 2,992.12 furniture and Fixtures 3.947 73 Cash in vault and net amount Due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 22,647.29 Cash Itims held over 24 hous 698 46 209,608.49 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in 10,000 00 Undivided Broths, less current expenses and iaxes paid 1,466.55 Xh'Mdens Unpaid 24.00 Deposits subject to check 55,127.82 Cashier’s Checks outstand ing 1,103 56 Certified Checks 1,000.00 Time Certificates of Depos its, due on or a tier .30 days 93,965.00 Savings Deposits 46,921 56 Total 209,608.49. State of North Carotin County of Washington April 12th 1923. I, J. C. GATUN, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, J. U. GATLIN, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to be fore me this 12 day of April 1923. K. j. spruillT Notary Public. .Correct—Attest: H. G. WHLKER J. W STARK ALFRED ALEXANDER Directors NOTICE OF SALE .Under and by vitureof the authority (Contained in a certBin mortgage exe cuted by A. H. Skubic and wife, Soph ia M. Saubic of Beaufort County to N. H. Harrison Jr. of Washington enmity, both parties of the state ot North Caro lina. dated November 1921 and filed for registertion November 22nd, 1921 and registered in Book 83, Page 311, the mortgagee will,offer for. sale the land Herein below described' for the* non compliance of said notes herein set forth to the highest bidder at the courthouse door, Plymouth, North Carolina, for cash, May 7th. 1923, 12 o’ -clock, noon, the following described tract of land, to wit: Beginning at the intersection of the -center of Canal No. 9 of said Alber-. marie Drainage District with tiie wes tern Boundary line of the said ‘‘Ar nold Tract”, and running thence with the said western boundary line N. 14 degrees 45 min E,Mft. 10 in; thence,: .N. 8 deg, 271 ft. 9in: thence N. 19 deg. .30 min. E. 710 ft 2 in,; N. a deg 45 mini W. 3'>f ft. 3 in: thence, N. 10 deg 4. dpn. B 138 ft 10 in thence, S. 74 E^l^ ft’. 0 in; thence N. 10 deg. 45 min. E" 100S ft. S in.: S. 88 deg 52 min. F. .">00 •-ft. to the center of Banal Fo. 10 of said Albamarle Drrinage District: thence, with the said Canal S, 48 deg. 34 min. E. 702 ft. 7 i i; thence S. 41 deg. 2(i min*' W- 2625 ft. to the center of the afore said Canal Number 9; thence N 48 deg 34 W. 125 to the tos-’inning; containing 45 acres more of' lees. It being the same land this day sold to the parties ‘he first part by N. H. Harrison Jr. and wife, and this mortgage is given to se cure the remainder of purchase money This April 7th 192A N. H. Harrison, Mortgagee .Horace V. Austin, Atty. Notice fo Sale. Under and by virtue of a pow>r of sale vested in me undersigned by the terms of a certain mortgage executed iid the 7th of April, 1919, by Uonie .i hnsou an l wi‘e to Ayers Weed^, and registered in Book 67 page 5~>0, Washington County. N. C., the under signed mortgagees will expose at pub lic sale at tbecourt house dt or in Wash 'ingt n County, N. C .to the highest bidder for cash omthe 11th day of May, 1923, at I2a00 noun the following real estate: Being place where 1 | Banie John son | n w live same deeded tome by A. O. Gaylord adjoining the land of ahn Ransom and others, containing ( acres, more or less, for full futher jescription se^ Book 49 page III. This the 10th da of April, 1923. Ayers & Weede. mortgagees, United Commercial Bank, Assignee. Notice of Sale. Under and by vitue of a power of sale \ested in the undersigned mortgagee by the terms of a mortgage executed by J. H. f) mshee & Wife to the VVash . mgton County Bank, oo the 16th day . of December. 1921 and registered in Book 77 Page 244 Washington County, N.rth Carolina, The said mortgagee will exoote topubli: sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the farm formerly owned and occupied by W. A. Kearnev, i ying and being at Wenona, an B. Can alcn the lOtii day of May, 1923, at 12:C0 no n, the following chattels; .One horse named ’’Shugar” one mare named ’’Net”, and increase, eig hteen head of cattle and their increase, - 'tiis bei *g all the cattle uow owned by said ‘>uoshee This the 9th dav of Aoril 1923, Whingon County Rank, mortgagee :Br Z.V\rNorman, Atty., REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE United Commercial Bank | AT PLYMOUTH, IN THE STATE OF N. C., AT T;}E CLOSE j, OF BUSINESS AP.RJL, 3, J923 Resources: LOANS AND DISCOUNTS $568,229.40 DEMAND LOANS. 3,702.65 OVERDRAFTS SECURED ------ 2,202.44 OVERDRAFTS UNSECURED. 609.02 UNITED STATES BONDS & LIBERTY BONDS 300.00 NORTH CAROLINA STATE BONDS - .5,113.61 BANKING HOUSES - - - * - - 7,044.29. FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 6,280.80 ALL OTHER REAL ESTATE OWNED - - ,1,800.00 CASH IN VAULT AND NET AMOUNTS DUE FROM BANKS. BANKERS & TRUST COMPANIES 64,000.82 CASH ITEMS HELD OVER 21 HOURS - - - 803.04 CHECK-S FOR CLEARING. 6,561.91 EXPENSE ACCOUNT - • - - 2,*19.87 TOTAL $$£4,597.35 Liabilities: CAPITAL STOCK - - - - $70,000.00 SURPLUS FUND.- • -15,588 06 DIVIDENDS UNPAID. 24.00 I FROM WAR FINANCE CORPORATION -88,850.00 I BILLS PAYABLE.IQOjOOO.Co ! DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK - ,199,784 »1 *>EMAND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT - - 2$,U4.!2 i SAVINGS DEPOSITS. ,159,001.88 CASHIER’S CHECKS OUTSTANDING- - 7,284.0.1 CERTIFIED CHECKS. ;1,001.02 TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, DUE ON 0,R AFTERS0 DAYS - - J59,00!.f;3 ■ $664,597.35 TOTAL .State of North Carolina, County of Washington, April. 16. 1923. 1, W. B. Cox, Cashier, of the.above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statment is .true to. the best of my knowledge and Jt>elief. W. B. COX, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn do before me, this 16th .day of April. 1923. DOROTHY L Notary Tublic. > CORRECT—ATTEST: L. S. LANDING A. B. LITCHFIELD P. W. BRINKLEY DIRECTORS will not increase prices until May 1st Firestone Prices on Fabric and Cord Passenger Car Tires and Tubes, also Solid and Pneumatic Truck Tires Will Advance May 1st The postponement of this price revision is possible only because of our realization of the price danger in the British Crude Rubber Restriction Act which became effective November 1, 1922. We were fortunate in our rubber purchases before the Restriction Act increased the price o' crude rubber 160%. We have always endeavored to cham pion the cause of better made tires de livered at lowest cost to the tire user by economic manufacturing and distribu tion. And we are glad of the opportun ity to give the car-owner the additional saving at this time. Firestone Cord6 embody certain special processes which result in their producing mileage records, heretofore unheard-of in tha industry. Among the more im portant of these superior methods are blending, tempering, air-bag cure and , double gum-dipping. Firestone Dealers are co-operating with us in our movement .to supply your / needs at present prices as long as their stock lasts and we have advised our deafesCf that we will supply them with additional tires this month only so far at our output will permit. See the nearest Firestone Dealer. Purchase a set of these Gum-Dipped Cords. Prove for yourself their re markable mileage advantages and eaay riding qualities. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio PLYMOUTH GARAGE & MOTOR i CO. INC ^ L. A. PEAL & SON Most Miles per Dollar i Notice of Sale. Pursuant to a decree of^ the Super ior Court of Washington Coenty iu an action entitled "John h.. K P ber Company vs Joe NoWaiah and others”the undersigned Commissioner will on . «.» **» >«*• *> 2 » clock noon.ioffer tor sale and sell to public auction tor cash, that/ti act ot .and situate in Wa hmRton County, State of North Carolina, and in t..e town of Roper, which is particularly describep as follows, to-wit: ’’beginning at an iron makea on the edge of the Main Street through Ro per, being the road leading item 1 ly mouth to Columbia. 70 ft. from the cen ter of the track of the Norfolk bouth ern Railroap Company; and thence parallel to the center hue of Norfolk Southern Railroad Company Southwestwardly.71 ft. to an iron mak er; thence at ngfl'.aegles to said cen ter line of said railroad Northeaslwai - alyiJoft. t" the line ot the CMoiep Church lot; thence with the line ot said Colored Church lot paiallel to the cen ter line of said railroad, NorthwestAvai - dly 71 feet, to edge of the aforesaid road; theme with the said road, at right angeles to the said railroad J.» ft. to the point ol beginning; containing k48j a^uare feeet, mote or less Said sale v. ill be made subject to corffirrriation. by the Clerk of the Supe rior Court ot Washington County. Terms of sale Cash, piace Court heu. e door Plymouth This the 19th day ot April, 1923. W. li. rtjumau Jr., COMMlsSlUhbR Notice of Sale. Under and by virlure of authority .contained hi a Mortgaga Heed ted on the 7th day of Jauuary; 1922 bX Geo. 5>ta[ty and M. F. Staley to *» B. Bateman, registered ia J5ooK ,o, page ibd, kegisterter of Heeds office Washiugtoj Countk, N. C,, the,under signed will sen for cash to the hignest bidded ut 12 o'clock, ivl., at tno Goui House door in Plymouth, N. G.. on Monday, May 14th, 1923, the loliowing described piece or parcel of land lying and being in Skiunersville l ownship Washington Couuty, he puning jn M, A. Phelps’ corner; thence NorthwardlA to W. M. Staley’s line; liastwardly a lon« said Staley’s line to J. R- Gaboon heirs and T. E. Staley’s line;theuce Southwardly along said Cahoon and Sialey’s line to the Moin Road, M A. Phelps’ line; thence Northwardly a long said l'helqs’ hue 40 yds; thence Westwsrply 20 yds. to Phelps’ corner, th' beginning, containing 20 acres! moore or less. .This April llth„l323. J. B. Bateman, Mortgagee Dr. D. B. Mizelle DENTAL SURGEON in Plymouth every day ex cept Monday prepared to idem 4 Shift info Neutral at Red Star Filling Stations *Every time your gas gets Jow Fill your tank with TEXACO TEXACO GASOLINE THE VOLATILE GAS TEXACO MOTOR OILS Light, Medium, Heavy, Extra Heavy Aheap* clear, pale color — Where can you find a greater value than the Ford Run about at this new low. price? We believe, without question, that it is the most economical means of transportation sales men can empfoy-Time-saving —absolutelydependable travel at the minimum cost Terms if desired J J W. BUCHANAN Rop er &