BILL BOOSTER S^YS V'rt VSY?JM« ROAOS P«.0>A IsU. OJE.R tVAt v/orld lgao tvrco oor yowm' Q,U€TOiA£R.<=> AMO HOKA6 ftKttKERft U»\U_ |>AVA YMCft£ * j ROAD ft \R VUH'RE SMART emoo&h attraot ixem] arc VIE *7 fu. 6AN VIE ARBi Larfe 4ot // f7 I.OCAL NEWS. Mr Glenn W liters of Washing ton was in town Tuesday. Mr A. L. Holmes of Creswell waa in town Tuesday. Mr. T. J. Swain of Skinmrs ville w :# in town Tuesd%. Mr L A. P :..i motored to We nona Tuesday. Mr. Baynaidof Belhaven was in town Tuesday. Mr, Gooden of Richmond was in town last week. j Mr. Raymond Peal made a business trip t > WVnona Monday Mr. Bill Peal of Williamston was in town Tuesday. " '• Miss Pearl Thompson of Wash ington was in our city Sunday Mrs W; F. Clark left Tuesday for Washingtor Miss Inez Bell is the guest of her sister Mrs. Z. V. Norman Mlds Clara Bateman of Ever etts spent the week-end here Capt. W L. Davis of Norfolk, spent Sunday here Mr C. W Foushee of Green ville was in our city this week Misses Came and Corinne Smith of Washington spent Sunday here Miss Cal*n Bowen of Beach Grove spe t Sunday here Dr. .1 E. Smithwiek of James ville was in town Monday Mr. H. M. Jfe kins of Wash ington was in in our city Monday Dr. W. L. Davis left Monday for Gateaville on business Mr. J. 0 Everett left Monday for Bethel on business Mr. D. G Davis returned from Windsor Wednesday Mr. Tom Sullivan left here Sunday for Newport. News Mr. Louis Horton spent last Tuesday in Raleisfti. Mr S.S Aumack of Skinners viMe was in town Friday. Mr. Jack Lang of Wilmington was in town Tuesday. Mrs- C S. Ausbon is in Durham visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hornthal went to Norfolk last weeK, Mr Hairy - Arps of Columbia spent Sunday here, Mr. T. L. for Wilson Smith left Sunday Mr. Carrol Baker of Roper was in town Sunday. Mr. William Bateman of Roper was in town Monday. Mr. J. L- Hayes of Windsor spent the week-end here. Mr. Herman Hooker of Ayden spent Sunday here Messrs G. K. Harris and E. G Harrison made a business ti p to Mackeys, Tuesday. Mr. Daniel Allen of Ayden sp ent the week-end here with his family. 4Mr. L.A. Parisher of Ayden spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. C.O- Ward returned tc hia home in Hertford Sunday after visiting his brother, ' —Ward. here. {Sidney | Mis* Inez Bell of Edent i spent Sunday hce with her sis 'ter. Mrs. Vance Norman. ! Misses Marie Daver por% Marv Holland and Ma gie Englai end ed the funeral of Sheriff Reid j here Monday. Misses Neva, Hermene and Miriam Ausbon and Mis. Harry Livers and Mr. Jess Horton motored to Roper, Sunday. ! Mesdames L W-Gurkin Elmer Jackson and Sam Beaslev and Misses Genevieve Beasley and Margaret Ward Jackson motor ed toWashington, Thursday. i Election of Officers. To night the Charitable Btv’herhood will hold its annual election of office! s. All members <>f the lodge are urged to attend and assist in selecting the officers to serve for this year. The Herbert Hoover Series Mow, after seven years of the ! misery and backwash pf war, ■ many ”1 ms'’ on horseback are challenging the spiritualand phy siciifo ces of A: erica :a x pr. s^ed in o ir aoci I s stem. I America has her own social l system. We Americans made it We have lived it. We Hre develo ping it Opposed to the other 1 ’’Isms” is "ur Americans indivi dualism. Ir, differ? from all ot hers because its firm and fixed ideal an equaity of opportun ity. The rightfulness of our j Americans individualism stands on the ground that it is the only safe avenue to further human I progress. - Civilization stands on ire brink of the abyss. The conuil sion of E ropean governments and society are not too fir away from us to be dangerous. We must renew our faith in Ameri ca by taking thought to ourselv es of the political, economic and spiritual principles through wh ich our country has steadily grown in usefulness and great ness. So shall we guide ourselves in the road of progress. At a'time like this it is the province and privilege ol a wor thy newspaper to print those things that make for consti uct ion instead of destruction, to assist in making ou- complex Americans Twentieth century civilization sane and safe. The Beacon is privileged to do its part in this great work by printing a series of arti^es b^ Herbert Hoover under the title of “ Americans Individualism.” The first article appears in this issue; there will be five other articles in successive issues. Mr. Hoover is speaking the voice of * America’s higher self. Do your self the honor to read every word of them. __ ! FARMERS—Red Bliss Sect Potatoes $5.25 po, bas | Irish Cobblers Seed Potatoei i 84 75 per bag I have them in stock Buy Quick. 1. R. Campbell WASHINGTON COUNTY LOSES FAITHFUL SHERIFF J. E. REID, FOR MORE THAN TWELVE YEARS HIGH SHERIFF OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, PASSES AWAY IN FIFTY-THIRD YEAR OF NOBLE CAR EER. PEOPLE A' E DEEPLY GRIEVED, HUGE FLORAL TRIBUTES. Washington C >unty is deep'y g ievt d in the death of J. F. Keid, w 10 died in a hospital in R chmond last Saturday af er noon at two o’clock. Sheriff Reid had been a nr n of unusual vitality and vigor un til recent years when bad health assailed him in the form of sotre insiduous disease that fina’ y sapped the life of a character that, has had muca t^, do with the political, social ard commer cial development of this entire section. During his early man hood he was actively identified with local n I e Riflemen” for several years. In nineteen hundred and ten he was elected sheriff of Wash ington County on the Democratic ticket which office he has faith fully held until the time of his I death. For the past two years, | despite rapidly failing hea'thj and diminishing vigor, he has; struggled faithfully to keep the! work of that office in the properj condition, never failing to fynaw-: e • a call at any hour of the day or night from a- y section of the pntire county. No man in the county could claim more devoted friends a-, mong both races and all classes and no man has more faithfully and conscientuously endeavored toserve a people who had placed I authority and power in his hands Although a firm Democrat he was by reason of the impartial execu' lion of his duties, revered by .all political elements The deceased leaves a devote a wife, two daughters, Miss Marn ie Reid and Mrs. Claudius Mc Gowan, two sons, Messrs. J. K., and F. E. Reid, all of Plymouth, and one sister Mrs. Lena New berry of Baltimore The funeral service "was con ducted in the Methodist church, of which he was£a member, at thie*1 o’clock Monday afternoon, Rev. W. G. Lowe, assisted b> Revs. 0. W Sawyer at d Theo dore Partrick, conducting the service, Beautiful and impress ive music was rendered by the Methodist choir. The church was packed to overflowing and scor es were unable to find even stand ing room. The floral tributes from all sec tions of the state were so vast that great difficulty wasflencoun tered in handling them. The cas ket was covered in a pall of beau tiful evergreenjan exquisite Eas ter lilies, £the citizens of Plymouth. The entire chancel of the church was a huge mass of beautiful and fragrant flowers a most touching homage paid by those who loved him. As the party left the church for the cemetary the hearse was filled i to its capacity with the floral wreaths, and in older to accom-, modate all the flowers a three-! deck] truck was employed to car j ry them. The interment was made in ! the family plot on the old New' ! berry farm, about three miles | from Plymouth. The procession of automobiles formed a veritable i concourse as it proceeded from , the church. Aside from that a great many attended from all ; parts of the county, to sorrow ’ fully witness thte interment of a r great man who had given his life in the service of his people. Our deepest sympathies go to tl.o heart-broken relatives and j friends. r1_______ s FOR SALE -- Used Willys Six. 7 passenger automobile splendid condition. Will sell cheap. Z V. Norman Card of Thanks. We take this method of expre ssing our sincere thanks to the kind friends who to nob y assist ed us during the recent illness and death of our husband ard father, J. E. ftied, who died Sat urday, March 24th. To those who sent floral tributes we extend our deepest appreciation. The knowledge that there are such warm and sympathetic friends does so much to alleviate our deep sorrow. When trouble com es to each of you, as it will in the divine scheme of life, we trust that you may be surrounded by such friends. Gratefully, The Family Easter Services in Plymouth Churches. The various churches of Ply mouth will celebrate the birth of Christ with specially prepaed Easter programs. Easter, Which comes this ye: r ou Sunday April 1st, will be ob served by appropriate services at Grace Episcopal Church. The day will begin with a celebration of the Hojy Communion at 8 o’ clock. At eleven o’clock there will be Morning Prayer and a ser mon by the Rector with special Easter music. At four o'clock in the afternoon there will be held the annual service by the young people of the Church, with spec al music by the Junior choir. From six-thirty to 3even-thirty the Ch ifiStl&n church will begin with devotional service, reading prayer and songs. At nine-forty five a Special Easter program will be rendered by the children The Easter sermon will be delivt • red by the pastor, Rev R. A. Phillips, and special music wiil be rendered. At eight o’clock in the evening the pageant ’’The Triumph af Love” will be prese nted by the older members of the Sunday school. These pro grams are being carefully re hearsed and will be entertaining and instructive. At the Methodist church a spe cial Easter sermon will be de livered bv the pastor, Rev. W.G. Lowe, and special Easter music has been arranged for the occas ion by the adult choir At eight o’clock in the evening the child ren of the Sunday school will pre sent their special Eas.ter e terci. ses. Literary Society Meets The Euranian Literary Society, of the Plymouth graded school held its last regular meeting in the high school room last Friday afternoon, Lawrence Jones, president, presiding. The meeting opened with the song ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ Then the minutes of the last meeting were read. Thirty-nine of the fortv-two members answ- J ered roll call. A society motto I ’’Paddle Your Own Canoe” was then adopted. A bible reading by Hocutt Ange, recitation by Dorothy Ausbon, review cf cur rent events by Sallie Batemar J declamation by Marion Martin, i reading by Thelma Harrison, jokes by Van Martin were rende red. A debate ” Resolved: That the Honor System Should be Adop ted in High School Examination” in which the affirmative side of the question was upheld by Au brey Ange and Hildred Swain, and negatives were Sparkman Landing and Neva Bateman. The judges decided with the r.ega t.ves. O' 300>-®w»' PROGRAM EASTER EXERCISES Christian Church PLYMOUTH, N. C, o«—■ a*— OO'—-a — ■ a 6:30-7:30 A. M. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. SCRIPTURE READ ING. PRAYER AND SACRED SONGS. 9:45 A. M. EASTER PROGRAM RENDERED BY THE PRIMARY AND ELEMENTARY DIVISIONS OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 :C0 A. M. EASTER SERVICE. SPECIAL MUSIC. EASTER SER MON BY THE PASTOR. REV. R. A. PHILLIPS 8:00 P. M. PAGEANT “THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE” BY THE SEN IOR AND ADULT DIVISIONS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL. SIMON PETER JAMES JOHN A ROMAN SOLDIER A BLIND MAN CAST SALOME, MOTHER OF JAMES & JOHN MARY OF MAGDaLA MARY, WIFE OF ALPHEUS MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS A SLAVE GRL A JEWISH CHILD B—~00—-'S'—' O PARENTS ARE URGED TO ATTEND AND SIT WITH THEIR CHILDREN. AN OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHILDREN AND OLD PEOPLE IN OUR HOMES. iocai SKINNERSVILLE NEWS * Mrs. Sudie Coffield has re turned to her home in Nor folk, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spe] ncer of Creswell hav« moved in our Community untill af ter the fishing Season is over. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swain Mrs P. H. Bell, and Miss Ardean Blount motored to : Roper Thursday. j‘ Hon Van B. Martin wife and children were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Davenport Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brick house and Ernest Brickhouse of Columbia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs W. E. Blo unt. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ever ett, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Swain and Miss Essie Jordan vverej in Creswell Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. H.. Bell : spent Sunday with Mrs. Hen 1 rietra Swain Messrs. W. E. Blount anti i T. J. Swain motored to P'\ - mouth Monday NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in ma b> a deed of trust executed to me by L. L. Ange aud W- F. Angeand wife Ida F. Ange, on the 1st., day of January 1917, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Wash, ington County, in book 69, page 339, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith and stipulations in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at public aucton. for cash, on Satur av the 7th., day of April 1923, at 3 P. M,,'at the court house door of Washington Connty, the following property: . Beginning at a pine on the south west end of a ridge, thence north 35 east 79 poles to a pine, thence south 70 east 38 poles to a pine, thence north 20 east 62 poles, thence north 2i» east 38 poles to a pine,thence south 85 east 8 polos to a pine, thence south 14 cast 30 polea to a pine thence south 57 west 82 poles, thence south 43 west 114 pol es to a pine, thence north 34 west 32 poles to the first station, containing twenty-four acres more or less, and be ingthe land conveyed to L. f! Waters by W. H. Ange by deed dated July 3, 1913, artd recorded in book 61 of Deed on page 309 Register of Deeds office in Washington County. This March 8th., 1923 A. F. Stali.ings, Trustee. NOTICE OF SalE Under and by virtue of the autht rity contained in a certained deed of trust executed by W B. Watts and wife. Florence Watts on the 13th day of March I9i8, and of record in the pub lic registry of Washington County in Book 74 at Page 12, to secure the pay ment of certain bonds of even dat« therewith; and the stipulation in said deed of trust not having been compli ed with, and at the request of the par ties interested, the undersigned trus tee will on the 20tii nay of April 1923 at 12 o’clock M at the court house door in Washington county, Plymouth, N.C offer at public sale to the hitrht st bid der for cash, the following desc-ibed real estate: Five (5) lots in the Woodlawn plot in the town of Plymouth. N.C. on Brink- • ley avenue, these being all the lots owned by the &ud W B Watts in the Woodlawn plot. Also the following lots in Morning side plot (Main street extension) of re cord in Washington county: No’s 1 to 12 inclus ve, block G, 1-6 inclusive, block E three to twelve inclusive, block C three to six inclusive, block P eight to eleven inclusive, block F e leven to 12 inclusive, block B two to eleven inclusive. This March 13, 1923 Martin, Trustee ■w NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Superior Court Aftny E. Ruffin vs Hamp Ruffin NOTICE OF SUMMONS To the defendant above named, Take Notice That an action, entitled as above, has this day been instituted in the super ior Court of Washington County for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce and a severance of the bonds of matrimony heretofore exis'irg b» tween plaintiff and defendant, which said action is returnable in the office of the Cterk of the Superior Court ( f Washington County, at the Court Hou se in Plymouth N,. C . <»u Mond y; the tlth day of April, 1923, at which" time and place you are noti ied to appear and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or els* the prajerof the complaint will be granted. This the 7th dav of March, 1923. C. V. W. AUSBON, Clerk Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA WASHING ION COUNTY Supecior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS. Eliza Staten vs ' James Staton To the defendant above named, T.ake Notice. That an action enti.led rs above has this day been instituted in ti e Super ior Court of Washington County, Nor th Carolina, by the above named plain tiff and against the above named de fendant for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divocre from the said de fendant: the complaint also contains a cause of action that the plaintiff be ad judged to be the sole owner of that certain lot or parcel ofland described is a deed from W. T Spruill and wife, to James Staton and wife, Eliza, da'^d January 11th, 190?, and recorded in he office W the Register of Deeds of V»as* hington County in book ‘.3, oage 09 I and that it be adjudged that; nu have no right, title or interest therein: said, action is returnable on the 14 h day of April 1923, at the Court House in P'ym outh, North Carolina, at which time and place you are required t« be and answer or demur to the complaint of the defendant or else the prayer of the ComDlaint will he granted. This March 12th 1923. C. V. W. Ausbon, Clerk Superior Court. WE DO ALL KIND OF JOE W ORK