NOTICE OP SALK Under and by virtue of a certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned trustee by VV. T. Rough ton, W. H. Davenport and B- F. Spru ill, bearing dateJauuary 10, 1020 and registered in office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, in Book 47, page 139, I shall on Monday the 20th day of Augus , 1923 offer for sale st the Court House door of Washington County at 12 o’clock M the property described in ■aid deed of trust as: ■•All that certain entire tract of land containing fifty acres more or less as conveyed and more fully described in a deed of even date and to be register ed concurrent here-with, from T. W Dillon and wife, to W. T Houghton, W- H. Davenport and B. F. Spruill, said .ract adjoinihg the lands of E. M. Chesson, B. B. Spencer and others SaM lauds are also descibed in the aforesaid deed from T. W, Dillon and wife, Mary F. Dillon to W. T. Rough ton, W, H. Davenport and B. F. Spruill, dated January 10, 1920, registered in Book 76, page 371 as fo lows; “Adjoining the lands of E M. Ches son, B. B Spencer and others. Begin ning at a point in front of Mrs, Sarah Chesson’s land, E. M. Chesson’* cor ner, and rnnning thence northwardly with his line to the Pawpaw road and across said road to G. H. Marriner’s corner, thence along his line 19s yards to C E. Marriner’s, thence along his line Eastwardly 208 yards to , a black gum, thence Southwardly to and across the main road, thence same course a eross the field to a tap ditch, thence Eastwardly along said tap ditch to ■ lead ditch, thence Westwardlv along said lead ditch to the place of begin ning. Contoinin8 by estimation fifty acres more or less’’. Terms of sale cash. The purchaser will be required to deposit at the tim# of sale 10% of the amount of hia bid as an evidence of good faith, the balance to be paid upon delivery of deed, —. This July 11th. 1923. T. R. Hassell Trustee By Thompson & Wilson Atty NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT to power vested in me under a deed of trust made by Charles J. Mueller, dated the 20th day of October, 1917, and duly recorded in book 3, page 76 of Washington Coun ty, North Carolina, which said deed of trust secures a purchase money debt to Eastern Carolina Home and Farm Association, Incorporated, (now Norfolk Southern Land Company, In corporated, which said debt has ma tured and remains unpaid, I will, on Monday the 30th day of July, 1923, at the Court house door, in the Town of Plymouth, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, the follow ing described property, to-wit: All the following described tract or parcel of land, situate in Washington County, North Carolina, more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: "Beginning at an iron marker which is, located as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at the intersection of the Pungo River Canal with the Eastern right < way of the Norfolk Southern Rail road; thence South 64 deg. 25 min. East £640 feet to an iron marker, a comer, the place of BEGINNING; thence South 64 deg. 25 min. East 2640 feet to an iron marker, a corner; thence Sc uth 25 deg. 35 min. Wc.u 1320 feet to an iron marker, a cor ner; thence North 64 deg. 25 min. West 552 feet to an iron marker, a corner; thence North 31 deg. 42 min. Easa 2039 feet to an iron marker, a corner; thence North 25 deg. 35 min. East 176 feet to an iron marker, the place of BEGINNING; Containing Fifty-two and Nine-tenths (52.9) acres, as shown on the Blue Print at tached to the deed; being a part o Lot Number Eight (8), South Divi sion, as shown on the plot of the sub division of the Eastern Carolina Home and Farm Association, Incor porated, which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds o Washington County, in Registration of Titles Book No. 1, at Page 26.” As shown on the plot of the sub division of the Eastern Carolina Home and Farm Association. Incorporated, which is duly recorded in the Office o the Register of Deeds of Washington County in Registration of Titles Book, Number Two (2) at Page One Hun dred and Thirty-two (182). This tract of land is registered un der the laws of ahe State of North Carolina for the registration and as surance of land titles, and is Register ed Number One Hundred (100). TERMS of purchase. Cash. The purchaser at uiis sale will he required to deposit at the time of the sale twenty (20 per cent) per cent < his bid as evidence of good faith, which will be forfeited if the pur chase is not completed by reason . default of the purchaser to pay the balance of his bid. The undersigned reserves the righ! to continue the said sale from time to time or to postpone it to other days as may be necessary or advis able. C. I. MILLARD, Trustee. By M. S. Hawking, Attorney i Fact. June 25, 1923. W W Ange E J Respess Ange and Respess Plymouth, N. C. Surveyors Engineers General surveyirfg practics drainage, etc., maps, plans, blue prints, estimates & specification Prompt Service-Reasonable rates Every Saturday afternoon I will be in my office for the pur pose of administering typhoid vaccine. It is urged that all that can apply fo*- this treatment. C. McGowan, M. D. Shift into Neutral at Red Star Filling Stations Every time your gas gets low Fill your tank with TEXACO TEXACO GASOLINE THE VOLATILE GAS TEXACO MOTOR OILS Light, Mt&wm, it* mry, irtra Wmy Ahmo* dwi ***** Centers cut right length for Wilson Heaters Delivered same day ordered. Cash with order Wilts Veneer Co. i i WOOD FOR SALE j ! I j NOTICE OF SALS The undersigned Commissioner, ap §ointedinan act on pending in the uperior Court of Washington County entitled Norfolk Southern Land Comp any vs Sam Sawyer *t al, will pursuant to the provisions of the order appoint ing him offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash at the main door of the Court House in Plymouth. N. C. on Monday August 27, 1923 at 12:30 P. M. or as soon thereafter as may be pra ctcable all of the following described tract or parcel of land: Beginning at a point marked bv an iron pipe | whtch is located as follows Begin at an Iron pipe at the intersec tion of the Eastern line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad right of way with the Eastern bank of the .Pungo Klver Drainage District Canal; run thence North 25- 35 East 6600 feet along said railroad right of way to an iron pipe; thence South fl4"25 East 13,200 feet to an iron pipe, the beginning point; | run thence North 25-35 East 1320 feet to an iron pipe, a corner thence South 64-25 East 26*0 feet to an iron pipe, a corner; thence Houth 25-35 West 1320 feet to an iron pipe, a corner thence North 64-25 West 2640 feet to an iron pipe, the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. Forty two | 42 | , North Division, as shown on the plot of the subdivision of the Eastern Carolina Home and Farm Association, Incor porated, which is duly recorded in the office of the Regi-ter of Deeds of Washington County, in Registration of Titles Book 1 page 25. The purchaser will be required to deposit 10% of his bid, pending confir mation by the Court. July 25 1923. W. B. Rodman Jr., Commissioner. Administratrix’ Notice. Having qualified as admiastratrix of the estate of B. D. Bateman,deceased, late of Washington County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Plymouth, N. C., H. F. D. No. I, on or before the 11th day of May, 1024, er this notice will be plead ed tn bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This May 11th, 1923. Ethel E. Bateman, Admx., B. D. Bateman. _________ t Dr. D. B. Mizeell DENTAL SURGEON in Plymouth every day ex cept Monday prepared to to do all kinds of Modern ' DENTAL WORK 1 Dipthoria has increased alarm ingly in the state. The Board of health is anxious to have public vaccinated against diptheria. Will vaccinate against dipthe ria every Saturday at cost of vaccine, ten cents for three doses cash- W. H. Ward. M. D Typhoid Vaccanation Free. Notice. Having qualified as the estate of A. L. Glover, deceased, late of Washing ton County, North Caroliha, this is to notify all persons having claims a gainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wenona, N. C., on or before the nth day of July, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This July fi, 1923. Mary L. Glover, Admx. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power! and authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by P. H. Dar den and wife to Zeb Vance Nor man, trustee, dated 28th day of De cember, 1918 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washing ton County in Book 83, Page 429, etc., default having been made In the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 13th day of August, 1923, at 12 o’clock m., at the court houes door in Plymouth, North Carolina, of fer for sale to the highest bidder foi cash the real property described in the said deed of trust as follows: Beginning at an iron marker on the Plymouth and Mackeys main road in the northeast corner of the tract o' land, this day conveyed to S. A. Ward, thence south 60 degrees and 5 min utes east 42:93 chains to an iron mar ker, thence north 69 degree* and <' minutes east 10.63 chains, ttf center ef canal, thence with said center of canal north 43 degrees and 2 min utes west 27,07 chains to angle, and thence with said center of canal north 66 degrees 24 minutes west 22.93 chains to an iron marker at. the main [road, thence with said road south degrees and 1 minute west, 6.96 chains to an iron marger the beginning. Con taining 46.61 acres ana lanown a.c tract No. 2, extracting railroad ft oh: of ways as shown on map made by A. J. NewMrry, December 18th, 1918. »a#d; map being duly recorded in Book Page -, in the office of the l.'egwut of Deeds of Washington c-Minty. This the' 13th day of July, 1923. ZEB VANCE NORMAN. “ Trustee. I 5'w ■A %e PUICrC MOTOR. COMPANY CL 1 nn ounces Jor 1Q24 cr. tircly new and distinctive line, or Quality Q.Motor (pars 't 1 '• beauty. design.speed and original mechanical Jeatures such as .four wheel brakes. the lty24-Buu .k, models provide the most revolutionary advance in motor cars thus Jar con^ tributed hy the industry BUICIv MOTOR. COMPANY. 9thu.Md^m f Own!■* »CK WluTitytto~THEM i !lil