BILL BOOSTER SAYS A £»OUR MOMfi UCWSPAPttt \S *xo*j»4r wxx farmpoc booster* rr lonaum pro CtAtVAS TMe tt)VJW& WRTU69, CCJMCEftAA VTS FAULT© AMO PKOUOIM ©EARS, ttfi ©TAUOARO a8Roao iu tve UjORuo'. rr WORK© FOR AU- »VAPRO\)£fA£KnS, PROMOTES WARMOWM AMD assisrs tM-'twe Successes op 'VMS. fcVJSlWESS PEOPLE. " LOCAL NEWS j4 ~ Dr. and Mrs. I). B. Mirelie motored to Windsor Sunday. Miss Louise Marriner of Mack eys, was in town Sunday. Mr. D. V. Clayton of New York, is in this vicinity visiting friends and selatives. Mr» W.R. Parker of Williamston has been in the city on business this week. Miss. Hazel Ausbon left Wed nesday for Hampton, Va., to visit friends and relatives. Mr. Robert C. Jones left for E. City Thursday, after spending a few days with relatives. Mrs. S.D, Jones and mother, Mrs. J. S Chesson left Wed nesday for New York. Mrs. H. W. Brown is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. L. Ayres, in Rocky Mount this week. At£y. Junius Grimes of Washing* ton, was in town on business Monday Mrs. B A. Sumner and Miss Louise Ayers returned Sunday from Morehead City. Messrs R. T. Hopkins and W. D. Peal of Creswell, were in town on business Monday. Messrs Hilliary Spruill and Clarence Harrison spent a few days in Washington this week. Mr. Norwood Simmons of Washington, was a business visitor here last week. Mr. L. W. Gurkin made a busi ness trip to Norfolk the past week end. Mr. Cicero Norman of Norfolk is in the city visiting friends and relatives. Company I returned Sunday from its regular summerencamp ment at camp Glenn. The boys report a splendid time, and the officers claim a most successful camp from both and instructive Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Smith, Misses Elizabeth Smith and Stella Ayers and Mrs. Conway Newman returned from More head City Sunday. srecreational Standpoints. Mrs. G- S. Auabon and Miss Ruth Ayers returned Wednesday from Southport. Where they have been spending several days. Mrs LA. Bodine and little thild of Buffalo Station, Va., are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J- Norman. Messers George Riddick and Ralph Swindell of Belhaven.were Plymouth visitors Sunday aft ernoon. Messrs. John Vann and Bonn «r Jefferson and Misses Mary Gardner and Bert Stubbs motor ed to Belhaven Sunday afternoon Mrs. S D. Jones went to New York Sunday,after having spent several days here jvith relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Chesson and little daughter, Nancy Peacock, left Wednesday for their home in Wilson, after an extended vis it here with Mrs. J. S. Chesson Mr. Joseph Taft of Greenville, who has been visiting Mrs. -I S Chesson, left for New York Wed tiesday where he will visit his I 'a int, Mrs. S. D. Jones. | Att.y Zeb Vance Norman retur ned Saturday from St. Vincent's hospital, Norfolk, where he was operated on for appendicitis. The special July sale of Ox fords that was advertised to terminate last Saturday has been extended to Saturday, July 28 tomorrow, at Adler’s store. Mr. J. T. Bowen and son, Urban of Portsmouth, are in this com munity \ isiting friends and rel atives. i Messrs. W, C- Burgess and Geo. Riddick, Mrs. R Selby, Mrs. E. Allen Jones and Miss Vivian Swindell of Belhaven, attended the dance at Rea’s Beach last , Thursday night. i A number of courts martial neld bv Company I on Monday night ’created quite a lot of interest. U'eare informed that several were haled before the court to explain why thev did not report for camp duty. The findings of the court have not been publicly disclosed. Surprise Marriage. Our community was somewhat suprised Saturday morning to learn that Prof. John W. Darden and Mrs. Blanche Newberry were married in Wilson. The wedding took place in the home of Rev. J. A. Taylor and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Pat Flannagan, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at that place. Immediately after the wedding the bride and groom motored Vo Morehead City, where they remained until Monday, when they returned to Plymouth. They are occupying rooms in the home of Mr. G. H. Hale on Main street Prof. Darden is superintendent of public instruction of Washing ton countv, is well known throu ghout North Car in educational and fraternal circles, he being an active member of the Masonic, Knights of Pythias, Oddfellows, Charitable Brotherhood and ot her fraternal organisations. He ia also a consistent member of the Christian church. Mrs. Darden is the daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Latham, thrifty farmers near here, and is a very capable, efficient and charming young lady. We congratulate them. Married in Washington A wedding of interest to our neolpe was solemnized Monday morning >n Washing*" when Miss Syble Pearl Martin of South Creek became the bride of •' r. Sidney B Billiard of this place Rev. J. H. McGracken perform ing the ceremony, which took place in the Method:st parson Mrs. Hilliard is the daughter of-Mr and Mrs. David N. Martin of South Creek, and will he re membered as a student in the high school here two years ago. when ahe made a great number of close and admiring friends. The groom is the son of the late lamented Jesse P„ and Mrs Maude Hilliard, He is manager of the Plymouth Market and; Grocery Company, is a rising young business man and highly . respected in this community. Immediately after the cere mony they left for a trip toPhila delphia, New York, Atlantic City and other places of interest They will return August first, and wi'l make their home in the residence of Mrs. Clyde Cahoon. To Meet in Windsor August Third. 'Advice recently received from | Mr. N.G. Bartlett, secretary and | manager of the Eastern Carolina {chamber of Commerce, is that a 1 joint meeting of the county com missioners and other business ! men of the counties of Hertford, , Bertie, Martin, Washington and j Beaufort will meet in Windsor on Friday, August 3rd, at eleven o’clock, for the purpose of dis cussing plans for advertising Eastern North Carolina. 1 V1r. Bartlett it one of the bet t i 'r rmed men in this section of j the state, and the clevdopmor. of the Eastern Carolina c humbe of Commerce is one of the very best means of making this sec tion go forward industriously in leaps and bounds. It is hoped that Washington County will furnish a good dele gation to this meeting. Concert by Orphans Pleases Plymouth Audience A fair sized audience witness ed the concert giver, by the Methodist Orphanage Wednes day night in the school auditori um. This is the first time Plymouth has been honored by a visit from this institution, and alljwho at tended pronounce it one of the best concerts ever heard here The program was somewhat a departure from the usual con certs given by organizations of this kind, in that it was purely sacred in all its elements, but was so arranged that it held an equal appeal to all kinds of peo ple with all kinds of sentiments. The class numbered about fif teen ranging from seven to nine teen years of age, and all dis played wonderful talent in the execution of the parts assigned to them. No admission was charged, al though a voluntary offering was taken, ano we are informed that the class manager was well pleased with the generosity of the people who were present, | We hope to welcome these chil dren to Plymouth again in the near future, and trust when| they do return they will be j greeted by a larger audience. Severe Electrical Storm Visit ed This Section Sunday. | P.obably the heaviest rain and | electrical storm that has visited this section for years passed over Sunday afternoon and evening doing considerable damage. Lightning struck the Washing ton Street iBaptist Church and the Main Street Colored Baptist Church. Windows in both build ings were shattered, and the steepleof the colored church suf fered slightT’. Otherwise no dam. age was done. At Roper, about seven miles from here, the colored Methodist Churc hwas struck by lightning and totally destroyed by fire. Severe hail storm damaged the corn, tobaCco ; hd cotton in the Creswell secth n. Telephone* an! electiic wires were damaged. The home of Mr. J. W- Snell, about two mil* s from here, was struck by lightning and windows shattered. Plymouth to Again be Visit ed by Ollie Hamilton. The Ollie Hamilton Show wil\ again visit Plymouth for an en tire week Leginning Monday, July 30th. which has been exten ensively advertised in this com munity. Many of our people will re member Mr. Hamilton as ’’Jake” the blai kface comedian, who, up until the beginning of the war made Plymouth ~ne of his regu lar towns. His daughter, Miss Cleo, will a'so b<> remembered as a delightful chi d singer. There is a much larger com pany of pla; ers with the show this Season, so we are informed, and wherever they have played they have been greeted bj large and enthusiastic audiences. The tent will be erected on the Hampton lot Monday and one performance will be given each night during the week. Strictly fancy selec ed Rosebloom B rand Pcaches.Cre te six baskets | $3.50 F.O.B. Shipment day order I received to any address, send j remittance with order. Add ex 1 press if des;re prepaid. ! Rosebloom Orchard Co, Aberdeen, N. G. ow i i j I i i ►<0 ADLER'S Of OUR ANNUAL JULY SALE OF OXFORDS WILL CONTINUE THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 28 ( i ! [0 WE ARE GOING TO TELL YOU A LONG STORY IN A FEW WORDS WE HAVE ABOUT FOUR THOUSAND PAIRS OF OX FORDS OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN, WOMEN, MISSES, BOYS AND CHILDREN. WE ARE THE LARGEST DIS TRIBUTORS OF CRADDOCK-TERRY SHOES IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY. THEY ARE SOLID LEATH ER, AND ALL OF OUR SHOES ARE THIS SEASON’S SHOES. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK WE HAVE DECIDED TO REDUCE THEM JUST ABOUT COST IN ORDER TO MAKE A QUICK CLEARANCE. DO NOT FAIL TO BUY FOR FUTURE NEEDS. ADLER’S STORE 0' ■ ALL HOSIERY, INCLUDING HOLE-PROOF, WILL BE REDUCED DURING THIS SALE WESTOVKR NEWS. Mrs. Bernard . Bateman and children xy Newj&dirt Nejws, Va., are visiting her mother, Mra. Sa rah Sitterson, this week. , Mrs. James Martin of Florence S.C., is spending some time with relatives here. Mr. William Swain and sister, Mis? Meredith, of Raleigh, were guestB of their uncle, Mr. C. E. Swain, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gufganus and children of Williamston were guests of Mrs. Sarah Sitter son the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Charles of South Carolina, who are on their way to New York, were guests of Mrs. Ruth Swain the paRt week. Mrs. David Latham is visiting her brother, Mr. C. E. Swain, this week. i Miss Hildred Swain spent a few days with her cousin, Mias Lou ise Chesson, last week. Mr. Philip Vail and family of Baltimore, a*e Visiting friends and relative* here. I Administrator’* Notice. Having qualified as adminis trator to the estate of the late Joeph E. Reid, deceased of Washington County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of the Baid deceased to present them for payment tb the undersigned on or before the 29th day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead ed in bav of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased will make immediate settlement, this June 29th, 1923. J. K. REID, Administrator, W W Ange E J Respess Ange and Respeis Plymouth* N. C. Surveyors Engineers General surveying practice, drainage, etc.* maps, plans, blu <■ prints, estimates & specifications Prompt Service-Reasonable rates Every Thursday Night at REA’S BEACH MUSIC BY Domino Five Orchestra Price For Dancers $1.50