STRONG PROOF IS OFFERED BY TATE “Hardly a man comes . to the shop I don't toll about Tanlac,’’ said J. S Tate, 503 K. Main St., Charlottesville, Va., Battery Repairer for Irwin-Way Hill Co. “All my life I suffered from consti pation and for three years past my stomach was in such terrible shape 1 could eat barely enough to keep body and soul together. My nerves were shattered, neuralgia almost blinded me at times, and I was losing ground »o fast it was a question how much longer I could last. “I was tempted to quit taking Tan lac after my second bottle, but fortu nately, I stuck to the treatment, and It Increased my weight and made me a well man. I took my last dose last spring but haven’t felt a touch of con stipation or any other ailment since. Just put me down in .black and white as being strong for Tanlac.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Hills are Nature’s •wn remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere.—Advertisement. Uncertain. “Do you believe the human race originated with Adam?” "Well, Adam or atom.” CHILDREN CRY FOR “CASTORIA” Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been In use for over 30 years to relieve babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from. and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature A farmer boy is naturally curious to find out if he has tulent for some thing besides farming. Thousands Have Kidne'y Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists /ho are constantly in direct touch with fhe public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is coon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record at success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why ■o many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and Targe. However, if you wish first to test this peat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a cample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. It Is buying without thinking that fills the market with so many good pecond-liand bargains. To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughness or Itching, if any, with Cuticura Oint ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Every where 25c each.—Advertisement. Dessert is an edible which comes and goes with company. Safe instant relief from CORNS On/ minuU—ind the pain of that com •ndal That’s what Dr. Scholl s Zino-pads Ao—safely. They remove the cause — fric tion-pressure, and heal the irritation. Thus you avoid infection from cutting your corns or using corrosive acids. • Thin; an* tiseptic; waterproof. Sires for corns, cal louses. bunions. Get a box today at your druggist's or shoe dealer's. DZ Scholls T^ino-pads Ued* in the lahotatoriet of The Scholl Uft- Co., maker' of Dr Scholl’s Foot Comfort Appliances, Arch Supports, etc. Put one on—the pain is gone! Real Meaning of Term ‘‘Sports” Not Understood The real meaning of the term "sports," as applied to fowls, is not quite understood by a good many poultry keepers. Now. in breeding many varieties there will often come a chicken that is contrary to the parent birds, and the reas .n for this sometimes seems very strange. For example, those who hive bred Silver Laced Wyandottes know that frequently a white one, ami occasion ally a black one, will b produced, and it was the breeding t . 'ther of these so-called sports that gave the two distinct colors, the Whi.e Wyandotte and the Black Wyandotte, as we know them today. Where very lightly laced birds ire used there is a greater tea 'ency to white, and just the oppose • when a very heavily laced bird is used, the sport here coming black. Partridge Wyandottes will also throw a few white ones, and those who breed them in big quantities will produce perhaps four or five white ones dur ing the year. Another common example of “sports" is found iu the fact that oftentimes a rose comb breed will throw a single comb fowl. There is always an occa sional tendency in this direction, and | it does not prove that the parent stock is bad, nor that it does nut measure up to the required purebred standard. Many of our present-day breeds are the results of working from sports. The black Plymouth came first from the barred, and for years no one ever heard of a male chicken coming black, these being all females. Today we have a distinct breed known as the Black Rock. It is probable that all of our more than a hundred modern varieties of poultry descended from the one kind of original jungle fowl. Jn fact, most of our now numerous varieties have been created during the past 4U or 50 years. The old breeds, like the Black Langshans, do not often pro duce sports, for the reason that they have been bred pure for many hun dreds of years, perhaps for thou sands of years. But modem breeds, such as the Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, etc., are given to producing sports. Movable Roosting Coops Good for Young Fowls When the chick* are old enough to leave the brood coops- and when they ate weaned from broody hens or brood ers, they grow so rapidly that they need more room. To meet tlds re quirement, poultry-men use what are known as roosting coops. These are structures about six feet long, three feet wide, three feet high tn front and two feet high at the rear. They have waterproof roofs, hut tlie front side and one end, dr the front side and two ends, are covered with wire so that the air can circulate through freely in warm weather, but hostile animals cannot get in. To keep out driving rains or for use in cooler wealher, particularly when the chicks are first put in and the nights are chilly, curtains of cloth or burlap are attached to the tops of the open sides so that they can be rolled' down and fastened to protect the chicks when necessary. The curtain covering each side is made separate from the others so that much or little space may be left open according to requirements and according to which way the wind blows or the storm drives. Tlies little buildings should be mov able and it is a good plan to place them on skids with rounded ends so that they can be dnawn from place to place, thus affording a fresh, new location ev ery day or two. Many poultry keep ers block up these little houses so that there is a space between the floor and the ground which affords a cool, shady place for the chicks during hot days. Poultry Notes . ...... I linin'"-'""' MMIMWMMMIMIJI »mim»IUHlll»IHIIHIU»' ! Don’t crowd; better sell some of tlie I birds and make room. * * * When lice come into the hen house, profit usually goes out. * * * Lively chicks come from the eggs laid by hens of good breeding and vi tality. * * * A hen that will lay during the fall shows her persistence and value as a good producer. Ducklings need plenty of fresh wa ter in dishes dscp enough for them to wash their eyes and nostrils. • • * Oatmeal and buttermilk, either fresh or in the dried form, are two of the best developers for growing chicks. * * * The warm-weather chick is not of so robust a type, as a rule, as the early one, the parent stock often he ing run down and less vigorous. * • * Vigorous breeding stock is the first essential for healthy chicks, but some times when a good start is made neglect and improper care work havoc. • * • Duck eggs and ducklings are more readily available, and about 20~eents apiece is a fair price for fresh eggs. Ducklings can be shipped fairly sue ressfully. OUR COMIC SECTION Big Events in the Lives of Little Men Who Says They Don't? ASSUttP U PEOPLE povrr SUP W BAHAMA P£ELS>—A*aO VF -them P'O, WO0OPV VWOOL.O L-AUGH ATtWSAy V W*& 'twe nRooSiX \mitw 'tHESE COWMC t AOTvSTS,. > BOX CONTAINS iCt. NfrO CUiHE'aE CAM& CALLED "MAW JONG* - AMD 'WE'RE. GOING "70 BE -faE EiR^T ABOUND UE(2E To PLAN VT vvius rr*> The ^en^ation c* fi-fE vxkjr — bridge, h> a back number Compared vith _. MAU JON G r You WAVE, NO PARTNER AS ONE DOEt> Its &R1DGE YOU ARRANGE YOUR HAND LIKG POKE.R -- YOU DRAW AND Dl^AaD LIKE RUMNY - YOU COUNT LIKE in i%*toiiniiiiiimniiiiii?n[[:nin k s Kj ^(Jeather |*H Drives out the catar rhal poisons, dispels the inflamation of the mucous linings and reinforces the system against dis ease. For safety take Pe-ru-na during hot weather. Tablet* or Liquid Sold Everywhere FRECKLES Now I* the Time to Get Rid of Tbwe Ugly Spots There’s no longer the slightest weed of feeling ashamed of yorir freckles, a* Othtn# —double strength—Is goarswiteed to remove these homely spots, Simply get an ounce of. 0thine frtwn. any draggist and apply a little of It night) and mining and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, wh55e the lighter ones ha-*e vanished! en tirely. It is stildom that more than an ounce is needed to completely, clea* the skin and gain a beautiful, cibar completion. Be sure to a.«k for the double-strength Othirae, as this is sold undfcr guarantee- of jnon&j back If It falls to - remove frecifettot Hens lets, per ply vegetable, blasts* a ad | Children's Regulator, forma!* ev. every f GasranteeJ am-aarettie, aos-*alc*4ielk. ms. WINSLOW* SYRUP' TVe Infants’ nod Children’* Rjgalator Children grow healthy and frse from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, constipation and other trouble if [ tfiven it at teething time. Safe, pleasant—always brings re* markable and gratifying results* At An Druggimt* ( TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time;, Don’t wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases.. Avoid painful consequences bjf taking LATH ROD’S J The world’s standard remedy for kidfieyfr Ever, bladder and uric acid troubles-—the National Remedy of Holland since 1696._ Guaranteed. Three sizes, all' druggists;. Look for the name CokJ> Mtedal on- mM'f box and accept no ihnitation Skin Troubles -Soothed With Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 :md 50c, Talcam 25c. COD IT ITl/PC Dr;Salter"s SUK L JCU I Lo Eye Lotion relieves and cures sore and inflamed eyes in 24 to 48 hours. Helps the weak eyed, cures without pain*. Ask your druggist or dealer for SALTKR’S. Only from Reform Dispensary*, JP>*Q. Boa 151,.Atlanta, Gat. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 30-1922. The OSrl it Lowes. Several days ago Ed L. Hall, of this city, came into, possession; of a one dollar bill, witfk the following Imserlp lion neatly typewritten across Its face: “This is my last dollar, and I gave it to the girl. I love.” Mr. Hall is of the opinion that a real “human' interest’* story awaits some budding “Ot Henry,” with the necessary tact and patience to find this modern lover, remarks the Indianapolis News. Parting' with one’s last dollar is a circumstance which might easily be fraught with tragic significance at any time, and in this case it seems doub ly so. But, of course, “the girl I love” may have- been his sister, his “last dollar” may have gone for candy, and the next day may have been his regular pay day. Who knows the answer? Some one does! Good intentions wilt easily. Better start with new than try to save the old. Nervous ? If Coffee disagrees Drink ■ There's a Reason