^Graduate Nurse Finds “The Perfect Remedy*’ "From my long experience as a pro fessional nurse, I do not hesitate to say Tanlac is nature s most perfect remedy,’’ is the far-reaching statement given out for publication, recently, by Mrs. I. A. Borden, 425 Pontius Ave., Seattle, Wash., a graduate of the Na tional Temperance Hospital, Chicago. "I have used Tanlac exclusively for seven years in the treatment of my charity patients,’’ said Mrs. Borden, “and my experience has been that for keeping the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels functioning properly, and for toning up the system in general, it has no equal. Touching His Pride. Dealer (to impecunious client, to whom he sold a horse some weeks be fore)—You still like him? Purchaser—Very much; but he ought to carry his head higher. Dealer—I expect lie'll do that all right when lie’s paid for.—Punch. Forestalled. “Now what shall we name the baby?” asked the professor’s wife. “Why,” ejaculated the learned man In astonishment, “this species has been -v named for centuries. This is a pri mate mammal—‘homo sapiens.’ ” Sure.Relief FOR INDIGESTION Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ■wfc ^ >] du re Kener Bell-ans 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Take ^Sulphur B aths ; ^ at hom Rheumatism Gout, Eczema, Hives, etc. Right in your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing sulphur baths. Hancock Sulphur Compound nature’s own blood purifying and skin healing remedy—SULPHUR—prepared In a way to make its use most efficacious Use it In the bath; use it as a lotion applying to affected parts; and take It Internally. 60c and $1.20 the bottle at your druggist’s. U he can't eupply you, send his name and the price In stamps and we will send you a bottle direct HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore. Md. Hancock Sulphur Compound Oint ment—joc and 6oc—jot me with the Liquid Compound •err" \for chafed or blisteredfeet ^ There is nothing better than Resindl Ointment. It relieves that hot, dry sen sation and gently heals the chafed and blistered spots. Bathe the feet in not water before applying the ointment. Prescribed by physicians for eczema, and similar skin troubles. Atalldrugeuts. Resinol Don't treat lore. In flamed, smarting eyes ...... powerful drugs L "dropped" In by hand. A soothing, effective. safe remedy Is best, 25 rents — all dru druggists. r PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Remove* Dandruff-Stopellalr Falling Restore. Color and Baauty to Gist tod Fadad Hu sac. and $1.00 at Pnnlitt. _ Bieeex Cbem. Wk«.ratctiocuctW.T IINDERCORNS , ala., atop, all pain, ensures com: Cant. Cal if or I to I ___kes walking or atpni« glata. Hleee* Cbewleal Worka. Patebogw. N. Y. for CHILLS MALARIA □XI DINE Thr Oiuiranteed'Toinv MEXICO The* place of opportunities. Free country. Beautiful climate. Accurate data regarding oil, colonization, mining, timber, agriculture, Industrie. Fee It.00 draft on New Tort or Chicago Julio Ueectuunpa, Isabel CaRiliea M, Mexico City. References: Equitable Trust Co. "About a year ago I had a lady pa tient who could not keep a thing on her stomach, not even water. I pre vailed on her to try Tanlac and after the sixth bottle she could eat absolute ly anything she wanted without the slightest bad after-effects. "I had another patient who simply could not eat I got him started on Tanlac and by the time he finished three bottles he was eating ravenous ly and able to work. “These two instances are typical of the wonderful merits of the medicine. My confidence in Tanlac Is unlimited.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Wail of the Oppressed. Della and Dottle were twins, but Della was the leader In everything, and also was inclined to tyrannize. One day, after s* disagreement with Della, Dottie asked : “Mamma, if Del la is the same old as me, why does she boss me just as if I was her little trirl?” Aspirin Say “Bayer” and Insist! Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin’* only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gi#ts also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Salicylicacid.—Advertisement. In the Land of Ice and Snow. Question—If a bride and groom on a honeymoon in the Alps, in midwin ter, get lost, how do they keep from freezing? Answer—They warm themselves on the mountain ranges. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority .of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer St Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. The Proper Word. “Janies, have you whispered today without permission?” “Only wunst.” “Leroy, should James have said ‘wunst’?” “No’m, he should have said 'twiet" BABIES CRT FOR “CASTORIA” Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher’s Castorla has been In use for over 30 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot ics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians recommend it. The genuine bears signature of Do Not Dispuet. Many happy families are kept happy by not disputing, but simply doing ai <ne likes. ^5Hf^d5^5HS^5^S^SE5cl5ZS^S^5Z5HS^S^S^S^5cLS^S^5Z5^S^5ZSHS2SHSHS^S^5H5^5^S Street Dresses for Fall; Style in Handmade Sweater CDCPCDCTPrPCDrDCPCrPrDCrPCPCPITPqTiqpq^q^CPCDtrDCPCPCrPC^JCPlTPCPCrDrDQTJCDCDCprDi f THE variations of the mode in dresses and suits for the current season are like variations of a musical theme that, carries a single phrase through an entire composition. Re gardless of the manner In which sleeves, collars and skirts are made, the costume, as a whole, conforms to simple lines nnd to the longer skirt length, things that are established in the fall fashions. Where there are de partures from the straight silhouette It Is generally In the form of a slight *><••!• ❖❖❖❖❖♦•S' In fancy-work departments are enough to stir deft fingers Into action. To re sist the temptation of such glorious colors and varied yarns is not in the power of womankind. Then, too, what a thrill of satisfac tion goes with the proudly spoken words, “I made It myself.” Extreme individuality is difficult to achieve these days and one values the style distinction of the hand-made sweater. Surely it is well worth while to devote time and effort to the creating of a Two of the Latest Street Dresses fullness at the front or sides of the skirt and this is merely a modifica tion of the mode. In Lae two dresses pictured, that at the left shows a favored method of trimming sleeves and collar. The sleeves are made rather wide and rows of applique embroidery In an lntrleaTe design, are applied from the elbow to the wrist. The same design is repeat ed in the cojtnr. The dress at the j right reflects the vogue of tiered skirts. ! Three deep circular ruffles are placed at each side giving something of a pnnnier effect. The straight lines of the front of the dress are emphasized by rows of small tucks extending from garment ns beautiful anti ns exclusive as the one shown in this picture. It is a marvel tha' stands unique in the history of sweaters in that it is not knit but Is darned with many col ored yarns on a foundation of scrim. Thus is grandma’s sample stitchery glorified in modern adaptation. This sweater is simple to make. Cut scrim in whatever style blouse desired. Sew up. Then darn with multicolored yams forming a design of one’s own origination, or It may facilitate the work to stamp the pattern. This sweater offers unusual opportunity to express individual taste. Speaking of hand-wrought knit if Pretty Hand-Made Sweater the neckline to the hem. A belt of bright, metallic ribbon held at the hips by straps of the material, adds a a touch of color to the costume. The circular effect favored In many new coats and dresses Is emphasized by border treatments of fur, braid and embroidery. Bodices are either severely plain or very slightly mold ed to the figure. For sports wear there Is a decided flare for mannish stfles In rough weaves and bright col ored materials. The feminine world Is taking to sweater-knitting most enthusias tically tills season. Small wonder Is It for the marvelously beautiful yarns and zephyrs which everywhere abound sweaters, the scope of styles embraces a bewildering variety, Including charm ing Innovations of blouse und .jac quette, also many sllp-on models. There Is a new’ paisley yarn which knits up into garments of Impressive style. Stripes knit horizontally in gay Colors are in marked favor. Very In teresting revers und novelty fasten ings which invite the use of buttons are characteristic features In the latest hand-made sweater modes. 152J, Weattrs MniHMt Coal prices from Survey of Current Business, February 1923. Cement prices from U. S. Qeological Survey. Wages, from November (1922) Monthly Labor Review. Bureau af Labor Statistics. More for Your Money r I I i { i i i /■ Swapping things*—as when our grandmothers traded eggs for calico at the cross-roads store —gives a better understanding of values. By measuring one thing against another we too can often judge values more clearly. Coal and wages make up more than half the manufacturing cost of cement. The chart above shows price fluctuations for portland cement, coal and wages during the past ten years. In each case 100 is used to represent 1913 figures, by the Government departments which compiled these statistics. Translated into “eggs and calico” language, this chart shows that a ton of coal would buy nearly twice as much cement in 1922 as in 1913. A day’s wages also would buy more cement in 1922 — than ix. 1913. This means that even though coal and wages make up more than half its manu facturing cost, cement is now relatively lower in price than either coal or wages. So, considering these increased costs, it is plain that in buying cement you get mo:e for your money than before. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 111 West Washington Street CHICAGO cA National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete Atlanta Denver Birmingham Des Moinea Boston Detroit Chicago Helena Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City New York San Francisco Los Angeles Parkersburg Seattle Memphis Philadelphia St. Louis Milwaukee Pittsburgh Vancouver, B.C. Minneapolis Portland, Oreg. Washington, D. G» • New Orleans Salt Lake City Looking Ahead. “So you are going to marry that chap, girlie?” “Yes.” “What do you see In him?” V'Well, they were all boys in his family." “What has that to do with it?” “When all the children are boys they are pretty apt to learn consid erable about hqpsework.”—Kansas City Star. Ceylon has always been the chief locality for pearl fishing. ————--V World's Supply of Books. About 10.500,000 books have been printed in the world since the in vention of printing in Europe in the Fifteenth century, it is estimated. Why Eyeball Is White. The eyeball is white because the blood vessels that feed its substance are so small that they do not admit red corpuscles. What is not good for either a man’s soul or his body may be illuminating to his intellect. It, too, is experience. 3 Marshall, Mo. Dear Sir: _ I have used Mrs. Winslow 3 Syrup for many years for my three babies and it has proved suc cessful. One of my babies had colic ar.d I gave him Mrs. Winslow's Syrup. It certainly was tine. for it cured him. Yours truly, {.Name on request) Diarrhoea, colic, flatulency and constipation are quickly overcome by this safe, pleasant, efficient remedy. Guaran teed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic. Formula on every label, MRS. WINSLOW’S SYRUP The Infante’ and Children'e Regulator At All Druggists. Write for free booklet of letters from mothers. ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 21S-217 Fnlton Su. New York General Selling Agents: Harold.-'. Ritchie A Co., Inc., New York, Toronto, London. Sydney A Fine Tonic. Builds You Up CHILL TONIC Prevent* and Relieves Malaria - Chills and Fever - Dencue

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