The Washington County Fair Edition OF THE ■t Year. in Advance. “FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY anu i-ok i ku i n. PLYMOUTH, N. C., OCTOBER 19, 1923 ..___-JR*_JS-l NO. 10 VOL. 35 PREMI U M Lji S T Of The First Annual Washington County Fair to be Held in Plymouth Thursday. Friday and Saturday, November First, Second and third Three Big Days. •i T 0 OUR FRIENDS The purpose of the First Annual Washington County Fair is to pro vide a manner of displaying the best things produced in our County, to instill a greater regard for each other in the hearts and minds of our entire people and to bring the com munities closer together in a newer relation. This Fair is for the benefit of no one section, party, religion or other organization, but for the general de velopment of all phases of com munity life as it affects each in dividual. The people of Plymouth will turn the town over to you on November first and second, and it is their de r sire that you attend1 the Fair and do your best to have a general good time, thereby helping to promote an advanced stage of industrial life in , Washington County. > Respectfully, THE COMMITTEE. FARM CROPS R. W. Johnston, Chairman 1— Best ten ears of corn of any variety .$1.00 $ .00 2— Best three stalks of corn of field selected .'. l/OV -tTfi 3— Best one-half bushel of corn of any one variety.. 1.50 .75 4— Most prolific and beet stalks of cotton, any variety with open bolls .50 .25 5— Best peck of seed oats, any, variety .50 -25 6— Best peck of cow peas, any variety .50 .25 7— Best peck of soy beans, any variety .50 .25 8— Best three stalks of soy beans, any variety .50 .25 9— Best bale of cow pea vine hay .75 .C5 10— Best bale of soy bean hay .75 .25 11— Best bale of alfalfa hay... .75 .25 12— Best exhibit of tobacco (not to exceed 2 lbs.) ... 1.00 .50 13— Best peck of large Va. Miner peanuts, accom panied by three vines with nuts attached . 14— Best peck of North Caro lina bunch peanuts accom panied by vines with nuts attached . 15— Best three stalks of cane of any variety . 16— Best exhibit of farm pro ducts grown on any one farm .$15.00 8.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 50 50 GARDEN—ORCHARD T. J. Swain, Chairman 17— Rest exhibit of home sun dried apples .$ .50 18— Best exhibit of home sun dried peaches .. 10—Best quart of grapes, any variety . 20— -Best quart of pecans, any variety . 21— Best quart of hickory nuts, any variety . 22— Best quart of black wal nuts, any variety . 2'3—Best one-half bu. sweet po tatoes, Porto Rico variety 1.00 24— Best one-half bu. sweet po tatoes, Nancy Hulls . 1.00 25— Best one-half bu. Irish po tatoes, any variety .. 1-00 20—Best exhibit of cabbage consisting of 4 heads . . . 27— Best exhibit of collards consisting of 4 heads . .. . 28— Best one-half peck of tur nips, any variety . 29— Best crook-neck squash . . 30— Best orae-half gallon lima beans . 31— Best quart of cayenne pepper . 32— Best gourd . 33— Best egg plant . 34— Best 4 heads of lettuce . . . 35— Best collection of vege tables grown on one farm .*5-00 2-50 36_Best plate of Japanese persimmons . l f-'° 37—Best collection of home grown nuts . I-®® 38_Best three bunches of chufos . .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 $ .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .Jo .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 1.00 .50 .50 .25 CURED MEAT 39— Best exhibit of homo cured ham, 3 or more ....$3.00 $2.00 $1.00 40— Best home cured country bacon . 1.00 .50 41— Best tom thumb, not less than 2 lbs.50 .25 42— Best sausage, 2 lbs.50 .25 43— Best home-made lard . 1.00 .50 44— Best quart of sweet pep pers .50 .2-1 -?;■>—Best quart hot peppers ... .50 .2i> 46—Be;1, 4 heads of cauliflowi r. any variety .50 .25 47 B Kt one-half peek of rutabagas .50 .2 > -Vi 4 plate of 5 tomatoes .. .50 .25 4r 1 exhibit of one dozen ' .-ts of one ‘ variety.50 .25 ’ -1 .t exhibit of oyst r plants .. -50 .25 51— Best exhibit of parsnip ... .50 .25 52— Best one-half peck of car rots .50 .25 53— Bert and largest pumpkin .50 54— Best one-half peck if snap beans .50 55— Best quart of okra .2:> 56— Best peck artichokes.25 57— Collection of vegetable seeds saved from home garden .$3.00 1.50 LIVE STOCK S. D. Davis, Chairman SHEEP 58— Best ram, any breed .1.00 59— Best.jw*, aa^-bitee.! ,<rr:. 2.00 1.00 60— Best, pair of sheep, any breed . 2.00 l.oO HOGS 61— Best Berkshire boar over 6 months old . 4.00 2.00 62— Best Duroc Jersey boat over 6 months old . 4.0Q_2.00 63— Best Poland China boar over 6 months old . 4.00 2.00 64— Best Hampshire boar over 6 months old . 4.00 2.00 65— Best boar in show over 6 months old . 6.00 3.00 66— Best Berkshire sow . 4.00 2.00 67— Best Duroc sow . 4.00 2.00 68— Best Poland China sow ... 4.00 : .00 69— Best Hampshire sow . 4.00 2.00 70— Best pig in show, breeding and age considered . 4.00 2.00 71— Best pure bred litter of pigs, 6 or more . 5.00 2.50 COWS 72— Best family cow, breeding and age considered . 7.50 3.50 73— Best dairy calf, breeding and age considered . 4.00 2.00 74— Best dairy bull in show . . 7.50 3.50 75— Best beef bull, breeding and age considered . 5.00 2.5(T HORSES 76— Best home raised horse colt . 5.00 2.50 77— Best home raised mule qolt . 5.00 2.50 78— Best draft horse . 5.00 2.50 79— Best single mule that rais ed crop this year . 5.00 2.50 80— Best single horse that rais ed crop this year .. 5.00 2.50 81_Any freak, farm or live stock. All live stock will be fed and cared for by the Fair Association. HOME ECONOMICS Committees Delano Wilson, Chairman Mrs. W. D. Flaugher, Sub Chairman POULTRY—Mrs. Maude Newberry, Sup erintendent. Mrs. W. L. Furbee, Assistant Superintendent, HOME ECONOMICS—Mrs. Roy Daven port, Superintendent. Mrs. J. . Norman, Assistant Superintendent. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT — Mfs. B. G. Campbell, Mrs. A. L. Holmes. ANTIQUES AND RELICS—Mrs. H. A. Williford, Mrs. Ida Blount. FLORAL DEPARTMENT — Mrs. C. E. Ayers. ARTS AND CRAFTS—Mrs. D. B. Mizell. . POULTRY All poultry must come up to a standard or a prize is not given. 94—Best pen Rhode Island fe 95 90 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107— IPS— 109— m Rods (mule and fqWr males) ... -Best pen Plymouth Rocks. . -Best pep Wyandottes . -Best pen Buff Orpington.. -Best pen Leghorns . -Best pen Minorca^ . -Best pen of any' other breeds . Best individual Cock in ■Bt m dozen white hen eggs -Best dozen brown hen eggs dozen eggs, any kind pair of turkeys, breed ..$!.00 pair of ducks. breed . 3.00 pair of -sa. breed . 3.00 pair of gt'i'.u i. breed .. 1 a»0 pair, any l»:oi d >2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 -]• st -Best any -Best any -Best any B( st any -Best (pullet and cockerel;. 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A!! Prtm.iariis in this Dlparime'nt will be the same. Exhibim not worthy of a prize will not be given one. Entries in the folloa mg should be in qqlu-t jars. 1 •> 110— Peaches .$ -50 $ -25 111— Pears. 112— Berries. 113—AppL-g. .114—String Beans. 11 r,—Soup mixture, corn, tomatoes, beans or okra. 11(1 -Tomatoes. 117— Baby beets. (Entries In pint jars) 118— Corn. 119— Lima beans. 120— Field peas. 121— English peas. 122— Okra. 123— Pimento. PICKLES Entries in the following should be in 5012, pint or quart jars. 1 Cucumber. 125—Or fit tomato. 12.6—IF ich. 127—Pear. 128 Watermelon rind. 129— Beet. 130— Onion. 131— Stuffed pepper. 132— Chow chow. 133— Dixie relish. PRESERVES Entries should !>■ in 5042 or pints, quaits accepted. 134— Peach. 135— Pear. 136— Fig. 137— Strawberry. 138— Watermelon rind. 139— Jam, blackberry. JELLY Entries in the following should be shown in 5042 or jelly glasses. 140— Apple. 141— Plum. 142— Blackberry. 143— Mint. SPECIAL DISPLAYS 14!—Best exhibit of grape pro ducts .*5.00 145— B st exhibit of well planned meal, breakfast, dinner and supper (show un cooked food) . 5.00 146— Best school lunch . b00 $3.00 3.00 .50 PANTRY SUPPLIES 147 14S 149 150 151 152 15.1 154 155 156 157 0S' 159 -Best ginger snaps .$ -50 -Best cocuanul cake (layer) 1.00 -Host caramel cake . 1.00 -Best chocolate cake .» 1-00 -Best lemon cake . l ' O -Bt st pound cako . 1.00 -Best angt 1 cake . 100 -Best devil's food cake .... 100 -Best pie .:,0 -Best display of candy (four kinds) . 1-00 -Best display of salads (four kinds) . 00'1 ' •8i[n.>sjq >ffiiu jajinq -Best baking powder bis - cuits . 100—Best beaten biscuits . 161—Best coi n meal muffins ... 102—Best peanut butter . 10 3-—Be: t pound of butter . 10 i—Best combination of pantry, supplies .$5.00 165—Best quart of molasses ... .50 4s-i;i 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 3.00 .50 .20 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 -891 .50 .50 .25 .50 1.00 106—Best iiuart of corn meal .. 1.00 167— Best pound of honey.50 .25 168— Brst pound of soap.50 .25 169— Best light bread. . 1.00 .50 170— Best rolls .15 .50 SCHOOL DEPARTMENT t 171—-Best general exhibit from school .$5.00 $3.00 $2.00 ■' 172—Best collection of antiques a^d relics . 2.00 1.00 | 173—The oh.lest. and 1.-st pro se red relic .50 .2d floral department 7 1- licet dahlia .$ ! 175 r si collection of dahlias., j 176—K iridsomert yellow chrys anthemum . 177— ITAnrl-orne-.t whir clirys uidhemum . ITS— Handsomest 1 a v o n d e r chrysanthemum . lT.i—Best collection chi ysanthe mums . I ISO—Handsomest rose . I 181 -Best collection roses . 182— Best collection potted plants . 183— .Best single potted plant... 18 "torn ... 185— Best cactus . 186— Best begonia . m- - 188—Best bouquet of nastur tiums . ISO—largest and ben < diibit of cut flowers . .50 $ .75 .50 .2 .50 .25. .50 '.25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 1.00 .50 ARTS AND CRAFTS 100— Rest oil painting . 101— Best water color I tinting. . 102— Still life or flower:, copy.. 103— Best anil largest i olleetion of china . 194—Best l'ecil basket . 100—Best collection of r.-ed work 196— Best toy 1, crochi.. border 197— Best counterpane, knitted.. 198— Best Irish crochet . 109—Rest and prettiest crochet collar . 200—Best tatting collar . 201 -Best and prettiest table cover, crochet edge . 2C2—Best collection drawn work 2 3—Best fancy edge tatting... 2 4—Best calico t].jilt . 2< 5—Best woolen quilt (crazy) ft G—Best punch work . 217— —Best home-made rug . 2QS—Best knitted sweat* t . 20 t—Best counterpane crochet.. 21 t—Best carriage robe, crochet j 211—Best child's cap, embroid ered . 212— Best child's cap, tatted ... 213— -Best child’s dress, em broidered . 214— Best centerpiece, embroid ered colors . 21 r,—Best centerpiece, embroid ered white . 21G - B st centerpiece, Batten burg . [ 217—Best centerpiece, crocheted all crochet . 218— Best dollies, plate, half dozen, embroidered white 219— Best hand bag, beaded . . . 220— 'F.-st handbag, embroidered 221— Best embroidered night gown . 222— Best crocheted yoke night gown . 223— Prettiest camisole . 224— Best tatting yoke 225— Best handmade shirtwaist. 2'26—Best centerpiece with cro cheted edge . 227—Best embroidered bureau scarf with crocheted edge 223—Best table runner with tatting . 229— Best t.ibi-- tunnel with crocheting . 230— Best embroiib n d handker chief . 231— Best i Oldie I. ' With tat ting edgl . 232— Best tea nr lunch cloth < mbroidered . 233— Best collection of crochet.. 234— Best collection of embroid ery . 235— Best displaj of fancy work consisting of throe pieces by lady over Vo years old . 23C—Best darning . 237—Best six buiton holes . . . . 233—Best embroidered pin cushion . 239— Best kitchen apron . 240— Best fancy work . 241— Best luncheon set . I $ .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 $ .25 .25 os .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 r.o .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .23 .25 A BIG WELCOME AWAITS FAIR VISITORS. Hon. R. O. Everett to Speak First Day of Fair School Children of Washing ington and Tyrrell Coun ties to Have First Day. Arrangements for the first annual Washington County Fair have been completed, and the people of the entire section are eagerly looking forward to the three days in which they will mingle with each other, admire the indust rial efforts of each other and together enjov the various en tertianments that will be prc v video-'hem. - ■ lim—t ii ii—i 1 are anxious to welcome its visitors on the three days of the Fair, and will spare no ef forts to make their visits plea sant. The first day, November 1, will be School Day. The schools of Washington and Tyrre'l counties will be given a holiday this day for the pur pose of visiiingthis fair, and the town is expected to be filled with smiling, joyful children. Hon. R. O. Everett, of Durham, will delivel- an ad dress to the fair visitors on Thursday. Mr. Everett is a* powerfull speaker and his speech will be certain to be inspiring. The second day will be fea tured with a foot ball game between Elizabeth City and Washington high school teams This game promises to give a thrill to ah its spectators, as there is a keen leeling of plea sant rivalry between the two teams which will no douh: he manifest throughout the game The third day will be Col - red Day, anil the colored peo ple of the county promi.eto furnish some of the bee; ex hibits of the fair. They live a live wire committee that is energetically bending every effort to put on display the I veiy best they have. Messrs.w, LCchansr, L. 1) Barco, Vt ill. Sprui 1, J. F. Le; ry andJ. 1. McAlister of Roper, were in town on business Mon day.

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