THE ROANOKE BEACON PLYMOUTH, N. C., JANUARY 25, 1924 C. S, AUSBON. EDITOR C. V. W. AUSBON Fire Fightin Equipmen Fund Continues To Grow. The special fund with which to purchase new equipment for the fire company, such as rubber clothing and dome few things for the new truck, is gradually grow ing into pleasing figures. This fund is voluntarily subscribed by our townsper pie, most of whom have a keen interest in the de velopraent ol the organization. Below we give a continuation of the donors and amounts do nated : Previously acknowledged . . .$245-00 Dr. T. L. Bray.5-00 Tfcos. L. Smith.5-00 (j. H. Harrison, 3r.1-00 VV. H. Gaylord.1-00 L. J. Spear.-50 K. U. Hardison.1-00 L. T. Weede.1-00 K. A. Willifori.^ . 2-00 J.C. Spruill. 5-00 C. T. Robbias. ^.1-00 J. T. McNair.-50 George W» Hariiaon.5-00 TOTAL ” $273.00 NOTICE OF SajlE Under and by virtue of a power of sale vested in the undersigned Trustee by the terms of a deed of trust execut ed on the first day of March, 191ti, by Charles F. Mueller to C. I. Millard, Trustee, and recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds of Washington Cou nty, in Book 69, Page 117, a id default having been made in the payment of a pa't of the notes thereby secured and anolication having been made to the trustee uy he owner of said notes for a sale of sai 1 land: The undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Waahin /ton C lunty, N'irth Carolina, on fbe 30 h day of .January, 1924, at 12 •> ('ock moo", the following described real estate: “Beginning st a point marked by an iron pipe (which is located as follows Begin at an iron pipe at the intersec tion of the Eastern line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad right of way with the Eastern bank of tne Pungo River Drainage District Canal, run thence North 25 deg. 35 min. East along saH right of way line 7920 feet to an iron pipe, thence South 64 deg. 25 min. East 2640 feet to an iron pipe, thence North 25 deg. 35 min . East 1320 feet to aB iron pipe, t ie BEGINNING POINT), run tnence North 25 deg 35 miu East 1320 feet to an iron pipe, a corner; thence South 64 deg. 25 mm. East 2640 feet to an i>on pipe, a corner; thence South 25 deg. 35 min. west 1320 feet to an iron pipe, a corner; thence North 64 deg. 25 min. West 2640 feet to an iron pipe, the BEGINNING; Con taining SO acres, more or less, and being Lot Number Fourteen(14), North Division, as shown on the plot of the sub-division of the Eastern Carolina Home aud Farm Association Incorpo rated, is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, in Registration of Titles Book, Number One, at Page 25.” The highest bidder at said sale will be required to deposit 10% of his bid as evidence of good faith. This the 28th day of Dec. 1923 C.I. MILLAKD, TRUSTEE, BY Zeb Vance Norman, Attorney. _MMBB—a— FOR SALE—-Nice line of Sil ver lace Wyandotte chickens and eggs. Id eggs for $1.50. If inter ested write or see T, F. Daven port, Creswell. Dr. D. B. Mizelle DENTAL SURGEON in Plymouth every day ex cept Monday prepared to to do all kinds of Modern DENTAL WORK ^.KING’S NEW DISCOVERS Will Surely Slop That Couqh. I See The Carload Just Received Continental Red Seal Motor Timken Rear Axle Timken Bearings, Front and Rear I Spicer Universa Joints Seelctive Sliding Gear Transmission Three Speeds Forward and Reverse Single Plate Dry Disc Clutch Half-elliptic Springs, Underslung Steward Vacuum Gasoline Feed, with supply tank at rear ( Autolite Generator, Starter and Ignition U S. L. Battery i Pad a-d Type Radiator Streamline Body One-Man Top Central Garage Plymouth, N. C. I CENTRAL SERVICE SATISFIES i NOTICE! FOR SALE Indiana Horses and Mules YOU CAN FIND MOST ANY KIND OF HORSE OR MULE AT MV PLACE. STOCK MUST BE AS REPRESENTED. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND INSPECT BEFORE BUYING- LOCATED NEAR PEANUT FACTORY. BRANCH BARN. PLYMOUTH, N. C. S. J. PEARCE C. N. GRIFFIN For sale— Pure-bred to lay and do lay. Barred Rocks and white Wyandottes. Mrs. Ella L Marri ner. Mackeys. Daily Fashion Hint EFFECTIVELY SIMPLE FROCK N. tice of Foreclosure Ur er and by virtue of that certain deei >f trust executed to the under-! sine it Trustee by Joe Nowarah and wife i? nice M. Nowarah, dated Jan uan 1s,,) 1921 and duly recorded in Boo on page 179 in the office of the h ister of Deeds of Washington Cou iy defaul having been made in the ;.v nent of the note secured there by. shall on Saturday January 19th, 192- a' 12 o’clock Noon at the Court Hoi '■ door in Plymouth, fli. C. offer for > ale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land conveyed by aid eed of Trust and which is more psai icularly described as follows: All chat certain entire lot situated on the South side of Main Street in the >wn of Roper, N-C facing 20 feet on It ain Street and running hack 71 ft bet'. <-en parallel lines, bounded on the by lot former]} owned by •). L. PoDer Lumber Company on which the ifice of Dr. Speight was located, on tin; South bv Mount Hprew Colored Baptist Church, and on the west by No” oik Southern Railroad, For furt her reference see deed of Dr. B. F. Hal 'ey and wife to the said Nowarah dat'd Junell, 1917, registered in Bo k 68 page 34"> Washington County Re gist v. Terms of Sale cash. This December 8th, 1923 T. R. HASSELL, Trustee. Ever so simple, yet: piquant, is this frock, designed for development in the printed silks and other figured materials. The closing is at the left side, and the side-fronts, side-backs and kimono sleeves are cut in one, then adjusted on the front-closing lining, fhe two-piece skirt is attached at the left side. _ Be cause its lines are so straight and simple this model is equally becoming to stout and slender figures. Medium 6ize requires 5.!'4 yards 3o-inch material. Pictorial Review Dress No. 1578. Sizes, 34 to 48 inches bust. Price, 35 cents. Report, of the Condition of The copies Bank at Creswell, N. C., at the close ot business December. 31, 1923. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 197,601 12 Overdrafts unsecured 214.55 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages Banking house Furniture and Fixtures Cash in vault and net amount Due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 28,397.20 Cash items held over 24 hours 175.28 200.00 2,992.12 3,951.09 Total 235,795.05 LIAEILITIES Capital Stock paid in 10,000 00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,204.67 Dividends unpaid 12.00 Deposits subject to check 65,638.10 Cashier’s Check? outstand ing 15,724.52 r’ertified Checks 7.50 rime certincdLvs of Deposit Savings Deposits Total 95,465.00 47,747.26 235,799.05 Rate of North Carolina County Washington, Jan 12th 1924. I, J. C. GATLIN, Cashier the above named Bank, do lemnly swear that the above atement is true to the best of y knowledge and belief, J. C. GATLIN, CaTnier. Subscribed and sworn to he re me this 12 day of Jan 1924 E J. SPRUILL, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: K B. F. SPRUTr f Directors 5' REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE United Commercial Bank AT PLYMOUTH, IN THE STATE OF N. C., AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 31, 1923. Resources: LOANS AND DISCOUNTS.$579,160.54 DEMAND LOANS. 14,537.99 OVERDRAFTS SECURED ------ 310 63 OVERDRAFTS UNSECURED. 380.87 UNITED STATES BONDS & LIBERTY BONDS 200.00 NORTH CAROLINA STATE BONDS - - - 5,113.61 BANKING HOUSES. 7,044.29 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES - - 6,925.28 ALL OTHER REAL ESTATE OWNED - 1,800.00 CASH IN VAULT AND NET AMOUNTS DUE FROM BANKS, BANKERS & TRUST COMPANIES 68,216.41 CASH ITEMS HELD OVER 24 HOURS - - - 1,860.86 CHECKS FOR CLEARING. 2,600.58 EXPENSE ACCOUNT ... - - 5,872.43 BANK OF ROPER DEFERRED ITEMS - - * 3,49106 TOTAL $698,064.07 Liabilities: CAPITAL STOCK.$70,000.00 SURPLUS FUND.15,119-41 DIVIDENDS UNFAID.* 24.00 FROM WAR FINANCE CORPORATION - - - 77,328.15 BILLS PAYABLE - -. 80,000.00 DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK - - • 281,167 86 TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT - - - 31,914. 2 SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 185,305.07 CASHIER’S CHECKS OUTSTANDING- - - 6,375.03 CERTIFIED CHECKS. 830. )3 TOTAL $698,061.07 State of North Carolina, County of Washington, Jan. 10, iS24. I. V\ B. Cox, Cashier, of the above-named bark, do solemn. / swear that the above statment is true to the oe? of my knowledge and belief. W. B. COX, Cashier. Subscribed apd sworn to before me, this 26 day of Sept 1923 DOROTHY L, WILLIAMS Notary f ublic. CORRECT-ATTEST: W. R. HAMPTON THOS. L. SMITH L. S. LANDING DIRECTORS ? ? ? ? • • • • HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUB SCRIPTION TO THE BEACON? Quality FERT Make crops bigger and better; make them cost less—whether you buy them under the A A C Brand, or under any of the familiar names associated with this great organization. THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY NORFOLK SALES DEPARTMENT NORFOLK, VIRGINIA