. Year, m Advance. “FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRU i H.” Single Copy 5 Cents. PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, APRI-11,1924 NO. 33 VOL. 35 COUNTY CONVEN TION TOMORROW The Democratic County Convention will be held in the court house in f jK Plymouth tomorrow (Saturday) after > noon at three o’clock for the purpo; e of electing delegates to the state co: •..! to be held in Raleigh ne l week, perfecting a permanent county organization and such other business as may become necessary. The precinct meetings held throu oi ■: the county last Saturday were very well attended considering ih ? fact that these meetings had not bee' talked up very much by the Demo crats of the county. do? •. p.cd a’tsrrfate-: win ,-onntv convention to ovr from their- respective pre cincts are: Plymouth Precinct Delegates—J. K. Reid, S. F. Darden,! C S. Ausbon, A. B. Litchfield, J. W i m TT"’-rison, E. D. Carstarphen, T. L !' Sntterwaite, J. Ii. Allen, H. C. Spruil1 F Ausbon. Alternated—H. V Austin, C. V. W. Ausbon, W. E tTampton, W. L. Hassell, W. W. Am brose, Tra T. Hardison, P. W. Brink ley, Lloyd Gilbert, L. C. Willoughby. Lee’s Mills Precinct Delegates — E. S. Blount, C. K. Mi Z",1'\ H ' Freeman, 0. L. Bailey, B. F Bailey. Alterna»es--Geo. Dixon, Lonnie Wentz, L. E. Hassell. Scuppernong Precinct Delegates—W. B. Watson, James W Spruill, A. L/ Holmes, J. H. Swindell W. T. Alexander, A. H. Davenport R W. Phelps, R. 0. Armstrong. Alter nates—J. W. Craddock, Paul Belango G. O.Neal, Tom Spencer, W. D. Peal L. L. Basnight, C. D. Spruill, T. F Davenport Skinnersville Precinct Delegates—G. L. Davenport, G. W Phelps, H. W. Swain, S. S. Aumack • w. Swain, Jr., W. T Blount, Clyde Snell, C. V. W'hite. All Democrats who are interested ii the welfare and progress of the par ty are urged to attend. ACOUSTICS TO BE CORRECTEr Messrs. J. H. Nash and Landon Hi! hard, representing the Johns-Mr'1 county commi-'.doners who wore session here Monday and presented imposition where h,- the acoustics • ■ the court room could be corrected ■ o Vf***,r v ri'C. ;:c condition of ccurt room has a source of anm j nnce to our peonle since the build in ! has been completec:. as there are sev p cral parts of the auditorium that tre ' sound of a speaker’s voice does nr rermeato, and mi senuent*>T scores people have refr.rti ed from atten i public meeting's ci. this ac vunt. The commisr. oners let ^ contract this firm for a stipulation ( f $1,550.0 the work upon 'vUich will be pin on ti. 21st of April and will be completed or May 3rd. The correction will be ef fected with asbestos felt which v/il be covered with a specially prepare'" painted fabric and will be inserted be hind the panels in the walls. Thi treatment will in no manner mar the f features of the walls, and the appear cf tnp none1® will remain prar tically the same. CONTEST IS POPULAR Although our announcement of a prize of ten dollars in gold to he given the person making the most words out of the letters contained in “The RoanokeBcacon” is only one week old. a great number of persons are actively engaged in an endeavor to outstrip the other persons in making a list from these letters. Several lists have already bee sent in and many others are still ai work on this pleasant diversion Probably in our next issue we will announce the closing date of this con test, which will only last for a short time. Those who are to make a try for the prize should do so as early as possible and get the list in our hands. Competent persons will ex amine the list of each contestant and it will he so jft’vanged that the persons who examine the lists will be-ignorant of the name of the contestant until after the name of the winner has been announced, thereby giving a* absolutely fair and honest deal t< everyone who competes .for the prize It makes absolutely no difference whatever to the management of the ■ Beacon who wins the prize, or where it they live, what their politics or rein -ion is or whether they have ever read the paper before. Everybody has an equal chance. See our double-column explanation on this page. "45 VEHICLES CROSS CONABY It is astounding to know the num ber of vehicles that make daily use of county roads in this section of thr state. Tuesday morning at six o’clock: a representative of the state high way commission was stationed at , lonaby bridge, just 'one mile from | °lymouth, for the purpose of taking a traffic census cf this road. This ■ -oad is a part of highway No. 90 vhich extends from Raleigh tcv Colum 'a, a distance of approximately one hundred and seventy miles. The census 'aker remained at hjs post until sever ’clock in the evening and made a ■ecord of vehicles of all descriptions hat passed that station, and after Vu0- tin stated to a representative The Peacon that 43 horse-drawn chicles, 2 motor cycles, 40 trucks and '60 automobiles, making a total of M5, had crossed the bridge during the hirteen hours of the record taking. GQOD FRIDAY AT GRACE CHURCH. { Following its custom establish ed four years ago. Grace Epis copal Church will have the three hour Good Friday service again this year. This service, commem orating the three hours which ^Our Lord spent op the cross, is of a very beautiful devotional nature. It consists of hymns pray ers, meditations and chants, in which the pehple take part. The Rector, the Rev Theodore Part rick Jr., will he assisted in the service by the Rev. 0. W. Saw yer, of the Baptist Church, and the Rev*. W. G. Lowe, of the Methodist Church. All Plymouth neople are invited to attend the whole or any part of the service I il continue from 12 o’clock noon to 3 P. vl. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS | Harris Hardware Co. Vat sup-* piles ...__.SI,154.25 Plymouth Market & Grocery Co. County Home Supplier . 15.50 Berry Harrell, poor allowance .. 3.00 J. B. Stillman, vat labor 5.7 Lena Gurganus, poor allowance 5.00 John W. Garrett, poor allowance 5.00 Elijah Joyner, poor allowance .. 3.00 Children’? Home Society, dona tion .- o.OO A. W Barnes, County Home sup plies .—. A. YV. Barnes, County Home 6.00 Keeper ..-. J. H. Hamilton, Jr., janitor’s sal ary .-. A. B. Litchfield, Auditor’s sal 75.00 ary . C. L. Bailey, Zeb Vance N salary . .200.00 Recorder’s salary 70.00 erman, Solicitor’s .. 50.001 Jas. YV. Spruill, Commissioner’s per diem .-. T. J. Swain, Commissioner’s per diem .-. H. C. Spruill, Commissioner’s per diem —.-. A. L. Brinkley, Register’s fees Dr. to’. H. Ward, Health Officer W. H. Hampton & Son, for poor 1 ' allowance . W. H. Hampton & Son, County Home Supplies . W. II. Hampton & Son, Expense Prisoners .-. Hy.vain & Davenport, poor allow ance . .-.-■■. The Roanoke Beacon, printing .. Harris Hardware Co., vat sup plies .. . R. W. Johnston, County Pemon startor .-. DV Yv. H. Ward, Health Office* Gaboon. Quality Shop, for poor . aHowunce ... Dix Hill State Hospital, Ex pens'* Insane . Williams ton Telephone Co. Tele phone rents .-. Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. Stationery & Printing Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. Office Supplies . Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. Office Supp!if%. Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., Office Supplies ... Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., Office Supplies . \V. H. Hampton & Son, for poor allowance ... W. H. Hampton & Son, County Home Supplies . YV. H. Hampton & Son, Vat Ma terial .-. A. L. Holmes, Treas., Treasur er’s Salary, 3 months Ben Niehois, County Home Sup plies .-. Dr. Claudius McGowan, Expense County Poor .-. Dr. Claudius McGowan, Expense County Poor . O. H. Lyon, Expense County Poor.-. C. V. YV. Ausbor, Court Costs _ Jennie Davis, Poor Allowance Hattie A. Davenport, Poor Al lowance . Getsinger & Roberson, County Home Repairs . Getsinger & Roberson, Vat Ma terial .-.-. 8.00 5.00 : 5.00 ; 5.70 ■ 4.50 | • I 12.00 ] • 36.2^ * 6.45 3.60" 13.80 ■ j — I 41.66 i 60.001 8.1 .f 23.54 10.35 3.97 15.29 4.25 28.29 5.30 15.00 48.58 69.24 08.75 16.20 7.50 14.00 36.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 8.50 41.70 WESTOVER NEWS j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vail spent a j few days with their parents, Mr. and j Mrs. N. C. Vail, last week. Misses Blanche and Mildred Robbins | spent the week-end in Dardens with i their sister, Mrs. Roland Biggs. Mrs. Ruth Coburn is spending a j few days with Mrs. George Coburn this week. j Mr. and Mrs. Charlie'Jackson and children spent Sunday wTith Mrs. B. F. Skiles. Mr. C. E. Swain and sons, Jasper and Ned, motored to Ahoskie JSatur day. Miss M inpie Yount, who h&s been visiting her motner in Hickory, re turned Sunday. Mis; Bottle Coburn motored to Ply mouth Sunday afternoon. PROCEEDINGS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS United Commercial Bank, Pay Roll .!...$599.89 United Commercial Bank, Feed & Oil . _ _.250.00 A. M. Tyner Go., 7b pad. to Equipment .. 10.50 N. R. - ' : . N. Rober t dal. T‘a> Ko i . 50.50 W. A. Swain Commissioner’s per diem . ... .. 10.10 W. A. Mize 11, < -nimisidoner’s per diem €.05 A. L Brinkie; Register’s Fees 5.00 W. T Alexander, Commissioner’s per diem. 8.00 A. S. Moore, salary .100.00 L. L. Basni rht, salary ...... 125.00 Swain & Davenport, Feed & Oil 73.91 Swain & Davenport, Convict Sup olio ._. 9.51 A. J, Cahoon & Son, Fee,! & Oil .. 135.63 Standard Oil Co., Feed- & Oil .. 45.60 Standard Oil Co.. Feed & Oil .. 6.00 Plymouth Wholesale Co , Con vict Sapp!?es . 6,50 Plymouth Wholesale Co., Feed & Oil._.. . 17.50 Walsh Webb, Repairs to Equip ment .. 1.78 L. L. Basni hi, Supplies.6€ U. L. Basniyht, Feed & Oil . 16.7F L. F. Hassell, Pay Roll . 11.20 Standard Oil Co., Feed & Oil _ 41.61 White & Bowen, Convict Sup plies . ? 4° Central Car ,'ir. to !! quipment . . 25.4“ Standard Oil Co.: Feed & Oil . 50.60 A. I... Holme.-, Treasurer’s Sal ary, 3. months . 03.75 Austin-Western. Hoad Macliui orv Co. Equipment —.36.15 w.i. ii. ilampten & C'.)> ,. vijcWS' pplies ..... ... v Tt. IT. Harn'pton, & Son v plies . ... 25 5 W. H. {{.impton & Son .soppllep C-i.4" W. H. II impton & Son, Feed & ©il ... 81 W. H. Majupton & Son. Convict Supplies *__.. ... 42.20 W. H. Hampton & Son, Supplies 8.7^ N. Rosenthal. Mate-‘al mow Baggy Manufacturing Co., Re pairs to Equipment . 18.10 Roanoke Beacon. Printing . 5/0 W. H. Hampton Si Son, Convict Supplies . 99.67 Mr. Walter Swain-of Roper, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. T. R. Circs sen, Sunday, SUBSCRIBE TO THE BFAOOV P’F.-KT' 3SFZS MRS. SUMNER ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT I On Thursday evening, April 3rd Mrs. Ben A Sumner delightfully c s i terta!i.e<l with a Bridge and Man Jon [party, at which time the er.ga:'"' and ap. >ro3 thing marriage of her lev, Mi s Viuth Ayer'; to Mr. T ali' i Frith \/ir.-'Tow, of Hertford, was an- ! nounceo. The wedding will take pi a/ « June 4th. The attractive home of Mrs. Sum ner was effectively decorated with peach blossoms. Hand painted bride were used as score cards. The din- : ing-roor. i presented a lovely r> nu ance. Place cards of'cim-'de -> ing the date of the weddin and a minature bride forir rd ter piece of the table. An ice ccui was served, also chocolate mints r. nuts. Attractive favors re-’ pr - • ed to each of the d hi Miss Ayers, the bride-elect • comingly attired in a ’ace and was pre. ture bride as a favor. Tlnro enjoying th?. hospi .'«•.! it"' Mm S' rv.w v/ore Mrs. L. W. Gcrk Mrs. Herman Clark, Mrs. C. S. Ar \ bon, Mrs. 11. D Carstarplien, Mrs. A. Hurley, Mrs. Hal Wil”fo^’ 1'T: Sadie Ausben, M-rarr. . ■ And’ Nvitoft, Mnragaret Ward Ja '. . ' A ; Elizabeth Smit1 h ar.d Stella Ayers. COTTON SEED—Early pro lifir*. These seed carefully select ed from oarlv picked cot ion. P«r bushel $2.00 S. M, Wood lev Mac’ evs. FOR SAFE—Simtle c- ’> ' land Red oy's for hatching SI 00 per setting. Mrs, W, S. Davenport, Mack e s. LOST »■ Brown fur chnnker somewhere in downtown district, on Saturday night, March 29th Finder will please notify Mrs Stewart Darden. r< T ’ X-\ ’TT' T'7ttO PC * r’C* $10,00 IN (*• hOLI) Take these three words (THE ROA NOKE BEACON) and see how many word? of the English language you can make out of the letters in them. As an example we offer: Bean- —Roan—Bone I You will be surprised to know how many words can be formed from these six teen letters. A cash prize of ten dollars paid in GOLD will be awarded the person mak ing the greatest number of wor< s tak care not to use any one lettw wore Aar it L used in the words (THE ROANOKE BEACON) in the formation of any one word in this competition. It will be necessary to sc nd in v. Kh each list of words one subsei iption or renew al to The Roanoke Beacon for a period of not less than one year, which is 81.'0. This contest will affor 1 a great deal of interest in using your sail- N the a ■•range TEN DOLLAR^ IN GOLD i IE • f men;: of the English alpha v. Mail your list in to iM office with a subscription or renewal and get a chance at the i LOCAL NEWS. Mr. J. L. Hayes of W indsor, was here Sunday. Mis Rosa Lee Stilman spent the past week-end in Greenvi..e. Miss Helen Clifton of Wf si r r ton, is visitinp Mi; <E> Miss Ethel Arps ur from Edenton Fries;.: Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ange visited Mr. Charlii ( o lir f- ir Skinnersville Sur da / Mr R J. C bb of Ne rfolk was in town on bjsin ss this week. Mr. W. F. Midget; and family motored to Elizabeth City Satur lay. Mr. i Richmond Monday 01 busunfc*. Misses Iva Cooper ar Rir 1 $C P Vf.ru Aim ■ sb . if Cmyou 1) vism,i> hi < ; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Guikir utended the East Carotin Ex )osition in Kinston tins w*rk. The board of education, the ;ounty commissioners and the •oad commissioners were ii. ses sion here Monday. Mr. and Mrs R. P. Walker, ^ Misses Jacquelyn Will’ford, Min nie Gordon Cahoon, Margarett Ross Walker motored to Ron--** -u ■ ■■'’ii-. i • A liimmsioi , n, tuiu j iu ivitnMr. and Mrs, C.S. Ausbon. Mr. Russell Harrison and Misses Irene Harrison, Sallie Bateman and Mildred 3ateman vent to Oak City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Norton md Miss Florie Bell Morgan spent the week-end in Havelock visiting friends. ] • % i i u i i.ix w .. ^ i, ■ « vho has been visiting her pa- - -entti. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jack on, returned to Peace Institute, italeigh, Monday. Mr. Watfrtd Lindstrom of 5wathmore, Penn., representing he Swarthmore Chautauqua vhichwilibe here frtm June 3rd :o 7th, was in town this week inferring with local guarantors Miss Cad Campbell of Rocky tfount has been visiting her mother, Mr J. R. Campbell, here his week. * Messrs. J. C. G< tlin H. C. A aiker, A, L. Hoiirn s, Willi: in A/iley, W. T. Sprui 1, Jas W. Spruill, E. F. Phelps and W. 1', ?eal of Creswell, v/ere in tov a >n business Monday. Xoutti c. j,-. ... Under and by virtue o£ author: / •or.u.neu a a certain Mcngage i executed b> Henry bate! el a, id wi . nary Saienel to b. M. C« mb.;, on . m 50th day of January, 1913 and ieco. - k1 in the Register of Deeds ofiiee Washington County in Be ok <50, no.,.,. 181, etc., and default having be i made in the payment of the noa-. hereby secured, the undersigned ’> sell at public sale for cash to t highest bidder at the court house d; in Washington County a 1 and bein in Lee’s luiii;, i . Washington County: Being the piece of land urnr. -.vnirh the mortgagor-. raw live, near Br"v N C., houndc I hv the lands of Chr k.t> Doming, Will Uodgem, or ' other.1, more fully described •" s deed from 'no. I.. Rower Dbr. Co . o T'Ia. • Satchel, record 'd in Ke . Deeds ofiic • V.'a: ’ dn ~ton County in Bock <52, page This April 8th, 1924. S. M. COMBS, Mortgagee.

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