Mc ERMWM DVMML j Year, in Advance. “FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.” Single Copy 5 Certs. VOL. 35 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1924 NO. 36 Kitchen Campaign Ends in Rally Day Plymouth Was FiJled With Welcome Visitors From all Sections. Field Meet Thoroughly Enjoyed. Thp Betler Kitchen Campaign which was being conducted by Miss Delano Wilson, home de monstration agent for Washing ton County, came to a close last Friday, April 25th. with a very successful Rally Day in Plymo uth. In the forenoon those attend ing were very pleasantly enter tained in the auditorium of the high school by very good lectures which weye of vital importance to our county folks as a whole. T Miss Wallace, assistant to Miss McKinnon, head of the Home Economics of the State of North Carolina, delivered a lecture that was of extreme importance to the housewives of the county, as she stressed the betterment of home conditions, and no one place is rAore important to accomplish these things than in the kitchen of the home. She also lay stress ' upon the use of those foods that will afford a more balanced diet, Which goes to improve the Physi cal and health condition of the people. _ l_1 _ The various scnoois oi me county assisted in entertaining the crowd with very good stunts In these stunts there was rare \ talent displayed. Roper and Ply mouth won the prizes awarded for the best stunts. Every housewife entering the better kicchen campagin was, awarded a prize, and those mak ing greater improvements in their kltchen3 by installing those things which tend to do away with and to eliminate as much of the drudgery as possible were awarded more valuable prizes. It i3 hoped that when a similar campaign is put on in the county again every houswife will avail herself of the opportunity and enter it, as there is much valu | able g^od to be derived as the campaign is under the suoervis ion of experts in this particular work. In the afternoon a field meet was held and practically every school in the county participated A spirit of friendly rivalry has been developed between the va rious educational institutions of the coun y, and such events as was held here on the* date men tioned develops a keener interest in county educational affairs. Plymouth was filled with visitors from all sections of the county f and the occasion was a huge suc cess from every angle. Judges for the various athletic events ware selected from all sections of the county thereby giving to no one section a majori ty. Miss Wilson, since coming to Washington County, has exerted herself in efforts to make far home life more convenient and comfortable for our farm women folk, and the results she has ob tained have been of inestimable value. W,e hope that such occasions as the field meet will be made ' annual affairs; ^ that business men all over the county will get behind the proposition and make it the success it should be. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS J. B. McNair, Court House Re pairs ...u.$ 7.50 Southern Sanitary Co., Court '-House supplies . 14.00 J. W. Starr, For Poor Allow ance . 24.00 Southern Stamp & Stationery Co., Office supplies . 4.59 W. T. Alexander, Vat material 44.50 Washington Hospital, Expense Prisoners ..—. 37.50 J. B. McNair, Court House Re pairs .-.-. 4-OQ J. B. McNair, Court House Sup plies . 3.55 W. H. Hampton & Son, Vat Material . 2.10 Central Garage, Vat Material 1-65 Swain & Davenport, For Poor Allowance.-. 3.50 Delano Wilsop, Home Demon stration Agent .- 50.00 R. W. Johnston, County Demon strator .•....._. The Roanoke Beacon, Printing 12.00 Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., Stationery & Printing .. -21.60 Dr. W. H. Ward, Quarantine Officer ... A. L. Brinkley, Register of Deeds’ Fees .-. H. C. Spruill, Commissioner’s per diem .-. T. J. Swain, Commissioner’s per diem .'.. las. W. Spruill, Commissioner’s per diem .. 7,eb Vance Norman, Solicitor .. C. L. Bailey, Recorder . A. B. Litihfield, Auditor’s Sal 3.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 50.00 70.00 ary .— J. H. Hamilton, Jr., Janitor’s Salary .-.-. J. H. Hamilton, Jr., Court Costs A. W. Barnes, County Home Keeper’s Salary . Children’s Home Society, Dona 200.00 75.00 .30 33.33 tion 5.00 Elijah Joyner, Poor Allowance .. John W. Garrett, Poor Allow 3.UU ance ..-. Lena Gurganus, Poor Allowance Berry Harrell, Poor Allowance A. W. Barnes, County Home Supplies . C. V. W. Ausbon, Juvenile Court —. Williamston ./Telephone Co., Court House Telephones . Municipal Light & Water Sup ply, Water & Lights . W. D. Peal, Court Costs . W. D. Peal, Expense County Insane ... Southern Hardware Co., Vat Supplies . W. H. Hampton & Son, For poor Allowance . -. W. H. Hampton & Son, County Home Supplies ... Jennie Davis, Poor Allowance Hattie A. Davenport, Poor Al lowance .-. Plymouth Market & Grocery Co., County Home Supplies .... Roanoke Beacon, Stationery and Printing . T. K. Reid, Sheriff, Expense Prisoners —. - T. K. Reid, Sheriff, Court Costs •T. K. Reid, Sheriff, Expense County Insane . 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.50 50.00 20.35 46.18 29.70 6.00 6.50 12.00 30 03 5.00 5.00 3.00 87.50 43.94 9.90 27.00 FOR RENT- two rooms n private family to respectably persons. Private bath, water and lights Address Y care Roanoke Beacon. BIG FIRE IN WASHING TON MONDAY. Washington, N. C., May 6.—About twelve-thirty last night fire was dis covered in the Blount building in Washington and the entire building was practically consumed by the flames. Very little could be done by the fire department save keep tne flames confined to the one building. The lower floor of the building was occupied by the Atwater Pharmacy and all the equipment of the store as well as the stock was a total loss, valued at $15,000 an 1 was on1*f partially covered by insurance. The second floor over the pharmacy was used by the Carolina Telephone an6 Telegraph Co. for the storage of sup plies, and had no insurance. The Saw yer pool room in the other side of the building was damaged by water to the extent of $3,000 with only $500 insurance and Dr. L. H. Swindell’s office equipment and supplies were damaged to the amount of about $1500 with insurance to the amount of $500. The damage to the building proper is estimated to be about $8,000. While the fire company with its equipment was at the fire on Main street, call came from another part of the city and it was found that the warehouse of C. G. Morris and Co. was afire and that with two colored residences nearby were completely de stroyed by the fire. The warehouse and its contents were worth about $8,000 and was partly covred by in surance. SKINNERSViLLE NEWS Mrs. Molie L. Wiley, Mrs. S. A. Holton and son, George Wiley Holton, returned hoihe Thursday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Swain at Suffolk. Mrs. P. H. Bell, Mrs. Henrietta Swain -and Mr. Jack Swain motored to Suffolk and Norfolk Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. John ^hesson of near Roper spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aumack. Mrs. Chas. T. Roebuck was the guest of Miss*Ardene Blount Sunday after noon. Miss Mollie Davenport spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Davenport, near Columbia. Albemarle school will close May 16th, at which time the commencement exercises will be held. All are cordial ly invited to attend. Miss Donnie Ulount and Mr. vvu bert Blount were guests of Miss Alma Woodley Sunday afternoon. Messrs. C. V. White, W. E. Blount and G. L. Davenport motored to Columbia Sunday. Mifss Callie Tarkinigton gave a party Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Mary Many and Miss Mollie Davenport. Quite a number of ladies attended. Refreshments were served. Their many friends were somewhat surprised to‘learn of the marriage of Mr. Lonnie Reddick to Miss Neva Davenport last Sunday. The young people of Rehoboth church will give a Mothers’ Dav exeicise jj Sunday morninig at eleven o’clock. All are cordially invited to attend, j, Mr. S. S. Aumack and Mrs. Clinton Everett motored to Plymouth Monday. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of Wash ington County, subject to the action Democratic primary to be held on^Saturday, June 7, 1924. Your vote and support will be great ly appreciated WILLIAM WILEY. ‘PROCEEDINGS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS Standard Oil Co., Oil ,.? 2.75 Standard Oil Co., Oil . 22.00 Standard Oil Co., Oil . 2.25 Standard Oil Co., Oil 37.40 Plymouth Wholesale Co. Feed.... 17.50 Plymouth Wholesale £o. Feed.. 17.50 L. L. Bfisnight, Feed & Oil 10.50 L. L. Basnight, Supplies. .50 S. E. Phelps, Repairs to Equip ment . 2.25 A. L. Smithson, Supplies . 5.47 Wm. Wiley, Supplies . 9.77 A. -J. Cahoon & Son, Feed and Oil ...-. 82.50 Southern Hardware Co.,, Sup plies . , 2.50 Miltfen Ward, Supplies . 1.40 Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., Repairs to Equipment . 2.82 The National Handle Co., Ma te't'ial 2.25 The Roanoke Beacon, Station ery & Printing -. 45.00 Edwards & Broughton Priming Co., Stationery & Printing .. 13.74 C. tl. Gaylord, Repairs to E qttipmert . . 7.25 S. L. Dixon, Repairs to Equip-. mfcnt . 2.25 P. 6.', Price, Repairs to Equip ‘ ment . 49.90 P. 0. Price, Oil . 1.20 United Commercial Bank, Pay Roll . 593.47 United Commercial Bank, Feed & Oil .832.10 United Commercial Bank, Re pairs to Equipment . 1.25 United Commercial Bank, Con vict Supplies . 4.95 United Commercial Bank, Pay Roll .._..‘. 51.50 : United Commercial Bank, Con vict Supplies .55 Swain & Davenport, Feed & Oil 37.61 Swain*,. ^...Davenport, .Convict Supplies . 5.50 Swain & Davenport, Supplies . C.9G Galion Iron Works & Mfg. Co., Repairs to Equipment * 29.20 W. T. Alexander, Commission er’s per diem . 13.00 W. A. Mizell, Commissioner’s per diem 6.05 NEXT WEDNES DAY CLOSES O 2NTEST We have received it consider able number of lists of! words se lected from the letters formed by “The Roanoke Beacon” for which we will give a pri2 e of ten dollars for the largest list. We know that there are many who expect to send in a list in this competition, and this is to advise them that the time limit expires next Wednesday afternoor. at six o’clock, at which time all lists must be in our office. These lis! will be carefully examined and we hope to be in position to announce the name of the winner in our issue of next week. Those of you who are planning to enter this contest will please keep iiunind the time limit which expires Wednesday of next week The choir of Grace E. Church, Plymouth, will repeat its Easter music on Sunday morning, by special request of a number of people who were unable to hear it on the Sunday after Easter, when it was rendered. The choir is assisted by Mr. Cicero Nor man as bass soloist. Solo parts will also be taken by Misses Miriam Ausbon and Martha Hornthal, Mrs C. W. Cahoon. and Dr. G. W. Riley, Tue pub'ic is cordially invited. W. A. Swain, Commissioner’s per diem '.. 11.1C A. L. Brinkley, Register of Reeds’ Fees *... &.0C L.' Til Basnight, Supervisor’s Salary . 125.00 A. S. Moore, Supervisor’s saB nry ...100.00 N. Rosenthal, Pay Roll 46.7f W. H. Hampton & Son, Convict Supplies ..-.— 32.70 W. H. Hampton, Supplies 45.6f $10.00 IN GOLD Take these three words (THE ROA NOKE BEACON) and see how many words of the English language you can make out of the letters in them. As an example we offer: Bean—Roan—Bone You will be surprised to know how many words can be formed from these six teen letters. A cash prize of ten dollars paid in GOLD will be awarded the person mak ing the greatest number of words, taking care not to use any one letter more than it is used in the words (THE ROANOKE BEACON) in the formation of any one word in this competition. It will be necessary to send in with each list of words one subscription or renewal to The Roanoke Beacon for a period of not less than one year, which is $1.50. This contest will afford a great deal of interest in using your skill in the-arrange ment of the English alphabet. Mail your list in to this office with a subscription or renewal and get a chance at the > TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD This Contest Closes May 14 at 6 P. ! LOCAL NEWS. ! Mr. J. G. Horton is in our city this week. Mr. But'er of Hertford is here on business. Mr. R. P. Walker was in Rich mond on business last week. Mrs. R. R. Roper and dauerhter Neva Gan of Roper were in town Monday. Mrs. James P Grey of Hender sonville has been visiting Mrs. A. B. Litchfield of this city. Mr. Herman Alexander and Joe Arps motored to Williamston Sunday. Mr. Walter Adams and Philip Stillman from Washington were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Owens and family motored to Robersonville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G, K. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ward McNair motored to Williamston Sunday. Bill Louis and Joe Barco of Roper were guests in our city Saturday. Mrs. T. L. Smith and daughter Elizabeth left Wednesday for' Roanoke, Va. Mr. Nelson Hays and Fred Wiliord attended the Jamesvil[e School commencement Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Satterth waite and son Vance motored to Robersonville Sunday. Mr. Louis Hassell and Mrs. Eva Brown spent the day in Ro bersonville Sunday. Mis3 Manilla Day from South Creek N. C. is visiting her sister. Miss Myrtle Day. Mrs. W. T. Nurney and dau ghter and son Edna, and Stark ind Misses Margarette Brown. Leona Satterthwaite motored to Robersonville Sunday, Miss Martha Hornthal Messrs Louis Philip Hornthal and Alton Harrison motored to Roberson ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Harris and Misses Nellie Blount and Evelvn Paul motored to Wash- ) ington Tuesday. Misses Evelyn and Margaret Brown Alene Gurganus and Mr. Carlie Doughtie attended the commencement at Jamesville Monday. SOY BE\NS FOR SALE, O.M. ^hesson, R. F. I). No. 2 Plymo uth. Rev. N. D. Wiggs of Wilson will hold services in the lodge of the Charitable Brotherhood Sunday afternoon at three o’clock Everybody is cordially invited to attend. DELICATESSEN HEADLIGHT Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Delicatessen request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Rosebud to Mr. Archibald Hercules Headlight on Friday evening, the sixteenth of May Nineteen Hundred and Twenty 4 at half after eight o’clock at the Court House Plymouth, North Carolina Admission twenty-five cents CONTAGIOUS DISEASES The following is the list of con tagious diseases reported in Washing ton County for the month of April, 1924: Whooping Cough Ivy, Ruth and Howard Clifton, Winifred Phelps, Archie Craddock, Rosalie and Jarvis O. Stillman, Florence Litchfield; Creswell. Chicken Pox Alexina Bateman; Plymouth, II. F. D. No. 1. W. H. WARD, M. D. Courty Health OClccr.