M- Mantiss-»genau. *• •. 4 Year, in Advance. • ■■■■■ —, —— - “FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Sktflia Copy » C««Ib. VOL. 35 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1924 NO. 38 BRUTAL CRIME IN HISTORY OF BLAKEST, DIRTIEST AND MOST WILLIAMSON COMMITTED SATURDAY Smallwood Threatened Woman's life and by Carefully Laid Plans Is Enabled To Escape Hands of Law The blackest dirtiest and most bru * ' tat , crime' m the history of Wfl liamston was committed last Satur day night when Lock Smallwood of Bertie county assaulted Mrs. Alena Kelly, wife of Carl Kelly, at her home in the apartment over the F. K. . ‘ Hodges store. Mrs. Kelly who works in the City Fruit Store on Main street William ston, N. C., went to her home about 11 o'clock where she lay down on the bed to rest and read. She did not un dress but pulled a blanket over her self. In about a half hour her hus band and Lock Smallwood who she had known for some time and who ^ had been a close friend of her hus bartft for several years, came in. Smallwood w^s to spend the night, using the apartment usually occupied by Mr. Harrison a Plymouth contrac tor when in town and who is Mr. Krtly’s employer. ✓ Smallwood brought two friends to WiHiamston from Bertie county and asked Kelly if he would not take his ear and carry them home which Kelly ' dkL Mrs. Kelly still reclining 4MhaflMi>C j»«t «e when her husband left After Kelly had departed, Small wood went to her bed and sat down - »n the side of her bed. He was told by Mrs. Kelly to get away which he re ) ’ fused to do. After his refusing to get away,. Mrs. Kelly attempted to get up when Smallwood caught her ' iu^Tforced her back on the bed, chok ing be jsome failures the percentage will i>e smaller than ever before. There, has been a fine spirit of loy alty arid cooperation among the teach ers and their achievements have been worthy of their efforts. Commencement exercises began on April 24th when the primary grades very pleasingly presented the operet ta "Little Boy Blue”. On Monday night, the evnlng of April 28th, the first music recital ever given by this ■ school was rendered in the school au ditorium. Miss Morgan, the music teacher, deserves credit for the high class of work her pup^ta^have dene. On Friday night, Ma$Hld, the grad uating class presented their annual play “Daddy Long Leg*” to a packed hoiise. This play was directed by Mrs. H. A. Liveman. Oiu. Friday evenip4ffc,i^»y 2ml, the grammar grades gave Hiawatha. The characters were well selected and the little play was greatly enjoyed. Eight or nin* of the present faculty are oxpectinig to return another year. These, wjjk be ten to graduate from the high schit^-eigbt girls and two boys. WINSLOW—AYERS The out-of-town iiimmUi am* w»la, tives of the families have receive^ 4h#r following invitation: Mrs. Fannie Dixon Ayers requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Ruth to Mr. Walter Frith Winslow an Wednesday evening, the fourth of June at nine oNRbcjlt at the Methodist Episcopal Church, South Plymouth, North Carolina. No invitations have been issued in Plymouth arid’ h 'general invitation is extended ta^M attend the wedding, i lit iri*Vi'"n|iiir»*i*-rr i'ii '-vi n ninr. . «v - ? /TREASURER TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF’ WXSHINGT&N COUNTY: This is to announce that I am a can didate for the office of treasurer of Washington County, subject to th<; action of the Democratic mary to be hebi June 7th. I have been an active Democrat all my life and have worked in each cam paign for the interest of the party as a whole, and have never a^ted for any office. , t If elected I will dovmy best t» serve the people of the entire county with out favor to anyone. I will appreciate whatever support I am given. IVeoy truly yours, R. T. CHJESSON.