* MOTHER! Watch Child’s Tongue “California Fig Syrup” is Children's Harmless Laxative When your child Is constipated, bil lons, has colic, feverish-breath, coated tongue, or diarrhea, a teaspoonful of genuine ‘‘California Fig Syrup” sweet ens the stomach and promptly cleans the bowels of poisons, gases, bile, sour ing food and waste. Never cramps or overacts. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Children love its de licious taste. Ask your druggist for genuine “Cal ifornia Fig Syrup” which has full di rections for babies and children of all ages, plainly printed on bottle. Moth er ! Tou must say "California” or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Some women consider a husband a nuisance-—except on pay day. CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! “Freezone” on an aching corn, instant ly that com stopij hurting, then short ly you lift It right off with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove evpry hard com, soft com, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or irritation. « —-V .* • «• A hot temper warps the Judgment WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN -**»**• -yc Dye Or Tint Any Worn, Shabby Gai* ment or Drapery. Diamond Dy< es. Each 15-cent package of “Diamond Dyes” contains directions so Simple that any woman can dye or tint afiy old, worn, faded thing new, even if she has never dyed before? Choose any color at drug store.—Advertise ment Heaven favors good Intentions. If your eyes smart or feet scalded, Roman Eye Balaam applied on going to bed, will relieve then, by morning. Adv. Idle folks have the most labor. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION m INDIGESTION), 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELl-ANS 25^ AND 754; PACKAGES EVERYWHERE CuticuraSoap Is Pure and Sweet Ideal (or Children Sunnis Soap. Ointment, Talcum free. Address: OaUcsrs Latoratorise, Dsgl " — M, Malden, Mesa. hindercorns - - atik atona All nsla. en PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM BemorTtoDanaraS-BtopsHalrFalltat Ssatens Color and Baonty B Cray sad Faded Hale Ms and $LMat Drnrtrlsta. ana Chun. Wks- Patofrogur.W. T ___raa Oorns, Oal jonaea, etc-. stops all pala. aaaiuno comfort totho fret, makaa walking mall or_at_Drac HI III* fHiOtlool w««*a . «■ w SENATE PASSES SOLDIER BONDS MEASURE BECOMES LAW DES ITE ^RESIDENT’S EFFORT TO S JS TAIN VETO. Washington.—The soldier’s bonus bill finally has become law. The measure, which has b en the subject of a fight between C ongress and two successive Preside1 .ts, was repassed by the senate over President Coolidge's veto by a vote of 59 to 26. This was a margin of t co votes more than the necessary wo-thirds majority, as compared wi h the 52 votes there were to spare when the veto was overridden in the house. President Coolidge made i futile last minute effort to have hi i veto sus tained in the senate, ca'ling to the White House for a breakfast confer ence with seven republican senators. Four of these who previously had voted for the bill cast their ballots In support of the executive. . They were Colt, Rhode island; Keyes, New Hampshire; McKinley, Illinois; Phipps, Colorado and Ster ling, South Dakota. All except Sena tor Colt were at the White House con ference. The others attening the con ference were Cameron, Arizona; Har reld, Oklahoma, and Dale, Vermont. The last move of the administra tion was to seek delay in the vote until Saturday, Senator Reed, repub lican, Pennsylvania, asking unanimous consent to defer action #until that time. The senate was in no mood for delay, however, and as Senator As hurst, democrat, Arizona, objected, there were immediate cries of "vote,” from both sides of the chamber. Senator Curtis, of Kansas, assistant republican leader, who had charge of the bill, moved for a vote and was joined by Senator Robinson, of Arkan sas, the democratic leader, in sug gesting that debate was unnecessary. Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, and other administration leaders, join ed with Senator Curtis in voting against the President. White House afficials in discussing the senate fiction emphasized that the Mellon tax reduction program was predicted upon the assumption that there would be no bonus legislation. While they refused to say so directly, they left the impression that Congress having decided on a bonus, hope of material tax* reduction must be aban doned. Secretary Mellon was not prepared to discuss the effect of the bonus upon the treasury’s financial program, but he said that “sooner or later there must be provision for payment and it can be met only by new taxes.” Must Probe War Records. Washington.—Eractment of the war veteran bonus bill into law has laid upon the shoulders of the government department an administrative task so huge that the figures involved stagger the imagination. They must explore a ceritable moun tain of w&r records. From that mass of musty documents they must pick out the individual war histories of more than 6,893,000 men to provide the data upon which alone bonus pay ments of any kind can be made. . Jhe daily service of every soldier, sailor, or marine who served under the flag in the great war at home or abroad, is subject now to minute ex amination. Through his days of sick ness and health, of training at home or battle abroad, the searchers must follow each man through the wilder ness of official records. And the bulk of the task must be done in the close packed filing cases of the war depart ment where the intimate official story of America at war alone is told. In those records alone are more than 167,000,000 separate documents, each of which it may be necessary to handle many times before the veter ans can all be assured of bonus pay ments. It will require 27 separate checking operations to make the ex animation fthe files. Atlanta Painter Shoots Up House. Atlanta.—Andrew S. Kline, 55, a painter, shot and killed his wife in their home here and then shot him self To death after an unsuccessful attempt to slay his mother-in-law. Matrimonial difficulties between the couple, which led to an estrangement sdme time ago, were said to have caus ed the affair. Drown in Attempted Riscue. Derby, Conn.—Harlan Franklin and Hagin Douillon of Torrington, juiors at Yale, were drowned when they jumped into the Houatonic river in an attempt to rescue two boys whose canoe had overturned. The boys managed to reach the shore safely, but Franklin and Douil lon sank before two other Yale mer. paddling nearby could reach them. Baptist Discuss Church and State. Atlanta.—Declaring that anythin? that savored of a union of church and state is “spiritual adultery" Dr. George W. Truett, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Dallas, Texas, said that the Baptist doctrinal belief in relig ious liberty has caused such growth ol the denomination in recent years that it is non%the largest non-Catholic re. ligious denomination in the world. Dr. Truett’s address was made at an inspirational mass meeting of dele gates to the Southern Baptist conven tion. STYLES IN WEDDING GOWNS; TUXEDO KNITTED OF PURE SILK LJ APPY Is this year’s hride In the choosing of her wedding gown! The mode is in a tolerant mood and there are almost no ‘‘Thou shalt not” edicts from the throne of fashion, but Instead the widest latitude is allowed in the choice of styles. The bride may choose h long, sheathlike uribelt ed model, a draped affair, a period gown or a straightline dress flaring toward the hemline by means of godets. She may select time-honored satin or today's supple crepes or airy lace and chiffons—in any case the mode smiles approvingly. And in the matter of the veil—she may wear a lace veil, a tulle veil or both If she chooses, for tulle veils posed over white rosea continue to contribute ttieir exquisite beauty to the bridal bouquet. How fickle is fashion 1 .Tnst because novelty sweaters have been court ing favor these past several sea sons, we have apparently somewhat ignored our tried and true friend, the tuxedo. However, we have swung around the circle, and true to our first love we pay homage to the tuxedo along with its present-day contem poraries, the slipover and the juc quette. To a patrician clientele the tuxedo knitted of pure silk ever appeals as an aristocrat among sweaters. The smart est shops are showing, the tuxedo this dm A Pretty Wedding Gown. lace are distinctly up-to-date. There Is also no argument as to sleeves; let her have long sleeves or no sleeves at all as she will and anything in the way of necklines except the very high or the very low. Brides and bridesmaids will do well to choose pretty dresses of crepe and lace in the seuson’s fashionable colors, which will measure up to the standurd set for dinner and evening wear. For the maids, nile green, sunshine yellow, peach, orchid and poudre blue suggest themselves. Pretty and wearable hats in the same colors as the gowns are characteristic of today’s preference. It Is to be noted uteo that spring wed season with novelty touches sucn as this one in the picture which is knitted of pure silk in silvery gray. Of course it is to be had in a range of other delectable shades, including cinnamon, urtichoke, poudre blue, orchid, apricot and pure white. This exclusive model achieves distinction through its use of a novelty zig-zag stitch. Sweater luxuries offered this season feature nlso exquisite featherweight yarns, such ns iceland, chiffon alpaca and organdie zephyrs. These express most lovely pastel shades, with Inter workings of subdued plaids and deli cately tinted borders. Sometimes ombre-colored fiber is Intermingled, Knitted Silk Tuxedo. dings revealed a liking for draperies ami skirts widened by godets or other devices, and for a waistline low but punctuated by sashes of wide, soft rib bon ending under big soft bows with out ends at one side. 1 Girdles of nar row ribbons adorned with flat ribbon flowers vary the management of the waistline. Like the wedding veil, strands of pearls for the bride and her attendants remain secure in their position and are established as the proper choice In jewelry. Wedding veils may fall from close fltting caps, with headband and chin strap all made of tftlle, or from small caps with coronets of lace or from caps with upstanding frills of tulle across the buck, like that pictured. Orange buds and blossoms finish o'T the headdress and the girdle usually, j Lllles-of-the-valle) klone or with 1. forming rainbow patterns' in effective shadow designs. Novelties with scarfs, using these color combinations forecast the sweat er joys which the summer months will bring forth. Here are also very pretty striped effects, with the stripes either horizontal or vertical, which are very sheer and in surplice effect. Among interesting sweater expo nents, is the slipon with high neck. A widespread vogue is predicted for the sleeveless models. At resorts society is favoring bright red slipon sweaters worn with white skirts or in some instances the order Is reversed, the skirt being red and overbloused with a white knitted slip on. At any rate red and white com blnutlons in sweaters are quite the last word in fashion's realm. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Iffij. 1024. Nawaa»n*» » HOUSEWORK HOT DRUDGERY For Women In Good Health Read How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Changed Conditions For These Housewives Back Don’t Bother Me Now Lincoln, Nebraska. — "My back would bother me so and when I had to do any heavy lifting it made me sick to my stomach with the pains in my back. I have my housework to do and four babies to take care of so when I heard of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I took it and I feel better. My bask don’t bother me and I can eat more and work. I do all mv housework and washing for six in tne family. I will tell other women to take the Vegetable Com pound and you may publish my let ter.”—Mrs. Chaju.es F. Dolezal, 1201 Garber Ave., Lincoln, Nebraska. Felt Better At Once Volga City, Iowa.—“I will tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound did for me. I was all run down and could hardly be on my feet I was so cold I could not keep warm. I had numb feelings and then heat flashes would pass over my body. I had severe pains in my sides and was very nervou-3. I saw your advertise ment in the newspapers so I thought I would try your medicine. My hus band got me a bottle of the Vegeta ble Compound and I began to feel better a3 soon as*I started taking it I have taken it off and on for three years now. I keep house and do all my work for my husband and two little boys and make my garden. I feel fine and I tell others what the medicine has done for me. I think it is the best medicine In the world for women.”—Mrs. THOMAS GRINDLE, Volga City, Iowa. Can Do Any Kind of Work Fouke, Arkansas.—"I had the ‘Fin’ and after that I had a pain in my side and was not able to do my work I was so weak. I found an advertisement in a pap*er and it told what Lydia E. Pinknam’s Vegetable Compound would do, and I took it. Now I can do any kind of work I Want to. I think every family ought to keep it in the house all the time and I intend to do so.”—Mrs.Dora Philyaw,R.R. No. 2, Fouke, Arkansas. Over 100,000 women have so far replied to our question, “ Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? ” 98 per cent of these replies are “Yes.” This shows that 98 out of every 100 women who take this medicine for the ailments for which it is recom mended are benefited by it. This goes to prove that a medicine specialized for certain definite ail ments*not a Cure-all—can and does do good work. For sale by druggists everywhere. A wise m;in never trusts any one who trusts luck. [ Some folks never expect to get I tvhat they expect. r*i »\>\\\\ MOTHERFletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. When a fool holds his tongue he isn’t as foolish as he might be. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable' record maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, thg great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician’s prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medi cine has so many friends.’ Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if vo’u wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.-Y., for a sample bottle. When writing, be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. The fewer acquaintances a man has (the less he Is bored. Farmers Wanted. Particularly tobacco farmers, in Wayne County, Georgia. Healthful cli mate, fertile soil, splendid railroad fa cilities, fine schools, churches, and good neighbors; lowest-priced lands. For fa rip lands, or factory sites address Dr. W. A. Brooks, Sec., Jesup Board of Trade, Jesup, Ga.—Advertisement. Men’s maxims reveal their hearts. Stops Eczema Rellevettha Inflammation, Itching and Irritation! aoothea and aottena the akin and leavea it emooth and apotleat. TETTERtNE The complexion's best friend. 60c at your drag list’s or from the SHUPTRINE CO.. SAVANNAH. GA. Genuine Improved Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Potato Plants Government-inspected and chemically treat ed, from a very prolific variety, producing four hundred thirty-three bushels per acre last year. Plants {frown from No. 1 potatoes from this selection at $3.00 per thousand. Other plants of same variety No. 2 potato©*, $1.75 per thousund. Orders can be filled day received. VICTOR DEEN, ALMA, GA. Strange Secret—Relieves paralysis, high blood pressure, heart, liver, kidney, stomach trouble without medicine. J. M. Floyd, Balnbridge, Ga. Plant Sweet Potatoes In All Vacant land fiTkd baclc yards. Genuine Improved Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Potato Plants; gov’t inspectedn-chemically treated, $2.50 per 1,000, prep’d. Orders shipped day ree d during grow ing season. Victor Plant Co., Rockingham,Ga. Don't ignore the danger signals of aching eyes, red lids, blood •hot eyeballs. Mitehell Eye Salvo remove* irrita tion. reduces inflammation, soothes pain. HALL A RTTOKEL 147 W averly FI., New York Bend model or drawin a mi nation. Highest re Best resnlts. Promptness as sured. Matson K. Colem Booklet FRBJL PaUat Lawyer.644 U St., WanhingUm, Wanted—Young Men to enroll now for the spring term. Charlotte Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. PATENTS W LDOUGLAS * 7°°an.l f8.°° SHOES JSVS&, jiiany at \J.oo and *6.00 "Boys at *4jo e? *5.0® W. L. Douglas Shoes are sold in 120 of our own stores in the principal cities and by over 5,000 shoe dealers WHEREVER vou live, demand W. L. Douglas shoes.They are high-class and up to-date, made in all the popular styles k n-. that appeal to men and women who want stylish and serviceable shoes at reasonable prices. SELDOM have you had the opportunity to buy ^ such wonderful shoe values as you will find in W. L. Douglas $7.00 and ~corset effect gives Co $8.00 shoes in our retail stores and and Supports Arch. 97 Rajar for Men A popular Brogue Oxford In Mahogany Russia Calf, eyelets to match. Also in Black Velour Calf, nickel eyelets. Both 5 good value. $7.00 in good shoe stores everywhere. Only by examining them can you appreciate their superior qualities. FOR ECONOMY and dependable " value, wear shoes that have W.L. Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the soles. If not fqr sale in your vicinity, write for Illustrated Catalog showing how to order shoes by mail. W.L. Douglas Shoe Co., 10 Spark St., Brockton, Mas*. r CorSex for Women Black Kid „ Blucher Oxford. Corset effect gives Cor^/ort STAMPING THE RETAIL PRICE AT THE FACTORY BLANKETS Cleansed and refinished—original softness renewed by special process. $1.00 per pair. I THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY, CHARLOTTE. N. C. i