The Divzmøkie DAMde a Year, in Advance. “FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.” Single Copy 5 C^nta. VOL. 35 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1924 NO . 29 a r» t i'['i m/ VMADDAHr BEAUTIFUL WEDDING A wedding of more than usual in terest ,was solemnized Wednesday night at the Methodist church when Mr. Walter Frith Winslow took as his bride Miss Ruth Ayef*. This wed ding has been attratcing public at tention for the past several weeks as both parties are very popular in this and neighboring communities. The church was elaborately decor ated with potted plants, ferns anti evergreen and was lighted with ca thedral ««idUes. The bride was given s by her uncle and guardian, in marr Mr. E. W. Ayers. Sr., of Washington. Mrs. Ben A. Sumner, sister of the bride, played the wedding march using both Lohengrin’s and Mendellsohns marches, while Mr. Jack Edwards or Washington sang “At Dawning” and “0, Promise Me”. Miss Louise Ayers, also a sister of the bride performed the duties of maid of honor. The bride’s maids were Miss Stella Ayers, sister of the bride, and Miss Sadie Ausbon. Little Miss Ruth Norton and Elizabeth Campbell, delightfully execut ed the duties of flower girls. Little Miss Jeanette Hackney of Washing Wf.: ton was ring bearer. The ceremony was performed by Re\d W. G. Lowe, pastor of the Methodist church. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the hnme^ of brute's m«tfter,iMrs. W. C. Ayers, on corner of Third and Jefferson streets. The receiving line was com posed of the bridal party and out of towh guests. Punch was served in the j reception hall by Mrs. Nona Newman and Mrs. T. L. Bray. The guests were received in the gift room by Mrs. Herman Clark and Miss Rachel Sum A delightful ice course was served by Misses Elisabeth Smith, Ruby Harrison, Edith Everett, Margaret Ward Jackson and Frances Dixon. The ushers were Herman Winslow, Haywood Duke, William H. Gaither and Ben A. Sumner. Mr. Hilliary Winslow, brother of the groom, was best man. ; ■ IW’* The bride and groom are now honey f mooning in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The out of town guests were Messrs. Haywood Duke and W. H. Gaither of Elizabeth City; E. D. Winslow, Jaclt Edwards, Mrs. J. W. Alford, Mr. anc Mrs. Herman Winslow, Mr and Mrs Hilliary Winslow and dau^/iter, Mis; Katherine, Mrs. E. J. Broughton ant Mrs. Watson Winslow of Hertford Mrs. B. R. Norris and Mrs. G. A Sparrow of New Bern; Mr. and Mrs F W. Ayers, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. W ^ A yers, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jame Hackney and little daughter, Jeanette of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Georg Dixon, Miss Frances Dixon and Mis Doris Lewis of Roper; and Mis Rachel Sumner Qf Rocky Mount. FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION I hereby announce myself as a car didate for member of the board c education from Scuppernong towT ship, Washington County, subject f the Democratic primary to be hel June 7th. Your support will be highly apprec T. F. DAVENPORT. TO TH EDEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY THERE HAVE BEEN CERTAIN RUMORS CIRCULATED BY MY PERSONAL ENEMIES IN MY TOWNSHIP REGARDING MY INEFFI CIENCY AS TREASURE OF THIS COUNTY. THESE RUMORS ARE CALCULATED TO IN JURE ME IN THE ESTIMATION OF MY FRIENDS, AND AS AN ANSWER TO THEM I CAN ONLY REFER THE VOTERS TO THE STATE AND COUNTY AUDITORS WHERE THEY MAY ASCERTAIN JUST HOW THE BOOKS OF THIS OFFICE HAVE BEEN KEPT DURING THE TIME I HAVE SERVED THE) PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTY. I HAVE NO DERAGATORY REMARKS TO | MAKE AGAINST THE PERSONS WHO HAVE BEEN CIRCULATING SUCH REPORTS. THEIR MIST AKE CAN BE FOUND BY YOU UPON IN-! VESTIGATION WHICH I SHALL WELCOME. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE AP PRECIATED. A. L. HOLMES TREASURER, WASHINGTON COUNTY. CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION MR W. T. W4PD REPLIES TO MR. WARRRiN ; CONTROVERSY FORCED jL UPON HIM BY WARRENS nUBfffi Mr. Aydlett Possessed No Knowledge of Letter And Had Nothing Whatsoever to Do With It Williamston, N. C. June 5, 1924. Lindsay Warren, Esquire, Washington, N. C. Dear Sir: I haVe noticed in the press your jletter denouncing me as a liar and your amazingly leeble defense of your activities before the North Carolina Legislature. I, being long familiar ,with the habits of politicians, must confess that neither have affected my previously expressed opinions and I feel constrained to point out that your so-called denial is nothing more than an admission of being a paid repre sentative of rich men and corporations of the State which, in the common speech, is lobbying. Your statement that Mr. Adyiett possessed any knowledge or had any thing whatsoever to do with my letter to the Elizabeth City Independent was an error. Your attempted denial of lobbying for the Southern Power Co. is indeed laughable. Mr. Warren, do you think that the people of this district will believe that Mr. Duke and the South ern Power Company, who have in then . employ the ablest lawyers of the United States, would come to Wash ington to retain you unless it were ■ a question of buying political influence ; rather than legal ability? Your denia is nothing more than an admissior ’ in substance of being the paid repre ; sentative of a rich man’s coropor s ation, which is the reason, as I stat eel in my letter to Mr. Saunders, thai S I support Mr. Aydlett rather thai you. Do you think that the people be '' NOTICE OF SALE WItEREAS, the Plymouth Garage and Motor Company has repaired am * furnished new materia! in overhaulinj f an Oldsmobile 8 Touring Car at th request of L. C. Nurney, the owner o said automobile, and that said bil r for repairs and material furnished i u past due and unpaid; and, WHEREAS, the said Pylmouth Gar j age and Motor Company has retaine possession of said automobile fror the time said repairs were begun. NOW, THEREFORE, under and b lieve that you were paid a large amount by the banks to go to .Raleigh to correct a typographical error in a bill ? This would have been done by the Department in charge of this bill without any cost to the banks of the State. It seems to me that you presume too much upon the ignorance of the people in thinking that they would believe that a typographical eiror, which is merely an error of the printer, would require the special services of a lawyer to correct it. Again your explanation of your op position on the State Water Trans portation Bill is weak, inconsistent and misleading. The News and Ob server of May 24, 1924, printing the report of the State Ship and Water Transportation Commission and re viewing the history of the bill states that you, leading the opposition, had made doubtful the passage of the bill in any form. I am glad, even though you have had to pursue an inconsistent course, that you now admit the Water Transportation Bill to be a. splendid j thing for the development of Eastern j North Carolina and not the vicious bill you once represented it to be. I am forced to remind you that this controversy was forced upon me by your friends through the Elizabeth City Independent ahd that my de fense can in no way be construed as an elev^hth hour attack upon you, since my letter was written fully ten days before the primary, and if the eleventh hour approached before you could frame your feeble denial, sure ly the fault was not mine. Yours truly, (adv) W. T. WARD. virtue of the provisions of Section > 2435" of the Consolidated Statutes of 1 North Carolina and purusant to the ,• lien thereby created, the undersigned 1 lienee will expose at public sale at f the garage of the Plymouth Garage 1 and Motor Company in the Town of 3 Plymouth, North Carolina, on the 7th day of Tune, 1924, at 11 O’clock A. M. . one Oldsmobile-8 Touring Car. 1 Th’s the 24th dav of Mav, 1924. n PT YOT'TH GARAGE AND MOTOR COMPANY. y By Zeb Vance Norman, Attorney. FIRE DESTROYS DWELLING jj Wednesday morning about two o’ jifteck the fire alarm souaned. which was responded to by the local volun teer fire company. The truck reached the scene as quickly as possible i at 1 it was impossible to use the lire fight- j ing equipment as no hydrant was near enough from which to use wafer. The home of Joe Watts, colored Christian minister, was completely destroyed with practically all its con tents. The building was a two-story eight room frame building and almost new, and from information we have re ceived the insurance policy expired a short while ago and had not been renewed, which, of course, resulted in a total loss to the owner. LOCAL NEWS < <• Messrs. Claude Gardner and Philip Stillman were in town Wednesday in the interest of the candidacy of Lind town this week. Mr. William Wiley was among our visitors Mondays Mr. R. T. Chesson of Roper, was in tow^, several days this week. Mr.'tJas. A. Chesson and family of say C. Warren for congress. A, L. Holmes of Creswell was in near Roper, have been attending ^dfaufkuqua- here this week. «*-•'" Mr. A. S. Chesson of Wilson, has oeen in town on business this week. Misses Hope Hardison, EclTth Everett and Ruby Harrison have returned from Greensboro for the summer months. They have been attending college at that place for the past season. Mrs. W. R. White, Miss Helen White and Mrs. Ryland White motored to Wake Forest Wednesday to attend the finals of Wake Forest College. Judge Carl F. Bailey of Roper was in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ayers, Sr., Mrs. E. W. Ayers Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Hackney and litple daughter, Jeanette, af Washington were in town this ween ittending the WinsHw-Ayers Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon, Miss . Frances Dixon and Miss Doris Lewis j. jf Roper were here Wednesday. ! ( Miss Rachel Sumner of Rocky Mount, B. A ; visiting her brother, umner. Messrs. Haywood Duke and Wil" aither of Elizabeth City were in town lis week. Messrs. Herman and Hilliary W ins low of Hertford, were here attending the Winslow-Ayers wedding Wednes day. The concert company of the Odd fellows’ home at Goldsboro will give an entertainment here on the night or June 20th, at the school auditorium. The people are requested to patronize this entertainment and it is certain that an evening of real enjoyment will be experienced. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a ca 'delate for the office of treasurer of ington County, subject to the a**4'”’ of the Democratic primary to be ’ e'.d on Saturday, June 7, 1924. Your vote and support will be great ly appreciated WILLIAM WILEY. Tomorrow the Democratic voters of Wash ington County will select the persons who will be placed on the general councy ticket to be voted jpon next November. There is no contest among the Democrats :his year except for the offices of treasurer, repre sentative and members of the board of education, ind in the primaries the voters should select with •are the men they wish to fill these offices using iheir best judgment in the selection. It is highly mportant that all Democrats vote in the primary dection so that the wishes of the majority of the /oters might be attained. It is the duty of the vot ers'to express, themselves, and the best place of expression is at the polls, for in this manner only :an the desires of the majority of the people be iccomplished in designating men to fill positions ■ )f public trust. The Democratic Executive Committee of Washington county is urging all the voters to set iside a part of tomorrow at which time they may *0 to the polls and cast a ballot for the candidates )f their choice. Below is the county ticket as it will be deliver id to the voters tomorrow: DEMOCRATIC COUNTY PRIMARY BALLOT (Make Cross Mark In The Square Opp.. site The Name Or The Candidate For Whom You El ect To Vote) For Representative In The General Assembly: (Vote for one) l_J CARL L* BAILEY • .,»»—**>«>«%•. • • □ JOHN E. SING ETON □ BENJAMIN F. HALSEY FtR ThLASURER: (Vote for one) □ AUGUSTUS L. HOLMES □ WILLIAM WILEY □ R. THEODORE CHESSON For Member Board Of Education: (Vote for t. ree| □ T F, DAVENPCRT □ WILLIAM B. DAVENFORT □ WILLIAM R. HAMPTON □ THOMAS J. SWAIN □ HERBERT H. BATEMAN FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION To the Democratic Voters of Wash igton County: I take this means of announce, w candidacy for member of tin oard of education of Washir.gtor bounty, subject to the action of the Jemocratic Primary to be held Satur ay, June 7th. * , 1 shall appreciate the support am ote of those who favor my candidacy iid if 1 receive this appointment 1 hall endeavor to execute the will of he people, to the very best of my bility Sincerely yours, W. R. HAMPTON. sORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Superior Court, Before the Clerk. ary Hufton Holliday and husband j. D. Holliday, James Hufton, individually and a. dmipistrator of the estate of M. I. lufton, deceased, Moses Hufton (oi p-ncer), Dalton Davenport and hi: lothcr, Ardene Tetterton Davenport nd any and all other persons claim any title or interest in the proper v described in the petition by am hrough James Davis, deceased, o therwise, and C. L. Bailey, guardia d litem of the said Dalton Davenpor md representative of the rights of a mrties unknown. NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO THE DEFNEDANTS ABOV S'AMED AND ALL OTHER PAI riES IN INTEREST, TAKE NOTIC That a special Proceeding, entith as above, has been begun in the S perior Court of Washington Count North Carolina, for the purpose of selling a certain tract of land in said State and County for division of the proceeds among the various parties entitled thereto, said land being de scribed in the petition heretofore filed herein as follows: “Beginning on the South side of the main road at a pine; thence, northwardly along Jordan Alexander’s line to the back line; thence, Eastwardly until it strikes the line of John Liverman; thence, south wardly until it strikes John Spruill’s road; th'ence eastwardly and north wardly along the line of John Liver man until it strikes the Charles Swain ditch; thence southwardly running the lin eof John Liverman to the edge f the swamp; thence, along the swamp to the first station, containing 27 3-4 acres, more or less”. You are further notified that the sa,d proceeding is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Washington Coun+v at the Court House in Plymouth. North Carolina, on the 30th day of June 1924, at whichtime and place you are notified to be and appear if you so desire or else the prayer of the petition will be granted. This the 29th dav of Mav, 1924. C. V. w. AUSBON, Clerk Superior Court. FOR REPRESENTATIVE -1 To the Democratic Voters of Washington County; r I take this method of announcing i my candidacy for representative of 1 Washington County in thr ’egislature ' : of 1925, subject to the at uon of the Democratic primary, g j If nominated and elected I shall stri e to execute the will of the PEO E PLE and act for their best interests. ' Your support will be appreciated. CARL L. BAILEY.

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