is the farmer who has already started his preparations for this year’s crop. Make a careful inventory of your farming implements and necessary tools and then come to us for replacements of any kind and you will be sure to get just what you need. Working with inadequate or unsatisfactory implements and tools handicap an,.' retard the progress that should be made, especially during the first part of the crop year. Replace wornout and damaged articles with new ones and you will quit work each day less fatigued and in much better spirits for having accomplished so much more. > NOTICE OF SALE. \ „ I Under anti by virtue of the power or j sale contained in a certain Deed 01 | Trust executed by J. S. Brown and j wife to the undersigned Trustee, dat ed the first day of August, 1921;, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of VV ashing'ton County in Book 74, Page zdb, to which reference is hereby made, tie fault having been made in the pay -wment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, upon demand of the holder of teh indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will, on Monday, the first ■ day of September, 1924, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the Court i louse do..: Washington County, offer for sale, to the highest bidder lor cash, tnac cer tain property described in said instru ment as follows: All of the right, title and interest of the said parties, same being five-tenth; .undivided, in and to a lot of land in the town of Plymouth, Washington County, and situated on the East side of Jefferson Street and bounded on ■.teh North by the land of George Bow en; on the East by the Peacock land, S. W. Beasley and others; on the South by the C. G. MeComica land and on the West by Jefferson Street, said lot herein conveyed being 200 feet square. The bidder at such sale will be re quired to deposit as much as 10 per cent of the amount bid in cash as a guaranty of good faith pending con firmation of the sale by the Court ano the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This the 24th day of July, 1924. Z. V. NORMAN, Trustee. NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COI NTV, PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP. LOUIS SELIG J. E. WHICHARD. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND W AR RANT OF ATTACHMENT PRO CEEDINGS: The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued Against the defendant on 16 day of July, 1924, by W. F. Ausbon, a Justice of the Peace of Washington Count;,', North Carolina for the sum of $181.80 with interest thereon from February 3, 1923, due to the plaintiff for ac count stated for purchase of 1 dia mond ring on open account, which is returnable before said justice, at his -office at 10 o’clock A. M. 23 day of August, 1924, in said county and in Plymouth Township. The defendant, will also take notice that a Warrant • of Attachment was issued by said Justice on the ”16 day of July, 1924, ■ :against-the properly of said defend ant, which warrant is returnable be fore said Justice, at the time and place above named for the return of the summons when and where the de fendant is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint, or relief demanded will be given. This 23 dav of‘July, 1924. , W. F. AUSRON, Justice of the Peace. Hum s NEW LIFE PILLS The PUL-That Do Cures. vRSH A M (T\ I I 8 a :OM P A N Y THE UNIVERSAL CAS* Dealers, We have a complete slock of parts and accesories for Ford Auto mobiles already installed in our quarters on Water street We have remodeled the interior of the brick stables formerly occu pied by J. S. Shugar? a ,-d have just received our second shipment of Ford Curs. We have expert mechanics in charge of our repair department and are in position to give service cf the highest order. Give us a trial MARSH OTOR COMPANY SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON t- > PLYMOU M CA SSsSs ■ IS TZ Plymouth Cafe in op.. under nev; management and the public nvited to visit and eat there where they will n . orccnpt and courteous service. WE SERVE NOTHING BUT THE BEST OUR RATI LOW AND WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS. fm m ii ffl. SPECIAL DINNER DAILY 50c SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY 65c Ct! etsinger and • ftoberson MANUFACTURERS OF Rough And Dressed Kiln Dried Lumber PLYMOUTH, N. C. T1 See ibb w5?.efli sire ssi need ©I ItLMiafeer oi muy kisstl We eaaa 8 is re joi* asaoney oia «ssdcsi6N ©£ ksaa-Jl or sisse Otar dreaded 1 tins fees" m Biisti^sfeetiirefe fey elaiss M3eelia2sfe.':u w : r lake pintle fleeir work* WIS / SED LUMB . THE )( K O DRES - A ’TSCAIYiLY AUi TIME. HSMHBBEia fflasEEaEBssstise :s3&jiL’& . ^AR OWNER! SAVE REPAIR BILLS GIVE YOUR CAR A CHANCE! 3 I f™* r“* W .'LaM TEXACO MOTOR Oft The Golden CoIoi a: OIL Clean, Clear and Fall Bodied. A Grade For Every Car. 9 2 CL: n U OI T E X A C O 3 A S O LIN E THE VOLATILE GAS For Quicker Pick-up. ..lore Power, More Mileage You’ve Tried The Rest, Now Try The Best—TEXACO VV. Frank Midgett DISTRIBUTOR PLYMOUTH, N. C. SSEtLL...» .;'.4jGu&J«fi3l II Ph, I i ■ I to ,, inquent ' ; e sold h for fipt( du-r .330.22 ; 3 <>.07 4.02 211.20 17.32 13.98 i 08 -'L OF SALE. d, i ■ ad~ 1 U ton (or ■ iiil any - • !:,'s any 1: here 1) ■ se. ' - te power •m the un the : lerfc JCSedL: ’.ne special 1 ib >ve set forth, will, on mber, ■ -N : ori u\ i-..; Court County, 1 older t. on t' .perty ■ -1 .. pro . : !c of the pint; thence, North 1 t's line ■ rardly lini of John Liver* until it thence, ■ . ;:!y along' ■ j I it ditch; the to e< je of in the vamp 27 3-4 acres. more or les.-.”. will be required to dep much as ten . cash ns ‘ pending ac Court. Tiv. the 25th dav of July, 1924. V.. L. WHITLEY", ner of the Court. NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, In Superior Court October Term 1!)2L Willie (!. Graven vs Roy E. Graves. ■\ o i u; •. • vos, will ' n't• tied as ii Superior • • :t.. by \\ lllie o n for f bonds 11- .dan', will i .. is required fort ih( Clerk of Superior in Piy st da; Oc tobef , . or... the coni . filed . n this 'he : f" • ' ei . t. ,:ti in aid c un plaint. . 1924. C. V. W. AUSBON, C v’.rk. Superior Court. .\orth Caroluia,.. ’u aonin!•;ion tounty. A. 14. V. ui.ston vs. .NO i tv K OP ; . i L virlu < iireetetl Si<::e rior County in the , ... -outlay : . at ■ ■ a i, co'o . ! r.i door • o i i chest . a.! . .. d execu , ; i interest i vo i ; , dt fend 1: ■ a described f Capt. : o.o. o • Nor. 1 uvi hues;. ' I us foi ■ !apt. u!>e . in the the ' .or 1, which was ■ l •■> ' • L. Norman >r. suit! di , ’ 'forth i d 1 last ■ , co' , in;,' one hundred W, \UI ' ■ al o ’ h-' ’Vt i . South v1'.' hue . of 1L. ■. rl'.'lu.rd and Nt'-on acre more ov 1: s.” aid tract • :• ex ■ ,U V. -O Toy us follows: s' • . at corner of John " a ® 1 higl way S ;h,n Co ■: ■ SIM (h N. C. to Crca . 's • ■ Y V, xtwnrtlly ’ V.' h d Si \te Pi• hwfiy 75 1 1 h i S'', thence f’outh ' 'I ivc:> '! t> ,-; 55 vartTs, • f ■■ to .Lihn Halsev s rd . ic .:1. ■ > >’ Hal ts' .1; a:: i , containing i 5,i ptr). Shor'T. ■ !2ih c ■ c.f «eptt Tiber, 1924. IDs*. F\ FL Mizelfe DTiNTTL SURGEON in PlyiTiot-ih every day ex c '■ idsrihv •*renamed to to do all kinds of Modern DENTAL WORK i .—■ - ■