WIæ Doanpke DMVFM x Year, in Advance. JFOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single Copy 5 Coate VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 NO. 6 Delivered Address Here This Week. Extracts from Speech of Hon A. W McLean, delivered at Ply mouth Tuesday, October 21st, at 2:00 P. M., "There is nothing, I assure you, that has given me greater pleasure than to observe the con tinued interest the people are taking in education, in every nook and corner of our great State. If you will tell me what the men on the railroad trains, in the market places and in the fields and factories are talking most about, I will tell you pretty ac curately how happy and pros perous they «re, said a careful observer to me, recei.tly. Education the Chief Concern "I have had occasion to try out this bit of wisdom within the last few months as I have traveled over ever» secti n of the btate I j f Hv- found out v hat st ntere-ted in. Is not, i,oo roaufc, although they are jusu> piouti 0.1 me W'jiiuefiu, <■!(> , op ,i • it "f < ur gre.»t. high* ,; ,c s 'In i n.a )• put li I U tn.lliU t, clu iiig resources, thoui'Ii this e empnt of our progress is now (. , Me a d favorable t'( ■> * , (sc country ' i. * u 1 , n ouruy uui Co zei ship, chough we have just cause to tbake great, pride in all these things;-it is the cause of edu cation in its broader aspects in waich North Carolina has made ^uch wonderful progress, with in th-» past few years, that every cla s oi our citizenship is most in <-tested in at the present mo mcm. Aid in t hi* connect ion, let sne emphasize this significant encouraging fact,— that V, hi v our people are proud ot v.-loa' has already been accom plished in connection with the expansion find development of <our educational system, they are determined to press steadily for ward until even greater results are accomplished. They have put their hands to the plow and there will be no turning back until the citizenry of North Carolina en joys as good educational facilitk s as can be found anywhere," Development of Public Education Education, like every other .great force in life, is a matter of growth. It is often handicap ped by social, economic or other causes that for the time arrest its developement and weaken its i>°whUe progress during the period of the Civil War was slow it was stead.’, and finally, ab ut 1900, we saw the dawn of a new day When awakening of the people in the couse of education, was caused by theinspi.ing cam paigns of Aycock and his com patriots From thence forward there was a constantly increasing rate of progress until 1921. When there was a veritable plunge forward along all edu cation lines in the State. ‘ It is not necessary for m« to recount to this intelliger f audi ence the progr ssive steps that we have taken in the last few jears- The wonderful growth of POPULAR CHOIR LEADER HERE WITH LEAMAN-COSTON PARTY J. C. COSTON TV* o Serves Humatnty our public school system, in the number and value of school bui d • irms, the general character ot .he school work and the 'onger terms are matters of common knows ledge. Many of our communities have not been satisfied to stop at the constitutional minimum ot six months, and therefore the average for the State is gradually increasing, but it is still true that only 53 per cent of the white school children in North Carolina have the advantage of attending school for a term longer than six months. , , “Personally , I hope that we are on the very threshold of the day when the children in the most remote rural sections of our com monwealth will have the same opportunity to obtain an educa tion both academic and vocation al. as those in our most pros perous towns and c'ties. If our material resources continue to increase, thi3 result will be at tained in a very short time.” f Mr. F.'liner }.yi>.- of Be ha' en, we* in town on business this week. | Mr. Glenn Walte-s was a business ] visitor here this week. j The high school foot ball team are J in Belhaven todry. ^ Mr. E. H. Denny of Greensboro was n town on business yesterday. < Mr. and Mrs VV. O. Ralph and child ren of Norfolk, have been town visit ing relatives und friends. A. large number of our people ara attending the Martin county Fair each day this week. Mr. H. M. Jacobs of Fewbern was i in town Monday. He spoke on port 1 terminals in Roper that night. Mr John Hollis of Albemarle Beach was in town on business several days The Leaman-C jstor Evangelistic party,conductingan evengelistlc cam paign here,are having large crowds at all their meetings. s NEW LIFE PILLS The Pillar That Do Cura. THE FOLLOWING TICKETS WIL ,L BE AT THE POLLS ON TUESDAY, NOVE MBtR 4th DEMOCRATIC COUNTY* BALLOT For State Senators from the Second Senatorial District: CARROLL B. SPENCER P. H. JOHNSON For Solicitor of the Second Judicial District: DON GILLLIAM For Representative in the General Assembly: CARL L. BAILEY For Treasurer AUGUSTUS L. HOLMES For Register of Deeds: ADDIE L. BRINKLEY For Sheriff: JOSEPH K. REID For Recorder: ZEB VANCE NORMAN For County Commissioners: HENRY C. SPRUILL LOUIS E. HASSELL JAMES W. SPRUILL For Justices of the Peace, Plymouth Township: JULIAN W. HARRISON JAMES R. LATHAM WILLIAM F. AUSBON For Justices of the Peace, Lee’s Mills Township: JOHN E. SINGLETON WILEY O. NORMAN H. J. FURBEE For Justices of the Peace, Skinnersville Township; h C. SWAIN M. F. DAVENPORT GEORGE W. PHELPS For Justices of the Peace, Scuppg: IlQPff Township* J5HPE c; QATLTN THOMAS F. DAVENPORT . JULIUS F. £NSi L republican county ballot For Representative in the General Assembly: B. B. SPENCER For Sheriff: J. C. TARKENTON For County Commissioners: ^ John t. McAllister CHARLIE W. SNELL JOHN L. PHELPS Eor Justices of the Peace, Plymouth Township: WILLIS ROBERTSON JOHN T. BROWNING EDGAR BATEMAN For Justices of the Peace, Lee’s Mills Township: . - J. M. CHESSON 7 r B. F. SPRUILL W. M. LIVERMAN For Justices of the Peace, Skinnersville Township: N. D. BATEMAN ELMER PHELPS GEORGE STALEY For Justices of the Peace, Scuppernong Township: J. L. NORMAN G. A. OVERTON J. A. AMBROSE DEMOCRATIC CANVASS The Democratic Candidates of Washington County will meet the voters o fthe county to dis cuss the local issues at the following places, an\ri dates. Everybody, especially the ladies are cordially urged and invited to be present, H. D. Davenports Store, October 29th, 9:30 a. m Roper, N. C, October 29th, 10*,00 a. m. Pleasant Grove, October 29th, 11:00 a. m. S. B. Davenport Store, October 29th, 12:00 a. m. G. W. Phelps Store, October 29th, 1:00 p. m. Cherry, N. C., October 29th, 2:00 p. m, Creswell, N. G, October 29th, 3:30 p. m. Mrs. N, Rhodes Store, October 29th, 5:00 p. m. Piney Grove, October 29th, 6:00 p. m. Mackeys, N. C., October 29th, 8:00 p. m. T. R. Chesson Store, October 29th, 8:00 p. m. E. H. Davenport, October 30th, 10:00 a. m, N. H. Harrison, October 30th, 11;00 a. m, R. H. Gurganus, October 30th, 12:00 noon. Stewart Morris, October 30th, 1:30 p. m. Jim Latham, October 30th, 3:00 p. m. Hon, Van B. Martin will speak at the School Auditorium Creswell, N. C. October 31st, 1924 at 8 p. m. Hon. H. S. Ward will speak at the school au ditorium Cherry, N. C. November 1st, at 8 p. m. Col, Wiley C. Rodman will speak at the Thom pson Hall, Roper, N. C. November 3rd, 8 p. m. T. J. SWAIN, Chmn. of Dem. Ex. Co. PLYMOUTH LOSES AT FOOTBALL Plymouth high school played it first football game and put up a plu- jjr cky fight against Eliza >eth Cit / high school last Friday, bm weie unable jj -o st p the more Experience'and faste back field of thier opponents. The Plymouth boys playinar and see* ing their first game, were bewildered by the quick shifts and fake plays *x ecuted by the opposition. The latter part of the game showed a different team representing the Plymouth sch hool They had learned the tricks of the other team and iu the fast quarter held them to one touchdown. Piy* mouth threatened to score in the last ew minutes of play when Coburn, half-back for Plymouth, scooped up a blacked punt aud raced forty ya:ds to Elizabeth Citv's ten-yard line Plymouth meets Washington here on iTuesday, October 28ih, for their. ! first home game. The local term is being put through hard practice and promise a good game. A return game with Elizabeth City has been scheduled here during the Fair. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a v power of sale embraced ii: a inert- T gage executed by Julian VV. Allen and wife, to A. L. Owens, on the 12th day of October, 191S, and re corded in Washington County iu Book 67, Page 512, the undersigned ■ j raortgaee will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 15th day of November, 19C4, at the courthouse door in Plymouth, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, (he fol lowing described real estate: That tract of land formerly be longing to Geo. Allen and devised by him to his wife, Levinia L. Allen, during her natural life and then' to her children in fee simple, lying and being in the County of Washington, adjoining the land of Gabe Ange on the south by the lands of Geo. L. • ‘ Bowen on the west by the lands of E. R. Allen and the road leading from Plymouth to Bath, N. C., on ) the east by the lands of John L. Ro per Lumber Co. This the 15th day of October, 1924. | A. L. OWENS, Mortgagee. J The evangelistic meetings being conducted here by the Leaman-Coa- 1 ton party are being well attended by people all over this section. » »

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