The » KIND-III DUMEH * Year, in Advance. “FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single Copy 5 Cert*. ■**> VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 NO. 13 W. S. Davenport Died This week Prominent Washington Citizen Passes Away After Lingering Illness. As sociated With Progress of County For Many Years Mr. Williams S. Davenport, aged sixty-five, died Wednesday afternoon about six o’clock after a lingering illness extending over several months. Mr. Daven port had been identified with practically every progressive movement inaugurated in this eounty since he was a young man He had represented this county in the general assembly of North Carolina several times as repre sentative and has also served as a state senator from this district and on each occasion has acquit ted himself as a true statesman. He was an outstanding figure in everything chat meant for the advancement of this section and was held in high esteem by peo ple of the entire state. He suffered a stroke of para lysis several months ago which left him in a feeble condition from which he never recovered A second stroke occured on the day of his death He was buried Thursday after noon at three o'clock in the family burial plot in Mackeys. People from all sections of the county attended the funerai and interment. In our next issue we plan to published a eulogy which has been carefu ly prepared by those who have been ciosely associated wbh him auinghi- life of ser vic tne county and district. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to heartily thank everyone who so earnestly as sited us in saving what we did from the fhe which destroyed our barn on Thursday night, December 11th. A. L- Smithson & Family NORTH CAROLINA, In the superior court before the clerk Tyrrell County, w. S. Wilkinson AdmrofJ. H Part ridege Deed, F. A. Partridege. Widow Merricp Partridge Willis Partridge AUie Partridge, Sadie Littleston Heirs at law NOTICE The defendants above named wil* take notice that and action Entitled as above has been commenced in the superior Court of Tyrrell County same to being to sell certain real estate situated in Tyrrell County to make as sets. to pay off debts of deceased, and the said defendants will take nottce that they are required to appear with in forty days from the date hereof and answer or demur to complint filed in the office of Cierk of the Superior Court or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 12th day of Dec 1924 Jerry Brickhouse Clerk Superior Court Dr. D. B. Mizelle DENTAL SURGEON in Plymouth every day ex cept Monday prepared to to do all kinds of Modern OENTAL WORK SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON ,LEYSHONEY"«>X V- cbUOrmat «a/«. murm. Mm mmUti-' COMPELS YOUNG BOY TO DRINK WHISKEY Neighbors Capture Lad’s As sailant Who Is Placed In Martin County Jail Williamston, Dec. 17.- Jasper Ayers, a young white man from Beaufort county, forced the old theory of give and receive Sun day when he met up with a young boy on a road in the Smith wick’s creek section. The ten year-old son of Mr. Uhas M Peel was walking a road in that section when he was overtaken by Ayers who was ■ riding a bicycle. Ayers dismount | ed and invited the boy to take a drink, which the youngter re fused to do. Upon refusal to drink made by the boy, Ayers caught him and fore d it down his throat. Then Ay^rs demanded a cigaret e from the Peel boy who told him he had no cigarettes He was then told by Ayer3 if he did not give him a cigarette he would kill him, making known that he had a pistol in his pocket The little boy, resorting to the best method of escaping death, to.'d his assailant that he would give him 3ome money to buy him cigarettes with if he would not kill him. When the boy productd his pocket bouk, containing a small amount of change Ayers st-iz d it anti rode away. Several neighbors soon heard of the affair and set out to find Ayers. They overtook him placed him under arrest and turned him over to Deputy Sheriff Luther Peel w> o placed him in jail here GARDNER ACCEPTS FAIR PRESIDENCY Appoints Executive Commit tee and i alls Meeting for Monday, December 29 Accepting the presidency of the North Carolina Agricullura Society, 0. Max Gardner, of Shelby, yesterday afternoon took upon his shoulders the responsi bility of thi snausl State Fair. Sir. Gardner accepted the position to wnich he was elected Tuesdax on the insistence of Dr. E. C Brooks, president of N. C. State College, H. M. London, secretary of the Agricultural Society who visited him at the Sir Walter Hotel. Mr. Gardner appointed his ex. ecuve committee and called a meeting of the committee for Monday, December 29, at which time the matter of financing and refunding the State Fair Lo ds which come due January 1, wil b ; d • us Tne Raleigh cham ber ui commerce has offered to secure a loan more than sufficient to wipeout the fa'r'sindebtednes of $57 600. VI embers of the executive com mittee are; Mrs Edith Vander. bilt, W. N. Everett Pr E- C Brooks. General Albert Cox L ■ ard Tufts. E. B. Crow, B. IT G f , D -ni 1 Allen and H M. Lo, UIIDUDOOUOOOOOOOOOOGUI Eizrigkmas Greekåaagg E « s« With this issue we conclude our weekly editions for 1924 It has been customary with us since first establish * ing business in 1889 to omit the last edition in Dec. I ember of each year in order that we might straighten 1 up things that have been neglected. We go to you this week, with the ?arnest wish that 5 you may o;n 1 t ii m >s: hupy of all Chrhtma ei and I that everything that suriounds your life during this | festive season will yield an abundant harvest of pltas j sure. It is cur hope that this year h-f been kind to you * and that you have enjoyed a full measure of happiness I and prosperity. During the past six months we have been called | upon to move our otfice and machinery twice, and con ? sequentiy we have not been in posi ion to render the I sendee to our community that we have desired to rcn i der Now, however, we are occupying comfortable and I convenient quarters and as rapidly as possible we plan ? to enlarge cur scope of service to Washington County I and adjacent territory. * We willaeem it a great pleasure it you will make | us a visit whenever in town and call upon us wh .never t we can be of service to you. | This year has added a great number to our list of 5 readers, and also we have lost a very few subscribers I which wre hope to regain during the coming year. ; Our colums are open to anv community that wishes I to use them, and we will be glad to publish anything f ofnews value that might come to us. ADAM AND EVE Mr. and Mis. Robert J. Day, who gained prominence by living in a forest without food laim nt or outside aid for seven days and nights who appeared here in person Wednesday and Thursday rights of this week at the Almo Theatre. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS AND HELP FIGHT WHITE PLAGUE APPRECIATION FROM A. L. HOLMES It is my desire to let all the voterB of this county who cast a vote or supported me during the last election, in which I was de feated for the office of treasurer know that I most sincerely ap preciate their effort in my behalf It is my purpose to support Mr. Leon S. Bray, who defeated me, in every manner that I can I have a true and sincere regard for him and believe that he will make a good officer, and I trust chat he will receive the coopera tion of the people whom he is to terv My loyalty to the Democratic party has not diminished in an;, respect because of mv defeat, and I I shall strive in the future as in the past to gain every vote possible for this party whose principles I admire, I have noth ing but the most complimentary remarks to make of the Republic can officers elected and ;vho are now filling the offices to which they aspired. If I ca i be of ser vice totlem I shall deem it r pleasure to be called up > . I wish also to let the people know that I have r.ot lost sight of the fact that they kept me in office for ten years, c-nd for this confidence they placed in me I wish to return my deepest ap preciation. If 1 can be of service to the people of the county in any cap acity I shall be glad to do so. Gratefully, A. L. HOLMES POULTRY SPEC IALIST HERE. Mr. Warden of Raleigh, state poultry specialist, has been in the county this week for the pur pose of stimulating interest in poultry raising He visited seve al communities and talked to beth boys and girls clubs. He states that the young people have a splendid start and that poultry in this county reflects much cre dit upon their effort-'. Miss Delano Wilson, home demonstra tion agent, accompanied him on the e vuks to the \ariou3 c m. munitifcS and expresses herself MEEKINS SPEAKb TO j HUGUENOTS SOCIETY Phildtlphia, Bee. 17- A piea for men oi tolerance, inui pen dence and justice to guide gc vernmental affairs was inane by Isaac M. Meekins, of idoith Carolina at the Semi-annual meeting today of the Punsyl vania Huguenots Society. Mr. ivaetkins, Republican can didate for Governor of his State at the recent election, declared that intolerance leads to bigotry bigotry to dogma and dogma to pessimism. j “There should be no quarrel between science and rengiox -.aid the speaker. “It iheie he no God, cieatioii is a ca amity, and if tlmre be a Gi.du.d no Mity. then creation is a crimt.” Mr. Meekins said that America some day, would be a bana of brothers when labor no longer fears me Co; rnorani of capitalism nor the capitalist, the commune,’? STREET PAVING Bids Close November 24, 1924. Plymouth, North Carolina. Sealed proposals on blank forms! furnished by the TOWN and ad-| dressed to the “MAYOR ANI COUNCIL, PLYMOUTH, NORTllI CAROLINA” will be received unti 2 P. M. November 24, 1924, at, PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA, for furnishing all material, equip ment and labor for dcing he follow ing work. Approximately 14,000 square yards of Bituminous Street Paving, toi gether with all necessary drainage! curb anti gutter and other work inf cidental thereto. Each bid must be accompanied bv a certified check or satisfactory bidJ ders bond, made payable to j. Everett, Town Cleric, for not less ina_, FIVE PERCENT of the total amount of the bid. Plans and Specifications- can seen at the office of the TOW1 CLERK in PLYMOUTH NORTI CAROLINA, or at the office of th^ Engineer in Beaufort, North Caro line. Full set of Plans and Specification may be obtained from th > Engine*, upon payment of Ten (10) DoIIarJ which will be refunded upon the turn of the plans in good conditic within ten days after the award the contract. The right is reserved to >-'ject ai or all bids. HORACE V. AUSTIN, Mayor. J. O. EVERETT, Town Cleric. GEO. J. BROOKS. Engineer, Beaufort, North Carolii as being bis b-y ordlsfied wid the results already attained, bl I hopes to See more attention pat] to poultry raising throughout tl county during the coming y<