Mir Dimmøke Dencsssz * Vmt. la rw COUNTRY FOR TROTH.1 VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,1925 NO. 15 mm YOUNG NEGRO MURDERED IN PEA RIDGE SECTION Asphalt Paving in Plymouth Begins. Corps of Construction Workers Began Work Here Monday. Shelters on Water Street Are Removed. The Simmons Construction company began work here in earnest Monday morning which represented the first eon strac tive work on the paving of Ply mouth. Granite curbing is being set on Water street from the Norfolk Southern to the Atlantic Coast Line railroad stations and sewerage lines are being changed so that the actual laying of pave ment will not be impeded. The wooden shelters which have disfigured the North side of the street for such a length of time have been removed, and such an improvement has been made just in this step that the street is hardly cognizable. Merchants who owned such shelters gladly and eagerly de molished them upon request of those in charge of the paving program. It is our information that, with favorable weather, this street will be completed sometime in March. The type of paving will be a five-inch cement base, with a one and a half inch binder upon whieh will be layed one and a half inches of'sheet asphalt. It is said that this is the very high sat class of street paving material and is used in the principal cities of this and adjoining states. A general idea and hope is that all the streets of the town will be paved with like material as rapidly as possible. Of course, however, it will be necessary for the property owners on such streets, representing fifty-one precent of the lineal frontage and fifty-one percent of the pro property owners to make appli cation to the city council for aut h paving before contracts may be let for same. One fourth of the cost of the work will be defrayed by the property owners and one half by the town. The property owners are given twelve years in which to pay their parts, the first pay ment becoming due wi hin • wo years. NOTICE OF SALE Usder and by virtue of a power of ■tie embraced in a deed of truit exe cuted on the 8th day of November, 1916, by J. Gurganus to M. D. Watts, Trustee, and recorded in Book 73 page 210 and default having been made in the payment of the note thereby se cured and application having been Made to the said trustee for a sale of the land des.'ribed in said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will ex pose at public sale to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Plymouth, North arolirr, n« the 26th gay of January, 1925 at 12 o clock, aoou, the following described tract of llii: Said J. Guaganus one-sixth interest Ib the trret of land on Hollis Road owaed by J. T. Gurgaaua adjoining W C. Harrison and G. L. Bowen. This the 22nd day of Dec. ’924. M. ». WAT IS, Ti u. ten, py Z V. NORMAN, Attorney [defective flue CAUSES FIRE. The burning out of • chimney in the residence occupied by Mrs. Claude Read and owned by Mrs. O. R. Leggett ignited a wooden boxing that surrounded the chimney. ' No damage was done except In removing flooring and c iling in an effort to locate the blaze. The ehimney in constructed it brick placed on edge and serves to stoves just opposite each other The fire commissioner is en deavoring lo have all such chino ifeys replaced by ones that will conform to the requirements of the state insurance department The siren at the light plant was flooded, 30 so general alarm was sounded, but the fire depart* ment turned out in almost its entire strength. VANDERLIP GUARAN TOR ON MEANS BOND. New York. Jan. 8—Frank A. Vanderlip, former presi dent of the National City Bank, is the guarantor it was learned today, of the $10,000 bail bond on which Gaston B. Means, former department of justice agent, who has been free since his indictment sev eral months ago on charges of bribery and conspiracy to ob struct justice. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power and authority ontaiued in a certain mor gage deed xecuted by Irena A. Jackson and them to M. H. Jackson dated May 7th 921, and duly recorded in the office f the Register of Deeds of Washing* on County in Book S3 page 205 to rhioh reference is hereby made, de ault having been made in the pay lent of the indebtedness thereby sc ored, the undersigned will on the 9th day of January, 1925 at 12 o’clock loon, at the Court House door in Washington County offer for sale to he highest bidder for cash, that cer aiu real property described in .said ostrument as follows Bounded on the Norfolk Sonthern tailroad Company on the South, Sast and West by I. H. Jackson. Beginning at n pine on the east side of the main road, (n corner nade and agreed to betwaan G. W. md I. H. Jackson) thenee running lorthwardly along the main road to »r. iron stob, a eorner in the Roanoke Railroad and Lumber Co.'s line; shence southwardly along said rail road to the said I. H. Jackson’s line; thence westwardly along said line to the beginning, containing twenty acres, more or less, for ra<>re fill lescription see deed from Geo. W. Jackson to H H Jackson nd ena I. Jackson, dated April ***h01#F •eenred in Book #8 page 308 Register’s )ffic< of Washington County. he bidder at such sale wilt be re tired to deposit as much as ten por tent of the amount as a guaranty of rood faith pending confirmation of the tale by the court and tho right is re* terved to reject any and all bids. Thi, Dec. 18th, 1924 M. H. JACKSON, Mortgagee. PLYMOUTH MAN DIES IN NORFOLK Mr. E M. Brinkley, Former Resident of Plymouth Succmbt to Spinal Meningitis in Norfolk. It was With a feeling of great’ sorrow that the people of this community learned of the death of Mr. E. M. Brinkley, aged thirty-nine, who died in Norfolk Sunday morning at nine o’clock He had suffered for several days with spinal meningitis, a very painful and malignant disease. Mr. Brinkley left here several years ago for that city and be came associated with the govern ment as manager of their laundry at the naval base, which position he held until the time of his ill ness. He was buried M inday after noon by the Oddfellows, of which lodge he was a valued member. He-was also identified with tht Modern Woodmen and the Ku Kiux all of whleh offered beauti ful and appropriate floral tri butes. The deceased with be remem bered by a great number of peo ple here who saw him grow from a child into manhood. He leaves a wife, and child, hia mother, three brothers and ona sister besides a host of close friends to mourn his death. His wife and child will leave Norfolk in a short time and make their future home in Plymouth with Mr D. O. Brinkley, corner Main and Jefferson streets; ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administratrix of theestat* of James Phelps late of Washington county, this is to notify all persons having cla<mes against tta* estate of said James Phelps, deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or orbefore the I5th day of Novem ber, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ef th-ir recovery. All peraons indebted to said estate will pleaae make immediate payment to me. Tbi8 15th day of Nov., 1924. Harriett Phelps, Admx., Creswell, N. C. SUPERIOR COURT The January term of Su perior court convened here Monday with judge N. A. Sinclair of Fayetteville, pr - siding. Solicitor Don Gilliam of Tarboro represented the state in the following crimi nal cases that were disposed of: Lucius Garrett plead guilty to entering Adler’s store on the night of November 26th and taking several articles of clothing- He was given twe lve months on the roads. David Everett was caught carrying a concealed weapon December 28th and was re quired to pay seventy five dollars and the cost. Jim Gee was fined twenty five dollars ana cost for pub lic drunkenntss. Gee also has a suspended sentence of four months on the roads that was jwiven him some time ago by She Recorder’s court. [ Court adjourned yesterday | at noon and will convsne [again Monday._ NORTH CAROLINA, In the superior coart before the clerk Tyrrell County, W. S. Wilkinscn Admr of J. H Part Widow vs Merrice Partridge Willia Partridge, AlUe Partridge, Sadie Littleston Heirs at law NOTICE The defendants above named will take notice that and action Enttsled aa above baa been commenced in the superior Court of Tyrrell Cosnty same to being to sell certain real eatate situated m Tyrrell Count? to make as sets. to pay off debts of deceased, and the said defendants will take uottce that they are required to appear with tn forty days from the date hereof and answer or demur to complint filed in the office of Clerk of the Superior Court or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. Tkia the 12th day of Dec. 1924 Jerry Brickhouae Clerk Superior Court ridege Deed, F. A. Partridege. tiRg-s NEW LIFE PILLS The Pill* That Do Cure. TWO STILLS CAPTURED. Three White Men Arrested as Pos sible Owners and Operators l About noon Wednesday two hundred-gallon, double • header stills were seized in the Pea Rid ge section of Skinne-sville town ship by U. S. Agents A. L. Ash burn and Vt. King of Norfolk, and Mr. E. W. Chesaon of this place. Thirty-two barrels of beer and two bags of sugar were also found at the stills. Cecil Simpson and son. Earl, and George Patrick were a-rjest ed and brought here. Owing to the absence of the U. S. com missioner they were placed in jail to await a hearing, which will probably be made today. Both stills were oil burners and ft ia alleged that the Simpsons were found in the proximity of the atiH sawing wood. Patrick, it is charged, took three shots with a sawed off shot gun at the officers but the r*nge was too great to cause any effect. r Nw NOTICE OF SALTS Pursuant to the terms of a mortgage Deed, dated January 2nd, 1920, and duly recorded in the office of Res inter of Deeds ot Washington County, North Carolina in Book 77, page 19, dafaelt having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and the in terest due thereon, the undersigned will offer at public auction at the doer of the court house in Washington County North Carolina, at twelve o’clock noon on Monday February Tnd 1925 the property described in said mortgage deed as follows: Beginning in the W*'d line on the Nnrth aide of the Hollis Road, tbonce running eastwardly along said line to the back line of the Edward Blent Une, thence north 40 poles E. to the earner, thence N. 50" W. 75 poles toi Wards corner: thence S. 40" W-te the Hollis road, the place of beginning, containing 50 acres more or leas, and being the same land cor veyed by deed of even date from J. H. Gurgauna k wife to It. C. Jackson and wife and Theo. B. Jackson, recorded In Reg of Deeds office Washington County, in Book_l*age to which deed refer ence is had for m:re foil description. Terms: CASH. This the 1st day of January, 1925. Mrs. Meda Nurney, Mortgagee. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEAGOtf OP, MU. &OSlU£S$MAU\ A0IMU SOUR. WSHtft *. GET 00* OP *tH£ «m *. DOU\ BE ftXMP«K> VJVTVV A S>AR6 u*m*\ p«u-oM*iMo$wvwrrER < tVUMNOO MKft RXNMO. VVi UMOVMMftS AMO UVtUft IU VAAM«VOUC. fOT SWHtWJlV err THAT V4PK IHPUMftttia AUMOt VU h WJX'. VOftlBA N RECORD DISASTER YEAR KEPT RED CROSS BUSY — Hi 192 Places in United States Its Relief Operations Cost $737,603. One hundred and ninety-two dtsaa (gfn resulting In 735 deaths and Injury to 1,131 persons, rendering nearly 44.M6 homeless and causing property 1 etui estimated at more than 3*4.750. •M, established a new record In the United States in the year ended laat June 3fi. according to reports of the Red Cross In all of these disasters Immediately relief activity was applied by the Red Cross, which expended 1737.603.37 through the na organisation and the local Chapters la assisting stricken com munities. ▲a the nation's chief relief agency, whose service covers over 43 years. ! the Red Cross is expected to be on duty almost as soon as disaster ; strikes any locality. This trust and confidence is amply justified by the increasing equipment of the Red Croon, which recently organized a mo MLf diaoster unit of experienced work ers ready in all parts of the country to respond on the instant to a call for active duty. This unit is capable of operating in several disaster areas under one general direction, and re cently was at work in seven communi ties la live states at the same time. Ability, alertness and increasing T«ftu of volunteer workers in more 1,500 chapters are reasons for tin preparedness of Red Cross for operations, be the call tor a in a restricted local area or for mUUoas in relief funds for a '■ staggering catastrophe such as th« in Japan. Cross, howaver, is far self-satisfied, for the or is giving tha moot to measures tor disasters, its relief admialo and rehabilitation policies Aar# wan tor it nation-wide regard. Tkat **u important work can always ■maanro up to every demand needs ♦s. nsntlnmrfl support of the Amer r - through Red Cross mem Tfce annual enrollment will _ 'Armistice Day. November 11. ouory American is urged to join tembership in the Bad Charlie Norman Killed Sunday Seaton Norman Shoots and Kills Man Because of Improper Relations With His Wife. Sunday night about eleven o’cock Seaton Noiman, co’crert man aged about thirty-five year3 who lives in the Pea R'dge sec tion of Skinnersviiie Tow ship, hot aid kil td Charlie Not mar, co ortd man of about tweniy-fi\e years of age. According to Seaton's test imonv he went home Sunday 1 ight and failing to find his wife there, look his shot gun and went in search of her. She was locat'd, so be claims, in an outhouse in a rather ct mpromising situation i with Chail e Norman. Seatcn espied them through an apt rtuie and arrested their atterti n. Charlie looked up at his com panion's husband and the enrag ed man shot him in the left br&aalMi with a full load of shot, killing him almost instantly Tke wor man ran from the building in an effort to escape the wrath of her husband but wa3 struck with the gun which was broktn ly the blow. Deputy sheriff Peal was noti fied and immediately hastened to the scene of the shorting. After viewing the body of the dead man he went in quest of the man who killed him, who was found at his home. Mr. Peal, upon get ting a confession from Seaton instructed the desd man’s rela tives to take him home ai d pre pare him for burial. Sheriff Reid was notified early Monday morn ing and went to Skinnersville, returning immediately with the prisoner. >»• Seaton was placed in jail to await the action a£. th e grr i d jury which was in setsion on that morning. A true bill was found and returned (6 the solici tor and Seatcn was immediately tried before Judge Sinclair. Sea ton admitted his guilt and was adjudged guilty of murder in he second degree and was sent er.ee d to serve a term in the state pet « itentiarv not less than three notf more than five years. WASHINGTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, Rebecca Basnight vs Joseph Basnight NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Washington County for absolute divorce; for the reformation a certain deed dated 1st day of Au gust 1918 to the said defend? n \ which deed is recorded in Re, i - ter of Deeds office of Washi’ y - ton County in Book 76 Page L7. the defandant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear before the Clerk ofSuperi r Court of Washington County at his office in Plymouth, N C on the 25th day of February 1925 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plain tiff will applv to the Court fn the relief demanded in said com plaint Thu 6t'i. dav of January 19£f>, C. V. W. AUSRON. Clerk of Superior.Court Washington County.

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