' 3 Year, In Advance. “FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single’ Copy 5 Cent* VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N. C , FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 NO. 16 Plymouth Institution Forced to Close. Backward Season, Worthless Paper, Few Deposits and Heavy With drawals Cause Institution to Cease Business. The United Commercial Bank, which was formed by a merger of the Bank of Plymouth and The Washington County Bank, just two years ago, closed its doors here Tuesday night. The bank had struggled heroi cally for the past 3 years in an effort to overcome the effect of paper accepted by the former institutions during the years of 1919 and 1920 when money was plentiful and prices inflated, and which at that time were consider ed desirable documents, but when the slump of 1921 came gradually dwindled to practical to practi cal worthlessness- ihere was a considerable sum of money represented in such paper, and While the new bank was success ful in retiring a good quantity of it there was enough left to seriously handicap the successful growth ol the bank. Continued bank failures throu ghout tie country during the past few years has almost destroy ed publit confidence in banking institute ns, and as a result de posits have been very light arm the conduct of the bank had been difficult. From those who are most con versant with the affairs of the bank we learn that the deposits amounted to nearly three hundred thousand dollars, while the assets will aggregate in the neighbor hood of a half million dollars It is the desire of the bank officials to have a receiver oppointed wnt will endeavor to judicially ano expeditiously dispose of all cob ateral possible. It >s also stated that there is a great chance joi all depositors to realize one hun dred cmts on every dollar dollar to their credit in tlm bank. The sudden closing )i the bank has worked a hardship on eveiy phrase of life that has been co - nected with the bank, and a great number of individuals and enter, prises have been crippled by the sudden termination of the bank s business here, which we sincerely hope will be temporary. Wednesday afternoon a meet ing of stockholders, depositors and others interested was heic in the court house for the pur pnae of ascertaining as far as pos SiDie tne actual status of affair! and to decnle upon the mos feasible plan of obtaining bank ing facilities as early as possible Several plan 3 were suggested and it was finally decided b immediately begin the organiza tion of a new bank with a capita Stock of not less than twenty-fiv thousand dollars, this bank t begin as a state bank and to be converted into a National bank as early thereafter as considered practicableby the stockholders. A committee was appointed to solicit stockholders for the new institution, work upon which has been already, inaugurated. In connection with the closing of the old bank, it is asserted by those Who are familiar with the d tabs hat. there has been n<> ■ • ir.g irregular transacted auu that no one is suspected of mis handling funds that were en trusted to the care of institution It is also stated that the bank is, not broke, but a as compelled to close because of lack of support of the community which it ser ved and an inability to immediat ely realize upon a great amount of collateral owned by the bank Just as we go to press we are informed reliably that an effort is being made to reviv, the United Commercial Bank, iivl in ar* next issue we hop*' t< be able to give complete infor mation concerning this move. MR. i.T. HASSELLDEAD Mr. Issac T. HassHl, aget eighty-jive, died at his ho.lie on the Homestead Farm neai Roper Sunday morning a, ten minutes past eleven oclock The deceased came to this ounty from Tyrrell count) a/ lien he was about eight years of age md had been one ol die most well known men in Lhe county. From the time oi coming to our county he has dyed in the same house in which he died, and is one ol the most attractive places in die county. He was the oldest Masoi in tile county and was reverm uv that organization He leaves three sons, Messrs. L. E., and j. J. Hassell of Roper ana Mr. T. R. Hassell of Troy; one oaughter, Mrs. F. D. Wilson of Roper, also survives him. The funeral and interment was made in the Methodist cemetery at Roper Monday afternoon at tlnee o’clock. Mr. Hassell had been a ’ subscriber to this paper since ! its organization in 1889, and “ we join with the entire ' county in expressions of sym ! pathy to the bereaved. ’ His health began to fai 1 and his vigor wane about! j year ago. ... • rOLEYSHONETHC/^ } Cor chlldna; eafe. turm. &o oj>tatv' I MAIL-ORDER HOUSES VS HOME jvERCHANTS Down in a certain town a man went into a store to buy an article and asked the price, It was $3.20 the dealer said ’’Good gracious,” said the man, ’’lean get the same thing from a mail order house for $2.82.” ’’That’s less than it costs me” said the dealer, “butl‘1! sell it on the same terms as the mail order bouse just the same.” ’’All right said the customer. “You can send it along and charge it to my ac counts.” “Not on your life,” re \'lied the dealer. “No charge ac counts. You can’t do business with tne mail order house that way. Fork over the cash.” The customer handed over the cash. “Now 2 cents for postage and 5 cents for money order.” The customer inwardly raving kept to his agreement and paid the 7 cents. “Now 35 cents expressag* ‘ Well I'll be-he said, but paid it, saying: “Now hand me it and I’ll take it home for myself and be rid of the foolery.” “Hand it to you? Where do you think you are? You’re not in Chicago, and you‘11 have to wait a week.” Whereupon he placed the article on the shelt and put the money in his cash drawer. “That makes $3 26,” he said “It has cost you 6 cents more and takes you a week longer to get it than if ycu had paid my price in the first place.—ex HUGHES RESIGNS AS SECRETARY OF STATE Charles E. Huges, Secretary c f 1 State, appointed by President Harding four years ago and since retained by President Coolidge, has resigned, to be effective on March the 4th, Frank B. Kellogg, now ambassador to Great Britain has been appointed by Mr. Cool idge to take the place vacated by ( Mr- Hughes. tCharles E, Hughes has always bsjen admired for his ability and his honesty. His retirement from the important position of Secre tary of State came as a suprise generally in political circles, Politicl judges say that since he had occupied the two highest positions in American politics outside of the presidency, Chief Justice of' the Supreme Court and Secretary of State and seeing all possibility of going higher vanish he preferred the more quite life of practicing law. NOTICE Notice is heredj given that bids for fatnistring county sup plies will be received by the ooard of county commissioners m Monday. January 4, 1925. ADDIE L. BRINKLEY, Clerk, Boar-1 of County Commissioners, Plymouth, North Carolina. Report or' tho Condition of The PEOPLES BANK at Creswell in the State of No Carolina, at the close of business, December 31, 1324 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .$93,990 47 Demand Loans . 1,349 95 Overdrafts unsecured - 5 94 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages, . 200 00 Banking Houses, -2992.12; Furniture and Fix tures . $4011.09 7,003.21 Cash in vault and net a mounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies ...—46,566 75 Cash Items held over 24 hours ...- 38 60 Expense accounts . 1,937 13 To'al .-. 151,092 05 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in .$ 10,000.00 Dividends Unpaid. 72 00 Bills Payable .—. 20,000 00 Deposits subject to check, Individual . 72,220 55 Cashier’s Checks outstand ing .. 1,150 57 Certified Checks ... 11.25 Tim? certificates of De posit, Due on or After TO Days . 2,850 00 Savings Deposits . 44,787 68 Total .-. 151,092 05 State of North Carolina—County of Washington, January 12, 1925 I, J. C. Gatlin, Cashier of the a bove named Bank, do solcmr.iy swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and bclDf. J. C. GATLIN, Cashier. Correct—Attest: H. G. WALKER, J. \Y. STARR, B. F. SPRUILL, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Ihi h a 0 J u«r> 10 5 E. S. WOODLEY, Notary Public. In Refutation We are very sorry that sen e df our people seized upon th; fact of the closing of the United Commercial Bank in Plymouth to make remarks derogatory of dther financial institutions in the the county. Our pe:ple ought to realize that the integrity and re putat on of our financial institu tions means much for the good >f the community. Yesterday afternoon the re port gained wide circulation in and arcur.d Plymouth that the Peoples Bank at Creswell had dosed its doors. In an interview yith the president and cashier of his institution last night we earned that the Bank was in >etter Condition than it has been ince I'M). They told us that the >ank was in splendid condition nd is doing business in good hape and that none of its de ositors feel any sense of inse urity about the institution. In his connection they referred us ) their last statement to the irpoistion commission, made jrsuant to law, and we take 'easure in askingour readers to 3refully read this statement hich appears in this issue of the aper. It seems that therjs a lawe 1 this State providing that any ne guilty of making malicious .atements derogatory of Banks re subjet t to the criminal law of le State and it seems to us that 1 view of the interest which our i izens have in these insritutior.s ■ lat this law ought to be strictly 1 nforced. j NOTICE OF SALT < ur uant to the terms of a mortgage J leed, dated January 2nd, 1920, and uly recorded in the office ot Rei ister t Deeds o! Washington County, Nonh i arolina in Book 77, page- 19, default aving been made in the payment of iie debt the-eny seeuied ai d tne in crest due thereon, the undersigned /ill offer at public auction at the door f the court house in Washington bounty North Carolina, at twelve ’’clock noon on Monday February 2nd 925 ti e property described in said nortgage deed as follows: Beginning in the Wa d lint on the Jorth side oi the Hollis Hoad, thence unning eastwardly along said line to he back line of the Edward Blount ine, thence north 10 poles E. to the :"rner, ’hence X 50” W. 75 poks to Yards corner; thence S. 40 ' W- to the lollis road, the place of beginning, :ontaining 50 acres more or ;e:s,aiui reing the same land cotveyed by deco >f even dale from J. H. Gurganus& ,vife to It. C, Jackson and wife and Fheo.B. Jackson, recorded in Reg of Deeds office Washington County, in Book.. .Page to which deed refer . nee is had for m;re fall description. Terms: CASH. This the 1st day of January, 1925. Mrs. Meda Nurney, Mortgagee. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON Linwood Blount, colored, aged about fifty years and who lives on a farm owned by Mr. A. G. Walker on Lake Phelps was shot by his son, Edward, la t Sunday afternoon about one o’clock, i he load of bird shot which the young man fired at his fat lit r took effect from his herd down about midway his body, one eye being destroyed. Linwood and his wife were quarreling and Edward at tempted to quid them, whete upon the older man seized a gun anu chased Ins' vvnfe and son from the In use. A scuffle so we are informed, ensued in which the young man got possession of the gun. 1 he en raged parent letc the scene, walked three miles, borrowed a gun and returned.. The young man, seeing his father approaching with gun, took no chances and fired point blank. Deputy sheriff Peal was immediately notified and Hastened to the sc nc of the dtooting. Edwai d was arrested tnd brought to Plymouth a net nlaced in joi 1 to await a hear ng before Recorder Norman .vhich will be held Monda< . WASHINGTON COUNTY, sORTH CAROLINA, Rebecca Basnight vs foseph Easnight NOTICE The defendant abo\e named vill take notice that an action ntitled as above has ct en ccm neiictd in the Superi r Ci ur: of Washington County for absolute iivorce; for the reformation a :ertain deed dated 1st d; \ of Au gust 1918 to the said defet dam, vhich deed is recorded in Regit-. er of Deeds office of V shir j - on Couniy in Book 7G. Page L7. he defandant will further take lotice that he is required to ap pear before the Clerk of Superior Hour! of Washington County at iis office in Plymouth, N. C on ihe 25th day of February 1925 *ud answer or demur to the eon - plaint in said action or the pk in tiff wil apply to the Court t.n the relief demanded in said c rr. plaint. This Gth. dav of January 1925. C. V. W. AUSBON, Clerk of Superior Court Washington County. Dr. D. B. Mizelle DENTAL SURGEON in Plymouth every day er cept Monday prepareo to to do Jll kinds of Modern DENTAL WORK E ruECTRiq f EMITTERS AND KIDNEYS