j Year, In Advanoe. TOR COO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1925 VOL. 36 Mrs. E. H. Liverman Died Wednesday After Brief Illness Popular Plymouth Woman Succumbs to Pneumonia. Seven Children Survive. The news that f\ rs. E. H. Liverman, aged thirty-two had died at her Lome here Wednes day afternoon at two o’e!ock, was received by sincere ow throughout the count. On Thursday afternoon, Feb ruary fifth, Mrs Liverman at tended a meeting of the Ladies Aid Society at the home of Mrs. W. J. Jackson after which she vis ted her sister-in-law, Mrs. L. J. Spear. At this place she was seized with a violent chill which rendered her unable to get home without assistance, and she was carried to her home by Mrs. L. M. Hampton. The illness developed into pneumonia, and despite the efforts of physicians relatives and friends, she suc cumbed to this malady in le^s than a week. The deceased was born near Creswell and was married to Mr. E. H. Liverman who at that time was a citizen of that community. About ten years ago thev mored near Tr was principa of p ; Hi I school. A few years ago Vi r Liverman moved to Plymouth and established himself with a wholesale con"ern at Elizabeth City i ■ a trav -ling s 'em , mui is now considered one of the most valuable men they have in their employ. Besides her husband she leaves on brother. Mr. L. J. Spear of this piace and seven children, Neva Mae, Willie Benton. Aubrey Ward, Mable Lee, Elsie Lorena, Philip Gray, Hazel Louise. Two children, Robert Graham and Mary Elizabeth, died some time ago. The funeral service was he'd in the Christian church yester day afternoon, being conducted by Rev, Bagby of Washington, assisted by all resident ministers after which the interment was made in Windley cemetery nea town. A large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives attended both services. Besides a profusion of floral tributes given by admiring and sorrowful friends and relatives beautiful wreathes were sent bv the Masons, Krnghts of Pythias, Oddfellows. K. K. K , and C ar iiabi B ».iV't o ■ The Beacon wishes to add its voice to those who deeply sym pathize with the grief-stricken bereaved. NOTICE OF SALE Underand by virtue of Section 2435 of the Consalida'ed Statutes of N. C repairs having been made bv me and material fu" :she’ n ' a * Ii0r6i p an' 1 lie id the same for ibi -tv days wiihou lsavio<r received navme t or the ‘v s v i ! r hi ii->..•••• f • ca- • gar and • lace f busin-ss in th town of Plymouth, 1 . at i2 o’cl >•;!: N ■in' the first M ndav in March, 1925 that certain Ford car. Seiial Number motor number 2493557, said car being the property of Joe Weede Tiiis 6th day of February. ;i925 L A. PEAL & SON M*\ Sidney Benton of Eliza beth City, is in town for a few days. ( DISBURSEMENTS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS V.-ufbt-i if u d Ffcby. 2, 1925 Carl Bailey, Solicitor salary 50.00 C. W. Snell, pxd. to Raleigh 25 94 John W. Dnrden, exp. to Ral. 42 53 Ply. Mark & Co. Co., C. j Home supplies ... 9 73 Sou. Hard. Company, supp., 7 56 R. W. Johnson, County dem. 75.00 W. J. Jackson exp. to Raleigh 1439 J. J. Hassell, vital statistics 30 50 G. W. Phelps, exp Coun. poor 20.00 Children’s Home Society, do nation ....... 5.00 | Edwards & Broughton, Printing Off. Supplies_ g7 37 C. W, Snell, board < f health 8 00 John W. Harden, brd of health 8 00 Williamston Tel. Co., phone IQ 90 J. W. Speight, board of health 4 00 H. V. Austin, board of health 4 00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co maintenance fee 5 56 J. K. Reid, Sher. fees . 203 76 Norfolk, Baltimore & Carolina Line, freight 63 Mrs. Addie Brinkley, Reg. fees .,_i. 10.00 John L. Phelps, Commission ers per diem .... 7 30 Sou. Sa- pn , supplies 34 80 ■!. T. McAUaier,-Gonu®,. per diem and mileage „ 10 9C Goluia Sawyer, poor allow.— 10.00 Berry Harrell, poor allow.... 3.00 C. W. Snell, comm, per di em and mileage, 21 10 E b. V. Norman, judge reed.. 50.00 A. W. Barnes, C. Home keep. 33.33 Sophia Hunter, poor allow.... 3.00 Harriett A. Davenport, poor allowance . 5.00 Lena Gurganus, poor allow.... 5.00 Elijah Joyner, poor allow. 3.00 Hamilton J. H. Jr., janitor... 75.00 J. H. Hamilton, Jr., 00! John W. Garrett, poor al- I lowance ___ 5.00 j W. J. Jackson, salary 150 001 L. S. Bray, Treas. sal.- 31.25 j A. W. Barnes, Co. Home sup. 1 50 Delano Wilson, Dec. salary Home demonstrator --- 50.00 Necessity Mfg Co. supplies 13 10 E. R. Jackson, election cost 3 00 C. V. White, vital statistics 19 00 W. H Hardison, vital statistics 26 50 W. T. Nurney, vital statistics 30 00 C. L. Russ, work on C. H. 500 00 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed o trust executed by Frank I Hartung and wife Bertha O. Hartung on the 18th day of June 1923, and recorded in book of mortgages 89, at page 10 etc., we will on Saturday the 28th day of February 1925, at 12 o clock noon at the Court House door in Plymouth, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit. That certain piece, parcel or tract of tand situate lying and being in Lees Mills Township, Washington County State of North Carolina, havig such shape, metes, courses and distances as are shown upon a map recorded in Book 1, at page 25, in the Kegister of Deeds Office of Washington County: the said land being bounded as follows on the North by the land of M. Lane on the East by the lends of E. Burrell on the south by the lands of M. Smith and on the West by the lands of F. I. Hartung, containing SO acres, and being the same tract or parcel of land which is described in certificate of title to F. I. Hartung, registered No. | 58, recorded in Book 2, page 12 in the | o • Oft ire of Washington county ' j which r ft rei ct is hereby made. T Bs sale is i: ade by reason of the p rc of ’ 1 I. Hartung and wife ' prtung to pay off am c indebtedness secure by said deed of trust to the Nortl Ca olina Joint Stock Land Bank o Durham. ; ! is the 13th day of January li'25 fh First National Trust Co. Tru.tec Durham, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Campbell spent some time in Rocky Mount this week visiting relatives I SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON 33 Years Ago -IN Washington County Items gathered from issue of , The Roanoke Beacon published 5 Friday, Feb. 12, 1892 Mr. A. L. Gurkin who has |been enjoying a week’s vaca tion is back at his desk at the Western Union telegraph of fice. Sheriff Blount informs us that he had as many as twelv^ applications to rent his new house befor; the frame wafe up. This is an evidence tb® houses are in demand. Ground was broken Frida| last for the Town Hall a’d Market and work is bein| pushed forward. The corf tractor is to have the building completed by April 15, which he can easily do if favored with good weather. The brick are being furnished by Dr. T. B. Wolfe and Mr. L| L. Newberry. Capt. Jos. Alexander has resigned his position as Mas ter of the steam tug “Edith” Capt. Thos. Harney of Eliza beth City is his succtssor. The new buss of the Lath am JHauie-is a decided im»w pro7ement on the old hack The crop of commercial tourists is very large this sea son. A number of our people will attend the Fife neeting in Williamston Sunday. Mr. S. L. Owens. Just as we go topless we .,/e informed of the death of Mr. S. L. Owens, which occured '.his morning in the State Hospital Raleigh. He had been in ill health for some time, and his death did not come unexpectedly. The re-! mains will arrive here tonight < n j the Norfolk-Southern and burial will be conducted tomorrow ternoon in the Methodist cer, - trey. Mr. Owens, is survived bv i wife, three sons Messrs. Hu; Herman, and Aubrey; thra ■ 1 ughters, M s. Ed Ayers of Rocky Mount, Mrs. Eva Brown of this place and Miss Ethel Owens of Vanceboro. Prior to his illness Mr. Owens was a traveling salesman, making Plymouth as his home and head quarters. Ou sympathies are x‘eno. to the bereaved ones. Card of Thanks It is with a heart full of love and gratitude that I offer my most profound thanks to those i who were so kind and thought ful in assisting me during the ^ illness and death of my wife, Nancy Ida Liverman, who died on the 11th of this month. For the many visits, professions )f ymprthy, floral tributes and uefuaTacts that re-lwi#mii of ^ many necessary duties I am most ‘ thankful and shall dedicate my 11 life to service of others indis-j, tress. If I can eve' he of an 1 assistance to any of yon I most:' sincerely hope to be called upon.1 Gratefully, ( E. H. Li Borman & Family : BILL BOOL: L.. ii,.YS '(PtZE\ “SOWS FELLERS 'FQ'JMO w tvus Town G\V£ me A GOOD LAUGH’. K!S HAVE 'CO FVGRT THEV/V tCOlH 'U TOEMWL FOR EVERM PUBLIC IVAPRO'JEVAEUt' AMO TH£U VJWEU VJE PUT "THE TH1WG OVER., OARV1EO IP "THEM OOLir "TRM “CO TAKE ALL "THE CREDIT \ \ t c l t c l i r 1 c ( 1. <L»ray Co >.• ;. ^£4 Cul f ^3^6 a. a*/ ii Cf *L .&. 3L Prominent Business and Financ ure Passes Away in Norfolk Ho Was Siudebaker Distributor. g~, r i»-> *** 7 5 » •" ’ - - " rr y~; TT, r r *~' f~' (■ '<• ST' jti.0- V >- 2 -Vt 1 iC.* .*5, ON £5 a US \'CU lor. .osst: 0 1 y. 2, 192() V. J. Crihn .1 0 ed & oil . 83? 04 'J. nor-- tlv . - ■ r . 314 00 Itandaru <• . . r.r.d oil ...—. 70 05 V. L. Holmes, supplier.— 2 70 L. Holmes, SO 58 'elton Clifton, sr c-r 12' 00 ,Vasli Webb, repair . 9 33 drs. Addie Brink! \ c .2 reg. fees . •>•' V V. T. Alexander, Co: sioner per diem & milt.' 33 00 V. A. Swain, Comm, per di em and mileage .-.—$ V. A. Mizell, Comm, per di em and mileage ...-. 8.5.j_ j. S. Bray, Trea... salary . 3T.'2f> L. Basnight, . " >r rd. 125.00 j. L. BaSnight, feed and oil, supplies . 18 00 j. L. Basnight, Pay roll 118 76 ,. S. Bray, cash items paid by United Commercial Bank 309 S5 People’s Bank, Creswall, N. Spruill’s Bridge 4,040 07 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE - Undei*s*id by-viidue .of -auilio ity contained in a mortgage !eed executed on t.he 2nd day 4' March, 3923 by L. J. Sawyer o P. Sutrar registered in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 7, oage 362. The uu'dm signed will on Satur lay, the 14th day of March 1925 ell to the highest bidder at 12:00 '’clock iVL at the Court House in dymouth, North Carolina, the oliowing described real estate, “That tract of la d lying and teing in the County of Vashing on, Skinnersville township, kn wn and designated as follows: eginning :tta sweet Gum near a unch of Horns Gums, thence louth to a plank p:ne, thence Vest to a forked Cypress, thence lorth to a White Oak stump the ce to the main road on Pea Rid e, thence along the m :in road to he first station. Containing fifty cres. ” ’erms of sale cash. 'his the 9th day of Feby. 1925 P. Shugar Mortgagee uF SALE Under and by virtu- of ui 'nf.ritv obtained in a certain Mortgage i_ -u xecuted Oii the 10th.( day o; May, 924 by Sanshery Davenport anti wife lary J. Davenport to A. .1. Da' en, ■ :-t, d registered in the office of Register ; f Deeds of Washington Fount, in ] Jook -s5 page l Vi to secure pay met of ne certain note of men date tlu re rith defa It having been made in the layment of said note, the undersinged Mortgagee will on Monday March 2nd :tgo sell for cash to the highest bidd r t the Court House door in Plymouth, iortn Carolina, at 12 o'clock nooi the ollcwing described real estate: That certain tract of land beginning ! it a white oak on the main road lead ncr from Creswell t<> Columbia a cor | ler between the lands of Mrs. M.;E. sinit'-son am the herein cinv vod ; and: running fh.erce South 56 de . 1 'oad leadiut - pru I’s Bridge! liit-i ce Soot : . degrees * M mitiutt: Wist b'l.olt ’ 1 - : ; theli'-O N.-rlll degrees 1 ebainsjt h ■ N Vi dCgt V-/ ' : ‘| : stump; thence I h 17 chains to lb-- ■ :i■ liii : j 15.14 acres it be if tia la' c uv: -.id toll. !!. Phelps by the VesUyefSt. Davids Parish. This the 2Sday of J nuary, i J2. . A. i. Davenport Mortgagee By P. W. Brinkley Agent *,8S-s NEW LIFE PILLS The Pill* That Do Cure Mr. T. Gra- Ciburn 01 folk and this place died a,\ No.'/olk home February 11 '■jC aniline's extending ove several months. ‘ *° vas prominently recognized :j- ' mjsipces and firm cial -s founder of the Co r Go., distribulo; s of i :e fe 'idebaker automob 1<» in V rginia and the Carolinas. He was : man v.,; rous and active in d i .‘ e 3 pr.rmite, which was largejj respasble /or t.he sue ze he tt? ned. i-b 1 deceased w raised in from he e. y 'just a few miles ■ remained there he ; v into manhood. : (.*.c.:,l successful business ventures 1 e came here and pur jhas- d tlte farm owned by Fher ff J. E. Reid, and great sums of money were used in developing i modern farm. Th;s farm now stands among the foremost ag ricultural en L i prises of the state. He is s • ed by his wife, two laughters, ,p .1 and Eleanor, '• • Gray1, 'Jr. Tin re ire also three brothers, George R. Coburn of Plymouth, E. auburn of Nev.port News, and H. Coburn of Talbert, Texas, i’wo sisters, sirs. 'I. V. Clements )f Huntington, W. Va.. and .Vj rs. E. King of Newport News, Va., also survive him. jummSiirzrwsXAss!*. WASHINGTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, Rebecca Basnight vs Joseph BasiiUht NOTICE The defendant above named will ■ike notice that an action en*i vd as ibove has been commenced in t. .• Su perior Courr of Washington Ccurtv for ibsolutc divorce; for the ref rmaiion a :eriain deed da ed 1st day of Au nst Ink's to the said d fendant, \ hich n ed s recorded in Register of Deeds off it >f Wa»hington County in Hook 7d page It the defandant will futher lake no ice that he is required to appt ar he ' -re the Clerk of Superior Con-tof Washington County at his of i e in Hymouth, N. C on the 25th ds y of .7<u>ruary 1925 and answer or hi iroir th • c miphiint in said action or Ti*» lint• : will apply to the Court tor .n- lief d. manded in said compi int This 6tl; dav of -lanuary 192), I v W. Al’SnON C'erk Superior Court. WASHINGTON COUNTY. FOR SALE —A few full blocd<d Duroc Jersey Gilts see. Ru'us S Sitterson R -nt 2 B'. x 60 Plymouth, N C. N e* • he Old Coun y Jail end Scabies. x :o c- s Washington County, N. C. aU ( i the 2nd., day of Ma : h, ■ . bid;.- To* 11 e a e u C ,e old County Jnii-vi.d . In-:i.cvv died or. i he Court House lot. be tv qi ir- (I i >\ e ! e - • (1 t.i he , it and a r< a 11,-t will be ghen ! to*4 t hot pU■ il i :s mutt ;*e accompanied a; • l ,.osii of 10' fc of the a mo nit of the bid. Ihe .'aid Board of Commission ers reserve the right to rject any and all bids. ADDIE L. BRINKLEY, Clerk, lh-.rl of County Commissioners, Plymouth, North Carolina.

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