j Year, in Advance, Single Copy 5 Guiltt, “FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.” VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1925 NO. 22 PAVING IS BEING # JL if M, Water Street Side Walks Completed In Spite of Bad Weather Water Street Sidewalks Have Been Paved. A White Way Has Been Estab lished For T .ree Blocks. j i ne crisp, curt instructions from gang bosses, the asth matic wheezes of motor trucks the grind of cement mixers, the deafening roar of giant ex cavator, the impatient com mand of mule skinners mixed with the jolly songs and ban alities of colored laborers are rapidly transforming Ply mouth's business street from a most primitive affair to one of the most modern that can be claimed by any town its size in the state. Already *:he north side of this street has been given an twelve-feet sid ivvajk of cement that has been opened for us The south d,,e will be com pleted, with good weather, when you read this. Similiar treat •‘■ ent h -s begun on Wash ington trcet, the sidewalks have been graded as far as Main street and are ready fs,r the last treatment. On this! street sand and gravel have! been placed as far as Fourth street, and actual operation will begin beyond Main street just as scon as the work now in progress can be completed, which, with even fair weather wid not be longer than sixty! dos, so we are informed b\ reliable authorities. As we have before stated, the stieets from curb to curb will be surfaced with sheet asphalt, is considered by ex perts to be the very best mat erial for such use. The side walks, however, will all he cement, the business section having twelve feet walks while the residential section will only r ceive a five feet walk. The white wav that takes] in the business section from j Madison to Jefferson streets] and from Water to main streets will be ten feet high with underground cable, which has already been placed, and will be lighted with four hundred power gbTes placed w j am . modern refieciois. i hen. will he thirty of these lights phi -ed one hundred feet apart, whs h in the opinion of thus-. •i ;\ eh 'g ■, wdl »■ !■. q i. fur t ■ needs of Plymouth for many years to come. There is necessary some in convenience right at this time for the people because of the work in progress. Recent rains h'Ave made the streets unon which I work is being done practically impassable. This situation was anticipated, and is unavoidable; excavations have been absolutely necessary both in the streets and on the sidewalks, and tne streets now are something similiar to new ground receiving its first treatment preparatory to actual service. When the streets are finished there is no doubt but that Ply mouth people will enjoy them to the fullest extent. Other streets not mentioned in this article will be paved, no doubt, and as soon as arrange ments have been completed we will chronicle same. RECORDER'S COURT Tne regular wet klv session of the recorder’s court; convened v,onday morning slightly after . th Zeh Vance Nor , juvRe p: <-t>.di g. The first case on the docket was that of Roland Gaylord, charged with obtaining goods under false pretense from Ca hoon Quality Shop. The defend ant was adjudged not guilty. Then came James Hedgepeth, who was tried fer assault on his wife and being drunk. James ac quiesced in most everything that was said and was sent to the county roads for ninety days. Joe Cradle was the next on iocket, charged with violating he prohibi tion laws. Joe denied his guilt, as asual, but judge Norman found reason sufficient to send him to the roads for 18 months. Joe appealed. Tom Purnell was brought into court under the same warrant that brought Joe, also denied his guilt, but received a sentence of six months. He also appealed. The last case was that of John Atamanchuk, who was also tried for violating t h e piohibition aws. The defendant admitted he possession of spirituous iq uors, but denied that he had it for the purpose of sale. He ap pealed from a sentence of six months on the roads. NOTICE OP, RE-SALE We will receive sealed bids for the purchase of the two old schoolhouses now standing on the ■>ublic school grounds in Roper, u r. Wednesday o >reli 11th, 1925. Each bid wilt nve to accompany a certified check to th :’ amount of 5 per ct of the bid yo show good faith or no part tie bidder. The bid; ill be ope; eb ;d Mr W A ii:ount’s; s.o e in Roper, N C a! noon on Ma eli llih, 1925. A reasonable time for the re moval of the buildings will be given the purchaser. Done by order of the Roper School Committeemen. George W. Dixon Secty. 33 Years Ago -IN Washington County Items gathered from issue of The Roanoke Beacon published Friday, Feb, 26, 1892 The stock of merchandise as signed by S. Adler is being sold at cost by Mr. D. 0. Brinkley Trustee. Mr. H. S. Owens left Satur day for Baltimore accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Effie. A small house near the A. & R. depot was destroyed by fire Tuesday night about 2 o’clock. Origin of the fire is unknown. At a called meeting of the board of eouncilmen on Monday, Oapt. E. R. Latham was appoint ed to fill the unexpired term of treasurer Harrison. Eggs 18c per dozen: bacon 9c per pound: hams, select 12&c: granulated sugar 6c; roasted coffee 25c per pound: breakfast, strips 10c; corn 80c per bushel: lard refined 10c. They have Christmas at th° Latham House every day, they havin? secured the services of Henry Christmas, one of the mbst popular hotel porters in this part of the state. The V a leer &Mvers mill crew extinguished a fire hi the neigh borhood of the plane Tuesday afternoon. Mr. W. H. Hornthal of No? folk was here this week visiting his parents. BANQUET LAST FRI DAY ENJOYED. A most delightful banquet was given last Friday night in Ihe basement of the court house in a get-together meeting of the Rector and Laymen of Grace E piscopal church. The banquet was a turkey dinner with a!! its frills and fancy side issues The ministers of all churches were present, and each delivered i s ort address touching upon the benefits of such meetings as spiritual uplifts to the men and ihe church. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed o trust jxecuted by Frank 1 Hartung and wife Bertha <J. Hurtling on the Hth day of June 1023, and recorded in book of nortgages S9, at patte 10 etc., v/e will ju Saturday the 28th day of February 1925, at 12 o clock noon at the Court House door in Plymouth, sell at public tuction lor cash to the highest bidder he following land, to-wit. That certain piece, parcel or tract jf land situate lying and being in Lees Mills Township, Washington County state of North Carolina, havig such shape, metes, courses and distances as ire shown upon a map recorded in 3ook 1, at page 2r>, in the Kegister of Deeds Office of Washington County; ;he said land being bounded as follows jn the North by the land of M. Lane jn the East by the lends of E. Burrell 311 the south by the lands of M. Smith ind on the West by the lands of F. I. Hartung, containing 80 acres, and oeing the same tract or parcel of laud which is described in certificate of Lille to F, 1. Hartung, registered No. 58, recorded in Book 2, page 12 in tiie Register's Office of Washington county to which reference is hereby made. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Frank 1. Hartung and wife Bertha C. Hartung io pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina. Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. This the 13th day of January 1925 The First National Trust Co. Trustee Durham, N. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON Delightful Event One of the most delightful tevents held in our town for some time was the entertainment of the basket ball team of Battle boro on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Fietcner Ausbon. The entertainment was tender ed the visiting team by the local team of Plymouth High Schou, | assisted by Miss Hermine Ausbon | and her sisters, Miriam and Hazel ! with Rev. W. G. Lowe, master of ceremonies. Games, music and contests kept the happy throng of half a hundred young people in high spirits until interrupted by ser vice of delicious refreshments to which all did ample justice. The visiting team did the locals up in a pleasant, but hotly con tested game in the afternoon, thanks to their early 4raining under Mr. Lowe, who for four years was the Battl boro coach. Demonstration Enjoyed. Miss Esther Branch, specialist lin clothing and interior decorat ing, was in the county this week She gave a very interesting de- j monstration in the use of draper-1 ies and other window hangings, before the federation of women's clubs in Roper yesterday. Our people enjoy visits from J people such as Miss Branch The many valuable things they learn 1 are constant benefits to them. TO SELL JAIL The county commissioners are advertising the sale of the old county jail and team stables ad joining. This sale wil' be made Monday, and the purchaser will be rejuired to dismantle same within a reasonable length cf time It is expected : hat an ef fort will be made to beautify the grounds surrounding the court house, which will be a source of delight to the peop .e of the en tire county. The new jail on the roof of the court house is about completed and will soon be ready for occu pancy. This jail is one of the most modern and convenient in the state. NOTICE OF .MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of autho rity contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 2nd day of March, 1923 by L. J. Sawyer to P. Sugar regist ered in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 77, page 362. The undersigned will on Satur day, the 14th day of March 1925 sell to the highest bidder a<-12:00 o’clock M. at the Court House in Plymouth, North Carolina, the following described real estate. “That tract, of la’d lying and being in the County of Washing ton, Skitittersville township, kn own and designated as follows: beginning at a sweet. Gum near a bunch of Horns Gums, thence South to a plank pine, thence West lo a forked C\ press, thence North to a White Oak stump the nce to the main road on Pea Rid ge, thence along the mainroad to j i the first station. Containing fifty j acres. ’ ’ Terms of sale cash. This the 9th day of Feby. 1925 P. Shugar Mortgagee Wenona Visited By Disastrous Fire. irate Experiment and Test Farm Los es Barn, Five Horses, Feed and Other Valuable Equipment. Neighbors Respond Nobly Officer Da v y Last Saturday p, Libition of ficer Tom Snell, t-heriff J. E. Reid and chief of police Parson Brown joined forces and went hunting for bootleggers. After an excursion from Lise eastern to the western environs of the town they had bagged three with apparent ease, and chased one Alt-x Walford after having garnered one gallon and a half from him. The officers are keeping an eye p.eied for Alex and have hopes of intro ducing him to the Recorder soon j.^ - ,_. cvl1 bALlii Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed on the !Ut!'.., day of May, 1925 by Salisbury Davenport and wife Mary J. Davenport to A. .1. Davenport a"d registered in the office of Registei of Deeds of Washington County in Book-on page lit! to secure payment oi one certain note of even date there with. defa It having been made in the pay.uent of said note, the undersinged Mortgagee will on Monday March 2nd 11125 seil for casii to the highest bidder it the Court House door in Plymouth, Morth Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon the following described real estate: That certain tract oi' land beginning it a white oak on the main road lead' ng from Creswell to Columbia a cor ler between the lands of Mrs. M.'E. limitbson and the herein conveyed and; running thPrice South 56 de •ees East 9 40 chains to the fork of the ■oad leading towards Spruill’s Bridge; hence South 22, degrees 5u minutes West 16.50 chains-, thence North S9 iegrees West .7."> chains;thence North >6 degrees West OH) . ha ns to a pine dump; thence North 34 degrees East .7 chains to the beginning, containing 15.14 acres.lt the land conveyed oil. H. Phelps by the Vestry cf St. Davids Parish. Phis the 28th., day of January, 1925. A. J. Davenport Mortgagee By P. W. Brinkley YS "aWW \r EONAE O? ~tHS.Ee. \y PUB>UC \KAP«.0VSrAEWY5 oo \MCREA‘o£ TAXES. A UTTLE'? ■ThvX'RE WORTH VT\ \P A PEU.OVJ 'NAS VJILUV1G: TO GCf AU0'-1G VdVTH THE BARS. NECESSITIES OP U’ES , HE COUUO UVE PREYTH CHEAP, «UT VMHO WAMTS To UVE VU A CAVE15? " kinc s new life pills The Pills That Do Cute. ••• Thursday night fire de t-iYoye:1 a large barn at VVenona which was the property of the i State Experiment and Test Farm hive horses, ten tons of hay and otiitr ] cod, harness and other valuable property were a total os , which is es imated at five thousand dollars with about one fourth tne vs ue in insurance. Mr, T. H. Rosenthal, who had been visiting at a neighb rs, had ret rned home and after reading a few minutes began tc prepare ifor Led, and in gazing out the window raw a blaze in the dire ction of the State Fyim and im mediately called his father. Both men hurriedly prepared to hasten there and render whatever assist ance they could. Farmers from the neat by c; suitry side did like wise and alder several hours of hard work managed to overcome the flames, which several I’mes seriously tbr. a emd atijt ining buildings. At one time it looked as if all the farm buildings would he de stroyed, but additional help con tinued to arrive until u force suf ficient to ruccessiuliy light the fire was on the scene. The farm has been managed for some time by Mr. James L. Rea, who is an enterprising and progressive young man who graduated in agriculture at State college. COUTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY. superior co: ::t. J. H, Leggett vs Avery Cooper, Joe Cco[ er and Charles Pernel! NOTICE OF PUBLICAIION The defendants -hove named will take notice that an action entitled as eiove lias been c.nimi i.ced in the jup< rior Court of Washington County •'or the purpose of petitioning the . on: i. i sell a certain piece or parcel jf land described in tne comp'ainc tiled n the Clerk of Superior Coui t’s office which aboved named defendant: are :enants in common;and the defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Cdtik of the Superior Court of said County at his office in Plymouth on the third day of March to answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will ayplv to the Court fer relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 19th dav of February, 1915. C. V W. ATTSBON, C'erk Superior Court. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is to notify all persons and firms concerned that 1 have sold my sleek of goods in 1 -lv mouth, N. O trading as G T. Davis and Company to D. G. Davis, and it otn this date am no long’ r connected All persons holding claims against G. T. Davis & C'., P'ymouth, N. C . will Please preseui th m toG. T Davi» a . Windsor, N C, M persot s indebted to G. T. Davis Co . of Plymouth, N. will nir.ki- payment to G. T. Davis at Windsor, N. f. G. T. DAVIS FCR SALE-A fe w full blooded Dun c Jersey Gilts see, Rufus S. Sitterson Route 2 Box CO Plymouth, N C. tor childrens safe, sura. Afo

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