THE ROANOKE BEACON PLYMOUTH, N. C., JANUARY 30, 1925 r. cr AUSBON, mirnr C V W. AUSBON Need of United Concern and Action A community made up of people all working together to accomplish what is best for all is the right kind of com munity in which to make vour h< me. This is the idea that has dictated much of the editorial matter that has ap peared in the Beacon for many, many years. But how to put this idea into definite and concrete form is always the everlasting problem. How to gel our citizens to working along for the common welfare of everyone living in the county is the question. Right now out people are facing a time when every element of life as it effects us should come together in an effort to relie /e a spirit of depression that is almost general throughout the community. Suppose all organizations that are a part of our life here would come together in a spirit of concerted action for the purpose of promoting the best interests of our community. Set aside distrust and make a determined efforc to establish confidence and faith in each other. If everybody would make such an effort and en deavor to religiously carry it out there would be no reason for dissatisfaction and distrust, and pretty soon this com munity would thrive and go forward in leaps and bounds, i people would be happier, commercial interests would be more prosperous, civic life would be more enjoyable and pleasant and a general life of genuine prosperity would surround us. Suppose every organization, such as farmers clubs, fraternal orders, women’s clubs and other such organizat ions in their next meeting would discuss this thought, and then if thought wise and expedient, appoint a suitable member to meet as a committee from every organization, and then a more thorough discussion be made. We think some real, constructve good might develop. LOCAL NEWS. Mr. A. L. Holmes of Creswell, was a business visitor here Mon day. Mr. Jack Read left Wednes r daj for Littleton. Mr. G Davis of Windsor, has basn in town on business this week. Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Mizelle spent the week-end in Windsor L Mr. T. C. Holmes of Creswell, was in town Tuesday. Treasurer Leon S Bray of Ro per, was a visitor here Tuesday. There are some people who seem to think that team work consists in doing a lot of kicking Dr. T R. Boyd of VVi. iamston was here this week. Atty. Zeb Vance Norman was in Nashville Tuesday. The mint is about the oni; place money may be made with out advertising. We are about even w th Chin for ..end ng Mah Jongg here they havo been smitten with th bos Word Puzz e fever For S ' e- Pure Rhode Islani R d rock - els- N, C. Vail, Rout 2 Plymouth Mrs. J. I. Brewer, after spend ing some time with her sis er Mrs. C V. W. Ausbon, left fo her home in Portsmouth Mon day Mr and Mrs. 'V. A- Swain o ■eke.' s, were in town sh< ppin; this week. - Mr. H. A. Litchfield of Cres well. was a business vi3itor heic ( this week. Mr. J: R. Latham of the Long 3 Ridge section was in town this week. 1 Mr. R. C. Jackson, county, was 2 in town Monday, Mr. T. J Swain has been out of town on business this week. r VV. T. Nurney made a profes sional trip to Rocky Mount this week. f Recent, rains have made travel l over roads rather difficult. Ford Owner ‘‘Texaco Motor Oil For Ford” ESPECIALLY MANUFACTURED FOR FORD CARS GUARANTEED TO STOPTHE “STUTTER IN A FORD” CLEAN CLEAR AND FULL BODIED IN EUERY WAY UP TO THE STANDARD OF TEXACO MOTOR OIES MORE POWER MORE MILEAGE LONGER LIFE TRY iT AND BE CONUINCED Frank Midgett DISTRIBUTOR Texaco Petroleum Products PLYMOUTH, N. C. p? ra A • 'J >T* ° Avoid I ire TROUBLE By Using Gum-Dipped Cords The original cost of the famous Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord is no more than that of an ordinary tire the ultimate cost much less. Gum-Dipoed Cords last much longer and give far greater service Th e trouble is reduced to a minimum with these wonderful mileage makers. The exc'usive Gum Dipping process gives these tires ad dhicnal strength to stand up under the most grueling test to which they can be put. It protects them from the heat of friction and the rotting of moisture because every strand of c i'd in the tire is impregnated with tough, lively rubber. I. is econornv t > make your purchases for the winter at our Jo *• prices. UTH FILLING STATION Plymouth N >rth Carolina OPEN UNTIL 10 P. M, NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power and ! authority contained m a certain mortgage deed executed by 1 i.T• Gurganus and wife, Viola Gur ganus to Minnie Wynne, Mar;ha Jackson and Ab'ce Waters dated 19th day of September 1921, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, in Book 77, page 281 to which reference is Hereby made default having been made in the pavment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will on the 26th day of January, 1925 at 12 noon, at the Court House door Washington County Plymouth, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract or parcel of real described in said instru ment as follows. ’’Beginning at an iron stob on or near the Norfolk Southern Rail roadjright of way on the South side of the Holds Hoad and run ning westwardly with a line of marked frees across the sand ridge road to Welch Creek: thence with said run of said Creek to VJ, A. Mizelle line; theme with said line to the Nor fo’k Southern Railroad; thence with said Railroad to the begin ning, containing sixty acres, more or less. Being that tract of land conveyed to Cicero Kelly by deciee of John Kelly, recorded in Book t\l page 144 Register of deeds office, Washington County [Subject to the undivided inter est of Charlie Kelly] The bidder at such sale will be ! required to deposit as muchbas ten per cent of the amount bid as a guaranty of good faith pend ind confirmation of the sale by the court and the right is re erved to reject any and all bids This the 26tn day of Bee. 1924 Minnie Wynne SIS*Horace V. Austin Atty. it i: ^« JK IF YOU ARE IN JOINING THE KU KLUX KLAN t 1 If /J XQ 1 Oi /< Iw Address Post Offiee Box