fr Statement AND Off sr of Reward Peonies Bank, of Creswell TO THE PUBLIC I have today care fully examined the affairs of tha PEO- I PLES Ores- j well, N C, and find j same in good condit tion, solvent ? „nd wor- j thy of the support 1 and con fit ence o f the public. L. H. HARRISON As3t. State Bank Examiner REWARD! WE WII.T. PAY A RE WARD OF £500.00 FOR REEIA151.1: IX FORMAT I( >X THAT ^VILL RE STF FICIEXT TO COXVICT PARTY O R PARTIES STARTIXO Oil CIRCP I.ATlXi'i A R E FOR T THAT THIS H\XK HAD CEOSED ITS DOORS, OR IS IX A A IXSOI iVEXT OR dax(;i«:r( >rs coxdit iox. Bank CASHIER &VLV£&i-(2,U7& HERE IS THE TIRE Goodrich Silvertowns in our eyes, stand out amidst other tires like a flag staff. ♦ . . There is more quality, more satisfaction in them than anything we know of in the shape of a tire. When we quote you our low prices on them, you will understand the real meaning of new tire values. * . • Goodrich 3ilvertown CORD —{“REST IN THE LONG RUN”^» L. A. Peal & Sons V CONDENSE D STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Bra nch Banking & Trust Company WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 31st, 1924. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $1,553,291 56 U. S. and N. C. Bonds 1,424,425 75 All Other Stocks and Bonds 43,391 00 Banking House, Furniture & Fixt 35,232 59 Cash and Due From Banks 409,911 59 $3,466,252 49 LIABILITIES: CAPITAL STOCK Surplus Undivided Profits BILLS PAYABLE Deposits $ 250,000,00 250,000,00 56,244,82 NONE* 2,910,007 67 $3,466,252 49 Upon the strength of the above statement and the backing of our Directors we solicit your business, promising every accommo dation consistent with sound banking. No account too small to receive our most careful attention. To Our Farmer TRONS In plann ng yur new crop remember that our bu$i n.sshas been established lor g enough to know your needs and that w * are prepared to sorve you as we have in the past Anything that ou may need can be found here, and our prices are as lo ^ as any conservative business might make them. When you a e tiiml mg over the articles that you will need al »o think rF ?ir store in that c ame connection A ' W. H. HaMPI IT* . • - V/A H & son. r i