A Year, In Advance. -FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single Copy 5 Ccotfc VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1925 NO. 23 r I-*-. VV-H* fci' May Improve Court House Grounds. Plans Submitted >jy Miss Delano Wil son Would Make Real Attractive Spot in County. War Mem orial Under Consideration In the regular monthly ses sion of the comity commis sioners held here Monday plans were submitted hy Mi s Delano Wilson, home dem onstration agent, for the beau tifying of the grounds sur rounding die court house. These plans have been care fully prepared and incorpo rate a cement curbing sur rounding the grounds ana for the planting of various kinds of flowers and shrubbery,and also for the building of ce ment walks leading to the three entrances. The old stab les and jail will be torn down in the near future, and an ef fort is being made to begin the work of improving the grounds just as as soon piac ticable. A special plot in the plans was reserved for C ivil am World War memorials; and right here we would like t< suggest that in establish! H' the memorials an especial tab let should be engraved to . commemorate the sacrifice of James Edward Jethro, who was killed in action with the Thirtieth Division at the time it penetrated the Hin denburg line, which was con sidered the strongest point cf : resistance of the entire Ger man defense system. Jethrc was brought back here about three years ago and reburied at Holly Neck by a local company of the National Guard, Also the name of Na- < than McAllister, one of the , finest young men ever raised in the state, a son of Mr. and t Mrs. J.T. McAllister, should 1 be placed on the tablet with that of Jethro. Nathan died while in training at Camp Jackson, S. C., just a short 1 time before las outfit w..sjs scheduled to sail for France.* He did not die in actual com- ‘ bat, but he was doing his ut most to equip himself with sufficient knowledge of mod- , ern warfare to be of maximum I ■ service to his arm f the m-v vice, and die i■ e grim reaper cia mru .n be fore he arrived at ihe front ( does not in any manner de- t tract from the estet-m i n j which he should be hdd n at.; It is thought that the war memorial will be erected by , public subscription And if an effort is made to effect it |n this manner we have en ough faith in the people of this count} to firmly believe that a monument that will reflect credit upon every in • idual will be erectea as a silent though perpetual tri- ' bute to the sacrifices of these , two young men who have given their lives in the service of their country. . I .othing of a definite nature was done bv the commission- * -rs at this meeting, but the project was taken under con- 1 ^deration. ! Change in Business ; On the next ppge appears a quarter-page announcement of ' O. D vis, jeweler, calling at* - i - t> Him fpC' that he hat ken he st';ck here of G. Davis & Co,, of which he w*s m mher, and will continue tin t--n< 88 of seihng jewelry ano i inp. w ■■e'o.-ks, jewelr Oi ogr phs. ■ r Lavis came hert- aDout six v'ears ago when the Plymouth 1 Jewelry Company was establish- v and has been here almost con- ' tinuously since that time. i Important Notice * Notice is hereby given to ali t oersons and films concerned that j it is mandatory th?it all bills for v oayment that are to be presented t the; board of county and road v lommissioners be in the hands t *f the auditor not later than the 25th of each month preced ng c the first Monday of the following t nonth. This requirement is made t so that confusion in having bills 5 audited may be eliminated. No c oills received after the 25th will t be passed for payment for the t first meeting of the commission- c *rs following that date. A11 bids transacted by count} agents should bear their signa ure as an O. K. oo same, so as > * expedite the payment oi c s< me. j 1 is is for your benefit as we 1 j as the county's. 7 NOTICE OF RE-SALE We will receive sealed bids for r rhe purchase of the two old I sehoolhouses now standing on the 1 vi dt sch • r und irt Rope1-, j u Wednesday i IL . i. J>. E-<ch bid wi: , to o; uip. ny a certified I. •f-eck to toe amount of 5 per ct j t of the bid to show good faith on ' 1 the part of the bidder. The bids I ^ will be opened at Mr W. A \ Blount's store in Roper, N C ! at noon on March 11th, 1925. i A reasonable time for the re- j m jval of the buildings will be t given the purchaser. i Done by order of the Roper r School Committeemen. ' George W. Dixon Secty. 33 Years Ago -IN Washington County Items gathered from issue of Tha Roanoke Beacon published Friday, March 4, 1892 John Skittietharpe don’t sm oke so many cigarettes and is getting fat. Henry Midgettand IVlayor Bry an have shaved off th ir moust aches. An appeal was made to Mr. B. Nurney and essrs. Jackson# viarriner in an effort to secure a her ise for the convenience of .he peop. of this community. ,i.r, ti if. n>rown has been ap poi t d g. ntr.J ireig it and pas senger agent < t the Norfolk & Sou he n railroad at Edenton, to which place he went on Satur day. Mr. 3. R. Norman of Norfolk Spent ■''unday here. He said h< came to see his mother, but w< have a name for it, Mr, W. G. Ausbon, aged 32, died here on February 26th. [He was a relative of the present Editor] Pastors of the three whiti churches here:-- Methodist, Rev W. B. Moore; Baptist, Rev. J. F. Tuttle: Episcopal, Rev. Luther Eborn. Rev. Eborn was also superintendent o f public in struction. Continuous Elect ric Service It w:;s anncunced a few day ago that the Municipal Light and ater Supply would on March 1st, inaugurate a continuous ser vice of electric current. This ser vice began Monday moaning and is welcomed by users of electric current in all parts of the town. Mr. L. C. Willoughby, the su perintendent, tells us that there will be very few interruptions in this service, if any at all. The plant has just been equipped with new boilers, engine genera tor and the town has been re wired with more substantial ma terial The ice plant, vdiich is a part of this plant, is now being over hauled and put in condition for the summer rush by Mr. Dock Stul bs, a recogn'zed expert me chanic, and ii is thought that this element of the plant will be in keeping with the excellence of the electric department. NOTICE OF I»10ItrI GAGE SALE Under and by virtue of autho rity contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 2nd day of March, 1923 by L. J. Sawyer to P. Suj ;r registered in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 77, page 362. The undersigned will on Satur day, the 14h da' of March 192? sell to the highest bidder 12:0U o'clock M a? the Court House in Plymouth, .Month Carolina, (he f j ..wing described real estate, ‘■T; * of C d lying a> d ii; ut v of /a -hi g <>i.. ut 'sviile township, kn i.vn and designated as follows: beginning at a sweet Gum near a bunch of Horns Gums, (hence iSouth to a plank pine, thence i West to a forked Cypress, thence North to a White Oak stump the nce to the main road on Pea Rid ge, thence along the main road to the first station. Containing fifty acres.” Terms of sale cash. This the 9th day of Feby. 1925 P. Shugar .Mortgagee Seventy-Sixth Bir thday Celebrated March Is?, 1925, marked the seventy sixth birthday of one < ; our county's foremost citizen and farmers, Mr. T. L. Satti. thwaite, which was celebrated with him by members of his im mediate family and c ose friends A huge cake, a product of Has sell Brothers bakery, was arran ged for the occasion and was laden with 76 lighted can dies, which represented the number of years of his life. The party came as quite a suprise to Mr. Satterthwaite, and the plea sure of the occasion was heigh tened by the presence of all his chi dren, with the exception 01 one, Mr. Russell Sattertnwaiit who lives in Dallas, Texas, anc could not be there for the affair. Mr. Satterthwaite enjoys the respect and admiration of all the people of the county, and for several years he has served a; county commissioner, reflecting great credit upon himself. Those who attended of the family were Mr, and Mrs. W. YY. Satterthwaite and children Vel ma, Dan, Leona; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weede and children La fayette, Mary and Neona; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore and child ren Myra and Mahlon. Mr. Vanct Satterthwaite, Miss. Ruth Salter .thwaite, MrsJYlary Satterthwaiu i'he friends who cdebrac d tin birthday with him were Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Beasley. Mr. and Mrs B. D. Latham, Mr. John Gur ganus, Mrs. Della Latham, Mr. Hall Beasley, Mrs. C. F. McNair Dr. YV. H. Ward, Misses Louise and Alene Gurganus, Henry Everett, Mattie Davenport, Lou ise Latham, Leola Ausbon. Mr. Satterthwaite owns and conducts one of the finest farm: in this section of the county, which is situated about two miles and a half on the Long Acre road M r. B. F. Spruill of near Ro per, was a business visitor here this week. Messrs J W Starr and J ( Gatlin of Creswell, were here on business this week P 0 Price made a business trip .0 Mackeys yesterday NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT. J H, Leggett vs Avery Cooper, -Toe Cooper and Charles Pernell NOTICE OF PUBLICftUION The detendants above named will take notice that an action enti led as above has been c:mmenced in the Superior Court of Washington County for the purpose of petitioning tit Court to sell a certain piece or parcel of land described in the complaint filed in the Clerk of Superior Court’s office which aboved named defendants are tenants in common; and the defendants will further take notice that they are i required to appear before the Clerk < f the Superior Court of said t our. y at his office in Plymouth on the 23rd day of March lo answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court ior relief demand^ in said Complaint. This ‘he'iDth dnv of February, 19U>. c. v. w. ausbon, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is to notify all persons and firms concerned that I have sold my stock of goods in Plymouth, N. C trading as j G T. Davis and Company to D. G. I Davis, and f om this dale am nolonger ; connected All persons holding claims against G. T. Davis & Co., Plymouth, N. C;, j will Please present them toG. T Davi* 1 at Windsor, N C, AH persor s indebted toG. T. Davis & Co., of Plymouth, N. C., will make payment to G. T. Davis at windtor, N. C G. T- DAVIS Enjoyed Little Miss Kat year-rid daughte: of M r. and Tvs. Frank Midgetf, wa-; hostess o about twenty-five of her little V'nds at a birth :F ' nasty ;/fv , at her home Mo■ dav ?f er ■ on from four to ; ix in <"■ a aiion of her sjxlh m. thri. )• birthday, hot > Sunday and the party was cunse iuently defer: t.d until the following day. The little folks thoooughiy en joyed a number of , .mes which were planned and eonducted by Vliss Delano VVilt< i , home dem onstration agent;. } '.cfreshments of a delightful nrr'. ' ■ v: ser ved the tulle ioik . The grown-ups >-o itr .i- c wereMesdan.es ] . . ■ V- nite. drooke Read, G Ji Harrison m Or. H. Harrison. Ji ;.t;d Manna A. Harris. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR TAX: 'file following real estate will be .v , for taxes, Albemarle Drainage DistYo it the court house • oor at 12 o’clock ,1. on the First Monday in April 1A25. J. K. REID, Sheriff. L G Ange.$2-05 (J L Bowen.23-23 'I C Forrest or N II Harrison . . 31-44 S H Harrison Jr. 297-28 M H Harrison Sr. 159-91 Wynn C Mighell.25-01 0 X Morris.109-34 M W Pa1.1 et al.28-28 1 ) Paul and Joseph Paul . . 122-ry iinnie Paul, Lilly Ciiesson &• Neva Ha rison.59 Edward Rehder.109 34 William Spruill . „.21-S7 \ S Skubic .. :'cited Commercial Bank. . . J0-2‘i Washington Beaufort i.and ( o. 1- 210 Chas WiHiaios.11-14 FOR SALE-A few full blooded Dtiroc Jersey Gilts pee. Rufus S. Sitterson Route 2 Box 60 Plymouth, N. C. . l^n * By Kunaway I.:, -t • ■atai’day afternoon while . ; way home a horse driven hv Mr. Henry T. Sawyer became j frightened by a parsing train ■■f. bolted. Mr. Sawyer, who was rution a rail of the cart, lost ! dance and was thrown un >i r the vdhcle which passed ov •r i . body breaking his right •eg above the kiree from which a bone probuked, and received - • r;\l ether body bruises besid es i ainful cuts about the face and head. He was immediately brought to Dr. C. McGowan, who rendered professional aid. Mr. k f,r’s wounds, v. hi’e e:-;c* o.l; p.‘y painful are not cor •idored to.> m vere for complete which is expected nn corrp'd rat'ons set in. The wounded man has been soj ■ intending a farm owned bp ; ■. E G Harrison, about 5 tr from hero, and is consid er, i; dustrious and capable ten • He w s taken to his home :• ■. Hon r n immediately af • physician had dressed his wound.- ■ Mr V'athew* Davis made a trip to Beihavrn this week in the in terest of Plymouth Garsge and Motor O. Mr G J Brooks made a busi ness trip to Chari tte this wtek Mr F M Si mm ms of the S m moiis Consfruriion ( o of Chai !<;tte, has been here this week in the interest of the pavm? Mr C C Gibbs of Columbia, has been in town this week E R A:!er. of I on.tr Acre, was in town 'ast Saturday s-aiijss: : •>/ m KM m) 1 li i |8 I Bil L BOOSTER SAYS '\tY V'.O WANTS TO OO' i vMU. W Boosted 'PADLOCK CUB?" HO ODES'. NO GOAT To RM?S\ LOTS OF BENEFITS\ HELPS MGO’i HELPS OWE-PS'. BJEBM&OOV CAM OOWitt JOIN TOO AN '• W TO fcECQ>A£ A ULVAPF/A CP THE "PADLOCK CLOP',' JUST PLACE. A UTTLE PADLOCK. OH NO*. PL UPS NHHEM NOO TV4.' :< THU'Wc ABOUT TO PO A LLCYLf khocvo.ng or spread a i.,r OF SCANOAU. that's ALU ,/

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