J Year, In Advance. -FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRV AND FOR TRUTH" Single Cepy • PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1925 f'O. 27 VOL. 36 Man Subjected to Brutal Treatment Joe Needleman Taken From Jail And Cruelly Mutilated For Al/eged As sault on 17-Year Old Girl. Williamston, N. C., Nar. 30— The most horrible crime which has ever occured in Martin county took place early Sunday morning about 3 o’clock when Joe Needleman, a voung travel in {salesman from Philadelphia, who had been apprehended in Edenton a few days ago on a charge of criminal assult and brought to WMliamston where he was placed in jail and was taken from the jail by unknown masked men and carried a short distance on the Washington road where he was mutilated and left alone The weakened, bleeding young man walked back to town and the night policeman gave an alarm of fire hoping to arous. the attention of the citizens Drs. Warren, Rhodes, Saunders and York were summoned and after a consultation the doctors Tayloe of Washington were called and they operated on the young man and stopped the bleeding and af ter a sufficient lapse of time he was carried to the Washington Hospital. No crime in the history of the county has caused more excite ment and sympathy; the alleged assult upon the young lady had brought indignation, but the brutal slashing of the young man has caused a feeling of strong resentment among the peoph who are horrified to know that such a spirit of lawlessness could exist in this community. The young lady, who it is alleg ed was assulted is a resident of this town, and on the night* which she claims to have been assulted she returned to her boarding place but did not tell of her experience until a few days thereafter. The unfortunate young man is said to be the son of a wealthy citizen of Philade phia and now travels through this territory sell'ng Old Virginia Cheroots and chewing tobacco, and makes his headquarters at Kinston. COLORED MAN RECEI VES SERIOUS INJURIES Lorenzo Lindsay, colored - borer working in lumber camp of Lum Owens a few miles on th* Roanoke River from here, suf fered a broken and fractured arm, two fractured places in tin pelvis, a ruptured bladder ane severe concussion of the brain The injured mar, was helping to erect a hoisting rig in a tall tree, some parts of which erave way throwing him to the ground He was brought immediate y here and received first aid from Dr. T. L. 3ray, who in turn sent him to a hospital in Rocky Mt. At this writing we are told that he has not completely regained consciousness. Lindsay’s home was in the Roper section. r*4 SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON GOOD FRIDAY SER VICE AT GRACE CHURCH As is its custom, Grace Episco pal Church, of FIy mouth, wnl conduct a three-hour devotional service on the Friday before Easter, known in the Church calendar as Good Friday, It comes this year on April 10th- The se-vice will lest from 12 noon to 3 p m iri commemoration of the three hours which Jesus spent on the cross. It will consist of hymns, prayers and seven h-lef addresses, The people are invit* d to attend the whole ct any pa». . of this service, , l Dr Howard Smith The Eve-Sight Specialist, nf Mon roe, N. C., will be h* e on Wednesday, April 15’ h. Fifteen vpars ■ f s'.tisfncti v st rvic s* e him it you hive trouble with your Eyes. Examination free and glasses furnished at a reasonable price. Don't forget the date. SMITH’S DRUG STORE PLYMOUTH. N. C. T NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained in a jndement of Superior Jourt entered on the 30ib day of March 1925. The undersigned com missioner will on Thurday, the 30th day of Aprii 1925 sell to the highest oidder for cash the following described real Qst&tc* “Lying and being in Washington County, bounded as foil ws: On the East by Little Mill Creek, on the South hy the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on the West and North by Welsh’s Creek, and being the same lands con- j veyed to Martha Pernell et al by Reu ben Pettiford, by deed recorded in Book, page, in the register of deeds office of Washington County. Contain 18 acres more or less” Said land is being sold under a judgement in the special proceeding in the case of J- H. Leggett vs Joe Cooper et al for petition for partition Said judgement doiketek in the iuperior Court, Book,— Page,— of the County of Washington. This ihe 30th day of March 1»25. Van B. Martin Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR TAXES. The following real estate will be sold for taxes, Albemarle Drainage Dist ict it the court house oor at 12 o’clock M. on the First Monday in Aoril 1 >2 > J. K. REID. Sheriii. L G Ange. ■ ■ S2-05 GL Bowen.23-23 \t C Forrest or N H Harrison . . 31-44 N' H Harrison Jr. 297-28 \ N’ H Harrison Sr. 159-9! i Vynn 0 Mighell.. . 25-01 A Morris .109-34 N W Paul et al . 28-28 1 D Paul and Joseph Paul . . 122-23 Minnie Paul. Lilly Chesson & Neva Harrison.37-59 Edward Rehder.109-34 William Spruill .21-87 A S Skubic . . . . . . 30-75 United Commercial Bank ... 30-20 Washington Beaufort Land Co. lr>2-40 Chas Williams.11-14 PAQU For Dental Gold, 1 Platinum,Silver,Dia, [ monds, magneto points, false teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail todav. Cash by return Mail. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. Mr. W. D Ppsl of Creswell, was in town this week. 33 Years Ago | -IN - Washington /> r ■ i !-w o ‘ji lity Items gathered from issue of The Roanoke Beacon published Friday, April I, i892 All Fools Day. Some people don’t like the fancv fr- nt on the city iiall. A movement is on, foot to aiiiId a Methodist Protestant Jiurch m tin.'' town 6 We are sorry to learn that Mr. W. C. Has.'ei! is having sum difiiccl y in get i ■: a site for his mill. With as much idle land as we have near this town, it s;ems hard that such an enterprise should be shut out. Mr. North Carolina, Washington County. Pursuant i.o a power of sale vested in the undersigned trustee by the terms of a certain deed of trust exe cuted by F. 1. liar-ung and wife to W. L. Whitley, a.-> Trustee, on the 26th day of July, xt,22, and recorded in Washington Couiu> m Book 6, page 126, register of deed’s office, and de fault having been made in the pay ments of the notes thereby secured, and application having been made to said trustee for a sale of the said land descried in said deed of trust, the said i.m’ei.i0..e rustle will ex pose at public sale to the h ghost bin der for cash at tne cour.house door m Washington Cot.*', y. N rth C-irolin:i. on the fcGta • <»*. . .a, It - ■ a. * O'clock, i.v( U, . .. iO *. i. Jl» dost**D "-i land: 1a ing a d bei > n W ash i to Cou'n.y, Ntr.n v a.oihia, beginmn; a a point ma. k d by an .on pij.e (v, id. is locn.ed as follows: Begin at an iron pipe a*, the int* v- clion of he oa... ern line o: .he Norfolk S-.utnern to ; road right of way whh the eas ern bank of the Pmvo Eiver Drainage Dis rief C lal n hate • degrees and 35’ east along s. d n. of way line 7,020 feet to an ton .. g e, thence south 64 degrees and 2r>’ ea 13,200 feet to an iron pipe at the be ginning point) run thence 25 degi.ee and 35’ east 1,320 fee to pipe, a corner, thence sou'h ~ grees and 25’ east 2,640 feet to an iron pipe, a corner, t-lionc' soma. _■ degrees and 35’ west 1,320 fee to an iron pipe ,a corner thence nortn 64 degrees and 25’ west 2,640 feet to an iron pipe the beginning, containing H acres, more or less, and being lot No, 41 north, as shown on plot of sub division of the Eastern Carolina Home and Farm Association, Tnc.. which if duly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deoils of Washington Comi ty, in registration of tdles bock N< 1, at page 25. COLORED WO MAN SHOT. Mary D w. on. coloi'ed wrman wi i -ra*<-• i lunch room at the . veneer Company, was shnt las; J morning about o; e ihii by j l ,ry Smith, five shot: i taking effect in various parts of her body. The shooting, as far as we can learn, followed a dispute between Mary and Henry. Sheriff Reid hastened to the sctne of the occurence as soon as he wa* notified, made as much of an investigation as was possible. The man who it is claimed did the shooting has not i .eated, but information ha been gained that became here f orn Geoi gia and has pro Lb-'.b’iy r ’urn d that state. T . j i.e.S v mania mending syiendKhy despite her numerous wounds. IMPROVING PREMISES. An added improvement to the grounds surrounding the plant o' the Wilts Veneer Company here is the establishing of a park ;n pleasing appointments. Two Jiarge fountains have been in stai^e -w-yoA. .will be fed by the on the prop Peo§l^l^Wing here on the Atlantic Coast Line trains get a !m%?e favorable impression of the fcp!?fiifTird incidentally Plymouth now that this attractive park has been made. WESTOVER NEWS Mrs. Marven Jackson of Edenton spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Gilliam Chesson. V*rs. Ruth Coburn who has hren visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk, returned home Tuesday. Mrs Carrie Baldwin of Washington and Mr. White motored over to the Union meeting at Zion Chapel Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Davis [and son Jasper and Mr. Ed ward Smithwh'k of Leechville w.‘■ i dinner guest of Mr. N. C. Mail Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Tho mas and children of Windsor spent Sunday with Mrs. Gil Jliam Chesson Sunday. MUs Edna Earl Nurney of Plymouth spent the week-end whli Mis.- Mildred Vail. ; Mr. and Mrs. Abram New i her \ o1 Plymouth were the George* A\ ers So 1C . \ NOTI.'g OF DISSOLUTION Tt s is to n tii’y all persons and firms Core, rued ti n! 1 have sold my stock fg ids in Plymouth, N, O trading as (f. T D-t-. s l <1 c otnpa v t D. (V Uavis v t; om this date am nolong r conue:Mid All -rsonr hoding claims against G. T. avis <* Co., Plymouth, N. C , will P • sc present them to G. T Davis at Wit r, C . All personsindebted | toG. '1 Davis* Co., of Plymouth, N. i C-, wi. make payment to G. T. Davis i at Windsor, N. C G. T. DftVIS Said land will be sold subject "to ; deed of trust to the First Nationa Bank of Durham, trustee, and alsc subject to taxes and drainage assess mens assessed and to be assessed. This the 19th dav of March, 1925 W. L. WHITLEY, As trustee. By Zeh Vance Norman, Attorney. I I 1 If' 11 ddrellow *■**», - JY •W A ♦ *-> & » - v* V * ntion P ROGRA M Of the second district convention to he i*e!d with Plymouth Lodge num ber 405, I 0. O.F.. PIymouth,North Carolina, < hursday, A pril 9th 1925. FIRST SEL ‘.OH A1 ilE t C.-NTY 0 ii;T HOUSE. PRIVATE 2:80PM Convention cal'ed t.i order b re i.ient Stocks. Opening Ode Prayer by Chaplain - * Roll Call of Lodge . Reading Minutes of i st a ai ...n Quarter. Report of Lodges of Lie Di u t. Reports of Standing Con milk-. Reports of Special Committee - New Business. Fixing time and place of holdiug annual picnic Miscellaneous business Good of the order Adjournment for supper to be served n basement of Court Houee at 6 p. m. SECOND SESSION AT THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE AT 7:80 P. M. Public Meeting Meeting called to order and presided over by President Stocks or the District Supervisor. Address of welcome by Rev. O. W. Sawyer of Plymouth, N. C. Response. Fast Grand Master S. B. Currin of Greenville, N. C. Address. “The Measure of a Man” by Dr. J. Vincent Knight of Edenton, North Carolina. Address Rev. Richard Bap by of Washington, N. C. Introduction of and informal remarks of Grand Lodge Officer* present Benediction. £3 n • * ) p n' . * O VC C - -- t . V - : i or: T O "V'XHS. K*A<»U' -••. tWi-'X OOWW - “* AS.E. ATTRACT \>6 SOfttUtSS puacvS, \meu. v epr •GTSfc Y4ERC. At- OOVUG OOV\ B\X* « l \ ^TC) S < -.-^s i V4 !f% y ‘\i\ /■ »\T- ■> ’ ' V * t ^ - * Vi^-vV A I ' ^t=l| •, rrr - I V • pH ** ■ . -. | _ l V ^ » £ . ;VV — i—i-t-fle \\\\^,// - —_ L IA , \ v\/jjij ^y>s^~—.... CMNFUf ■sarnT ex .AA-LS