if J H , WA. FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AMD FOR TRUTH," Single Copy S :*• Year, In Advance. PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1925 NO. 28 VOL. 36 Odd Fellows Hold Convention Here. Members of 1.0. O. F. of This District Hold Convention Here And Elect Officers For Ensuing Year. The District Convention of Odd Fellows convened here at the court house yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, with district president, L. A. Stocks,presiding. The district secretary, B. J. Skinner, was also present. Approximately one hunc red visiting Odd Fellows from the various counties of the district were in attendance, and Plymouth people con sidered it an honor to wel come them. The afternoon session was devoted to busi ness at which reports were received from the various lod- , ges of the district, which ap- j peared to show that the order as a whole is making sub- ( stantial progress throughout ( the district. Interesting talks were made j by Dr. J. Vincent Knight, S. B. Currin, Rev. Richard Bag- , fey. Rev. O. W. Sawyer and ; others. It was arranged that i a number of representatives ( would attend the meeting of { the Grand Lodge in Greens- j boro on May 19th. W. L. Whitley, popular local attor- £ ney, was elected. District Su pervisor for this district, and £ other officer* were elected as ^ follows: J. VV. Moye, pre*i- £ dent; Nat Credle, vice presi* dent; B. J. Skinner,secretary and W. H. Hardy, treasurer. The next meeting of the district lodges will be held in < Farmville on October 8th. A six o’clock a supper con sisting of barbecue, chicken salad and other fine things < was served the visitors by the < local order. The repast was t arranged by Dr Claudius Me- i G.'wan, who was ably assist- < ed by ladies who have an in- i terest in the order. s A public meeting was held < last night which was very well t attended bv people of the * town. “The Measure of a Man” j a most inspiring address de < livered by Dr. J. Vincent i Knight, was thoroughly en joyed by his listeners. Other fine speechts were also m^de,: after which the visiting Odd* Fellows left for their respect-1 ive homss in other towns, «( Plymouth was glad to enter-j1 tain them and sincerely hop es to again welcome them. NOTICE OF SAL’? Under and by virtue of an order of. court, January term 1925, signed by; His Honor N A. Sinclair, judge presi-. ding over superior court of Washing ton county, in an action entitled Re. becca Basnight vs Joseph Basnight, will offer for sale to the highest bid! de> on Monday, April 27. 1925, at 1 o’«ock at the court house door in Fly2 m^uth, N.C ,.the/following descrtbed lahd: Lying ilnd being on the public road leading from Plymouth to Roper, N C-. and bound by the lands of Frank Howcott, Ida Lamer and others and being the same land conveyed to Jo seph Basnight by deed of H.D. Daven port and duly recorded in book 76, page 27 of the register of deeds office of Washington county. This March 26, 1925. P.H. BELL, commissioner V SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON To Make Poul try Shipment. Last year eighteen of the cou nties in the state participated in the shipping of poultry in carlots For instance, 212 farmers in Beaufort county contributed 18, 124 pounds of poultry at a saving of $815 21 or 4Jc per pound on the carload above what they were able to get in the way of prices regulary. The plan is to assemble a car load of approximately 4000 live poultry [hens, roosters, ducks, turkeys, geese and guineas] mak ing approximately 18,000 pounds and then they are shipped to the eastern markets, the poultry pro ducer being paid cash for the poultry when delivered to the car at your shipping point. This plan offers a cash price at your shipping point and a splen did outlet for the poultry on the farms in thiseounty. Live poultry dealers c>n in carload lots, pay more for the poultry than dealers that ship by express, because poultry shipped by express costs around 3&c to deliver. A cat-load is expected to be shipped from this county April 21, If you want to ship poultry at this time let me know. Delano F. Wilson, Home Demonstration Agent. CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGES, ETC. The attention ot the public is called to the necessity of can celling all mortgages, notes, etc., that been paid and are on record in the office of the register of deeds. It is distinctly to the ad vantage of the person who holds such instruments that they be cancelled, and is a great aid to officers in making tax charges against such individuals. This information is given to protect the interest of taxpayers of the" county, and if followed will be for general good. W. J. Jackson, Jr., County Auditor. r I mi ■■■■«■■ ■■L'J ■ m ■ NOTICE OF SALE Under an i by virtue of authority contained in a judemeut of Superior Court entered on the 30ib day of March 1925. The undersigned com missioner will on Thurday, the 30th day of Apr ii 1925 sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: “Lying and being in Washington County, bounded as follows: On the East by Little Mill Creek, on the South by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on the West and North by Welsh’s Creek, and being the same lands con veyed to Martha Pernell et al by ueu ben Pettiford, by deed recorded in Book, page, in the register of deeds office of Washington County. Contain 18 acre% more or less’* Said land is being sold under a judgement in the special proceeding in the case of J- H. Leggett vs Joe Cooper et al for petition for partition Said judgement dotketek in the Superior Court, Book,— Page,— of the County of Washington. This ihe 30th day of March 1925. Van B. Martin Commissioner. THE ROANOKE BEACON Years Ago j -IN- I Washington County Items gathered from issue of jj The Roanoke Beacbn published j! Friday, April 8, i892 l Shad sold at ?5e per pair on our streets this week. The body of Mr. Charlie Harris who was drowned three miies a bove Plymouth on February 12th was found floating in the river near town onday He was past recognition, but was id< niifitd by the clothing he wore. The re mains were taken from the river and buri d. The siz siz of the soda foun tain will soon be heard. A little room is being fitted up in the Market which -ill .be oc cupied by ordinance breake-s. It is already being cal ed “Chief Tucker’s Grip Room ” The public school of this town will open on Monday, the 18th. Messrs. D. 0. Brinkley & Co., have just received a carload of ice for the summer trade. Col W, H. Fit -hett and Mr, T- J Lewis spent a few days in Bath this week. i Swain Barber Shop The Hotel Barber Hhop has been recently purchased by Mr. J. W. Williamson, and the in-4 terior has been remodeled, paint ed and otherwise improved. The former proprietor of this establishment was T. 11. Bostick, It is now managed by Mr. J. E, Swain, an enterprising young barber who is assisted in his tonsorial endeavors by Clarence Ainsley, Cecil Craft and “Duck” Pettiford. “Duck” was a former partner of Bast k, FOR SALE-Early erscy Wakefield cabbage plai ts, see or write 11. ,). Woolard. 15c per 100. Ply oulli North Carolina, Washington County. Pursuant to a power of sale vested in the undersigned trustee by the terms of a certain deed of trust exe cuted by F. 1. Hariung and wife to W. L. Whitley, as trustee, on the 26th day of July, 1022, and recorded in Washington County in Book 0, page 126,. register of deed's cilice, and de fault having been made in the pay ments of the notes thereby secured, and application having been mad, t>. said trustee for a sale of the said land descried in said deed of trust, the said undersigns rust e will ex pose at public sale to the h ghost bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Vashington Court1 y. North Carolina, m the 20th day of April, 1925, at 12 hclock, noon, the following described and: Lying and being in Washington bounty, North Carolina, beginning a i point marked by an iron pipe ^widen s located as follows: Begin at an iron iipe at the intersection of the irn line of the Norfolk Southern rail road right of way with the cas ern tank of the Pungo River Drainage district Canal, run thence north 2b legrees and 35’ east along said right if way line 7,911) feet to an iron pip.', hence south 64 degrees and 2 ■ ea-t .3,200 feet to an iron pipe at the b v finning point) run thence 25 degrees bid 35’ east 1,320 feel to on iron dpe, a corner, thence south 6-1 de crees and 25’ east 2,640 feet to tin ron pipe, a corner, them e south so legrees and 35’ west 1,820 fee to an ron pipe ,a corner thence north 0; legrees and 25’ west 2,640 feet to nnj ron pipe the beginning, containing; 80' icres, more or less, and being lot No. il north, as shown on plot, of sub livision of the La ovn Csr-.ii Eon. ind Farm Association, Inc , which E luly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds of Washington ( oun :v in registration of titles book No L,’at page* 25. Said land will ho sold subject to a :leed of trust to the First National Bank of Durham, trustee, and also subject to tax . and drainage assess ments assessed and to he assessed. This the 10th dav of March, 1925. W. L. WHITLEY, As trustee. By Zeb Vance Norman, Attorney. EASTER SERVICES AT GRACE CHURCH. E l • Sunday wilKbe observed i at Grace E )i copal Church, Ply mouth, v ith three services. The firstice will be a eelebialien of the II il • Communion at 8 a. m The second service at eleven o’clock 7-ill be featured by special rruj- 'C, I he service at four o'clock in the afternoon will be tor the I young people, at which time they ( will make their annual Easter of-1 fering and render a special pro gram. The public is cordially in vited to worship with the Grace Church congregation on this day t o pecial music for the ele ven o’clock ss. vice is as follows: Hymn, "Welcome Happy Morn ing” Chant, "Christ Our Passover”, E Wheaton Reade. Oha , “Te Deum”, Lloyd. Chant, "Jubilate”, Alzimora. Hymn, "Angies Roll the Rock Away ” A hem, "ihanks be To God”, Ainorooe, Hymn, “oumt Y Faithful, Raise T ie Strain.” WESTOVER NEWS Miss Mihlre 1 V 'I «tt "d'M a at Mrs. .T- mee Ga' Wd’s Monday evening, given in honor f her daughter Miss Lillie, and Miss Alice Webb of Wilson. Mr and Mrs H L. B*r"es and Mrs N. C. Vai aad children ‘m Tt'orerHrx James ville Saturday Mrs. Thomas Robbins who has been vi: ting her daughter, Mrs, Roland Riggs in Martin countv, returned < e cturday. Mr. Bonn Clyde Sennett of Brockton, Mass . is on a short visit with his sister, Mrs. N. C. Vail. Dr ' ov ard Smith The Eve-S’ghtSpecialist, of Mon roe, -N. 0., will be here again on Wednesday, April 15th. Fifteen years of satisfactory service see him i v u h ■? ve trouble with your Eves. Examination free and glasses furnished at a reasonab’e price. I) ;n‘t ‘orget the date. SMITH’S DRUG STORE PLYMOUTH. N. C. ADMIHI TKATRIX’ NOTICE iiavine gubified as adm nisttatrix j of the estate <> W. H. Hardison, late I of VV i dU’.iiUHi .(a unty, ttiis is to n > i- \ fy a 1 pe ■ ns In vingclairns against the i said W H I la dison, deceased, io ex 1 dibit them to the undersigned on or ] define ti e 7ib ray of April, 1920, or tiiis notice will ue pleaded in bar < of their recovery All persons indebted | to said estate will please make im mediate payment to me. Thai A pi ii 7, 192”*. , MYl-‘A ii. PEAL FOR RENT Two story house dwelling on Mackeys road abcut li, miles from Plymouth house and premiss in good condition s for inforniat on apply at this of- , fice FOR SALE-Small Hampshire,' pigs good In althy condition see 1 John Atamanchuk at Conabv : Bridge. i NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is to not ; ns and firms ; concerned that I have sold my stock ! of goods in Plymouth, N. O tiadii.gas ; 6. T. Davi.-f v d Company t» D. G. Davis and from this date am uolong*-r connected All persons holding claims against G. T. Davis & C<>., Plymouth, N. C., will Ph present them toG. T Davi* at Winds -r. \ C-, All persot sindebted to G. T. ' p i >v Cm, of Plymouth, N. C.., will mak payment to (i. T. Davis at Windsor, N. C G. T. DAVIS Mr. J T. McAllister of near RnDf-r. \v:i3 a business visitor here this week. Miss Griff, of Allege sault Up Representative of Wi ' o: Enterprise Geis hirst Sta.e rnent From Git! Whc to Have Been Yicti; of o bacco Salesman. T!'' following is a .ticmeni g'vi,, i iaterv,iew to tlte W> !'• rprise which w.. • ■ tir.tt paper April 7tli. I; His. Sparrow, who w . '.mi the occurence Miss Hi! < J:cr side of the situating. 0 t the night—Mo 16— that she alle: assulted her, she had an engsgemr; ?o to her s'sU-rV. kin. They were t sin Rosa Griffin, t Smithwicks Cicel. to meet Coy Ro; 1 four go on to Wa show in Coy Rob; .n. They did this, but \. : e started to get in the tom '•"? cm with the others, Need I eman a ' her to get back in his c r, % belonged to his c ropany and l.< was not supposed to have it out after 6 o’cbck and, < u d not leave it so far out in the count n a'o e, fearing some damage to i 3he got back in Ne bar and they drove just nack of the other car to Core- '; stot Both cars stopped at ih. ; p.l and Neediernan a mn d, £ - wording to Mrs. Sparrow, VSSt hr ; was afraid to lea - o his car, so I the Roberson car nrove m ex Ejecting tt.e other to i • ■!-v, btP Needleman turned arm? .1 drove back and cove back to the church, although slm saw 3he begged him to turn arou ■ and go to Washington, as they had planned. Who; they arrive* at the church he topped rn c i and made an indecent advat ce, which frightened her. Sin damns she began : fis:b idm and succeeded in gi t tine of the car running toward b< • mother's home. H. kb and promised that “bt for* ’-d Vh ker and in the m nn \ mother” he would t f she would get b : k in 1 e thereupon she got they again drove to st ore, but before icachiig to told her if she d - : - »out u hat he had i c ' till her She says ter and she n ado lid get out of the c . o her, he told her i r te would kill her ri .it lid as he ordered h r lrank a Coco-, v trdered. Instead of proci die.. Wa - ngton as she exp urned toward the i u > g tnd when they reached a lot !y spot on the road i; nv<e >. urch and the st >re ntion she says ne again stop’ d fl pir and told her t ha! s; ■ c i • lot dissuade him fro-1 b. 1 yhat he had at fe-.-o mp' tnd then criminally as. w d n site alleges that she w. tnd frightened he onger resist him. Afterwards he he stors and wa >#■<! ter car, drove a; o far as Wi I Taylor’s wi t. : i her get out and gel in t r..• oh jar, anu when h was going toward U n. With her cousin a: d lb • - J. 1 went to her sistc ’ the night, and told her si.- of affair before goi morning. She swore i, secrecy, because of t litre.... , . rise Marriage. dd.'ng of much local inter i which came as a great e to their friends was per Louisburg last Sunday at P. M., when Miss Eliza, rio Smith became the Mr. Henry Louis Horton : ' 'on had been attend ■ Collegein Ra’eigh, ughter of Mr. and Mrs* T nn • L Smith, and a young many accomplishments ming disposition, in is a son of Mr. J. iid has a host of fri hcut this section. He ant for theBuich auto 1 con extends its heart ulat’ons and wishes of happiness and k our Taxes! lakers of this county ueh township beginn l it for the purpose of i-i operty for taxes. It is t. all property owners h an i list their prof ertv . possible. The books c. iay 30th,and persons ha . iic.d to list their proper ty a-e . j c to double taxation T;:i information is given for tiio co voJence of those concer ned. V (Jour i.tor. MS(ri~a!^3ajm.z viam NOi. M 'CAROLINA., THNGTON COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT. J H. Leggett A\ ■ y Cooper, Joe Cooper luic) Charles Pernell NOTICE of publicauion i e dcdcndants above named will . : notice tl:;it an action enti led as is, been canmenced in the ; a Court of Washington County i r the purpose of petitioning th* t. . • sell a certain piece or parcel ol laud described in the complaint filed in Lie t'lerk of Superior Court’s office which i ,loved named defendants are ts in common; and the defendants v f ilver take notice that they are r . i ... to appear before the Clerk of Uic ; . . i v Court of said County at I .<■<■ is Plymouth on the 23rd day ut eh to answer or demur to the ;.t in said action, or the plain t-ff iil ■ ply to the Court for relief < . cku in said Complaint. : 1: ltuh day of February, 1925. C. V. W. AfSBON, Clerk Superior Court. ,ton County. ■ ;n to a power of sale vested i .. C: .signed by the terms of a yecuted by Bertha C. and . lfgrtung to John C. an<l ( holer on the 30th day of - and recorded in book 6, si.ington County, the un to Agagee will expose at ;e to the highest bidder for courthouse door in Ply h Carolina, Washington the 22nd day of .April, ’ : o'clock noon, the foliow i-ibed land: and being in Washington C. 'th Carolina, and bounded i by N. B. Williams, and i'al, on the east by W. L. he youth by Glover Allen, he west ly the lands of the i Carolina Home and Farm As . said land herein conveyed t No. 13 south of the sub the land of the Eastern thane and Farm Associa : at. of which is recorded in 25, Washington County, Terence is made for courses as s.of said land .containing .mono or less. .however, to a mortgage in , Federal Land Bank anti awl; drainage assessments 1 . d toibe levied. he rftth day of March, 1925. • C. &' NEELE M. GEKELER, Mortgagees. ,'eb Vance Norman, Atty. to have been made upon he*" :i:'o b ? Noedleman, and not until r xt Sunday did she tell her ;v: )• anj thing at all in regard to it. This is the young woman’s to y a given out for publication her Monday, April 6. She it at ► mo'her’s home, where site will spend the next few days.

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