a Year, In Advance. -FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.” Sjngle Copy 5 Ccntfc PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1925 NO. 29 VOL. 36 I 10 Miles of Paved Roads For County ft: v Practically Assured That Highway 90 Will be Hard Surfaced From Ward’s Bridge to Roper. On Monday a delegation com posed of Messrs P. W. Brinkley L. W. Gurkin, A. L. Alexander and Thomas L. Smith left here at 3 a. m., for Raleigh, where they interviewed state road com missioner Frank Page with the view of acquirin ? hard surface roads for this county. They were accompanied by commissioner Hart of Tarboro, who assisted the delegation in their efforts. They left the commissioner with the assurance that our co unty would be provided with ten miles of such roads, and that the Martin countv line would be the starting point and the road would continue on the highway to Ro per for a distance of ten miles. The contracts for this paving will be let in June, so we are in formed by members of the dele gation. The road will be constructed of cement sixteen feet wide. It is thought by persons who have bean close to the state road build ing program that it is highly pro bable that the road will contin ued to Columbia in the near fu ture. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority | 'contained in a jndemeut. of Superior Court entered on the 30ih day ol i March 1925. The undersigned com-1 jnissioner will on Thurday, the 30th day of Aprii 1925 sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described xGft! estate * “Lying and being in Washington County, bounded as follows: On the East by Little Mill Creek, on the South by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on the West and North by Welsh’s Creek, and being the same lands con veyed to Martha Peruell et al by Keu ben Pettiford, by deed recorded in Book, page, in the register of deeds office of Washington County. Contain 18 acres more or less’’ Said land is being sold under a judgement in the special proceeding in the case of J- H. Leggett vs Joe Cooper et al for petition for partition Said judgement doiketek in the Superior Court, Book,— Page,— of the County of Washington. This ihe 30th day of March 1925. Van B. Martin Commissioner. ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE Having qulaified as administratrix of the estate o W. H. Hardison, late of Washington county, this is to noti fy a I persons havingclaims against the said W- H. Hardison, deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or defore the 7th day of April, 1926, o: tiiis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to me. Thsi April 7, 192.“>. MYRA H. PEAL J5 “ NOTICE OF SAL’? Under and by virtue of an order of court, January term 1925, signed by His Honor N. A. Sinclair, judge presi ding over superior court ol Washing ton county, in an action entitled Re. becca Basnight vs Joseph Basnight, j will offer fur sale to the highest bid der on Monday, April 27. 1925, at 1 o’clock at the court house door in i ly2 mouth, N.C , the following described land: Lying and being on the public road leading from Plymouth to Koper, N C., and bound by the lands of Frank Howcott, Ida Lanier and others and bein'' the same land conveyed to Jo seplTBasnight by deed of H.D. Daven port and duly recorded in book 76, page 27 of the register 'o' deeds off.ee of Washington county Vs This March 26, 1925 p.H BE’ i c nrnu .sinner FOR " \ LK-Ear y e > '- a cabbage plants, se write Woolard. 15c per 100 Plymouth Street Paving Progressing. Street paving continues to hum along rapidly, and practically evevy street in town is torn up with the exception of those that were recently opened to the peo ple. Laying of the asphalt top will begin the first of May, s< we have been told. Many persons who own pro perty on streets which have fin ished sidewalks and where the base for the streets paving have been finished have already ar ranged the grass plot that wii be between the sidewalks anc streets, and the appearance ol these streets are greatly impro ved. CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGES, ETC. The attention of the public is called to the necessity of can celling all mortgages, notes, etc., that been paid and are on record in the office of the register of deeds. It is distinctly to the ad vantage of the person who hold, such instruments that they be cancelled, and is a great aid to officers in making tax charges against such individuals. This information is given to protect the interest of taxpayers of the county, and if followed will be for general good. W. J. Jackson, Jr,, County Auditor. List Your Taxes! The List takers of this county will be in each township beginn ing May 1st for tne purpose of listing property for taxes. It is urged that ah propelty owners ee them and list their property as early as possible. The books close May May 30th, t>nd persons having failed to list their proper ty are subject to double taxation This information is given for the convenience of those concer ned. W. J. Jackson, Jr., | County Auditor. ! NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT. J. H. Leggett vs Avery Cooper, Joe Cooper and Charles Pernell NOTICE OF PUBLICAUION . , The defendants bove named will i take notice that an action enli led as above has been c mmeuced in the Superior Court of Washington County for the purpose of petitioning the Court to sell a certain piece or parcel; of land described in ihe complaint filed in the Clerk of Superior Court’s office . which aboved named defendants are tenants in common; and the defendants will further take notice that they are j required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Coun'yat bis office in Plymouth < n the 23-d day of March ..tiswer or demur to the eompiaii in .aid action, or the plain tiff will a p 1 v tc the Court for relief d m. id. i- said Complaint, b i ft \ of February, 1925. V W. AUSHON, ' 'i V Superior Court fM- childrens safe, sura* saint*' 33 Years Ago -IN Washington County Items gathered from issue of The Roanoke Beacon published Friday, April 15, 1892 Mr. J. R. Proctor is doing some fine painting in this town. Misses Maude and Loula Chears are home from school Mr. W. H. Midgett left Tuesday for the North cn a prospecting tour. DIED—at his home near Plymouth on the 12th of Ap ril, 1892, Wilson Ambrose, aged JJJJ years, after an illness of only a few days. The first occupant of.Chiei Tucker's grip ro» m was a white man, who made appli cation Tuesday by drinking too much skitty-war-whoo. We hear that the Norfolk Ac Southern Railroad Co., will run their road to Piym outh and, make all transfers from here instead of Mackeys ferry. They seem to have much trouble at times in get cing in and cut of the Ferry with the transfer. Salem claims to hav? the youngest drummer in the state, having one only 14 years old. Plymouth leads her by, Paving one on the road at the tender age of 13 in the person ot Master Frank Fag an, who travels all the terri tory east of Raleigh. TRUSTEF’S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a “Deed of Trust ’ executed to me by VV. A Hilliard and Chelsey Hilliard ou the 7th day of August 19-2 ind duly recorded in ttie Register of Deed's office in Washington Co-. nty, ie Book 83 Page 459, to secure the pay ment of a certain boHd bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations ii said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, 1 shall expose at publi luctiou, for cash, on Monday the lltb Jay of May 1925, at 12 o’clock noon ai ;he court house uooriu Plymouth, N. J.in Washington County, the following property: First tract: Being the same land con veyed by J. F. McNair and others to B. F. Bateman, by d ed recorded in Book j3at page 333, public registry oi Washington County, to which refer ence is hereby made fora more com pie e descriptiot. second Tract: Being a tract of land described in a grant form the state ol North Carolina to B. F. Bateman re corded in Book (12 at page 391, public registry of Washington County tc which reference is hereby made for a more perfect description. The above to tracts of land being the tame land conveyed (o C- H. Godwin by B. F. Bateman ar.d wife, Marina Batemon, by deed dat dJau. 1, 1920 which said d. ed is recorded in B ok 7S it page 98 public re isu oi Wasting' ton Covuty a d this day o.iveyed to the parties of tin fi -t by C- H Godwin by that deed which is t record in the lubhc registry of Washington County. Phis the 9th of April 192-1 W. C. MANNING Trustee ... ' ' ... ■-B-1 FOR MAYOR Owing- to i he improvement program, h< e 'ing been ie ju cl b - a um ■> of voters >j the town, I do hereby a» r - u"ce mvseif h candidate for t• < c ' or ji- the elect ion in ■ e hi o ay 5 I will ap* predate the support of all vi t ars for reelect ion. liO ’• K V AU -'i'iN FOR RENT 1 tnrv > u rlwo-'i-- ’ u -d r iic i To Make Poultry Shipment We are requested by the’home demonstration agent to cal’ the attention of the poultry owners to the effort that is being made to ship a cooperative loactof poul try April 22. A great number have already made arrangements for their poultry to be shipped in this load, and it is thought that there are many others who would like to take advantage or this opportunity. The prices that will be paid at the car as follows hens, ?4c; cox, 11<; winter chicks, 2 to 8 pounds, 35c; broilers, \\ to 2 pounds, 48c; ducks, lie; geese, 11c; turkeys, 25c; guineas, 30c head The car will be loaded April 21st and 22nd. No definite place has oeen decided upon as to w here the car will be placed, but it will De plactd in the most con venient place availab e. The a gent will advise ths poultry ■watra circular letters as to me location of the car, and will ^ive otlitr necessary information i Nice Looking In keeping with others who are making improvements cal culated to beautify premises the National Handle Company is grading, planting flowers and otherwise making improvements on their property that fronts on Water street. This improvement adds very much to the appearance of this street, and is ari example that could well be followed by many others. FOR SALE-Small Hampshire pigs good healthy condition see John Atan.anckuk at Conabv Bridge. BILL BOOSTER SAYS »yjER-nsiul 1925, at 12 o’clock noon, for cash, -he following described land: Lying and being in the town of Ply mouth, N. C., and beginning three SCHOOL auditor™. ROPER, N. C. Tuesday, April 21 si “A Convention of Papas”1 JUDGE BAILEY -who has a fashionable wife and a young hopeful * Robert Thompson CHARLIE MIZLLLE—who tends baby while wife serves as constable Owen Allen JACK MCALLISTER — who trav s for the Nat ional Papas Association Herman Chesson COLONEL FRANK WILSON - nnnied but childless; full of ideas on Raining children William Lewis MILTON ClAGON— man of ideas who has de voted much time and study to the theories on the care of children William Marrow CYRIL WALKER—married and glad of it Tnomas Freeman SPUNK ALEXANDER—just married, don’cher know Wilmer Chesson MEMBERS: i 4 CASTE OF CHARACTERS Dorothy Dear, Daughter of Plantation Manager, Pattie Jenkens Miss Primer, Teacher of Private School of Girls, Mrs. Leon Lewis Hawaiian Girls, daughters of rich plantations owners Lehna Mildred Swain Karnlani Genevieve Williams Lilinoe Mildred Lewis Made Thelma Gaylord Billy Wood, Lieutenant U. S. Cruiser Tennessee, „.Jim Leary Pirate Chief, Heartless, maybe,....Wilbert Sexton Scary, A pirate. Owen Allen Chorus of Hawaiian Girls Chorus of Pirates “The Wrong Baby,p Mrs. Brixon—Head of day nursery Marietta- Niece, left in charge for day Mrs. Mulligan,—Whose caoy ha.-, red hair Mrs. Wafer, —Whose baby has black hair Mrs, Scheifnor—Whose baby ..as light hair Mrs. Tiipoii —who is an Italian mother Maggie,—Mulligan iiuie girl Rose—Mrs Tripoli’s little girl Mildred Swain Thelma Gaylord Annie Atkinson Mildred Marrow Vera Mizelb Mildred Lewis Edna Knowles Margaret Batsman inches west of Mrs. A. G. Moore’s1 s ore building on Water Street, • honor i wastwardly along- Water street 22 1-2 J feet to A. J. Newberry’s c. inter, thence i southwardly, along said A. J. New berry’s line 190 feat, eastwardly at light angles with said Newberry's line s.'. 1-2 feet, • hence northwardly to the beginning, said land being part of lot No. 153, upper part of said lot, and is a part of that lo: con.’cysd to .Mrs. /. M. Ayers by Allin G. New berry by deed dated February 13, 1914, in book 01, page 445. Subject to such uncollected taxes as are now levied against property. This the 10th day of March, 1925. W. C. HARRISON, Mortgagee. By Zob Vance Norman, attorney. f ASU For Denial Gold, AiaU Flatinum,Silver,Dia, monds, magneto points, false teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return Mail, Hoke S & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON