Single Copy 5 Cents. *m Year, In Advance. “FOR COO. FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." f O. 30 Expansion Fund Louisburg College Pastors of practically all of the Methodist Churches in the Eliz abeth City District of the North Carolina Methodist Conference, and the lay representatives in each of the churches appointed as local church chairman for the Louisburg College Expansion Fund Campaign, will meet in the First Methodist church, of Eliz abeth City Friday evening. This meeting is being called by Rev. C. B. Culbreth, presiding elder of the Elizabeth City Dis trict and Mr. T. B. Leigh, of Elizabet City, who are serving as district clerical chairman and district lay chairman, respect ively. Chairman Leigh will preside at the meeting, Rev. Culbreth will address the pastors and re presentatives on “Our Methodist College at Louisburg” The pre sident of the college, Arthur W, Mohn, will relate the history and discuss the needs of the Metho dist school for young women at Louisburg. Of the half-million dollar ex pansion fund needed by the Louisburg College for additional buildings and an adequate en dowment, $150,000 was subscrib ed during the past summer by the residents of Louisburg and Franklin County. The remainder $360,0Q& is to be raised among the metbo'dist of the churches in W* <*t »e North Carolina Conference. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained in a jndemeut of Superior Court entered on the 30tli day of March 1925. The undersigned com missioner will on Thurday, the 30th day of Aprii 1925 sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described rea] “Lying and being in Washington County, bounded as follows: On the East by Little Mill Creek, on the South by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad oh the West and North by Welsh’s Creek, and being the same lands con veyed to Martha Pernell et al by Reu ben Pettiford, by deed recorded in Book, page, in the register of deeds office of Washiugton County. Contain 18 acres more or less’’ Said land is being sold under a judgement in the special proceeding in the case of J- H. Leggett vs Joe Cooper et al for petition for partition Said judgement docketek in the Superior Court, Book,— Page,— of the County of Washington. This ihe 30th day of March 1925. Van B. Martin Commissioner. ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE Having qulaified as administratrix of the estate of W. H. Hardison, late of Washington county, this is to noti fy ad persons havingclaims against the said W. H. Hardison, deceased, to ex-1 hibit them to the undersigned on or defore the 7th day of April, 1926, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to me. Thsi April 7, 192">. MYRA H. PEAL ‘ NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of court, January term 1925, signed by His Honor N. A. Sinclair, judge presi. ding over superior court of Washing, ton county, in an action entitled Re bee :a Basnight vs Joseph Basnight, * will offer for sale to the highest bidl der on Monday, April 27. 1925, at 1 o'clock at the court house door in Fly2 mouth, N.C . the following described land: Lying and being on the public road leading from Plymouth to Roper, N.C., and bound by the lands of Frank Howcott, Ida Lanier and others and being the same land conveyed to Jo seph Basnight by deed of H.D. Daven port and duly recorded in book 76, page 27 of the register of deeds office of Washington county. This March 26, 1925. P.H. BELL, commissioner FOR SALE-Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage plants, see or write H. J. Woolard. 15c per 100. Plymouth SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON DISBURSEMENTS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS John W. Garrett, poor al lowance _ 5.00 Harriett A. Davenport, poor allowance . 5.00 Lena G'urganus, poor allow.™ 5.00 Sophia Hunter, poor allow... 3.00 Berry Harrell, poor allow... 3.00 Edwards & Broughton, Printing Off. Supplies 26 27 Mun. Light A Water Supply, lights and water, Feb-Mch 32 93 R. W. Johnson, County dem. 75.00 Mrs. Addie Brinkley, Re Bond. 1 00 W. J. Jackson salary A sup 151 00 S. J. Barco, sei v 7 summons 7 00 Children’s Home Society, do nation _ 5.00 Zeb. V. Norman, judge reed. and county attorney salary 6« 07 L. S. Bray, Treas. sal.. 31.25 Goldia Sawyer, poor allow... 10.Ot Elijah Joyner, poor allow.... 3.01 Will. Tel. Co., rent phone. February and March 23 00 A. W. Barnes, C. Home keep. 33.3 Hamilton J. H. Jr., janitor... 75.01 W. H. Hampton & Son, C. Home supplies and poor allowance . 44 53 Delano Wilson,' salary Home demonstrator . 50.0 Dr. W. H. Ward, health off. 34 Swain & Davenport, poor all. 3 54 Roanoke Beacon, printing 2 7l J. K. Reid, exp. prisoners..... and court stenographer 20 5( C. V. W. Ausbon, salary ORC *29 17 L. L. Alien, court fees . 4 J. K. Reid, Slier, fees 2 70 C. W. Snell, comm, per di em and mileage, 44 4Q Mrs. A. L. Brinkley, reg. fees? 10.0t John L. Phelps, Commission ers per diem .... 42 5(, J. T. McAlister, Comm, per diem and mileage ... 40 qq Thos. L. Smith, county home sup 12 SO Ply. Who. Co., “ “ 5 80 The Roanoke Beacon, 1925 coetract. 95 00 Asa Johuston, N P fees ... 1 00 A. L. Alexander, envelopes . 11 04 Carolina Type & Office Supply Co., supplies. 7 60 W. L. Whitley, solicitor salary 50 00 W. L. Whitley, expenses for service on bondsmen, etc. 20 09 T. L. Br«y, exp to prisoners 15 00 Independent, prtg sup ... 15 21 W. J Jackson, Sr., repairs on county home as follows: Labor. 106 70 Material. 185 85 Drayage. 4 50 W. O. Norman, J P fees ... 75 A. T. Walston, CSC Edgecomb county, services. 4 95 General school fund, loan 2 827 08 Total.14,211.73 W. J. JACKSON, JR.. County Auditor CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGES, ETC. The attention of the public is called to the necessity of can celling all mortgages, notes, etc., that been paid and are on record in the office of the register of deeds. It is distinctly to the ad vantage of the person who holds such instruments that they be cancelled, and is a great aid to officers in making tax charges against such individuals This information is given to protect the interest of taxpayers of the county, and if followed will be for general good. W. J. Jackson, Jr., County Auditor. List Your Taxes! The List takers of this county will be in each township beginn ing May 1st for the purpose of listing property for taxes. It is urged that all property owners see them and list their property as early as possible. The books closd May May 30th,and persons having failed to list their proper ty are subject to double taxation This information is given for the convenience of those concer ned W. J. Jackson, Jr., County Auditor. 33 if ears Ago s Washing ion County The Roanoke Beacon published j* Friday, April ,22 1892 i week. Candidates for town coun« oilmen seem to be scarce. The work of rebuilding the Episcopal Church will begin next week. Mr. D. O. Brinkley made’ a business trip to Raleigh this week. Miss Alene Latham way home from Greenville Ft-i male College to spend Easter* The public school of this’ town opened on Monday un der the management of Miss es Belle Fagan and Lon hi Tucker, Ai t cold wave thil Pev. J. F. Tuttle has ten dered his resignation us pastor of the Baptist CiMiVc oS Li. town, to take effect Aip;. 1st. Miss Nellie Chess on of Ro per, is visiting iritntls he is this \v?ek. Mr. H. H. Brown has mo ved his famiiv to iuientori; also Cape. Chas. Martin has noved his hnni'y to tJ1ii4 place. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a “Deed of Trust ’ execu; i to me by W. A- Hilliard and Cheney Hilliard on the 7th day of August ’922 and duly recorded in the Register o' Deed's office in Washington Count),] ie Book 83 Page 459, to secure the pay ment of a certain bond bearing evei date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at publi auction, for cash, on Monday the 11th day of May 1925, at 12 o’clock noon the court house uoor in Plymouth, N. Washington County, the following property: First Tract: Being the same laud con veyed by J. F. McNair and others to B. F. Bateman, by dted recorded in Book 53 at page 333, public registry of Washington County, to which refer ence is hereby made fora mure com pie e description. Second Tract: Being a tract of land described in a grant form the state of North Carolina to B. K. Bateman re corded in Book C2 at page 391, public registry of Washing* >n County tc which reference is hereby made iora more perfect description. The above to tracts of .red being the same land conveyed to C- H. Godwin by B. F. Bateman and wife, Marina Bateman, by deed dated Jan. 1, i9d which said deed is recorded in TP ok 78 at page 96 public registry of toD CoVI'ty, and this day conveyed to the parties of the first by C- H Godwin by that deed which is <>r record in the public registry of Washington CouDtv. This the 9th of April 192 > W. C. MANNING Trustee FOR MAYOR Owing to the improvemen ■ program, and having been re quested by a number of voters] of the town, I do hereby an nounce myself a candidate lor reflection for may:>t in the elect ion to be held May 5. i will ap preciate the support of ali vot ers for reelection. HORACE V. AUSTIN FOR RENT-Two story bouse dwelling ?n roa abcu 1£ miles from Plymouth bouse and premises in good condition for information apply at this of fice FOR SALE-Small Hampst ire pigs good ho»'Hh' cord!,: 1 ‘ ee John at • onaby Bridge. v * r>. »' ■ ■ 7 ■{ ; ■ ? -!• t /s •::••• ' - -k. tv ' . . . >■ O «,;■ CV r. -. . Ti • * ? wi ovvntu lit Lime Rf:bersovi”i'ie, April 22 —Lin* do?» Sreith,<5;yPa r-old son ofJud* jsre af.d Mr: f. C. Smith, v s [drowned in the Sake here Sunday [The lad fp! from a canoe. Mot being able to swon, and r.o one tjbeing present who could swim, Hbe went down and had born linder fcije water 20minutes v.d. m his lather arrived and r n - the body from the water Doc orn tried for two hours to resusciate him, but in vain. Funeral service s were held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist Church con ducted by the Rev. W. G. Hail, pastor of the Baptist Church, assisted by Rev. F. F. Eure, pas tor cf the Methodist Church, ir. torment being in the new come ;ter . CHERRY SCHOOL AND LOCAL NEWS 1 he Hillem ho a Lite 2 ary So cie ' m . i. Ft ida aitm ;.oon ir the school auditorium at three dcloek. A spier.did program . a .a. tjv*-!y number i 4 » , rani was l't-poriUd to. Ti e huh school weiccmes the return of Selma Or rton and Ida imbi'C'S -. after a dry’s absence from classes. We are sorry to note that Mr, Alt n Smith; on of Creswell, war. severely ctil by anepro Saturday ! afternoon. \r .... i. i .late i'enslier m visiting hei parents here this week. Mr. Jim Ed Collins of Rich mond, motored here Friday to ate his friend, Miss Annie Spear. We are sorry to soy that Mr. Bill Liverinan of Travis, and his ffiend Miss I'aulire Spruill of this place, wiiiie out liding Sun day afternoon ran into Mr. Har ry Starr’s car of Columbia, and broke the radius rod in Mr. Liv erman’s car. : j ■ • ,: Edi r the Philemathean Society con templates a hut'e time at a yic nic on Lake Phelps May 2, and you are coidialiy invited. (Tim editor sincerely hopes that ht might be able to accept your kind invitation. Thank you.) rupiL North Carolina, Washington County. Pursuant io t; ' >wer of sale vested in the unde, : .-,?d b the tei 'nr o' mortgage executed by Lu.-.'■ a ■ ai:ci Frank' I. Hurtling to John C. and Nellie M. Gekeler on tiie 30th day of June, 1922, and recoined in book o, page .112, Washington County, the un dersigned mortgagee will expose at public sale to the highest bidder he cash at the courthouse door in Ply mouth, North Carolina, Washington County, on the 22nd day of April, 1925, at 12 o’clock noon, the follow ing described land: Lying and being in Washington .Count;.-. North" Carolina, and bounded mi the i ■> th l.r N. I). Williams, uod N. Res; ni.iuil, on the oust by W. L. Furbee, on the south by Glover Ail -n. iiiul on i so west ly the lands of the Eastern Carolina Homo and Farm A. - sociation, said land herein conveyed being lot No. 13 south of the sub ,;;v; of i.lio land of the Fasten Carolina Horn ■ and I'ann \ -o. r. s i, . ., oiui, of which i; rocoriled i i book i, pa ip 2; . Ws.-bingo i, Com y ’o w; C ii ou i-e, . o is made for com - and die ancee ef said land .contain ng SO act-'' snore or less. Subj jbov.c ■ cr, 10 a mortgage in f.-ivc- 'of tIs Federal ' and Hank and to and drainage assessments ipv''d ord to he levied. • ■ (i >ch, 1935. JOHN C. u NEELE M. GEKELLK, Mortgagees. By i - Vance Norman, Atty. f A CO For Dental Gold, vr\ijri Platinum,Silver,Dia, 1 monds, maerneto points, false ' to- *v,. ie'yelrv, any variables. , Vi ail t .! v. . h-.ii by return Wail. |Hoke S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. / ilfct to xiwi i!*I£S» Th? first strawberries of the season that have been grown at i name were brought here by Mr. Lucas and retailed at fort} | eei-ts per quart. They found a : r-ady market. As we go to press j hov/ever, they are retailing a! 125 rents. Mr. J. W. Wiiliamsor , her also placed the product 1 :>? his s trawl ;rry pate 2 on salt lot the I ymouth Market and I C-rocery Company. i Firemen Relieved \j c. 'I 1 >"•' f. t ■<:. ' > ST; c Ar the regul.r mealing of the board of court l!n r last Friday night, a re so uii.e .v: passed re lieving all members of the Ply mouth Volunteer Tire Company of poll tax. This reso'uti n was made law as soon as the town at torney, Zeb Vance Norm, 1: d drawn it up in ordinance fashior The members of the compart extend thanks to the counciimei for f-1-|io y&rnrrni of fh° QPr v- s, which oftentimes .— tiu n of cl hb i, oi ig in of bad colds and p rhaps other1 injuries. 1 Not For Taxation. A the request of the county auditor v;« ; re co ;i..ur ;■ > the it tention of farm and ether pro pel ty owners the requirement oi the law thas demands that each farm owner or hi-? agent is t( come to the list taker prepared to report the acreage of each crop to be harvested on his own and his tenants’ farms this yeaj a'so acres cultivated, lying out. number of bearing fruit trees, and the tons of fertilizer usee for all crops. is irifoi latioa is . . a tided for statistics! purposes only, and wili not affect the taxes of any one. It is required by law, how ever, and such person#? as it ef fects should immediately prepart their lists so that no time would be lest when the} go to the list taker for the purpose of listing their property for taxes. Mr. L. R. Auston of Green ville, is hero visiti; g his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. V. YV. Ausbon. BILL BOCK ! >S j'jF* UKC KVOSV XVV\ UTTUS : | W; FOLKS* -AIL KG GOlva XJ | SCHOOL YotLL e£ P«V3WVMWn : : cl hisT , i! iz: nship. To my I knowledge he In s put y right of birth.” She "'war, of to Nec-dlcms n’s father “duribg the years of Walling for citizenship. He came , from Russia tu escape hardship >■< and persecution. M EASTERN TOWNS MA KE MANY IMPROVE MENTS. Williamslon, Ap'il 23.—A re view of the town progress in this section indicates that extensive improvemei v are either row underway or under consideration says the Wil'iamston Enterprise. Plymouth is paving most of its, important streets and putting 'own miles of sidewalks. They preparing ior a white-waj dreet for the business section of the town. Windsor is also paving some >f her streets ard making ex tensive improvements Aheskie, which claims to be the hub of Hertford and Bertie counties, is t’so dling extensive paving In Martin County, Roberson viiio is showing the way by hav ing her Main street paved. It is ds; considered probable that .hey wi 1 pave several other streets in that town. Elizabeth City is al. o making large extensions to her paved streets, having already commen ced the laying of six miles of new sidewalks. NOTICE OF SALE Underand byviitueof the power and authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Tom Mc Cray ard VVidie Webb,to J. 0. High stmth, dated December 14th. 192!, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington Cvunty, in Book 77, page. 245, default having been madeinthe paynicntof the ind< bted ness thereby secured, the undersigned mortgagee will on Monday, May 25th, 1926, at'12 o’clock, Noon, at the court hom e door in Washington County, N. C , i ■ • fo sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain property des : , <1 i the tui.: mortgage deed, as i.diows: Lying and being in Lee’s Mill's Township. Washington County known as the “Li: vie Lane” tract of hind, l 'ginning at South-east corner on Roper and Columbia Road; thence Northwardly to Bud Chesson’s corner; thence Iiastwardly to Roper and Col umbia ltood; thence Southwardly to beginning, containing 27 acres more or levs. This April 21st, 109“. J. (>. Highsmith, Mortgagee Quite a large number cf rec le from Martin County vis’trd he Hampton Fisheries j ester cay afternoon. -• a.