TM VARIEka-e . Js« « « -.-« . « . . » .»,,.»»;- « « - . » . . sc II - : » I - x Its-· "- .t"’· ( ", .s T , H. « .! z -1« . , , , •J Year, In Advance. -FOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.” Single Copy 5 C-cntfc 9 VOL. 36 PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1925 NO. 32 The Missouri Entert ineys. The Kadclifie Chautauqua will optn , s entertainment features this : ear with concerts by one oi e most popular organiza tio s to be found in this country The Missouri Entertainers, corn, pose 1 of four r.a'/ve b instruction material, etc., are re cognized as instruction, and in use wherever the saxophone is known and played. Mr. Barrol* Ji has earned a national reputation as Director of the famous Ludwig Saxophone Band, a St. Louis or ganization of fifty instrument. He is aceompnaied by Mrs. Bar roll also nationally known among the greatest women saxophonists and by two other assisting ar tists. The work of this company is highly artistic throughout. Its programs are novel, consisting cf saxophone ensembles, duets and solos, vocal numbers, and read ings. As an interesting diverti sement, Mr. Barroll will introd uce original and exclusive violin trick- work, also the “flex-o-tone“ a unique instrument somewhat resembling a “fly swatter”, but capable of producing beautiful effects in the hands of an artist / like Mr Barroll. Those who attend the Chau tauqua are certain of a rare treat when thej see and meet this friendly company of sincere mu sicians. Those who are especially interested in the saxophone are > invited to discuss the instrument or their problems with Mr. Bar roll, for as Editor of the Saxo phone Department of Jacobs’ Orchestra-Band Monthly, he is undoubtedly the greatest Ameri can authority on this instrument CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGES, ETC. The attention of the public is called to the necessity of can celling all mortgages, notes, etc., that been paid and are on record in the office of the register of deeds. It is distinctly to the ad vantage of the person who holds such instruments that they be cancelled, and is a great aid to officers in making tax charges against such individuals. This information is given to protect the interest of taxpayers of the county, and if followed will be for general good. W. J. Jackson, Jr., County Auditor. To the Creditors of Cahoon Qua lity Shop and to Whom it May ♦Concern; , , Take notice that the undersigned Thomas L. Smith has this day sold and conveyed all his rights, title and interest' in and to the business and partnership in the town of Plymouth, c conducted in the name of Ga boon Quality Shop .0 his copartner W D Carstarphen, and is no longer liable for the debts or til’s payable of said partnership. This 22nd day of April, 1925. THOMAS L. SMITH 1 4 1 1 ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE Having qulaified as administratrix of the estate of W- H. Hardison, late of Washington county, this is to noti fy all persons havingclaims against the said W- H. Hardison, deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or defore the 7th day of April, 1926, or this notice will be pleaded 111 bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to me. Thsi April 7, 1925. MYRA*!. PEAL Hon. Lindsay C. Warren to Speak in Cong ressman from I hit. Dis trict Will Address Graduating Class At Finals of Roper High School. List Your Taxes! The List takers of this county will be in each township begun. .ng May 1st for the purpose of isting property for taxes. It is rrged that all property owner, ee them and iist their property is early as possible. The books Ciose May May 30th,^nd persons naving failed to list their proper ty are subject to double taxation Thiijs information is given for the convenience of those concer ned. W. J. Jackson, Jr., County Auditor. ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ind authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Tom Mc Cray and VViHie Webb, to J. O, High smith, dated December 14th. 1021, and •ecorded in th*- office of the Registet if Deeds of Washington Ovunty in Book 77, page 245, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, the undersigned mortgagee will on Monday, May 25lh, 1125, at 12 o’clock, Noon, at the court house door in Washington County, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain property des cribed in the said mortgage deed, as follows: Lying and being in Lee’s Mill's Township, Washington County known as the “Lizzie Lane” tract of l:.nd, Beginning at South-east corner on Roper and Columbia Road; thence > orthwardly to Bud Chesson’s corner; thence Eastwardly to Roper andCol i mbia Road; thence Southwardly to beginning, containing 27 acres more or le^s. This April 21st, 192;> J. (). Highsmith, Mortgagee The Roper school will closefoi this season with class day ex ercises next Friday, Vi ay 22nd. These exercises will be held bi the senior class. Congressman Lindsay C. War >n will denver the commence nent add.essand wi.l present he diplomas immediatel> a.iel the exercises. Xne loiiowmg will reuivt graduation certificates; Misses' Annie Atki« a.j».- rn;. .VIis. J. P Hilliard and daughter, Louse are on a visit to Mrs. J. D. Cordon in Washington. Mr. Frank Tuttle of Eden n n w, i.. ! ( r < >n a visit to his parents » • .s week. Wc sympathize with Mi. and Mrs. S. W. Beasley in the death oi their infant son, Earl Wirt, which died on luesday morning The bur ai service was conducted from tiie Baptist church on Wednesday at ten o’clock by iitw.W. B Moor assisted by Rev. J F» T uttle. Mr. L. T. Houston and '.vile made a p!ertsant visit to tiath during the past week. Married by justice J. S. Chesson at his office in this town on Wednesday afternoon Mr. Thomas Van Horn and oVIrs. Martha Mv.o.e, both of Bertie county. FOR RENT-Two story house dwelling on Maekeys road abcui li miles from Pi\ mouth houst and premises in good condition for informat on apply at this of fice • cAUtlreax safe» sure* No o*ia£*' Report of the Condition of T’m PEOPLES BANK at Creswell in the State of No Carolina, at the doss of business April 6eh 1925 Loans and Discounts . 86 047.27 01 other stocks, bonds and mortgages 200.00 banking house 2,992.12 furniture and Fixtures .... 4,011.09 Cash in vault and not a mounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies .-.—- 14,927.89 'ash Items held over 24 RESOURCES Overdrafts unsecured hours .. Expense account Total $111,626 89 LIABILITIES apital Stock p lid in Dividends unpaid Bills Payable Deposits subject to check, 72 00 20.000.0C 10,000.00 ro no Individual .—. Cashier’s Checks outstand 33,127.96 ing .— Certified checks Time certificates of deposit Savings deposits 303 31 li it Tolal .-. 111,626 8P State of North Carolina—County oi Washington, Apri’, 18 1925 I, ,J. C. Gatlin, cashier rf the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement b ti ue to the best of my knowledge and bi lief. J. C. GATLIN, Cashier Corr ‘ct—Attest: H. G. WALKER J. W. STARR W. T.ALEXANDER Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, APRIL, 18th, 1925 E. S. WOODLEY, N. P. FOR SALE-Small Hampshire piy>s good healthy condition see John Atamanckuk at Conaby Bridge. CHARLES A. HOF.R A young lecturer fui: r.f "personality plus," of unusual platform ap pearance and v/ho thinks in a straight line. THE MISSOURI ENTERTAINERS Popular saxophone, violin and vocal orpct ra tion headed by Mr. U-iward, Bsrro'.l, Ar : a1; leading Saxophone authority. DR. W. T. S. CULP Orator ur.d author, knowm from coast to coast for hit powerful lectures and maa* ierful eloquence. ELLSWORTH PLUMSTE^D The "Dean of Impersonrtor...” in dramatic and humorous recitals cf intense interest. DS R. M. SAIn'D Popular lecturer of ur. ur.oal a’.:li'v, v.-ilh worth while lee' : on vital sub FRANK LUCAS Tr.i intcrnationalJy k r> .’v n “Accordion Kir*. ’ MAUDE TURNER Soprano solo ist, and accora THE SLOUTKEMPTON PLANTERS © —-Afternoon P'«y— “THIS WAY OUT’* A splendid organization, presenting popular anJ —Ni«Ht PI»y— classic comedies in an extraordinarily clever way. “WHEN MOTtiER^GOES P LYMOUTH May 27, 28, 29 • Seasons 'i ickets $2.00 & 75c Miss Marcia Latham. Miss Marcia Latham, daugh erofMr S. W. Latham, dece ived, v as born in Plymouth Oct >ber 20, 1878, and died May 9 ind was laid to rest on May 10th in the family space in the Meth >dist cemetery. A large company jf friends gathered to pay their last tribute to her memory, The sen ice was conduct'd by Rev. Theodore Partrick : nd the wri ter. .tliss Latham was in her forty sixth year. She received hei education in same of the leading schools of Ame ica, At th. age if sixteen she graduated from • Norfolk College with hignest honors. In 1899 she entered the | university of North Carolina, being the first woman admitted. : She gradu ited in two years. She touglu two . ears in a Methodist college, in San Antonio, Texas. She taught one year in Eliza beth college, Char ot:e, N. C.. Sh did graduate work in Har vard ard Columbia ir iversities in 1904 and 19J5 .She taught mathematics in Hunter college, N. Y.. from 1905. to 1922. Intel! c ually she was* a ve the av rage. As a teacher, she won by her superior qualities, the high esteem ard affectionate regard of all with whom she came into contact, and whenever her lot was cast she was endow ed with the facuhy of making her students believe[in them selvPs and ihe art of drawing out the very best from all; She was nrver a strong wom an physically and the strain of 1 her profession to’d on her heal th: yet she never spared herself, but want bravely on wit a her task. Darmg her last days she was called upon to suffer greatly but there was not a murmui heard from her. Her resign ition was most beautiful1: so beautiful was she in ail the Ch: i uian erree that she became a si it ing light to all who knew her. Her ( duca tion, her fine sense, her broad sympathies and her v. ide ter.dii jt made her a person v. hose com pany was constantly s. ugiit, She never obtruded her < pinions, but maintained that quiet enact t’ at attracted many. Hers was a life riel) in its fr. j - rant usefulness. The fragn i ce of her life remains with us. A eacher, a scholar and a true Christian bis been trarsj anted. W, G. LOV'. E £P UP, iv\R. BUSmESSK\AU\ RA\$£ NOUS.