: 'THc^e's mmv a ! 'BAN&NA?EEL ONl j 150,0AOWAV ! ’Pa, you remember you pronr-c to give me $5 if I passed in school this year1' "Yes, Tom” ••Well. pa. you ain't gonna have that expense. Gunner: ‘‘Gee, dat s a pretl\ boid." _ , Runner; Dat ain't no boid; >'t s ( a bird. “Sfunny, it sings like a boid. “How many times do 1 have tell you, Bobby, that one mu-; 1 his eyes closed during pra; I‘Yes. mamma, how do ja knov I don't1" “Triplets,” announced the nurse to the proud father. “Really, I can hardly believe my ' 'own census,” he replied. First Pedestrian (to man who has bumped into him) - Clumsy idiot! Second Pedestrian—Glad to know you. Mine's Brown, A few minutes after an alarm ot fire was given in a hotel one of tne guest joined the group that was watching the fire, and chaifed them on their apparent excitement. “There was nothing to be excited about, I took'my time about dress- . ing. lighted a cigarct, didn t like the knot in my necktie, so tied it over again—that’s how cool I was.” "Fine," one of his old friends re marked. “but why didn't you put on your trousers?" —— ,1 i "Engaged to four girls at once. Flow' do you explain such conduct? “I don t know'. Cupid must have j. shot me with a machine gun. __ An irishman who had just arrived in New York was taking his first walk under escort of his brother, who had been living there several years. In the window of a shop he. saw a great mound of fresh cran berries. “What are thim1” he asked. “Thim is cranberries,” said his brother. “Are they fit to eat1” ,,Are they fit to eat? Why, whin thim cranberries is stewed they j make better apple sauce than prunes | does.” _ Guest—Are you sure your wife | knows I'm.coming home with you for dinner? His Host—She ought to. I ar gued with her for a whole hour a bout it. Little Charles—Papa, do nuts j grow on trees? Papa—Yes, my son, Little Charles—Then what tree! does the doughnut grow on, pa1 Papa—The " pantree,' my son. Mrs. Newlywed (on Christmas morning)—What's this thing, dar ting? Fond Husband—A waffle iron, dear—now you can make us some waffles. Mrs. Newlywed—But, dear, I don't believe I've ever ironed any waffles. Great Lecturer—In the South ^ Sea Islands it. costs eight spearheads ; to get a wife. Much Lectured—In this country <. it only takes one bonehead. "Why do you insist on taking on ly a local anesthetic1., asked the usrgeon. "Because I believe in patronizing home products." answered the pub- r lie-spirited patient. NOTICE OF HALE der and by virtue of authority cd in a cer'.ain mortiiage deed, ex t c-d by Uavid^Garrett to dolm T. some, dated duly 10th, 1915, re. ! ■ I in book ' 7, page 6,5, Register of is office of Washington County, in default in payments, the under eci mortgagee will expose at public a' the court hou e door. Plymouth, ■ li i arolina, on the 24th day of 1926, at 12 n ion, to the highest : r for cash the (allowing described • si: all of my undivided interest in mate A the.la.te Daniei Garrett in to lot? town f Plymouth, ad i:o' l.t-i'K Smith, Ed Spruill and • s and 1 vi " on west side of Ma er ■ I r wbprers P-11 ■ d ji>i• iij■ jx i he Furness land and ivy 1 d uid ' C’naby Creek t itt t) tscended t me sai 1 interest from ,it.l Gar eft my father last and iin/b-ert bidder will be ired to dopes t with tits* Clerk et perior Court ten percent of the bit! jrood faith and confirmation by the 1 His 24th dij of April, 1920. *JGr1N T. HANSOM. Mortgagee. V Austin, 'tty. NO net. OF SALE I I’v vi . i i certain tnor: jjage den.' . < Xcri'.'ii In 'Tv Alice M. Avers. 1 date.. A;> i: 12. '.'IF. and recor eti i:i . the of ce of tl - register of deeds of' Wash:::": n County, N. C-, in book 67 : I at pair,- I, the undersignedJnortc •• net- will > i liit* I7tl» day of May, 19_v., at 12 o'-. :..eU, : con, at Lie court hous ■ door of Washington county, sell to fine night st bclder ft■" cash that true* or pare 1 i ■ lard ki v a upper part oi ' i ■ :> the town of ' ■ > ' * . "d to Mrs M \yets b> Vllie O Newberry by ee 1 VI n t, 1914, recoi d , in honk (il at pope ! Id. This notice dated and posted April 20,1926. , \RRISON, Mortgagee is pre eription for A] llaria, c'hiits> and Fever, I)e::. itioir.-t Fever. I.OoT O’ieil-iitnrnoil •'.vnthi sc . h It bow b "'•< , timl p'e retur!. to this offic ( FOR CUTS, B nd cleansing, sc emedy for these of satisfaction v* HANFG i ■ i TINNING - PLUMBING I i ■ SHEET METAL WORKERS | C!-CT':>'C • a ALL WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY C5‘S3£T>( V£:s>(i3 . TOBACCO FLUES MADE TO YOUR CRDERPROMPTLY PINKHAM and TURNER Plymouth, N. C. .:~-tzxp - -r^yrrr:...., .,.:z7'. r:zz7~-.1:rzsassys;. a 1 M/ IT IS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND YQC CAN ALWAYS RELY ON IN SICKNESS OR TROUBLE; ONE WHO IS ALWAYS READY TO GIVETHE ASSISTANCE YOU NEED. THIS FRIEND YOU (TAN HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE -IT IS “READY MONEY” WHICH YOU CAN GET WHEN ''YOU WANT AND NEED IT. THE WAY TO HAVE THIS WELCOME FRIEND IS TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN OUR BANK AND REGULARLY ADD TO YOUR BALANCE. IT WILL GROW AND GROW AND EE A SURE FRIEND IN TIME OF HEED. COME IN. WE WILL WELCOME YOU. BRANCH BANKING k TRUST CO. PLYMOUTH, N. C. rW ■ vw § y LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONTS A Few Reasons For Our Great Success NOTE THE PRXES-SEE THE QUALITY-YOU’LL FIND THE ANSWER EAGLE MILK, Can 19/ Herring Roe, No. 2 Can 19c Matches Safe Heme, 6 For Wesson Oil, Quart R ns > Soap Flakes, 2 Pkgs. CEREALS^ K ! ogg’s c rn Fi kes 10c Pep, 10 uz., pkg., l3c Puffed W heat l4c Puffed Rice 17c 25c 48c 13c D. P. SALT FRFE RUNNING 2 lb Carton 10/ libbysor p’mit Salad, No. 2 can DEL MONTE 35/ OLIVE OIL Re Uni her to \ pint can 32^ SARDIf' ES Norwegians, J’s in Oil 1H N. B- C. Graham Crackers LARGE PKG 10/ Tomatoes H°m2 3 For 25/ Tri- I 9/ D. P. TEA DELICIOUS ICED J-lh 39/ 1-lb 21/ 1 lh 73/ Corn Ncan 11/ LAND O’ LAKES IK, BUTTER POUND CUT FROM TUB 51 Our Pride Bread, 2X;e“e - 10c • M • • • POULTRY CAR • • WENONA MAY 14TH MACKEYS MAY 15TH TH£ FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE PAID AT CAR: HEAVY HENS 25_ * LEGHORr1 ?HENS 23c ROOSTERS 12c "IURKEYS 20c DUCKS 15c GEESE 10, GUINEAS 35 EACH THiS WILL BE A REGULAR POULTRY CAR AND WE ARE EXPECTING A BIG SHIPMENT- ' R. W. JOHNSTON B