(OH ►y Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer Philadelphia Cooking Expert 14 T PREFER oil stoves to any other I kind. I speak from the fullness of 30 years’ experience with them. Oil is clean, economical, and dependable. It saves a world of work. No coal or wood to carry in, no ashes to carry out. And no dust. “I have just completed a special experiment on the 1926 model Perfection Oil Stove, test ing it under all possible cooking conditions. 1 cooked many meals in my own kitchen. Every dish was deliciously cooked. Immediate Cooking “Steak began to broil and my molasses cake began to rise almost as soon as I lighted the burners. There was no waiting for the heat to ‘come up.’ “The bottom of every utensil used in the experiment was as clean as a china dish. No scouring was necessary. Those long Perfec tion chimneys certainly are in surance against sooty kettles. All at the Same Time “I cooked many things at once. For boiling beef I used a very low flame. I French-fried po tatoes over a hot flame with yellow tips about 1% inches high above the blue area. I cooked white sauce over a medium flame. “I used all grades of heat at the same time satisfactorily. All flames remained steady and even. They d:d not creep or‘craw l.’This is a real blessing to the cook. She can forget her stove and keep her mind on her cooking • ‘ Very Well Satisfied’' “Altogether I was very well satisfied with the Perfection Stove. And, my good opinion of oil stoves has increased, if that is possible. ” 4,500,000 In Use The other five famous cooks were enthu siastic about the 1926 Perfection, too. And every day 4,500,000 women get real cook ing satisfaction from their Perfections. You, too, will get the most cooking satisfaction the year around when you cook on the latest model Perfection. See the complete line at any dealer’s today. All sizes, from a one burner model ats6.75 to a large, five-burner range at H20.00. Buy the stove en dorsed by Mrs. Rorer and the other five famous cooks, the 1926 Perfection. Manufactured k) Perfection Stove Company Cleveland, Ohio JYLrS. RORER is one of the six famous cooks who just completed a novel cook ing test on the Perfection Stave. Others are: Miss Lucy G. Allen, Boston; M. iss Margaret A Hen Hall, Battle Creek; Miss Rosa Michaelis, New Orleans; Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn, Los Angeles, and Airs. Belle DeGraf, San Francisco. Clean. Even Cooking Heat The long chimneys of the Per fection burn every drop of the oil before it reaches the kettle. Thus you get clean, even cooking heat tree from soot and smoke. You can be doubly sure of this sort of heat when you use a pure water-white Kerosene that burns cleanly, evenly and without odor — “Standard" Kerosene. It is • pecialiy refined. All impurities that might cause smoke or leave deposits of soot ire removed. This assures the maximum amount of heat. By sticking to "Standard” Kerosene you are sure of best results from, your Perfection. Insist on it. You can buy it anywhere. Stan d a r d Oil C o. (A>