■riTr»Tr«ir iiihn Year, In Advance. Single Copy 6 Ccat» “FOR COO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." «Mnr VOL. 37 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, MAY 2^, 1926 NO. 25 LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hayes spent Sunday in Windsor. Mr. J. F. Ausbon spent the past week-end in Raleigh. Mrs. Z. G. Lyon returned Sat urday to her home in Ayden. Mrs. P. M. Arps is visiting her mother in Columbia this week \ Mr. A. J. Pemberton of Wilson was in town during the week-end. Sheriff J. K. Reid made a pro fessional trip to Hertford Sun day. Mr. J. W. Buchanan of Roper, was a business visitor here Tues day. Mrs. Bill Cotter returned last week to her home in Elizabeth City. Miss Gertrude Norton spent Sunday in Williamston with her parents. Mr. R. E. White of Ahoskie has been in town for a few days recently. Mr. C. S. Heynen of Wenona, was a business visitor here last Saturday. Messrs. R. A., and Whit Turner of Roper were business visitors here Saturday. Dr. W. H. Ward and Mr. L. P. Hornthal motored to William ston Wednesday. Mrs. W. C. Ewart of Charlotte i3 visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stubbs. Mrs. T- W. Tenniile of Orlando, Fla., i- the guest of her sister. Mrs. L. L Owens. Messrs. L. P Hornthal and Lue Read made a business trip to Jamesville Monday. Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Bray and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Beam spent Sunday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. fi. A. Laverman ar.d little daughter, Anne, visited relatives in Columbia, Sunday Mrs. Herman Alexander of Tarboro is visiting Mrs. A. L. Alexander on E. Main street. Mr. F. J. Knight attended the funeral of his uncle, Dr. S. M. Jones in Grimesland this week. Mrs. S B Hilliard returned Sunday from Pinetown, where she spent several days with rela fives. Capt. and Mrs J. T Rhodes -;f New York, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Clark on Main St. Mesdames P. W. Brown and A. R. Dupree and Mr. Owens Du pree motored to Winston-Salem Monday. Mr. and Mr3. A. S. Chesson and children of Wilson have b en visiting Mrs. J. S. Chesson here tins week. Mr. Stark Nurney resumed to Rocky Mount last Saturday, af ter spending a few days here with his parents. Mrs. en Goodvin and daugh ter Eunice, of Elizabeth City were the guests of Miss Hope Hardison last Fiiday Mr. S. A. Ward is spending a few days here with his family, after having been away for several weeks on business. Messrs J. S Brown, Harry Choppick, Jessie McNair snd Sterling Marriner attended ihe ball game in Wilson Wednesday. Mr. and Mr3. J. 0 Brewer and Mr. Fitz Rawls of Rocky Mount spent part of Sunday here They were accompanied home by Miss Sadie Ausbon. Miss Nellie Nelson, who has been nursing Mrs. L. P. Horn thal during her recent ill ess returned to her home in Wash ington this week. Mr. H. A. Litchfield, Jr., of Emporia, Va., passed through here Sunday with a party of friends from that place enroute to Luke Phelps, where they spent several days fishing. SCHOOL PLAN DEFEATED A majority of four hundred and seventy-seven voters who registered for the special school election held in this county Wednesday stated in no uncertain tones their opposition to a county-wide consolidation of schools with a tax levy of same rate. J , l Much interest was manifested throughout the county by <!harm ions of both pro and con, and es pecially in Plymouth did both fac tions give of their'time and energy in support of their views on this question. The election was mark ed by quiet and orderly crowds throughout the day. Of the seventeen hundred and three who registered for the election there were only fourteen hundred and eight who voted, thereby giving the opposition a lead of two hun dred and ninety-five before the actual vote was counted. The schools of the county will j present a decidedly different aspect! when the fall session begins. Trucks will not be employed to carry rural children to and from tire schools that are maintained in the towns, and a greater enrollment will no doubt be noticed in the various rural schools. The child ren who have been attending school in the towns will now be taught in their immediate districts. As we are informed by officials of the school board accredited high schools will only be available to those schools who have a sufficient number of high school students to maintain such an institution, and that rural cWfdren will not be ac corded the privilege of attending the high schools of the towns unless they provide their own means of transportation and then in addition pay a tuition fee commensurate with the facilities afforded. Activities will be more pronounc ed in the neighborhoods of the country schools and it is expected that community interest wiij be p a ly enhanced. No definite plans have been an nounced as to the disposition of the twenty-one trucks now owned by the county schoolboard, and for which there will be no further use. The vote of the different pre cincts are as follows: Voting Cast Cast Not Precinct For Against Voting Plymouth 472 101 54 Lee’s Mil!* 04 127 95 Skinnersville 4 222 (15 Scuppernong 55 o36 00 Wcnona 18 9 15 Total Gf3 795 295 The 295 not voting arc under the election law placed in the column of those voting against the issue, giving them a vote of 1,090 with a majority of 477. Announcement I take this method of announcing to my friends that I will again be a candidate for the office of Superior Court Clerk for Washington Coun ty. subject to the action of the coming Democratic primary and election. No man in office can hope to please everybody, and adverse criticism is often elaborated by those not pleased, yet there are al ways two sides to every question. The man not in. of course has done nothing to be criticised for. If nominated and elected I can only promise to do in the iuture what I have done in the past my very best to serve you honestly and well. Thanking you in advance for your support, I am. Your offiicial servant, C. V. W. AUSBON Mr and Mr?. A. F. Johnston and children of Roper, were here last night. i PRIMARY NEXT SATURDAY Saturday of next week, June 5th, is the day set for the Democratic Primary Election, and all registered Democrats of the county owe it to themselves and their party to cast a vote for the candidate of their choice. The privilege of voting for the government of your choice is some thing that should be cherished by the people, and they should avail themselves of each opportunity, for by this means only can they use their power in placing men or women of their selection in the offices to conduct the business til fairs of the county. To vote is not only a privilege, but a duty owed to the common wealth, and unless the people take an active interest as a whole they cannot expect a few to carry the whole load. Then if the candidates selected or the men elected are rot to their liking they have no one to blame but themselves. The pri mary election is held to provide a means whereby every Democratic voter in the county may haw a say as to who shall be placed on the ticket for the general election; and if they have a person whom they wish to represent their party as a candidate the only way they can place them on the ticket, if they have opposition, is to go to the primary and vote. If you fail to vote and the candidates arc se lected that you do not want, you have no one to blame. The pri mary is there for you as myqji as for anyone. Arrange to go to the bolls ncx. Saturday, June 5th, and vote for the one of your choice. SKINNERSVILLE N£W3 Miss Louise Smith is the guest of Miss Ma*y Spruill this week. We are sorry to learn that Mr. II E Biggs is very ill at his home. Mr. Leon Spruill was th* guest :>f Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davenport Monday, Misses Mary Spruill, Louise Smith and Mr. Leon motored to P ymouth Tuesday. The Rundav school convention evil' meet at the IT Ty Neck chu p’i on the third Sunday in June. Miss Jessie E izibeth Curls was entertained Sunday after •'<>on at the home of Miss Alice White. Quite a number of girls of this community have been helping Mr. Joe White pick May peas this past week. The members of Rehoboth church are busy practicing for a children’s riav exevci°<? to be giv cn the third Sunday in June. Mesdames G. L. Davenport, W G Blount, Miss Francis Biggs md Mr Thomas Curies, Jr., were present at the quartclv c in ference held at Mr. Elmer church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G L Davenport. Misses Frances Biggs. Jessie Elizabeth Curl s and Thomas Murl -s attended the county Sun lay school convention a1- Ply mouth or. Thursday and Fdday evenings Quarterly Conference at Siloam A quarterly conference will be held at Siloam Methodist church, near Jamesville tomorrow beginning at ten-thirty. Interesting topics will be discussed by a number of visiting preachers and laymen, and the conference will be presided over by Rev. C. B. Culbreth, presiding elder of the Elizabeth City district. Dinner for everybody will be served on the grounds at 12:30, LITERARY CLUB MEETS The Thursday Afternoon Literary Club met May 20th, at the home of Mrs, J. B. Edmondson with nineteen members present. A report was made by the com mittee on the selection of a course of study for next year. The chair man reported that a variety of material had been passed among the members for their inspect'on, after which a ballot vote was taken, the outcome of which will be an nounced at the next meeting. Mrs. Sidney Ward read an inter esting paper concerning Edna St. Vincent Millay, the great American poet, and Mrs. R. P. Waiker read selections from her book of poems. Mrs. Robert Johnston and Mrs. Joe Blount also read interesting papers dealing w.th the life and works of Robert Frost, The hostess served cream and cake. CRESWELL NEWS Mrs. Mae Simmons was in Columbia last week. Mr J. II. Bateman of Columbia was in town this week. Mr. Fletcher Ausbon of Fly mouth, was in town Sunday. Mr. Lindsav Swindell of Eden ton was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Oliver Davenport has re turned from an extended visit in Norfolk, Va. Miss KatherinePinner of Eliza beth City is the guest of her bster, Mr3 W. T. Alexander. Miss Enzabeth McCabe left Monday for St Brides, Va , where she will stay for a few days. Misses,lAicy and Ruth Swain! are speeding a few days in Elizabeth Citv as the guests of Miss Helen O’Neal, MesdamesG L. Davenport, W. E. Blount, Miss Frances Biggs and Thomas Curies of Skinners ville were in to wn Sunday. The ent re community wishes to congratulate Rev. Withers on his new paper, 'The Under Shep herd”, which he is having pub lished. Messrs. Mahlon Phelps and > Harry Harris, who ere attending s school at Lynchburg, Va , spent the week-end with Mr. ana Mrs. J. L. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs Lindsay Phfdns and !i Lb daughter and ft is Carrie Co 'per of Raleigh, spent, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs J. L. Phe'ps. The Episcopal Sunday school, Gkdillee viission at Lake Phelps is making steady progress Last Sunday t hey had a record attend ance of 110 members, which is a just reward for the zealous and untiring efforts of Rev. C. E. Williams. Mr Roland Phelps of Somer-, r,ef Farm was severely bitien by a popular-leaf snake last Friday i afternoon while shucking corn. He was driven to Creswell arid drbt aid was rendered by Dr. j Norman of Columbia. It is un ierstood that the bite wid net: prove fatal. North Carolina Firm Gets Huge Granitt Order At a meeting of the bridge com mission held in Washington, 1). C, last week contracts for nearly $2, 000,000.00 worth of granite were let, the largest part of which comes to North Carolina to the North Carolina Granite Corporation of fyft Airy, and being for $1,615,300. worth of white granite to be used in the main structure. This bridge is being constructed as a memorial to all war veterans will span the Potomac river, beginning at. Lin coln's Memorial in Potomac Park, Washington, and ending at Arling ton cemetery on the Virginia side Fifth Sunday Exercise A T MACKEYS METHODIST CHURCH - MAY 30, 1926 rr j] rp| i[Tjl S>V6 o V W- > MORNING SERVICE, 11-15 ORGAN PRELUDE ANTHEM.ROPER CHOIR INVOCATION SCRIPTURE READING.REV. D. A. CLARK Or PERATOP.Y.CHOIR STATEMENT. BY THE PASTOR READING.MRS. W. B.CHESSON SPECIAL MUSIC.ROPER CHOIR ADDRESS, “Relation of Home and Church" . . . HON. Z. V. NORMAN ANTHEM.CHOIR ANNOUNCEMENTS.W. S. DAVENPORT MUSIC.CHILDREN’S CHOIR OF MACKEYS DINNER ON THE GROUNDS AFTERNOON SERVICE, 2-30 CORNET SOLO.ASA JOHNSTON SPECIAL MUSIC .ROPER CHOIR SCRIPTURE READING.F. D. WILSON INVOCATION.HERBERT LEWIS MUSIC. CHILDREN’S CHOIR OF PLEASANT GROVE REMARKS. BY THE PASTOR READING.MRS. JAMES DAVENPORT DUET .MRS. W. B. CHESSON AND CORINNE SELL ADDRESS, “Relation of the Church to the Home’’ . . REV. T. PARTRICK VIOLIN SOLO.. . MRS. LOUIS HASSELL RELATION OF ROPER CHARGE TO THE DISTRICT . . . • REV. C. B. CtJLBRETH MUSIC .. • • CHILDREN’S CHOIR OF ROPER EVENING SERVICE, 3 O CLOCK SPECIAL MUSIC. INVOCATION SCRIPTURE READING VOCAL SOLO. READING.-.. READING. ADDRESS, "Literature in ti e H n e" SPECIAL MUSIC :. ANNOUNCEMENTS DOXOLCGY MACKEYS CHOIR MRS. W. B. DAVENPORT MISS NELLIE BLOUNT W. B. DAVENPORT REV. C. B. CULBRETH MACKEYS CHOIR IMATHIAS OWENS DEAD Mathias Owens, aged sixty-four, died suddenly in his home in Eliza beth City last Saturday morning at 8;30, from a heart attack. His health had been failing for the past [two years. The deceased was well known and j had a wide circle of friends in this Section. He was prominently iden tified with business and political activities in Pasquotank county, and was held in high esteem by those who knew him. 1 lc leaves a wife and son, Oscar, three brothers, W. L. Owens of Elizabeth City. Z. D. Owens of .Norfolk and A. L. Owens of Ply mouth' and or.e grandci. 1 !. Beats 400,000 Miss Dorothy Jean Utley, age 14, of Bernidji. Minnesota is the prowl . nr- lady in the land. Her cs'say on" “Highway Safety” won first pvteo in a state contest m v t.i h -Icy.OOO other boys and guis coni] t fl. niss Utley, was given a free trip to Washington, met oat r - od-.nt and received a goal watc No wonder she’s proud. ■ Mjss Mnrparet Ward Jack tor ipft Wednesday for Blacks tone, Vo., to attend the commencement exercises of Blaekstene Cel’fKre, she was accompanied by Miss Rita Norton of Wii.iamslcn, OUTING AT MACKEYS The junior and senior classes of Ih? Plymouth high school en joyed an outing at Davenport Beach, 'lackeys, during the past week-end. They were eccom panieu by Misses Louise Jennette Gladys La re Hi an ai:d Hope Har dison of the faculty, and were chapeioned by Mrs. R. P. Wel ker and Prof, and Mrs. L. H. Hubble. The party used the Mackeys school building for a camp, and amused and entertained them selves in various manner?. They carded sufficient lunch .-s to sat isfy their appetites during their stay there. Fishing Party at Lake Phelps A party of business men from Lmporia, Va., composed' of 1 1. A. l.itchficld, Jr., formerly of this county. W. \V. l^obcrtson, A. C. Robertson. J. P. Taylor. R. A. 1 fall and B. M. Garner, spent several days this week ntl.akc Phelps on a fishing trip. They passed through here on their return trip home rind were highly dated at lire angling achieve ment"' mad.-, end were very much pic isc.cl with the hospitality extend ed them by the people of that com munity. T hey occupied the old historic building at the lake during their trip. Announces Wedding Friends of Mr. G. R- Blount will bo interested in the follow ing announcement: “Mr and Mr?. Parmcnio Syl vester Rothrock announce the marriage of their daughter, Eliza beth Allen, to Mr. Gerald Row den Blount, on Sunday, May tho twenty-third, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, Airy, North Carolina.

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