PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO riOMESEEKERS THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISERS IT a Year, In Advance. “FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AMD FOR TRUTH." Sirslo Copy 5 Cents. VOL. 37 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1926 NO. 34 LOCAL NEWS Miss Ruth Bailey spent Sunday in Everetts. Leland Thompson was a visitor in Conetoe Sunday. A. P. Barnhi'lof Everetts, was here Sunday night. Miss Eoline Everett is visiting friends in Norfolk. Mr. J. R. Campbell made a trip to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Messers T. J. Swain and Lue Read spent Tuesday in Columbia. E. H. Liverman and family motored to Elizabeth City Fri day. Harold Jackson of Norfolk, is here visiting relatives and friends. Clyde Swain of Durham, has been visiting friends and rela tives in the county. Mrs. W. R. White and daugh ter, Miss Helen, are visiting in Norfolk. Miss Helen Tatem of Columbia is visiting her aistt-r Mrs. P- M. Arps. Mrs. E. S. Bullock of Rocky Mount is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. Bowen. Ward Campbell of Rocky Mount is visiting relatives here this week. N. Rosenthal and son, Theo dore, of Wenona were Plymouth visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Campbell and little daughter made a motor trip to Wilson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. G.'oves and Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Bray went to Merry Hill Sunday. Dr. Whitehurst was called to Rocky Mount on account of the death of ms uncle. Mrs. Thos. G. Moore of Wash ington, has been here visiting tier uiouier, xYirs. m. n^cio Mr. and Mrs. Frith Winslow of Greenville spent Sunday her. with Mrs. Fannie Ayers. Whit Turner and E. L. Mar riner of fioper, were business visitors here Monday. Mrs. W. P. Lucas and children of Durham, are here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Harrison, who have been visiting relatives in Raleigh, returned home Tues day. Miss Thelma Harrison, who has been attending summer school in Greensboro, returned home this week. W. L. Owens and family of Elizabeth City, spent Sunday here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Owens. Mrs. George Barden and son, George Jr., and Harry Gurkin are visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk. Dr. Claudius McGowan, Messrs B. A. Sumner and P. M. Arps were in Columbia Monday on a fi hing trip Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. Hardison and daughter, Miss Hope is spending a few days at Wrights ville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnston of Charleston, W. Va , were the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whitley. Mr. C. W. Norman of Raleigh spent the week-end with his parents, he was accompanied by Mr. Julian Brinkley. Mrs. C. S. Ausbon and little son, Douglas, returned Friday from Durham, where they have been spending some time. Mrs. A. L. Alexander and son, Master, Louis have been visiting friends and relatives in Rocky Mount and Tarboro this week. Among those who spent Sun day in Bayview were Surry Wright, Rasser Edwards, Marion Ramsey, Misses Leone Arps. Lida B. Ange, Hermine Ausbon, Eliza beth Respass, Mrs. E. G. Arps and Mrs, W. F. Ausbon. MRS. HORNTHAL HUR I IN AUTO WRECK RAPIDLY DRIVEN FORD COLLIDES WITH CHEVROLET, AND PROMINENT WOMAN IS PAINFULLY INJURED. WILD DRIVERS VANISH What is generally accepted a careless and reckless driving earn' [near resulting in a revolting trage ! dy here Sunday afternoon abou I five o’clock when a Ford autorro i bile driven by Joe Fledgebcth an< wife collided with a Chevrole coupe occupied by Mr. and Mrs Louis P. Hornthal. The facts as we gather them ar that Mr. and Mrs. Hornthal wer driving at a moderate rate of specs ' on the highway towards William ston, and just beyond the base bal grounds they saw a Ford approach ing at a terrific gait being drivei by a woman. Mr. Hornthal, t< give them all the road possible pulled clear of the concrete road way into the dirt shoulder of th road, and the woman, seeming t< sense an inevitable collision, re leased the steering wheel which wa quickly grasped by Joe Hedgebeth her husband, who occupied th< seat with her. In the exchange o drivers the Ford struck the lef front wheel ol the Chevrolet crush ing it to the ground. In the colli sion Mrs. Hornthal was throwr against the windshield and severe!; cut about the head and arms. Th: Fold did a complete somersault changing its direction and settlin' to earth with its wheels in the air. a total wreck. The several occu pants of the demolished car wen pinned underneath, and to all ap pearances terribly mangled. Peo ple living nearby extricated then hurriedly and it was disclosed that only one, Joe Hedgebeth, had an;y appearance oi being injured. He was removed to the home of t ; colored person in that ncighbor : hood, and was attended by L. C. - Mitchell, local colored physician ; Mr. \V. E. Beam, cashier of the - Branch Banking and Trust Com 1 pany, who was close behind the : Hornthal’s, stopped to ascertair . the damage to the occupants oi that car. Mrs. Hornthal was un ; conscious when removed from her » car and was immediately brought 1 to her home here. Drs. Ward and - McGowan hurried to her and upon 1 examining her wounds found that - although painfully injured her rc i covcry would be only a matter of ) time. The shock has left her in a , rather feeble condition. Hedgebeth, who at first seemed ; to be fatally injured, responded tc ) to the treatment given by his phy - sician, and was removed to Whii e > City, a colored community on the , eastern outskirts of Plymouth. : Indictments were made against the Hedgebeth couple and before : the warrants could be served both - had disappeared, and as we go to ■ press their whereabouts are un i known. In an incredibly short space of ■ time the scene of the wreck was overflowing with people from this ; neighborhood. Fumes of corn liquor emanating from the demol ished Ford, permeated the atmos ; phere in that vicinity, and a broken ■ bottle hidden in a paper bag was found inside the car. As we go to press Mrs. 1 Iornthal is recovering from her unpleasant experience as rapidly as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sutton, who have been spending same time here with Mrs. Fannie Avers, left Wednesday for New York. Miss Pear! Hopkins of Cre - well who has been attending sum mer school in Asheville, has re turned and is visiting Miss Emma Gray Morehead here. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Arp* motored to Columbia Sunday, ai d were accompanied by Miss Mary Tatem who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Arps for several days. Miss Virginia Watson of Tar- 1 boro and Miss Trentham of Mar tin county assisted Miss More head last week in the annual out ing of the Girls’ Clubs of this county at Mackeys. Erwin Boven, young son ot Mrs. George Bowen, of this dace had the misfortune of pain fully injuring his hand while at nt. work at Wilts Veneer Company Tuesday Morning. Dr. T. L Brsy eave the injured member surgi cal attention, and the young man , is now getting along nicely. Misses Louise Ayers and Mar garet'Yard Jackson left Wednes day and were joined in Parmele j by Mrs. Frith Winslow, and ; will spend some time in Atlantic City, New York and and Phila delphia. Miss Avers will purchase her fall and winter stock of mil- '< linery while in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williford of Washington, D. C , Mr. and Mrs. W. .T. Hobbs and children of Hil ton Village. Va., Mrs. C. C- Little and son, C. C , .Tr., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenley McGee of Rocky Mount spent Thursday of last week with Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Williford, and were accompanied to Hilton Village by Misses Jac quelin Williford and Margaret Ross Walker, who will join a hou»e party at the home of Mrs. Hobbs. CRESWELL NEWS Miss Mary Colon Jackson has returned from Durham. Mrs. Jim Andrews of Norfolk is here visiting relatives. Miss Willie Blount of Roper is visiting Miss Mary Woodley. W. D. Peal and 0. D. Hatfield were in Washington Monday. Mrc. Mae Simmons and family motored to Greenville Sunday. Josh Woodley and Mi.-s Mad ia Alexander have returned from Chapel Hill. Miss Carrie Mae Holmes has •eturned after an absence of several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hopkins ind son, Billie, and 0- D. Hat ield went to Norfolk last week Mesdames Jessie Ziegler and Mmjde Reeves have been visit g Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley. Miss Nellie Evans and Mrs W. 3. Evans of Washington, D. C., ire here visiting Mrs. A L. Koi nes. Mr. W. H. Smith and daughter, Frances, of Leachville, Ark. have jaen visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H Starr. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hopkins, Mrs. Jennie Hopkins and Mr. ind Mrs. Claude Brinn motored o Bath Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. HarrM left Sun :or Norfolk, where Mrs. Harrel will undergo treatment at St. Vincent’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bateman were called to Elizabeth City last Sunday on account of the illners jf Mr. .1 ateman’s mother. Mesdames William W1 yMaryE. Spruill, Messrs. Bill Bateman, Wilbur Davenport, Dudley and Cecil Spruill Motored to Raleigh Sunday. RECORDER’S COURT The following cases were clis posed of by Judge Norman Tues day: Seaton Swain, found guilty ol simple assault, and judgment wa: i suspended upon payment of cost S. A. Holton; bad check; nolc contendre; judgment suspended up on payment of cost and making good the check. Henry Pettiford was found guilty of violating the prohibition lawanc received a sentence of eight months on the roads, from which he ap pealed. Robert Norman was fined ter dollars and cost for assault with deadly weapon and ordered to pay the doctor's bill. James Riddick and Lillie Smith, Murry Walker and Della Mae Roberson, Frank Hart and Mabel Sherrod were all found guilty of fornication and adultery. The men were fined $1 5.00 and the cost each or to be assigned to the roads for ninety days. The women received a suspended sentence upon the payment of the cost, or to be con : fined in the county jail for fifteen days. Aaron Pettiford and Mary Petti ford plead guilty to a charge of affray, and Aaron was fined $5.00 and cost, while Mary received a suspended sentence upon payment of the cost. To Preach Here Sunday There will be services at Grace Episcopal church Sunday, Aug ust 1st, at 11 a, m., and 5;30 p m. The rector, Rev. Theodore Partrick, Jr., who has been away during the month of July cn his vacation, wiil preach at both services. Martin County Colored Boy Shot, Dies Instantly Miller Moore, 18-year old colored youth, was shot through the heart and instantly killed Sunday night at the Free Union church in the Gaw k section of Martin county by Pcrlie Rodgers, also young colored man.. The actual reason for the shoot ing has not been learned and rather unusual circumstances surround the affair. As far as we can learn the man who did the shooting has net been apprehended. The bullet that pierced the body of Moore lodged in the arm of James Moore, another negro who was standing in line of fire directly behind the man who was killed. Misses Isabelle Marrow and Elinor Coburn of Southern Pines and Miss Betty Coburn are week-end guests of Misses Ruby and Thelma Harnson on Main St. Elk’s New Chief r- —I Charles H. Brakelow of Phila delphia has just been chosen with out opposition, to be the new Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks. This is his seventh term as head of his local order and he has served S terms as Gram! Exalted Esquire, MRS. DEBORA I BLOUNT Mrs. Deborah Blount, aged seven ty-four years, died at the home o her son, A. C. Blount, Tuesday afternoon at four-thirty after ar illness of several months. The deceased had been in feebh health for quite a while, and ahoir three weeks ago her vitality became so low that she was compelled tc go to bed. The funeral service was held ai the home of her son at three o’clocl Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. D A. Clark, pastor of the Ropei Methodist church, assisted by Rev J. R. Everett, pastor of the loca Baptist church, performing the service. The interment was made in the Methodist cemetery at Ropei immediately after the funeral ser vice. For about sixty years she ha. been a consistent member of the Methodist church at Proper, anc was highly esteemed by the people of this section. She leaves one sister, Mrs. Mary Spruill of Roper, and one son, Mr. A. C. Blount of this place. I Masonic Lecturer Makes Visit Mr, R. F. Edwards of Grumpier, grand lecturer of the Masonic Or der of the domain of North Caro lina, left yesterday morning after spending about ten days here coach irg the new officers recently in stalled in Perseverance Lodge No. 59 A. F. & A. M., making daily lectures in the lodge and otherwise assisting in the progress of the or der. Mr. Edwards is a man of much importance in Masonic circles, of a most affable nature and thoroughly efficient in the work to which he has been assigned. The people here, in and out of the Masonic or der, regret to see him leave and look forward to the lime when he will again visit this community. EnterTains Bridge Club Cresweil: The home of Mrs. J. W. Starr was attractively deco rated with cut flowers and potted plants last Wednesday evening when she entertained the bridge club. There were six fables and Mrs, J. E, Andrews of Norfolk, made high score. j During thi progress of the 'game an orange drink was ser ved, and at the close of the even ing an ice course was enjoyed. Those serving were Mesdames J W. Starr, A. L. Holmes and Miss Carrie Mae Holmes. Mr1?. C. B. Marshhurn and chilcrm of Charlotte are visiting her sister. Mrs. G. \'. Bowen. Murder Stir Ohio The murder of D. R, Mellet, youthful Canton, (0) News pub lisher, is thought to have been the result of the strenuous vice crusade ho carried on in his city. Rewards of $30,000 are offered and search for the murderer is nation wide. * Back in Battle P jA. Despite her recent appendicitis operation which forced her out of European play, Helen Wills, Amer- ; ican Tennis Champion announces I she will defend her crown next j month in National play at Forest ; Hills, N. Y.—and is here shown as * she went out for first practice in i ■months. ^ ' j 4 ■ 5KINNERSV1LLE NEWS Quite a number ot Piymoulh people visited Blount’s beach last week. Mrs Joe Pierce of Norfo’k is here the guest of her mother, Mrs. George Phelps. Miss Mary Eliza Spruill left last week for Newbern where she is visiting friends and rela tives. Miss Mary Spruill has return ed from Oriental, where she has been attending summer school. She was accompanied by Miss Inez Swan. Mrs. Minnie Benrller ard Miss Dorothy SbafLr have returned to their home in Norfolk, after spending smme lime with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. White. M'S. Lillie Everett and grand son, Leon Everett, of Norfolk, have returned home after sp'md ir.o- some 'mie with Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Everett. The revival at Oak Grove church began Sunday. Rev. C. M, White of Spray is assisting Rev. A. B. Withers. Large at tendance and much interest is manifested. Family Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. C J. Norman gave a delightful luncheon at their home in Main street Sunday in honor of Mrs. L. A. Bodine of Bowling Green, Va. Those pre sent were Mrs. C. J. Norman, Sr., Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Turnag* of Ay den, E B. Norman of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Norman, Cyril Norman of Raleigh, J. W. Norman, Jr., Elizabeth Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Norman and little daughter, Barbara, Enoch Ludford, Mr. ar.d Mrs J. S. Nor man and children, and Mrs. L. A. Bodine and children. Sunday Schools Enjoy Outing Creswell: The Episcopal Sun day schools of Creswell and Co lumbia are enjoying a ten days’ ; encampment at Lake Thelps. There are twenty-one present and all kinds of amusements are provided. Thj chaperones are Mesdomes T. C. Holmes, Mary E. Spruill, Sidney Smithson ai^dS, M. Norman. I