PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HO V1E3ERKER3 the beacon OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISERS t Year, In Advance. -FGI» GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." S'.ns'.e Copy E Cents* VOL. 37 PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 1926 'MlMUM NO. 47 P. L. Rea Found Guilty; Atkinson Turns State Evidence Clerk of Court Gives Explanation LOCAL NEWS Dr. C. McGowan spent Sunday in Bethel. Smut' Smith spent Sut da.' in Greenville. Dr. R L Whitehurst wa* ii Rocky M 'unt Saturday. R. VV. Johnston and Lue were in Cherry Tuesday. Mr, and Mr J. B Edmond.1-on were in Gv 1 .Su do.'. Mr Ernest Swain of Durham wa3 a visitor here Sunday. Mr. A. P. Bar hill of Ever ett3 spent Monday in tow.i. Everett Burgess of EdZabet City was in town this week. Sheriff Reid and Lue Read were in Greenvil «■ I s week. Mr. and Mr L. P fior ,ih. 1 spent Sunday in Wi ti mst n Mr and Mrs. W. H. Taylor spent Sunday in Rich Square. Rev. W. G. Lowe spent a few days of this week in Durham. C. T Roberson and Lue Read were in Greenville Wednesday. Misses Elizabet h Ramsey and Francis Warren spent Sunday in Conetoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark and family spent the week-end in Norfolk. Mrs. r M. Arps spent t e week-end with her parents in Columbia. Vliss Lenore Stone spent the past week-end with her parents in Grifton. Mr. and tfrs O 0. I ck^on <>f Rosemary sp« w Su day hue with relatives. Mr. and Mrs C. J N -rman left Wednesday to sp nd a few days m Norfolk. Miss E'o ly n tl.ihoon of Green ville "pent th- wiekei.d here with her mother. Mis? Sallie B. Dickens of Enfield is spending this week with Mrs. C. V. VV. Ausbon. Quite a number of out of town lawyers have been attending court here this week. Major W. S. Privott of Eden ton has been in town this week on professional business Judge William L. Grady or Clinton has been holding Super ior Court here this week. Mr. Bobby Martin returned home last Friday from an extend ed trip around the world 0. II Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Hub ble and Miss Betty Coburn were in Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mrs. J. F Ausbon left today for Raleigh and Clayton, where she will visit friends and relatives. Garden and James Norman of State College, Raleigh, spe tthe week-end here with their parents Onward Davis Lloyd C Gil bert and Mis3 Margaret Ward Jackson were in Willi «mston Sun day. Misses Esther Tarkir.gton and Miriam Morgan of Hert ford were the week-end guests of Mrs. J.S. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Winslow, Mrs. Nell Wii.slow and Miss Helen White of Greenville spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Williford, and Mesdames Minnie Johnston and Jewel Ayers were in Wash ington Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Lvon left Mondav for Rocky Mount where Mrs Lyon is under treatment at Parkview hospital. IS IT INDEPEN D E N ! ? The word “Independent” seems a sweet morsel under the tongues of our Republican politicians, but so far it has proved a misnomer Just used to fool folks. A few years ago a newspaper was financed by them here under this name, but under the abject slaving of republican domination and dic tation it soon died. And now comes out a county ticket under the name “Indepen dent" with all the earmarks of re publicanism We say this advisedly since observing that the candidates are none opposing a regular repub lican. and that they have been habitually conferring and “hob nobbing" with the republican candidates during the campaign, seeming to look to them as their campaign managers. Maybe we are wrong, we hope that we arc, for there arc some mighty good men on this ticker. The answer will be given next Tues day, when it will be seen whose names will be solicited to fill the blanks upon their ballot. 3KINNERSVILLE NEWS Mr. Jeisse Smith of Pinetown was a visitor in this cimmunity Sunday. Rev Mr. Nichols of Durham heia services at Oak Grove church Sunday. Ur. Jack Swain of Ra’eigh I sp i.t Su d iy with his mother, ! M e. Hi'i.rieila i d i. Liu wood Cook of N wber n spent the We 'k-end at the home of Mrs Roland bpru 11. Mr C. L Everett and Rev, Mr. Nichois attended servic s at Mount Pleasant church Sunday -ifiernoon. Quite a numbe* of Rehoboth memlprs attended the 'ourth quarterly conference in Creswell /edn-sday night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter White and daughter, Ma-gi', attend ed services at the u. E. Church in Roper Sunday. Mrs C. L. Everett and family, Mrs. Matilda Aumack and Mrs. M. J. Ediott were the guests of Mr. and Mrs John ChessoriSun day afternoon Miss Esther Tarkington of Portsmjulh, Va., Miss Miriam Morgan of Hertford, Misses Mi riam Ausbon, Evelyn Brown, Margaret Brown ard Mrs. W. K Ausbon were visitors at the home of Mrs. C- V. White Sunday. Nearly 80,000 disabled veterans are assisted by the American Red Croaa on an average every month. Care of the disabled veteran Is a foremost responsibility of the Red Cross, in j v.-hich the people can chare by joining x tu iu auuuw j I IB IIUJ.IVO VI Cl iiilp, l^V ' Roll Call, November 11 to 25. The American Red Cross la the cfUcial agency of the United Statee for disaster relief at home or abroad. Join during the T*enth Annual Roll Call from November 11 to 25 and chare its services. Mrs Claude Read moved this week in the house in Washington street formerly occupied by Mr end Mrs. John Jackson. Mesdames Mable L°gpett and A. R. Dupree were called to Nor folk Thursday on account of the illness of Mrs. C- L Murphy. j Mr. and Mrs Clarence Latham, Mrs Ru*h Litchfield and children j of Ral* igh m d Mr Rov Lilchfield , of CreswHI were guests of Mr land Mrs. P- W, Brinkley Sunday HALLOWE'EN AT ALBEMARLE A very attractive Hallowe’en ! pa-t was given at Albemarle .school on Frid i.v night, October 22nd, sponsor 'd by Misses Mary B-11,s >n and Mary Spruill. A color schema of orange and black was carried out effectively Pumokins, autumn leaves, black cats, wi ches, ors, bats and autumn cornstalks we*e used as decorations. Overhead were fes toons of orange and black strear. - ers caught with Jack O’ Lantern at intervals. The fun began by two ghosts meeting the guests at '.he door and ushering them in to be measured, admission being a penny a foot. Th^-e were rainy attractions consisting of side shows, fish pond Bingo, fortune telling and several appropriate c-ntes'S. A cake was sold by votes and won by Miss Mary Brinson. Punch, ice cream and candv were served throughout heeven ng The proceeds, which amounted to $71 00, will go for the benefit of Albemarle school. Quite a number of people from Newbern, Plymouth, Roper. Mac-keys, Creswed and Columbia were in attendance and pto nounced it a most delightful event. WESTOVER NEWS Miss iildred Robbins is v'3: - ing re atives near Jamesville. Mr. D ssie Jenkins has re covered from a slight attack of pneumonia. Mr. Barton Sitt.erson spent the past week end with friends in VVilliamston. Mr LeeRiwIi s of Norfolk, Va., has r< turned home after spending a few da^s with Mr. Clyde Rabbins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swain and little son Jack, Jr , of Plymouth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robbins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Daven port and children arid Mrs. Sarah Sitterson and grandson, Walter Gilmer Bateman, ..pent Sunday with friends in Williamston. 5CUND SIDE NEWS Mrs. Hugh Pattick has been very ill for the past week. Miss O'a Chess^n spent Satur day with Miss Blanch Collins. Mrs. Saliie Hartley spent Sat urday night with Mrs. E W Patrick Mrs. Frank Tarkeoton was the guest 01 Airs Alary uunuar mis past week. Miss Elizabeth Hartley spent Monday night with her friend, Miss Connie Stillman. Mrs. Frank Tarkenton and daughters entertained quite a number of their friends Monday Mr. Rolan Chesson returned home Monday fr m Lee Hal). Va., and will spend the winter with his parents. Mr. Earl Simpson of Lee Hall. Va., spent the past week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M Simpson. Mrs. F. H Jethro and Mrs. John R. Stillman and chi Jdren were the guest of Mrs. Joe Prit chard Thursday. MRS. BLOUNT ENTERTAINS The home of Mrs. Joe Blount, near Mackey’s, was the scene of a pleasant, meeting on Thursday af ternoon when Mrs. Blount enter tained the Thursday Afternoon Literary Club. The living room was attractively decorated with autumn flowers and a huge log fire added ' cheerfulness to the occasion. Mrs. W. H. Clark, the president, presided over the meeting. Mrs. B. G Campbell, chairman of the fl- ( nance committee, reported that the "Trio around the World” had been a highly successful entertainment , and from which the club had clear- j ed the sum of $31.57. The club j gave a rising vote of thanks to j those who helped to make the en tertainment a success. The president appointed Mrs. , Jim Blount to act as treasurer of ^ the Library Association, Mrs. P. W. Brinkley reported . that Major Thorpe, a representative f of Edw'ards and Broughton Print- £ ing Company, of Raleigh, had presented to the club a valuable j indexed record which will be used in the library. ^ Mrs. Clark gave an account of j the recent district meeting of Fed erated Clubs, which convened at , Belhavcn. The subject for the afternoon’s orocram was Biornson; a dramatist of social problems. Mrs. J. R. Campbell gave an account oi' Bjorn son’s life and works. Mrs. James Williamson read a n interesting paper concerning the play. The ^ Gauntlet. Mrs. R. P. Walker led in 1 a discussion af the plays of Bjorn son. At the conclusion of the program the hostess served a delicious salad course, consisting of chicken salad, crackers, olives, pickles and hot coffee. i c I < ] Little Daughter Arrives Mr and Mrs. C- W. Cahoon are f receiving congratulations upon;1 the arrival of a seven pound baby J girl, Mary Corrinne Cahoon, who I * was borned last Friday morning r at the home of Mrs. Cahoon’s mother, Mrs. J. Id. Smith, on [ Third street. t Enlarges Plant. I To make room for its increased business. Mr. A. L Owens is e adding 35 feet to the building I on Washington Street now occu pied bv the Buchanan Motor Co., I which now give3 this company a ^ plant 100 feet deep a Mrs. Whitley Entertains Honoring her house guest. Miss a Martha Misikofski of Baltimore. ( Md., Mrs. W. L Whitley entertain ed at a charming combination 1 bridge and rook party at her home ^ in Main street on last Friday after noon. j Eight tables were arranged and high score prizes were won by Mrs. | A. L. Alexander and Mrs. H. A. Williford, which were a bottle of r perfume and a box of stationery, r Consolation prizes were awarded to a Mrs. A. T. Lcarv and Mrs. J. F. Ausbon. and were attractive cutex ! sets. The honoree was presented J with a combination toilet set. Hallowe'en favors were used and refreshments consisted of chicken , salad, sandwiches, pickles, hot rolls | and coffee. I LIGHT VERDICTS GIVEN REA AND ATKINSON The only case of importance to 3e tried this week in the criminal lourt was that of state against ?. L. Rea and Gus Atkinson, charged with the burning of Sea’s Beach on August 11 rh of his year. When the trial began Tuesday norning Atkinson pled guilty md went on the stand and tes ined against his co defendent, i dating that Ilea was the instiga ;or of the whole plot and hired lim, Atkinson, to set fir a to the luiluings, offering to give him a lundred dollars and one acre of and to do this. Rea was charged with two cunts in the bid of indictment, ccessory before the fact and hat of etting fire to his welling. Late Thursday after loon the jury brought in a ver ict against him of guilty, as to he first count. This morning Judge Grady, mposed a sentence of five years pon Rea and two years upon Ltkinson, same to be suspended or ten years upon both defen [ants on the payment by Rea of , fire of one thousand dollars and cat, and the cancellation of the ix thotmnd dollar fire insurance lolicy. MT. TABOR NEWS Miss Virginia Haire spent the iteek-end with Aliss Adeliu Am irose. Mr. Joe Cahoon and Miss Ail en Furlough were in Creswe'l laturday. Mr Jordan Davenport killed a urge bear near his home last ’hursday. Mrs. L. E. Davenport spent laturday with Miss Harriet )aver,port. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Phelps petit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Phelps. Mr. Winton Oliver and Miss luliza Ambrose motored to Ply riouth Sunday. Sammy and Bruce Phelps at ended the movies m Creswell aturday night. Miss Wilma Davenport was he guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. )avenport Friday. Mr. A'ex Davenport was the uest of h>s brother, Mr. Silas )avenport Sunday. Misses Elsie and Lina Am rose attended Sunday School at it. Tabor Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A W. Furlough: nd children spent Sunday with! Ir. and Mrs. J. J. Ambrose. Miss Annie Mae Da\enport has > r.eented a position as cashier in '• Child’s restaurant in Norfolk. | Mrs. Blanche Furlough and \ tt!e daughter spent Saturday nth her mother, Mis. Joe Fur )Ugli. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plmlps of! toper were the guests of their arents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. 'helps Saturday. Mr. Jordan Davenport and lephew. Silas Ernie Davenport, not »red to Creswell Saturday fternoon on bueine53. Miss Edith Phelps and Mr. 1eCoy Davenport attended ser ices at the Christian Church in Cherry Saturday night. Mr. J. E. Haire, who has been onneoted with the State High vay Commission at Jamesville, ia3 returned home on account >f illness. i NOW READ TMiS | In the paragraph referring to me 1 in the Elizabeth Citv Independent I today, I w ish to say tire following, which is well known by those who instigated the write-up. i lie figures of the audit are not denied, but were not claimed by the auditors to represent actual indebt ness. same being subject to certain credits to be adjusted between the commissioners and me. Among these credits are a great many in solvent and uncollectable accounts; cash paid by me in rearranging thousands of papers confused by moving office during building of new court house, and which was recom mended by several Grand Juries and by the Solicitor; difference in amount allowed and a just and proper salary as clerk of Recorder's court; and a proper salary for that most important and aggravating position of Judge of the Juvenile court, which has been running un paid since April 1, 1919, with the exception ot about ti ree months— this last item has cost me as high as $35.00 per month in actual ex penses alone. Judge Sinclair as sured me that the charges i claimed were reasonable and that he would recommend the allowance hm- t-lmi if we could not get together, he would rccomrrcnd a friendly action for a jury to fix same. And I con tend that the very lowest just al lowance of credit will over balance the apparent shortage shown by the audit quoted. Immediately after Judge Sinclair was here the commissioners notified me that they would meet me on a certain day. None of them ap peared, but rather a summons was served upon me from a court three counties away, charging me with everything bad in the Statutes, fully knowing that they could go down into the general county fund and pay l ig law\ ers large fees, while I, being a poor man, would be unable to meet them on an equal basis. And they all knew this when they had the write-up say that nothing had ever been done. The one who follows me may never make an error. I have, and the chances are that I will make others, but 1 have tried hard to give you good service since being in office, but rest assured of this: If I had treated the people of Wash ington county dishonorably I would never ask you to support me for anything. For twenty years my life has been an open book before you, and it is now for you to credit or dis CiCWtiV. liJg. Ul.U J Every woi d ot this is the honest truth—All I ask is JUSTICE C. V. W. AUSBOW Gives Vote of Thanks At the regular meeting’ of the Thur.-dav Afternoon Liten>ry Society a rising vote of thanks was given to every person who contributed in any way toward making a success of lhe recent entertainment “A i’rp Arour.d the World.’' Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Groves and little daughter, Joan, returned Tuesday from a visit to Findlay, Ohio. Thc-y were accompanied home by Mr. Groves’ father, Mr. E. Groves of Findlay,

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