! PLYMOUTH ? .1 ) lli i. A v T 11 E B E A C O N OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER a Year, In Advance. "FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AMD FOR TRUTH." Single. Ct-fy s C.xt» VOL. 38 i PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1927 NO. 5 No Convictions in Mancie TO Lack of \P N XJ SIX INCHES OF SNOW HERE The first snow of the year be gan to fall early Sunday morning to the joy and delight of the child ren and young people ol our city. The sun came out shortly after noon, but the snow did not disap pear Monday morning the large white flakes began to fall again and continued all day and into the night laying a blanket of six inches of snow in this section. Roller skates gave way to sleds and many curious attachments to the back of automobiles. Snow men rose up in numerous places and the children were tireless in in their snowball battles. It is the largest snowfall in this community in a number 01 years and while the majority of us have enjoyed it, others have realised the sharp cold bite ol winter. Card of '< hanks vV . \ isii t > a.- p ess our grace ful aporeciation to all who kindly performed so; vices (luting i e ji n . .d aft (he death > our v v i. - mi in o', her, ev. rarknntc-?' These at! nti0n3ma.de the bur 1, im 0f . dn more bearable, if over ,-e can he of service to to ' ki 1 fro .do we shali be Kind r b C.dlod Upon VV. ii. Tarkenton AND CHILDREN To Attend Missionary Institute Leading representatives of the Methodist Episcopal church here, aec >mpanied by Fiev. R G. L. E1 wards, will attend the Miss ionary Institute of this district in Elizabeth ’ yon January 18th. ^ T ,t. i *.t ii the ei der'; \r • C p*jh'n ci if era ice is holding these institutes during r> . d. - if ..he ye.-»r ami will deal fit q i i ns of • iterest to the church at large. Pan “/ one thinking ree sp c i : 7a are the . :iy perso; s who visit.- the b.vb.r shops to took i - ip limbs ov r. A; MO THEATRE TO-NIGHT “Dancing Mothers” Featuring Conway Tearle Alice Joyce <’.!ara Bow ALSO GOOD COMEDY ^t^aB»04BB»0^»04a»0'«H»0-«K»04B»>»«H»0'^»f Ede on is visiting Mrs. S R. Ba eman. Atty. \liley C Glove” of Bai!* ey was a bu sines1! vi-i u^luie this week. Mesdames II. L. Horton and Nona N wman were in Rocky ount Thursday. Judge Romulus A. Nunn of Newbern i- presiding o' er court for the next two weeks. Rev. J. R Everett returned Wedne da. from Rocky Mount, where he has been spending a few da\ s. Miss Saliie Dicsens of E ifieid is reporting the two-wt*ks term of Superior c urt that is being held here. Dweight Weathers left Wed nesday for Raleigh where he was called en account of the illness of his brother. Visiti ig attorneys here this week for Superior court are H. S. Ward, Washington, S. S. Wood ley, Columbia and H. W. Stubbs of Willi -> »* ~ 1 4ULVJ11K1111' j 'iov.v/1 ... ,\hich was laying on the door be side the dead man's chair, and he presented the results ol an autopsy ind findings of the inquest by a lorcner's jury which held Mrs. 3he!ps and her daughter, jointly -esponsible for the murder. Sheriff Reid, who was among the Irst to reach the Phelps home after 3helps had been shot to death, was .he next witness. His testimony .\-as similar to that of Dr. Bray, liber witnesses heard during the afternoon were Tom Phelps, who Jrove by the house on the night of :hc tragedy, and a short time later •eturned because of the number of Services at Baptist Church The following will be the cr ier of services at the Baptist church for Sunday: Morning Service Sunday School, 9:45 Preaching service, 11:00; sub ject: “Thorn3 in the Flesh." Evening Services B. Y. P. U. service, 0:30 Preaching service, 7:30; sub i“Third (hmmandmenf. o; The Demand For A Ciean Ilea-1.’' To Regu’ate Radio fans will he glad to hcai that the Mouse and Senate con ferees on radio legislation have held a joint conference in an rffori to agree upon a bill to regulau radio which would be passed bj both houses, the need for som< such legislation is admitted by al interested. . men gathered, and the evident ex .citement. McCoy Davenport and j Roy Dunbar and Harrell Patrick, j t'ne last two in an automobile, j which they stopped and from which | they went into the house when i they heard some one had been shot. W. T. Alexander, one of the early arrivals at the scene went on the witness stand Wednesday morning. Mr. Alexander was the first person to go into the house and after satisfying himself that Mr. Phelps was dead he immediate ly sent for the sheriff and coroner. The State rested its case Wed nesday at noon at which time it was agreed that a verdict of not guiiitv should be entered as to Miss Loula Pritchard The defense, represented by IT. S. Ward of Washington and W. L. i Whitley of the lctal bar, began the examination of its witnesses Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Mamie Phelps took the stand dur ing the afternoon testifying that she was preparing to visit a neigh bor and was standing on the perch with her daughter. Loula Pritchard, w hen they heard the shot and ran out into the road looking for help. They stopped an approaching car, which contained Dunbar, Patrick and Davenport explaining that Mr. Phelps had committed suicide. The young men refused to enter the house stating that they were afraid. They were compelled to stop a nothercar driven by W. T, Alcx s andcr, who went into the room of i\ Ir, Phelps alone. The defense rested its case yes terday at I 1:30 P M. The court finding that there was insufficient evidence to send the case to the jury, ordered that a verdict of not guilty be entered as to both de fendant s. A great deal of interest lias been manifested throughout the trial by the people of the county and this section of the state. The courtroom has been crow ded to its capacity every clay with people eager to hear the ease to its close. Notice to Public Effective January 15th. the i buffet service opperated on Nor | folk Southern trains 1-11 and j 12-2 between Norfolk, Va., and : New Bern, N. C.. will be discon j tim.Kd. Passengers desiring' to secure lunch at ETmlon may do so, where stop of ten minutes is made, or they can secure sand wiches, fruit*, etc., from news CiU,^ a*o v ii Services at Methodist Church The following is the directory of the Methodist church: Morning Service Sunday School. 9:45. Preaching service, 11:00. Evening Service Ep worth League, 6.45. Preaching service, 7:30. Mid-week prayer service Wed» nesday evening 7.30,