] READ ’EM j I 11 nil ! ! l! SHRIEK | REM- RIME The man who races with the train Or drives with carlessness insane, Who always tries all cars to pass, But to bray to be an nss. * * The dresses now are quite a rage. It seems to me we’ve reached an age When children must grow very tall To hold to mother’s skirt at all. * * Of all the foolish things I’ve seen The best were staged by Silas Green. IBs legs were wooden, so they say, Yet every week he bought ‘Blue Jay’. * * “I must be looney” said Prof ssorNapp As he endeavored to hang the map. ‘This nail is moving, or else my eye — Oh no, Professor, the nail’s a fly —E. N. Riodi.e Thera’s oniy one thing a wife will admit she doesn’t know and that’s why she married her hus band.—Judge. Epilaughs Abie Cohen’s body Lies \ ere in sweet repose: He went to court a lady Where the River Shannon flows.—Judge. Cop—What! Y< ur husband fainted at the wheel? ‘•Yes! That woman signaled she was going to turn left and then she turned left!"—Judge. “Quick, Sam, a wildcat’s jes run into tha’ house with yer wife." “Wal, he’ll jes’ have to get out the best way he can!"—Judge. TOO BIG A RISK She had never done wrong, And nobody was purer; She was too good to live— S') they wouldn’t insure her. Judge. Women now not only buy their clothes on the installment plan— they wear them the same way.— Judge. AS IT IS Pa is in the bathroom Talcin’ a double shave, Ma is in her boudoir, Remodeling a pe. manont wave, Sts is in the kitchen, Pressin’ her Sunday skirt. Brother’s gone to the laundry To find the rest of his shirt. Grandoa’s out in front Dustin’ off the Ford, Grandma’s ’hind the garage Rollin’ her hose, my Lord. If dad’s Ford skids, don’t go to the garden for a pair of Weerl chains. If uncle is troubled by bill col lectors present him with a duck suit. Many a city banquet is a hie affair. If Charlie attended a table and chair display would he cah it a leg show? Country boy socked a New Yorker for courtin’ his steady last nitrht. Is that what you call the Rural Free De.ivery? In homes where two cake-eat ers try to kiss the same gal under the mistletoe, Christmas decorations are black and blue. The gink who’s always knock ing Plymouth should use more oil is his ga; buggy and less for back liding. Movie director says some men act like gals. Yes, lots of firemen roll their hose. 32 Years Ago -IN Washington County Hems gathered from issue of The Roanoke Beacon published Friday, January II, 1895 The Atlantic Coast Line is ex tending its track at the dep'.t. The R. R. R. & L. Co , ar making extensive repairs o their dry kilns. The stfamer Berlie missc< several trips last week on aceoun of ice in Cashie river. Mr. Clyde Hassell has broke ground for his new grist mill an is pushing t he work shead rapid !y. The aggregate sum paid ou by the county commissioners for expense?, at the Januar meeting, was §*210 23. Mr. M. W. Norman, who ha been visiting his parent?, Mi and Mrs. C. J. Norman, lef Wednesday for hi3 home in Hert ford. Thc-re is a movement on foott get the legislature to order a election for the purpose of deter mining whether Plymouth sha remain the county seat, or tha it be removed to Roper. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualifi'.d as administrator t the (. stale ol Narcissa A. Ayers, di ceased, late of Washington county, IN 4' the ! subdivi-ion of said property duly r c- £ corded in book of maps No. 1, on page r 21 in the office of the register of deeds i S of Washington ounty p This 13th day of December, 1920. ' ' W B. COX, \ 1 Trustee i Horace V. Austin, Attoine’ . ifc is a Prescription for Cclds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. \ It kit'.s the germs NORTH CAROLINA, W ASHINGTON CO U NTY, SUPERIOR COURT. Branch Banking & Trust Company, Receiver of the United Commercial Bank, t\ vs. J. Curganus. PURSUANT TO an execution is sued in this cause by the Clerk Su perior Court, and duly docketed in the Clerk’s office of Washington Cpunty, directing the undersigned to sell the land hereinafter described fer the payment of a judgment enter ed in this cau-e and any prior lien that may exist upon said property, the undersigned Sheriff of Washing ton County will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Washington County in Plymouth, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock noon, on Monday, the Tt’n day of February* 1927, the follow ing described land: All the right title and interest of .J Gurganus the same being on ’-eighth interest in and to the following de scribed land: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a sweet gum tree near a bridge that crosses the main road that leads from Flymouth to Bath, on the West ride of the road cn the North side of the ditch known as Wm Cape Cuts ditch, recently cut for N. H. Harrison by S. J. Bowtn and Henry Bowen; thence West within 21 feet from said ditch as far as the said ciitch runs, and there on a direct line to L. R. Bowen’s line; thence North along L. R. Bow en’s line to the Hollis or Main Road; thence East along said Main Road to a sign post for Hollis Road; thence South along the Bath Road to the first station containing 20 acres, more oi lesr, and being the same land de scribed in a deed of record in Wash ington County, Register of Deeds of fice in Book 90, page SI. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a corner known as the Hollis corner, a pine standing on the east side ox the Hollis swamp; thence running with the edd Allen line Northwardly to the center of three pines, a corner, thence Northwardly to a pine: thence with the course of the old Edward Hollis patent line to a bav, a corner tree and pine; thence South 22 Ea t to the Hollis Road, thence with the Hollis Road to the first station, it being the same land described in Bock 41, page 503. This the 31st day of December, 1926. J. K. REID, Sheriff, Washington County. HANFORD'S ° Balsam rMyrrh For cuts, sores, open wounds, scratches, burns, aches and pains. Keep a bottle always on hand. It’s antiseptic and healing— Use it for the hard cases Price 35c. Also put up in 35c, 65c and $1.25 sizes, especially adapted for use on domestic animals. 1 JSBSSaS? ■KflBB32gB35&l WZZZ2£< M^aa^JLiTaffii STk &^'dm*EESmat&&9tirX9W^ s^^if ifp^i PPOliTS &?• " ->•'£ ' ■ fc. 's ' raK2si3iJ!