PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HOMESEEKERS Ecke sz Donnobe Escde THE BEACON OFFERS 8PLENUID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER M Yw, ti -FOR OOO, FOR COWTRV AMO FOR TRUTH." VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH. N.C., FRIDAY. MARCH It, 1927 NO. 13 LOCAL NEWS Mr. Jack Read left Sunday for Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Jerry Sawyer spent the week end in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Ainsley spent Sunday in Mackeys. Walter Clark and Jack Peele spent Sunday in Greenville. Mr. J. C. Gatlin spent the week end at his home in Creswell. Mrs, Tabitha Davenport mo tored to Rocky Mount Wednes day. Mr. A L. Alexander went to Norfolk Monday on a business trip. Dr. R. L. Whitehurst visited Columbia Saturday on a business trip. Miss Emma Gray Moorehead visited friends in Tarboro last week. Miss Sadie Ausbon left today to visit relatives and friends in Norfolk. Mr. Abe Adler was called to Washington Wednesday on a business trip. Mr. R. E. Dunning and Miss Louise Harrison spent Sunday in Swan Quarter. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Graves ar.d Mrs. T. L. Bray were in Rocky Mount Wednesday. Miss Helen Tatemof Columbia was the guest j©f her sister, Mrs. P. M Arps, Wednesday. Ben A- Sumner who has been in town for the last few davs left this morning for Richmond. Mr. Fred Ausbon of Chapel Hill spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. W. Ausbon. Rev. J. R. Everett, pastor of Baptist church, spent the week out of town, visiting his parents in the western part of the state. Mrs. B. G. Campbell and little daughter, Mary Lillian, and Mrs. Sadie Chesson left Monday for Wilson to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. J. R. Campbell, who is now traveling in the interest of the Masonic Lodge in the west ern part of the state, spent the week-end with his family. Mr. Harry Arps and Mesdames S. D. Davis 8nd E. G. Arps went to Rocky Mount Monday to visit Miss Agnes Davis who is criti cally ill in the Parkview Hospital. Mr. W. H. I. Jackson, who is acting as supply pastor at the Grace Episcopal Church, will de liver his valedictory sermon, at the Sunday morning service. Shortly after this hewilllea\e for school in a Tennessee city. Mr. C. F. Parrish, Ass’t. Poul try Extension Specialist of State College, Raleigh, is in the city, engaged in campaigning the county for more chickens. Mr. Parrish is here aiding County Farm Agent, Robert Dunning. The county commissioners and the road commissioners held their regular meeting in the court house last Monday. A re presentative from the board of education met with the commis sioners and recommended an ap propriation for the indebtedness of the fchoole. The board of county commissioners will offer for sale bonds to the amount of $160,000.00 for this and other in debtedness of the county. SENIOR CLASS ENTERTAINED Miss Npva Gan Roper was hos tess to the senior class of the Ro per high school at her home on Bush street. Miss Mary Carolyn Hassell received the guests and ushered them into the living room, where a color note of gold and red was carried out. The first thing of the evening, was an interesting drawing contest in which each guest engaged enthusiastically. Miss Vera Mizeile proved to be the most accomplished artist of the group. A beautiful box of stationery was awarded as the prize. Mr. G. C. McBane was the successful con testant in a guessing contest that followed. The most sensational feature of the evening was “The Wheel of Fortune” from which each guest learned what fate had decreed for them. As favors the guests were presented with a souvenir booklet containing the class yell, motto, colors and roll of class of '27. Following the various contests and games the guests were led into the dining room by Miss Roper. The room was artistically decorated in the colors of the class. The table was elaborate in its decorations of gold and red. brass candlesticks, red candles and a centerpiece of narcissus. The place cards were very attractive and were attached to a beautiful Ted mint basket filled with after dinner mints. After the guests had found their resoective Diaces at the table. Prof. E. N. Riddle, superintendent of Roper schools, and toast-master for the occassion, offered a very witty toast to the honored class of -*27. Mrs. Thomas Chesson gave a very clever toast to the faculty. A course of fruit punch was served followed by a delicious salad course and a course of blocked ice-cream and cafe noire. After the refresh ments the guests were given minia ture redRoman cannons which con tained an attractive favor and ap propriate fortune. Recorder’s Court Recorder Norman disposed of the following cases in Recorder's Court Tuesday: Howard Cooper, violating pro hibition iaw. Jury verdict, not guilty. Ed. Sawyer, assaulting his wife; guilty, assigned to public roads for two years. Henry Skinner, violating pro hibition law, Jury verdict guilty; fined $200 00 and cost, with pray er for further judgment cor.* tinued for two years. ALMO THEATRE TO-NIGHT Ricardo Cortez and Jetta Goudal IN “The Spaniard” A Feature Picture ai SO A GOOD COMEDY SATURDAY NIGHT Matt Moore IN “Three Weeks in Paris'* ALSO SIXTH EPISODE The Phantom Police and A GOOD COMEDY 78TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Mrs. W W- Satterthwaite, Mrs W. E Weede and Mrs W. C. Moore gave Mr. T. L. Satterth waite a surprise birth day dinner on the evening of March, 1st, at the home of Mrs. W. C. Moore on Jefferson street. A beautiful and delicious birth-day cake, handsomely decorated with can dles was the feature of the dinner. Thi3 celebrated the seventy-eighth birth-day of Mr. Satterthwaite. About twenty five guests were present, three of his children being absent. Mr. Satterthwaite was one of the county commissioners that built our new court house; has been for several years President of the local Charitable Brother hood. He is one of the oldest and best known and beliked citizens of this sections and the B acon wishes him many happy returns of the day just celebrated. Store Closes for Removal The store buildings on Water street leased from W. R. Hamp ton will soon contain the stock of the Millers incorporated chain store, according to information : revealed by M r. W eathers man ager of the local store. If the weather permits and nothing hampers the progrees of the workmen, the firm will change buildings next week. The firm will enlarge its stock of glass* i ware, crockery, and aluminum house-hold furnishings. The spacious buildings have under gone extensive repairing and remodeling. LOCAL SOLON ACTIVE AT CAPITOL Representative Van Buren Mar tin returned from the Capitol city last Tuesday where he has been at tending the recent session of North Carolina General Assembly. The local representative won favorable recognition among the solons , al though representing the'citizenship df one of the smallest counties. He played a very auspicious part in tl e passage of several bills. The influ ence of this eminent assembly-man was first exerted in the passage of (he equalization school fund, which would be a favorable enactment for the smaller counties, awarding the county schools of Washington as fnuch aid from the state as a much larger county. Then again, he play Cd a paramount part in the intro duction of the bill to reform the pre sent system of selecting jurors, mak ing the eligible member of a jury, own a certain amount of property tlnd have a fair education. PerhaDS the most notable 'stand taken by Mr. Martin was the one concerning the abolishment of the present ex isting commission of Salary and Wage, headed by commissioner Sink, which empowers this man to State wage and salary of each em ployee of the state. The lawgivers will long remember the flood of oratory turned loose on them by this Washington county citizen, in his forensic attack on this commis sion. Representative Martin de serves commendation for the ser vices rendered. the state and this county especially, during his recent so-journ in the State’s Capitol City attending the meeting of the as sembly-men. PROCLAMATION I Plymouth, North Carolina, Office of the Mayor. March, 9th. 1927, A. D. I. Horace V. Austin. Mayor of the town of Plymouth. North Carolina; do declare and proclaim the week of March 14.21st, 1927, “Fire Prevention" and “Clean-Up" week. HORACE V. AUSTIN. Mayor. Roper Students Give Recital On Monday evening at the school auditorium the seniors of the music class of Mrs. L. L. Lewis gave their graduating recital. Those graduating were Misses Mildred Lewis, Vera Mi zell, Mary Carolyn Hassell and Helen Brey. Immediately fol lowing the recital, Miss Helen Brey entertained at her home on Bank street honoring the seniors in music. Concluding the even ing's amusehaent a delightful re past wa3 served consisting of a delicious fruit salad course. Inadvertent Error It is with sincere regret that in our write-up last week of “Safety First," the plav given by the Mackeya high school on February 25th., we failed to mention Miss Gladys Collins, who so splendidly played the part of Jack Montgomery, Mable Montgomery’s husband. Jack Montgomery was one of the outstanding characters of the entire cast and Miss Collins gave full justice to the part. Fresh land used for poultry runs will reduce losses from internal parasites of the chicks. Auto Dealer Attends Meet T. D. Woodley, popular mana ger of the Woodley Chevrolet Company, returned the latter part of last week from Greens boro where he attended a meet ing of the Chevrolet salesmen of three states, the two Carolinas and Virginia. The meeting was featured with a banquet in the new King Cotton Hotel. Several auto salesmen celebrities partici pated in the speech-making, the principal speaker being R. H. Grant, general sales manager of the Chevrolet Company. The local dealer left last Thursday for his destination. H6 was ac companied by several friends. The convention lasted about two days. County Sends Three to Prison In Washington county with a population of about eleven thou sand. only three prisoners were sent to state's prison at Raleigh during the last bienniam. Car taret, Camden, Hyde, Pamlico and Transylvariia committed only one during'the same period of time. Wake leads the other counties with eighty marked against it while Guilford is runner up with seventy-three prisoners from its domain. VICTIM OF SNOW STORM John Henry Boston an aged colored man of the Piney Wooda’ section of Martin county was found dead about a mile from bis home, last Monday afternoon, bv his son, John Boston. The ag ed colored man had been missing from his home since Tuesday of last week. He disappeared dur ing the night of the heavy snow storm that struck this section. According to information the negro had wandered from his borne and lost his way in the storm, fell down exhausted and froze to death. The remains were interred in the cemetery of :he Free Union church, near the nome of the storm’s victim. Two-Year Sentence for Assault Ed Sawyer, middle-aged white ■nan of this section was arraign ed before Judge Zeb Vance Nor man of Recorder’s court last Tuesday, charged with assault ing his wife with a deadly weapon. The incident occurred last Monday morning. Mrs. Sawyer alleged the husband was provoked because she appealed to relatives for aid, charging the husband with non support. After a heated argument, the defend ant threatened the wife with a knife. This is only one of the several affrays being staged by ihe enraged husband. Four chil iren are left with their mother to bear the brunt of the hardships p£ a father's ill-temper, that caused justice to decree a two rear prison sentence for this of fender. Attorneys for the de fendant noted an appeal, rhrough default of the prisoner ■ » UAn/lct.mnn Vio uroo ro. nanded to jail. Vital Statistics The report of vital statistics submitted by W. T. Nurney, official statistician of this county, shows that only three deaths oc :urred in the county during Feburary, two colored and one ivhite, while there were five ;olored birlhs and two white. MACKEYS NEWS [/ Mrs. Ella Waters of Greenville is visiting at the home of Mrs. C. W. Snell. Miss Marjorie Snowden spent the week-end with her mother in Snowden. Mrs. Thomas Ainsley who has been seriously ill is % reported some better. J. C. Tarkenton and W. B. Chesson a^e among the number planning to attend hog-field day at Wenona. Mr. C. W. Snell, one of Wash ington county's oldest citizens and ex-chairman of the board of county commissioners, is serious ly ill. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ A:d Society of the Pleas ant Grove church was postponed on account of the illness of Mr. Snell. Miss Mildred Balance member of the teaching staff of the Mackeys High School took her class, the eighth grade, on a hike and weinne roast last Wednes day. The. class went down on Albemarle sound. Friends of this section regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. W. D, Terry will move to Belhaven at which place they will reside in the future. Mr. Terry who is in employ of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad company has been transferred to this place. TO HAVE FIRE PREVENTION WEEK The week beginning March 14th. has been set as;de as Fire Preven tion Clean-Up week by the volun teer fire department and the cham ber of commerce. This decision was made during the regular meeting of the commercial body on last Mon. day evening. Citizens will be asked to' use all available time during next week in ridding their premises of all rubbish and accumulated de bris. The rubbish carts will call on the citizens four times this week instead of twice as heretofore. There are three reasons that prompted these bodies to take these definite steps: to eliminate fire risks, to further improve the appearance of the city and diminish the mosquito crop. Heretofore our people have entered into such work with zest and enthusiasm and it is certain that this step will meet with the hearty co-operation of all concern ed. We offer as a suggestion that the entire county join in this clean up campaign as a fire prevention. Also an appropriation was made in the meeting for augmenting in terest in the Cotton Fashion Revue now being developed by the Thurs day afternoon Literary Club, which will be staged in the school auditor ium on the night of May 5th. The commercial body concurs heartily in the movement and will render any assistance possible. A committee was appointed to confer with the Western Union Telegraph Company relative to establishing a more adequate and convenient service in the city. This service is now conducted in con nection with the local office of the Atlantic Coast Line Company and the station agent is required to handle all telegraphic service in addition to his regular duties at the depot, consequently complete satisfactory service can not be rendered. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Mr. Corbett Swain motored to Hamilton last Friday. Mr. Clinton Everett spent Tuesday in Fly mouth. Dr. W. H Ward and Mr. John Darden were in the community this week. Mrs. Pattie Spruill was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Snell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Walter White and daughter, Margie, motored to Washington Wednesday. Mr. Harold Bendler is spend ing the week at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Davenport. Mrs. C. L. Everett and children were visitors in Pleasant Giove neighborhood Sunday afternoon. Miss Mildred Terry entertain ea a numDer oi irienus at a social at her home last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Daven port and Messrs. C. V. White ar.d Haicld Bendler spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. C. W. Snell. Mrs. Ida Hodges. Miss Della Hodges and Mr. Jesse Barnes spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Molly Wiley and Mrs. Stark Holton. Schools of Skinnersville, Albe marle and Scuppernong town ships were closed for three days, during the latter part of last week, owing to the snow. Several fishermen along the sound in this section were de prived of their boats, the storm washing them ashore against obstacles tearing them up and sinking them. Messrs. G. L. Davenport, Will Chessonand Ce cil Simpson were among the un fortunates.

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