PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HOMESEI.KERS ommke DER-m THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER Year, Ui Advance, «PLteaw.. . _ •TO* COO, FOR COUNTRY AMD FOR TRUTH.' VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N.C„ FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1927 NO. 15 LOCAL NEWS Mr. T. C. Burgess spent last Friday in Aurora. Mr. Henry Williams .‘■'pent last Sunday in Greenville. Mrs. M C. May spent last Sun day in Halifax visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. P M. Arps motored to Windsor last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Harrison spent Sunday afternoon in Rocky Mount. Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Owens and son Edward, spent Sunday in Belhaven. Capt. E. S. Blount and Miss M iriam Ausbon motored to Rocky Mount Saturday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. J.E. Swain and Mr. J, T. McNair motored to Everetts Sunday. Miss Anna Jones Manning of Bethel spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L C. Holiday. Mr. Julian Brinkley of Raleigh spent the week-end with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brinkley. Mr. E. B. Norman of Stone wall spent a few hours with his mother, Mrs. C. J. Norman Sr. last Sunday. Miss Frances Warren, member of the teaching staff of the local school spent last week-end with parents in Conetoe. Miss Mildrsd Hester of Marion Va. who has been visiting Mrs. L. H. Hubble for the past few weeks returned home last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Swain accompanied by Misses Martha Hornthal, Luma McLamb and Elizabeth Ramsey motored to Washington last Sunday. Miss Meredith Swain, a stu dent of Eastern Carolina Teachers College at Greenville, spent last week end in town visiting friends ar.d relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Adler motored to Lexingtcn Va. last week to visit their son, Buster, who is a student at the Virginia Military Institute of that city. Dr. T. M. Levie of the depart ment of agriculture, Raleigh, arrived last week and will be in this vicinity for sometime test ing cattle for bovine tuberculosis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.T. Hopkins accompanied by Misses Madeline and Flonnie Davis motored to Rocky Mount last Sunday to visit a friend in the Parkview. Hospi tal. Mrs. Mary Stewart and sister Miss Sallie Baker Ausbon and Me srs. Claude Ausbon and Mr. Jack Taylor of Rocky Mount, were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. W. F. Ausbon on Washington Street. Eleven representatives of the local Baptist Sunday school in cluding the paster Rev. J. R. Everett, attended a meeting of the Martin County Baptist Sun day School Association that con vened in Everetts last Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Ausbon and daughters Misses Hazel and Miriam, accompanied by Miss Marcia Rice motored to Rober sonville Friday attending a meet ing of the Martin County Teach ers Association of which Miss Miriam Ausbon is a member. Messrs. Dan Hutchinson ar.d A’ec St. Amines of South Caro lina who are students at State College, Raleigh, accompanied Messrs. Gordon and James W, Norman Jr. home, attending the j dance, being week-end guests of r. and Mrs. M. W. Norman. FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL R. L. Hight, about fifty years of age, was found dead in the hall of the Brinkley Hote', last Mon day morning about seven o’clock by servants. Coroner, Dr. T. L. Bray was summoned and after a through examination he an nounced that he could not find any evidence of violence and rendered a verdict of heart fail ure due to excessive drinking of intoxicants, while on a prolonged spree. Mr. Hight has been board ing with Mrs. Ella Marriner, Pro prietor of the local hotel, for some years. For sixteen years lie had been employed by the Western Union Telephone and Telegraph Company as linesman A few weeks ago he was dismis sed from the employment of the company and had been in a de spondent condition since. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose. The funeral service was held on last Tuesday afternoon at the Pleasant Grcve cemetery, where the remains were interred. Rev. R. G. L. Edwards, pastor of local Methodist Church officiated. To Deliver Maiden Sermon Rev. W. E. Norris, of Felicity, Ohio, will deliver his maiden sermon in his new pastorage at the local Christian Church at the morning service on Sunday, April 3rd. Rev. Norris is a very el iicient pastor ana the congregation expect a very successful year in church work un der his leadership. The clergyman assumes the duties of this charge with several years of experience in the pastoral work of the church. This prominent churchman will ar rive during the first of next week. The congregation of the church urge others to attend the first services that will be held by this minister. He will speak at the morning and evening services on first Sunday in April. To Have New Market The building on Water street re cently vacated by the Plymouth market will be re-opened with Mr, S. D. Hillard as manager and will operate under the name Roanoke Market and Grocery Company. The date for opening has been an nounced as Saturday March. 26th. Mr. Hillard will carry a full line of groceries and market products. The building has reeently been renovat ed and remodeled and equipped with up to date market fixtures. ALMO THEATRE TO-NIGHT Thomas Meighan IN “The New Klondike” ALSO GOOD COMEDY SATURDAY NITE Monte Blue IN “The Man Up Stairs” ALSO EIGHTH EPISODE The Phantom Police Special— Lafayette The (treat S' fe. VAUDEVILLE SHOW 4 Big Acts Featuring MISS EVA Mind-Reader—Spiritist Fortune Teller SUICIDE OR MURDER? To The Editor: — The late, well known and much admired Jake Wells, the so called "Father of Vaudeville" is re ported to have committed suicide. He was shot twice in the neck and head, both shots being deep and centered, not round the outside of the ribs. What are we going to do about this murder1 It is impossible to have been a suicide because he shot twice. Crime should not go unwhipped of justice like that. Somebody will be indicted, possibly his widow, and out of the list of your subscribers, l shall refer the solicitor to a large number of fine and intelligent men and women by whom he can prove that "if he had killed himself, he couldn'thave shot himself twice,” especially, first through the middle of the neck. II. S. WARD— Proper Spraying Necessary Information received from Mr. R. E. Dunning, county farm agent, reveals that it is nearing the season for spraying the peaches. When 75 per cent, of the petals have fallen off the peach tree, a spray to control the cureuilo 13 very important. The ingredients for the mixture of this substance for the spray • should consist of one pound [ powdered arsenate of lead, plus lime water from three pounds of stone litne, with fifty gallons of water. The cureuilo is a beetle, resembling the weevil that ic extremely harmful to the fruit and the trees. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS; Dr. W. H. Ward of Plymouth was in this community last week. Misses Alice and Eva White were in Edenton and Plymouth, Saturday. Harold Bendler of Norfolk has returned home after an extended visit with relatives. Rev. Gilmore of Raleigh, held services at Oak Grove church last Sunday afternoon. Miss Estelle Ainsley spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter White. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phelps of Bay Post Office were the guests of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Andrew Phelps Sunday afternoon. Messrs. William and Percy Everett of Belhaven were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davenport Sunday. Mr. Robert Brewer left for Williamston l33t Monday after attending the funeral of his brother Mr. Eli Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Everett and Mrs. M. J- Elliott attended the funeral of Master Warren Snell at Holly Neck Friday after noon. Miss Donnie Alexander gave a party Friday evening of last week. A larfe number of yoi ng people attended, this very enjoy able affair. Misses Lucy Pritchett, Alice White and Mr. Roy Litchfield of Scuppernong school faculty are attending the teachers meet ing at Raleigh this week. The Sunday School convention of the Skinnersville district was held at Rehoboth Church last Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. Rev. R. L. Hethcox was the speaker for the occassion. A large crowd attended. Miss Emma Grey Morehead met with the Ladies Club at Albemarle school building last Wednesday. A large number of ladies of the community attend l ed. Miss Morehead gave a j demonstration on the proper | hanging of pictures. TO ORGANIZE BOY SCOUTS Rev. H. W. Knight of New York, preached the initiatory sermon in his new pastorate of the local Grace Episcopal Church, at the morning service last Sunday. Mr. Knight is a very efficient clergyman and strides of progress are promised the parish under his leadership. The new minister will deliver a discourse to the boys of the city on next Sun day evening at the regular church service. The boys and their par ents are urged to attend this ser vice. Rev. Knight returned Tues day from Norfolk where he has been in conference with Boy Scout lead ers of that city obtaining correct data to aid in organiz;ng a scout troop in this city. During this week the new minister has addressed the school children relative to an organi zation for both the boys and girls. School Faculty Honored With Banquet A supper given by the home economics clas3 of the local high school last Thursday evening in honor of the school faculty pro ved to be a delightful occassion. About fourteen guests enjoyed a sumptuous repast prepared by the class under the supervision of Miss Hope Hardison, teacher of home economics. The menu consisted of ingredients of three courses; fruit cocktails, chicken ala king and ice cream. Misses Evelyn Ward Brown and Nona Bateman members of the Kncfoo. ses. Following the meal the guests were invited to the kitch en and were formally introduced to the cooks. Victrola mu^ic and progressive conversation at the table were enjoyed by all. The room was artistically decorated with green and white as the color scheme and the table was handsomely ornamented with a large and small green and white hats, while the waitresses, composed of members of the class, were decoriouslv dressed in the same colors. Home Agents Schedule The following slate is a sched ule for the various meetings that will be held by local Home Dem onstration Agent, Miss Emma Gray Morehead, during the week of March 28th, to April 2nd: MONDAY 11:00 to 12:00 o’clock, Plymouth Girls Ciub. 1:00 to 2:00 o’clock, Hoke, Girls Club. 2:30 to 4:30 o’clock, Hoke, Wo men’s Club. TUESDAY Ca'led to Washington. WEDNESDAY All day meeting with Beech Grove, Women's Club. THURSDAY 9:30 to 10:00 o’clock, Creswell, Girls Club. 1:00 to 2:00 o’clock, Cherry Girls Club. 2:30 to 4:30 o’clock, Piney Grove Women’s Club. FRIDAY 11:00 to 12:00 o’clock, Allens, Girls Club. 2:30 to 4:00 o’clock, Roper, Women’s Club. SATURDAY A. M., office. For Mayor With four years of service as mayor, the interest I have for the progress of our town and by request of a number of citizens I announce mv candidacy for mayor in the 1927 town election. I will appreciate your support in the coming election Respectfully, Horace V. Austir TO REMODEL BANK BLDG. The local unit of the Branch Banking and Trust Company, with headquarters at Wilson, will re model and enlarge its present home in this city with an expenditure of, about seven thousand dollars. An annex will be added to the rear of the old structure, on the twenty feet space between it and the Har ney building. This new structure will enclose the safety deposit vault which will be placed in the building The front will be removed and a double door opening will be in the entrance instead of the single door as it is now. Many improvements will be made. The new building will contain the old furnishings with additional ones. It will take about fifty days to complete the renovat ing process. When finished it will be a modern equipped institution. Business will not be suspended during this period although the old post office may become temporary quarters. Service at Roper M. E. Church The following is a schedule of services of the Roper Methodist Episcopal Church, South, with Rev. H, A. Chester as pastor. Sunday School at 10 A. M., F. D. Wilson, Superintendent. Morning service on next Sunday at 11 o'clock, sub ject: Why be a Christian H ening service at 7:30, subject: The marks of a Christian. Prayer service on each Wednesday evening at 7:30. MACKEYS NEWS Miss Toledo Davenport spent the week end with Miss Alma Griffin. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Edgar Chesson is still very weak at this writing. Miss Mildred Balance spent the week end at Elizabeth City visiting friends and relatives. Mis3 Mildred and Master Ray mond Terry spentthe week-end in Belhaven willi their father and mother. Mrs. Thomas Ainsley motored to Rocky Mount last week to undergo an examination at the Parkview Hospital, The malaria doctors are visit ing the schools through this sec tion this week but do not find as many malaria symptons as was predicted. Rev. II, A. Chester announced on last Sunday that the second quarterly conference will be held at Mackeys on the First Sunday evening in April. The manv fiiends of Mr. C.W. Snell are delighted to know that he is wonderfully improved and hopes to be at church Sunday to teach his Sunday si hool class. The junior girls club meeting was held in the basement of the Mackeys school building, Wed nesday morning. Miss Moorhead county home agent, gave several demonstrations on cooking vege tables. She reports splendid pro gress made by the class in home economics. The Pleasant Grove Women’s Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs C. W. Snell. The meeting was a source of great pleasure socially as well as instructive. Mrs. J. C. Tar kenton was on for “Arranging Furniture,” and Mrs. C. W. Snell for, “Painting and Enamel ing.” Each of them rendered a worth while demonstration. The program was completed with a splendid demonstration on. “Home Made Furniture,” by Miss Emma Grey Moorhead. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. C. Tarkenton. India's coast line is more than 4,500 miles long. C. OF C. AFTER MOSQUITOES At the regular meeting of the chamber of commerce last Monday evening in the court house several important committees rendered very favorable reDorts. L. W. Gur kin, chairman of the fire extension committee, stated that his commit tee had appeared before the town alderman and had succeeded in get« ting the fire district extended 200 ft. back from Water street, which here tofore had comprised the fire dis trict. A new committee composed of R. G. L. Edwards, C. E. Ayers and H. V. Austin, will substitute tor the previous committee that has failed to function in regards to a better facilitated telegraph and tele phone service. It was also decided that Chief Gurkin of the fire de partment and Chief Brown of the police force, would inspect the pre mises of local citizens and firms, re porting at next meeting the pro gress realized.2in the recent clean up week that was observed in this section. Postmaster Alexander. Mayor Austin and Superinrendenc Darden of county schools, were ap pointed on a committee to draft a resolution of thanks to the Natio nal Handle Company and chamber of commerce, program committee, for the splendid dance that was given last Thursday in the spacious warehouse of the National Handle Company. The next matter dis cussed by the commercial body con concerned the adoption of a cam paign to rid the community of mosquitoes. This campaign will be launched at an early date.. State literature will be propagated pro fusely and aid will be solicited of the government for a representative to be sent to this section to aid in de stroying the breeding places of these loathsome insects. .njjeu iNcgiu ruunu ucau Adam Bell, aged negro, was found dead Tuesday about seven o’clock at the end of Madi son street near the Atlantic Coast Line railway, under a syca more tree not far from the home of Easter hoytt, in the colored section of the city. He succum bed to a severe attack of asthama from which he was a chronic sufferer. No evidence of violence was unearthed by the coroner and sheriff who were summoned to the scene. The negro was last seen by his family at seven o’clock on Monday evening. He had been dead several hours when found by Messrs. P. H. Darden and Wilton Ayers who made the alarm. Dies In Belhaven Mr. Eli Brewer, 52, died at hi3 residence in Belhaven last Friday night. He was taken violently ill on Thursday night, as the result of a chronic ailment, from which he never recovered. He was a native of Martin county but while a small boy his parents moved into this county and resided here for years. Several years ago he moved to Belhaven at which place he was residing at the time of his death. He is survived by a widow, three chil dren and two brothers, J. 0. of Norfolk Va and Robert Brewer of Martin county. The funeral services were held at Rehoboth Church cemetery on last Sunday afternoon, interment being made at that piace. Rev. R. L. Hethcox, pastor of Rehoboth Church, officiated. A British scientists is working on an electric battery which he be lieves would be practically ever*

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