PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HOMESEEKERS .» be Dämmoke DER-con THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER i ‘ a Y*ar, In A«nao«. -TOR 600, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH.' - --■ ^ -X4 Single Copy 5 Cent*. VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1927 NO. 27 LOCAL NEWS Mr. Harry Chopic was in Ne\ Bern Tuesday. Stark Nurney spent the week end in Norfolk. Rev. H. W. Knight spent Sun day in Williamston. Mr. Tommie Bateman spen Sunday at Ocean View. Mr. W. M. Badham of Eden ton wa3 in town Monday. Miss Alma Sanderson is visit inf? friends in Washington. Mr. E. R. Bunch of Hertfon wasin town on business Wednes day. Rev. J. R. Everett left Monda; morning f(fr a two weeks vaca tion. Mr. George Leach of Washing ton was here Tuesday on busi ness. Mr. 0. 0. Jackson of Charlott* is visiting relatives here thi week. Messrs. Tayloe Read and Le land Thompson motored to Cone toe Sunday. Miss Sal lie May Davis o Washington spent a few day; here with friends. Miss Virginia Newberry speni Sunday at Hayview the guest o Mrs. A. D. Ingram. Master Erwin White of Ahos kie is visiting friends and rela tives here this week. Mr. Tommie Bateman has ac cepted a position with the L. M T. Stores of this place. Mr. Wade Phillips of Greens Wo has been the guest of Mis! Hope Hardison this week. Mr. Haywood Sasser of Nor folk, is spending a few days her* with friends and relatives. Misses Addie Weede. Nelli* and Bessie Blount, are visitinj in Robersonville this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bassinge and daughter, Bernice, are visit irg in Richmond this week. Miss Virginia Watson of Tar boro spent the week-end will Miss Emma Grey Moorhead. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nurne; and daughter, Miss Edna Earl spent last Thursday in Rockj Mount. Miss Lyda Norman left Mon day for Greenville where sh will enter the summer school a the Eastern Carolina Teacher College. Mr. W. L. Sanderson of At lanta Ga. who is enroute to Phil adelphia stopped over for a fe^ days with his parents Mr. an Mrs. R. R. Sanderson. Mrs. George Bowen and chile ren accompanied by M iss Hatti Braswell and Miss Ellinor Lan are visiting Mrs. Bowen's daugl ter, Mrs. Carl Batemen in Rock Mount this week. Dr. J. R. White, graduate c Emory University who has bee serving his enterne at the Geoi gia Baptist Hospital at Atlanta i spending sometime here wit his parents Mr. and Mra- W. I White. REV. NORRIS TO BEGIN SERIES ' OF SERVICES The members of the Christian Church have been conducting special prayer since last Wednesday evening preparatory to a series of Evangelistic services that will be conducted beginning Sunday even ing. Service will begin promptly at ^ eight o’clock each evening during the next week and probably longer. Rev. W. E Morris, will conduct the campaign and be the principal speaker. Mr. Millard Darden will be in charge of the music which will be a special feature of the meetings. The congregations will be entertained each evening with 1 special music rendered by the choir and special singers. Rev. Norris is a minister of ability and the meeting will be filled with inspiring sermons. 7 Those of other denominations are cordially welcomed to attend these meetings and those not members of any church are urged to attend. On Sunday morning a Sunday School Rally and Children's Day program will be rendered. A num , ber of local children will partici } pate in the rendition of the program at this time. Charitable Brotherhood To Have Speaker Here Sunday C. S. Singlenton, of Washington. ? grand vice-president of the Chari » table Brotherhood Lodges, in this d -trict will speak at the courthouse on Sunday afternoon at three ; o'clock. Representatives from the • several lodges in the county will be present and some outside guests will also be invited. A choir con . taining members of the different • church choirs will feature the music. Other speakers will perhaps be on the program. Fred Watkins . president of the local lodge will be master of ceremonies. Candidates for membership will make their wishes known at this time. Every . one is urged to attend this meeting. i ! 1 t i V i e e y f n s h t. Hoke Girl s Club Meets On Thursday June 9th, the Hoke girl’s Club met with county home demonstration agent, Miss Emma G. Moorhead at the home of Mrs. C. L. Dunbar of Emman dell. Routine business was tran sacted from ten in the morning until noon. At the conclusion of the business session several songs were sung. At noon the hostess served a delightful and bounteous repast. After the meal Miss Moorhead demonstrated the use of milk and eggs. Miss Reba Morris was ap pointed delegate to attend the annual convention of the girls that will meet in Jul v at Raleigh. Visiting ladies present were Mrs. D. Wright, Misses Myrtls and Carita Jackson. The club wishes to thank Mrs, Dunbar for the many courteses extended, Reba Morrib, PreB. Emma Royd. Secy. ALMO THEATRE To-Night Clara Bow I N ‘‘The Runaway” Saturday Night Lew Cody IN “Exchange of Wives” ALSO SECOND EPISODE ‘‘The Power God” COMING! Wednesday Night Bebe Daniels IN “The Palm Beach Girl* THEFT OF AUTO LANDS NEGRO IN JAIL Norman Cooper, a Bertie County negro, is here in jail in default of a $1,000 bond, for the theft of a Chrysler Four sedan, from the garage at the home of P. H. Darden on Washington street, Sunday night. The negro was apprehended near Choco winitv. The arrest of the black arose from a suspicion created in the mind of a Chrysler salesman, who noticed the negro parking the car at the edge of a forest and continuing into the town walking. He called sheriff and informed him of the queer actions of the negro. Directly after the negro was arrested, the authorities were notified of the theft of the car and the prisoner was delivered to Sheriff Joe Reid. Jackson and Brinkley Named Real Estate Appraisers V f Jicksan, Jr. and P. W. Brinkley have recently been ap pointed as appraisers of real estate in this section for the vet erans of the world war who wish to borrow money. These gentle men were informed of their ap pointments this week in a letter from John H. Manning, State Commissioner, of the World War Veterans Loan Fund. These gentlemen are informed that the loan will be made for three-fourth** the value of the property and no loan wilt exceed $3,000. The ex-service men wishing to secure a loan will in terview these men who will ren der a.iy assistance possible. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Mr. Walter White motored to Plymouth Monday. Miss Minn'e Brink’ey of Ply mouth spent the past week with Miss Elizabeth Styron. Messrs Guilford Davenport, Cecil Halsey and C- V. White were in Edenton Saturday. Miss Alice White left Sunday for Wake Forest College where she will attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spruill and children of Bertie county spent Sunday with Mrs. Spruill. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Hethcox and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Davenport. Miss Ruth Swain is at home for the summer vacation after her graduation from Plymouth High School. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blount and family of Roper spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mr3. Guilford Davenport. The ladies of the Oak Grove; Baptist Church held their mont- ] hly missionary meeting last i Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Frank Tarkington. Mr. Herbert Swain a member of th^ school faculty at St, Paul N. 0. spent the week-end with his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Swain. Mr. Swain left Sunday afternoon for New Bern where he has accepted a position with the government as Potato In spector. The Sunday School convention that was held at Oak Grove Church Sunday afternoon pro\ed to be very interesting. All the churches in this section were represented. Lectures and ad dresses were delivered by the ministers and Sunday School superintendents present. Music featured the meeting. Rev. J. K. Everett, pastor of Plymouth Baptist Church was among the speakers. HOME AGENT ANNOUNCES DATES Miss Emma Grey Moorhead, county home demonstration agent, announces the following as a list of the summer dates. June 27th to July 2nd. she will conduct a cooking school for local girls. Any female students that are in the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grades are eligible as students in the cooking school. July 4th to 9th, women’s short course in Raleigh. Any lady may attend. July 5th to 9th, County club girls encampment at Mackeys. Chowan county club girls will be guests of the local club girls. July 11th to 16th, State shorl course for girls at Raleigh. Thirteen girls from Washington county will tttend. July 19th, 20th and 21st., women’s encampment at Blounts Beach. Federation meeting at Roper at which each lady is requested to wear a cotton dress. Club Girls Observed Tag Day Saturday The local Girls 4-H Demon stration Club observed Tag Day hers last Saturday. The proceeds amounting to $5.20 will be con tributed to defray the expenses of delegate to the annual conven tion of girls club that will be held in Raleigh in the eariy part of July. Miss Louise Brinkley will attend as delegate from here. Miss Mildred Watei-3 was elected alternate delegate. Miss Alice Grey Wolfe sold 55 ticket.? which was more than any of the other girls sold. Miss Mavis Thigpen purchased the lucky thicket and received a cake. Pension Warrants Received For Distribution Confederate pension warrants have been received by C. V. W. Ausbon, Clerk of Superior Court. Only about seventeen of these pensions are received by persons in Washington county. There is one veteran, two colored body servants and about fourteen widows who receive this financial aid from the state. Those who are pensioners that have not received their warrant should call at the office of the clerk of Superior Court. Mrs. Fanny Leary Dies Mrs. Fannie Leary, 57, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Isolene Clifton, on Jefferson street, Monday about eight o’clock. She succumbed as the result of a severe case of heart failure, being confined to her bed for about three months. She had been a member of the Holly Neck Christian Church since childhood. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Isolene Clifton of this place and three sons, Ellis and Willie Leary of Norfolk and Dewey Leary of Plymouth. The funeral service was held Tuesday morning at Holly Neck cemetery, where the remains interred. Rev. W. E. Norris officiated. Opens Lumber Yard Here A lumber yard has been open* ed on Water street near the Nor folk Southern freight station. The lumber sales place will be known as Smith’s Lumber Yard, with Mr. J. H. Smith as pro prietor. They will sell klin dried and rough or dressed lumber. Orders will be taken for building material. Some of the stock has SECOND AUTO STOLEN IN WEEK A 1923 model Ford roadster was stolen from the street in front of the residence of George W. Wacers on Madison street Wednesday night Authorities are searching for the thief. Wires have been sent to Washington, Wiiliamston and other towns that are on the highways leading out of this place. Mr. Waters states that the car was parked in front of his home Wednesday night at about eleven o’clock. The key was not left in the car, however, there was no way of locking any part of the car ex cept the switch. The car was not missed until the following morning. Sheriff Reid and Chief of Police Brown are hot on the trail of the thief and hope to locate the stolen Ford by this evening. A new top had recently been pi t on the car and the radiator had been slightly damaged. The glass on the rear of the top was out. No tire was on the rear. These are the only marks of identity that can be ascertained at the present. The Ford had been in use for three or four years. The number of the license plate or engine had not been learned at the time this paper went to press. This makes the second automo bile that has been stolen in this place during this week. The other being a Chrysler four sedan stolen from the garage of P. FI. Darden on Sunday night. This car has been recovered. Mrs. R. W. Johnston Entertains Mrs. R. W. Johnston enter tained about thirty guests at hei beautiful home on main street Tuesday night at a benefit dance and bridge party. The subscrip tion dance was in favor of the local public library that is located in the basemeat of the courthouse Those not dancing were invited to play bridge at three tables ar ranged in the adjoining room for the occassion. Punch and an iced course was served. MACKEYS NEWS Mrs. Edgar Chesson is serious ly ill at her home. Mr. J. C. Tarkentan is still is Columbia buying and selling po tatoes. Mrs. H. A. Chester is spending her vacatiion with her mother in Hickory. Mr. Jim Snell of Belhaven spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. C. W. Snell. Mrs. Hope Spruill and little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, are getting along nicely. Rev. H. A. Chester is attend ing summer school at Duke University in Durham. Miss Clark of Greenville is at the home of Mrs. T. L. Wynne nursing Mrs. Jack Gurkin. Mrs. W. A. Swain is spending sometime in Norfolk as the guest of her sister Mrs. Will Worsham. Mrs. Mary Snell is spending some time at the homes of Mrs. Lina Chesson and Mrs. C. W. Snell. Miss Nellie Tarkenton is at tending summer school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mrs. Thomas Chesson of Eliza beth City spent a few days as the guest of Mrs. W. B. Chesson the past week. • Mrs. Mack Spruill returned to Edenton Tuesday after spend ing sometime with her mother Mrs. Mary E. Tarkenton. There has been no meeting of the Ladies Aid Society at the Pleasant G^ove Church for the past month because of the ill ness of Mr. C. W, Snell. PLANS FOR NEW HOTEL FASTLY DEVELOPING Plans are developing fast in fovor of the new hotel that is to be erected here in the near future. Representative Van Buren Martin who is at the helm of the new un* dertaking. announced today that a definite site had been decided upon and a deal will be concluded some time this week. The new hostelry will likely be erected on the corner of Washington and Main streets This corner is now occupied by the Christian Church, decidely pro fitable offer has been made the church folk for their lot. Leaders, of the church will render their de cision today it is thought. No de finite action will be taken until the tentative plans are realized or fail. Other prominent lots in the city have been submitted for sale. The new hotel will be a five story affair with about fifty rooms. The cost of building and equipping this new hostelry will amount to about $60,000. All modern hotel conveni ences will be found in the new hotel An additional dining hall will be built for the accommodation of clubs and other organizations. Running water and a modern syst em of steam heat will be installed. There will be about four rooms on the bottom floor to rent for stores, barber shops and other enterprises. A new and beautiful lobby will be in view of the streets on each side of the hotel at all times. There will be an entrance to the lobby from both Washington and Main streets. A spacious parking place for automobiles will be prepared on the rear of the hotel lot. The church folk have under con sideration a plan to sell their lot and purchase the lot on Main street which is now occupied by the old Hampton Academy. They will re novate the walls of the old school house and build new partitions and remodel the building as they like. Definite steps have been taken to realize this movement as a success, however, nothing definite has been decided. The leaders of the Christian church have written an architect to draw plans for the remodeling of the old building and give an esti mate of the expenditure for the un dertaking. The price of the lot for the hotel company is contingent upon the report of the architect. Recorder’s Court The following cases were dis posed of by Judge Zeb Vance Norman in Recorcer’s Court last Tuesday: J. J. Johnson, forcible trespass, case dismissed. Joe Willie Parker, seduction, defendant pleads marriage to prosecutrix since arrest, and was discharged upon payment of cost. C. N. Norman, alais Norman Ford, larceny, probable cause, case referred to Superior Court. Roughton-Fleming Lovely its simplicity was the wedding of Miss Pearl Flem ing of this place and Mr. Roy Roughton, 4f Columbia, which was soler -Vied on Saturday evening ay ~ e Parsonage of the Christian Church. Rev. W. E. Norris, pastor* ot the local Christian Church performed the cetemony. There were no atten dants and only the immediate family and friends were present. Mrs. Roughton is the attrac tive and popular relative of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Garrett of this place, and is a young woman of charm and personality. She is a recent graduate of the local school. Mr. Roughton is a popular young man of Columbia and holds a responsible position in that city._ Kid Vail fights again JuF

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