PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HOMESEEKERS Mnoke DREI-a n THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER r a Year, In Advance. -TOR GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." 8Utgl« C*py S Ccota. VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, JULY t, 1927 NO. 29 LOCAL NEWS Mr. J, M. Arps spent the week end in Columbia. Mr. Robert Tarkenton was in Windsor last week. Mr. Leland Thompson spent Sunday in Conetoe. Mr. E. S. Blount motored to Hampton Va. Saturday. Mr. Carl I) White was a Norfolk visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Liverman motored to Ayden Sunday. W. E. Blount of Suffolk was here on business Saturday. Dwight Weathers and Tayloe Read motored to Ayden Sunday. Atty. W. L. Whitley left Mon day for Asheville on a business trip. Mr. Joe Baker of Williamston spent Sunday afternoon in the city. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Holliday spent Thursday at Virginia Beach. Messrs Erwin Bowen and Ro bert Stubbs motored to Oriental Sunday. Mr. George T. Leach of Wash ington was in the city Monday on business. Messis. E. W. Ayers and Cleveland Beasley left Sunday for Richmond Mr. W. F. Ausbon and Sheriff J. IC. Reid motored to Rocky Mount Sunday. Messrs. Lewis Horton and Buster Adler left Monday for Virginia Beech. Miss Louise Hayes of Free mont, is here the guest of Miss Elizabeth Norman. Mrs. A. L. Booth and family of Rocky Mount are the guests of Mrs. L. P. Hornthal. W. S. Nurney, local mortician, made a professional trip to Rocky Mount Saturday. Mrs. Jack Windley and Miss Grace Windley of Swan Quarter aie visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon motored to Bayview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ausbon of Richmond were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. W. Ausbon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark and son Lawrence accompanied by Mrs. J. B. Eimundson left Wed nesday for Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones of Norfolk and Miss Mildred Dorset of Portsmouth are visiting friends here this week. Mrs. Mollie Wiley and daughter, Mrs. S. A. Holton, of Holly Neck, were shopping visi tors in our city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Margolis and son Richard, of Williamston spent Sunday here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Adler. Messrs. Henry and Alton Harrison returned Saturday from Washin ;tou City wheretheyhave jfceea visiting for a few days. . JOINT COUNTY ENCAMPMENT AT MACKEYS Miss Emma Gray Moorhead, county home demonstration agen*j announced that nearly two score girls, from Chowan and Washingtion counties, will go into encampment at Mackeys school house, which is located near Ihe Albemarle Sound, on July 4th and will remain there until the 9th. These girls are members of the 4-H Clubs in the mentioned counties. Washington county girls will be hostesses to the Chowan members. A delight ful time will be had it is predict ed. Swimming, canoeing and other sea sports will le enjoyed. Demonstration lessons will also be given. Miss Beaulah Rodgers, a rep resentative of the educational lepartment of Ball Brothers Company, an Indiana fruit jar concern, will be there on Tuesday and Wednesday and will give a Canning demonstration. She is well known as the former Nation al Canning Club Champion. Peal-Furlough Unsual in its loveliness and simplicity was the marriage of Miss Odell Furlough to Mr. Dal ma H. Peal, at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. T E* Furlough, near Roper, on Sun day afternoon. June 18th. The impressive ceremony was per formed by R. W. Lewis in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. The room was handsomely decorated for the occassion. The bride was beautifully at tired in white crepe de chine with hat and shoes to match and carried a lovely bouquet of sweet peas. Mrs. Peal is an attractive young lady and is greatly admir ed in this section, and is promi nently connected. The grocm i3 a prominent young farmer. He is the step son of Mr. .). E. Singleton, a prominent Washington county citizen. Immediately after the cere mony the newly*weds left for Washington and other points where they will spend their honeymoon. They will reside at their home, near Roper, after their return. Gray-Davenport Mr. John William Gray, of Edenton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A L Gray wa3 married to Miss Sadie Odell Davenport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daven port, of this place at the court house, on Wednesday morning. Justice of the Peace J. C. GaHin performed the ceremony in the presence of a few intimate friends. They left for Edenton after the ceremony. Your wife, as well as your sins, will find you out. Miss Miriam Ausbon returned Sunday from Hampton Va., where she has been spending 8 tew days with friends and rela tives. Mrs. C. M. Richardson and family of Berkley and Mrs. Eloise Rouse of Norfolk are th( guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roj Swain. Mr. C. F. Parrish, poultrj extension specialist of Raleigh was here the first part of th< week in the interest of th< poultry work in this section. dCoatioued op page 3) DIES AFTER AN EXTENDED ILLNESS ' Mr. W. M. McGee, 73 years of age, died at his home on fourth ! street, Wednesnay evening at nine o'clock. He expired as the result of the infirmities of old age. For 1 several months he had been con fined to his room, gradually growing ; worse. j He moved here about fifteen years ago and has been a very con sistent citizen since his arrival in this place. Since childhood he has been a staunch member of the Christian Church. Carpentry was his profession, this he worked at until a few months ago when he was confined to his room. Several years ago he joined the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he is also a member of the local lodge of the Charitable Brotherhood. The de ceased has filled several offices in these fraternities. He is promin ently connected in N. C. and Vir ginia. The funeral service will be held at the Christian Church to day at three o'clock. Rev. W. E. Norris will officiate assisted by Revs J. R. Everett. R. G, L. Ed. wards and H. W. Knight. The members of the secret fraternities to which he belonged will perform their funeral rites over the deceased Interment will be made in the Windley cemetery. The deceased is survived by a widow and one child, Miss Lyda McGee. WESTOVER NEWS Mr. W. T. Robbins was in Robersonville Wednesday. Messrs. Jack and Fred Everelt of Robersonviile were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weaver and son Louis, of Spring Green w;re visitors here Sunday. Misses Marjorie and Katherine Forbes of Shaw boro have been spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs Will Davenport of Mackeys. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lowe of Colerain spent the week-end with Mrs. Lowe’s parents Mr. and Mrs. George White. Mrs. J. W. Grimes of Rober sonville, who has been spending sometime with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robbing was called home Wednesday on ac count of the death of a relative, Mr. Tom Grimes. Will Speak At Roper Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, State Home Demonstration Agent, of Raleigh, will speak at the Roper School auditorium on July 19th, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. There are thirteen women’s federation clubs in the county and they will gather to hear this notable worker in this field speak. Every one is cor dially invited. almo theatre To-Night Thomas Meighan IN Tin Gods” Saturday Night Rex Beach’s “Padlocked” ALSO FOURTH EPISODE “The Power God” No Show Monday Night COMMISSIONERS MEET JULY SIXTH The first meeting of the county board of commissioners in the new fiscal year, which begins July 1, will take place Wednesday, July 6, because the first Monday in July is a national holiday, announced A. L. Owens, chairman of the Wash ington county board of commis sioners; to a Beacon reporter Tues day afternoon. The new fiscal year will bring with it many duties and responsi bilities under the new county government legislation, and the officials principally charged with these duties besides the county commissioners are the county audi tor, sheriff and tax collector. At the first meeting of the board of commissioners in July, the county auditor must submit his budget estimate, which represents his estimate of the amounts necessary to be appropriated for the different activities of the county and sub* divisions for the next fiscal year, In some counties con siderable difficulty has been ex perienced in the preparation of the budget estimate, as the figures for last year and for the current fiscal year are not obtainable. The board of commissioners at this meeting is expected to provide appropiiations for the purpose of paying fixed salaries, the principal and interest of indebtedness, the stated compensation of officers and employees, and for the usual ordi nary expenses of the county and its subdivisions for the interval be tween the beginning of the new fis cal year and the time for the adop tion of the annual appropriation resolution, which is the fourth Monday in July. The appropriation made on the first Monday shall be chargeable to the several appropri ations thereafter made in the an nual appropriation resolution for the year. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Rev. and Mrs. N. G. Duncan were in the community last Sun day. Blount’s Beach now owned by Dr. W. H. Ward has opened for the summer. Mrs. Tom Curies is spending: this week with her brother in Franklinton. Mesdames S. A. Holton, C. V. White, and Mollie Wiley were in Plymouth last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bell of Edenton, spent the past week end with friends in the communi ty. Mesdame3 Walter White, John Swain and Matilda Aumack were the guests of Mrs. Edgar Chesson Tu.sday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Sanders and son. Stewart, of Aulande., spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Matilda Aumack. Mrs. M. J. Elliott and Mr. Aumack Everett motored to Suffolk Saturday to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elliott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Sawyer of Franklinton, Mr. arid Mrs. John Sawyer and family of Spring Hope, spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs Tom Curies. Mr. Corbett Swain and Mrs. Ida Brickhouse accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Sty*on motored to Rocky Mount last Saturday where Mis3 Styron left by train for New York to visit her mother. Rev. J. D. Hall, of Philadelphia, delivered several discouses at the Grace Episcopal Church during the ■ last few days. MASONS FEAST AND INSTALL OFFICERS At the regular meeting of the members of Perseverance Lodge No. 59, of the Masonic fraternity, on lest Tuesday evening, officers which were elected at the previous weekly meeting were installed and other matters of importance attend ed to. Past Master. Harry Stell. presided over the installation cere mony, A banquet was spread on festive boards for about thirty-five members who were present on this occassion. A delightful menu was provided by the persons serving. Rev. R. G. L. Edwards, pastor of the local Methodist Church was the principal speaker. Each of the new officers delivered a short and appropriate address. The climax of the evening's amusement was reach ed when Past Master John W. Dar den, in a very impressive and ap propriate address delivered the past j master's jewel to Past Master Harry Stell, who is retiring from office in favor of the new executive. Master Jack Willoughby. The following officers were in stalled; J. B. Willoughby, Master; J. T. Terry, Senior Warden; D. A. Hurley Junior Warden; J.G. Dixon Secretary and T. C. Burgess, treas urer. Held Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bowen, parental leaders of the local Bowen clan estimate that about thirty members of the family were here on last Sunday at a family reunion. Relatives from the immediate family that were here, represented Martin. Hali fax, Pitt, Nash, and Washington counties, A Simple and enter taining program was presented before the lunch hour. A delightful picnic dinner was enjoyed at the Old Home Place about four miles from the city on the Lcng Acre road. Families from several towns in the state were present. After lunch hour the clan members retired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bowen on Jefferson street where the re mainder of the evening was spent in progressive conversation i The rain in the fore part of the afternoon shortened the visit of many, who hurried home to es cape the shower. New Shoe Shop Opened Today Mr. Carl D. White, opened a new electric shoe repairing shop in the Hampton building next door to the coca-cola bottling works, this morning. Mr. White has employed a shoemaker with fifteen years experience. Shoe repairing and dyeing a speciality. A complete line of polishes and j laces will be stocked, Hat clean ing, blocking and a pressing out | fit will soon be installed at an early date. The entire plant will be modernly equipped. Notice To Pension Board j The first Monday in July this year falling upon the fourth, a (National Holiday, the pension Board will meet on Wednesday, July 6th. Members of the Board and all others having business with it will please note this and meet in Clerk Superior Courts office at 10:C0 o’clock, A. M., on the above mentioned day. N. H. Harrison, Sr., Chairman. There is always room at the top; the elevator dosen't run that high. 1 YOUNG GIRLS TAKE COURSE IN COOKING Miss Emma Gray Moorhead, county home demonstration agent, is conducting a cooking school here this week, in a room in the base ment of the court house. Several young girls of the city have matric ulated and the number is increasing daily. These young girls are being trained in the science of proper foods to be prepared for each meal and the preparation of the food. Miss Moorhead reports that a number of the girls have manifested strides of progress during the class days. Monday and Tuesday morning were devoted to the choice and preparation of breakfast foods. Cereals, fruits and other breakfast foods were served in various ways. Each student has personal contact with the teacher which makes the lessons more easily understood. The remainder of the week was de voted to the choice and preparation of the other meals. Correct and proper food value for the nourish ment of the body is being stressed by Miss Moorhead. On Wednesday evening a party was given the girls, that were in strumental in preparing for the cooking occassion by renovating, cleansing and making tidy the room. These girls under the super \nc>inn \/ticc \Ar\r\r\~\(>c\r\ tlimpH PI junk room into a modern culinary department. The expense for this undertaking, including equipment that was loaned and bought, was installed at a very low price. Work of this kind is included in course taught by the county home agent. The party was a very enjoyable affair with all of the cooking school students present. Many games were played and other amusements were enjoyed. On tomorrow morning the class will prepare a breakfast for two honored guests. Each of the girls will be employed in serving the meal. Some will be cooks, others waitresses, dishwashers etc. The students will make this choice among themselves. Names of the special guests have not been learn ed. Serving these guests will be an examination, testing the know ledge of the practical methods taught them in the cooking school. Everything In Readiness For Bout Monday Teddy Blount, local fight promoter, announced today that seats, for the Vail-Lawrence bout that is to be staged here in the Almo theatre on the evening of July, 4th, will be on sale Monday at the Rexall Drug Store. Every one is urged to buy their ticket early and avoid the rush at the box office. Speedy Lawerence, a Virginia fighter from Fortress Mor.roe, will meet Ed (Kid) Vail, local battler. Fans are assured a whirl wind fistic encounter. Both fighters are practically the same weight. No special advantages are featured in of either battlers. Lawrence is an army fighter and has been under a strict training master since the agreement to fight. “Ed Vail, local boy has been training on his father’s farm near Westover. Teddy Blount manager of the local contender, claims that he is in fine shape for the bout. Vail has served in the army and navy for about seven | years. In his fighting career he has been in seventy-five battles and has never been knocked out. Sometimes a wife can read her husband like a blank book

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