\a ftiwvTTTrsoarrrrm--i.jar mt <i—r*r» PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HO VIESEF.KERS THE BP: AC ON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER 'i a Year, In Advance. -TOII GOO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TROTH." Single Copy S Cent*. * VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1927 NO. 40 LOCAL NEWS Mr. George T. Leech, of Wash ington, was here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Liverman, motored to Williamston Sunday. Mr. E. H. Liverman was in Swan Quarter Tuesday. Mrs. L M. Hampton spent Sunday in Suffolk. Miss Elizabeth Ramsey, of Ivor, Va., was here last week-end. Mrs. Walter Moore and Mr. T. L Satterthwaite were in William ston Sunday. Mrs. Blackwell Stith, of Roa noke, Va., is here visiting Mrs. T. L. Smith. Atty. Dan Totem and Miss Dorthy Jones of Washington were in the city yesterday. Walter H. Faramore and Miss Margaret Brown motored to Washington Sunday. Mrs. Roy Smithson and mother, of Creswell, were here Wednes day. Mr. W. H. Russ and family, of Washington, were here Wednes day. Mr. B. C. Maltby, representa tive of Ford Motor Company, was here this week on business. Miss Bettie Coburn and Lee Roy Harris attended the country club dance at Rocky Mount Sat urday night. Miss Bettie Coburn returned to Norfolk Sunday after spend ing sometime here with her parents. Henry Williams, Miss Louise Harrison, Dwight Weathers and Miss Thelma Harrison were in Bel haven Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Hubble arrived here Sunday from Emory, Va., where she has been spending her summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stell re turned this week from Norfolk where they have been visiting friends and relatives. Miss Helen White. Messrs. W. R. White. J. B. Edmondson and Jack Peele enjoyed a fishing party at Pamlico Beach Thurs day. Messrs. Ronald Gaylord, Alton Pinkham and Clarence Harrison, returned to their home after re ceiving an honorable discharge from the U. S. Army. Misses Francis Dixon, and Dorie Lewis, Messrs. Lawrence Jones and Luther Davis were in Edenton Wednesday evening. Mesdames R. G. Hardison, B. Jones, Whitt Harrison, Miss Addie Weede, Messrs. Ellison Jones and Ira Hardison were in Washington Sunday. Tavloe Read, who has been taking a course at the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. factory in Akron, Ohio, spent Sunday here with his mother Mrs. Claude Read. Mr. and Mrs. Will Satterth waite accompanied by their daughters Misses Velma and Leona motored to Rocky Mount Sunday, where they spent time with their son Dan, who is in a hospital at that place. COUNTY COURT The following cases were dispos ed of in Recorder's Court Tuesday by Judge Zeb Vance Normar, who meted out speedy justice to the 11 offenders of the law that were ar raigned before him after a week end i of carousal and affrays; J. H. Hardison, assault, costs and the defendant was required to stay out of Washington county un der a suspended road sentence. James Hart, assault with a dead ly weapon, fined $1 and costs. Will Pitman, assault with deadly weapon, $15 and costs. Merida Stewart and Raymond Joyner, affray and damage to per-' sonal property, required to pay the j costs of the court and repair the damaged property. Charles M. Krouse, worthless check, pay the check and the costs of the court. Tom Blount, larceny, not guilty. Ben Moore, larceny, not guilty. Negros Arrested For Affray Following a short argument, Merida Stewart, colored, knock ed Raymond Joyner, also colored, against the show window at Mil ler's store here Saturday night, breaking the glass front. The damaged window was estimated at $35. In Recorder's Court Tuesday morning, evidence tended t o show that the negroes were quar reling and at last grew abusive. Joyner struck at Stewart with ar umbrella, and in return Stewarl knocked him through the win dow. No serious injuries wen ' received by those engaged in the altercation. 1 The defendants were required to replace the giass window front ' of the store and to pay the costs of the case, after a hearing here Tuesday, by Judge Norman. Card of Thanks We take this method of statin* our appreciation for the kind deeds done and the sympathetic words of comfort spoken to us during jthe illness and for the beautiful floral offerings present ed at the death of Mr. Whit Ches son. Family Miss Spruill Entertains At Dinner Party Miss Mary Spruill entertained I four guests at a dinner party at : her home on Washington street Saturday evening. A three course meal was served. Follow ing the repast the ladies attend ed the show in a party. Those , enjoying the hospitality ot Miss i Spruill were: Misses Eva Spruill, Thelma Getsi ger, Ethel Spruill , and Elizabeth Norman, . ALMO THEATRE TO-NIGHT Raymon Novarro “Lovers” PATHE NEWS Saturday Night Wallace Beery AND Raymond Hatton in “We’re In The Navy Now” LAST CHAPTER “The Power God” ALSO FIRST EPISODE Officer 444 Tues. & Wed. Night Marion Davies IN “Tillie the Toiler” NEW METHODTO SUBDUE TREE BORER Paradichlorobenzene has proved very effective in the control of the neach tree borer. If this marerial s applied in the right manner and at the proper time 90 per cent to 100 per cent control can be expect ed. This method of borer control . aas been thoroughly tested and 1 growers are advised to use it > -egularly each year In the experience of the U. S. 1 Bureau of Entomology, Fort Valley : Beorgia, paradichlorobenzene can i oe used on trees four years of age ! and older with safety However : f two and three-year old trees are oadly infested, one-half ounce ol oaradichlorobenzene can be used ■ with slight chance of injury to the trees. For trees four and five years of age three-fourths of an ounce of oaradichlorobenzene should be ap oliecl to each tree. For trees six i years of age and older a full ounce of the chemical should be applied. For very old trees with large trunks an ounce ancl a fourth of paradi- i shlorobenzene should be applied. : Paradichlorobenzene should be applied between September 25 and I Dctober 10, in North Carolina. : Phis date of application must be ’ tlosely followed if best results are to be obtained. ! '• Scrape away gum from trunk of < tree and make the soil level and I apply the crystals in a continuous ■ing about an inch wide and about in inch from the trunk of the tree. The crystals should not be placed too far from the tree and! tare should be observed to | < n oid pushing any crystals j > igainst the trees. j1 See county agent Dunning for < urther information. 1 Child Breaks Arm Philip Liverman, son of Mr. ■ hi H. Liverman, of Jefferson St., sustained a broken arm when he fell out of a tree at the home of ( Vlrs. Whit C'.iesson, Sunday ( ifternoon. While a number of ( the children were playing in the , fard the lad climbed a tree. A j imb broke and the youth fell on iis arm breaking it at the elbow oint. Fie is gradually improving. You can go a long ways from lome without finding anybody to ippreciate your greatness. MACKEYS NEWS Miss Audrie Herrington is spending sometime in Elizabeth i vity. Miss Sabrie Williams organized E i 4 H Junior Club at Mackevs r school Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chesson ^ ivere the week end guests of Mr. v md Mrs. L. D Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phelps . >f Clinton, have retu-ned home ifter visiting relatives here. Mr. Halsey Riddick, of Balti nore, is the guest of Mr. and « Mrs. Will Riddick for the week. Miss Mildred Balance, of Ayde ett, returned Friday to resume ler work with the Mackeysjl school. ' Miss Mavis Cobb returned to ler home in Washington City ifter a visit with relatives in this lectio n. Mrs Hester Cahoon was called ! to the bedside of her brother Jim ; dlagon, who was taken violently ill last Friday. Mesdames Annie E Chesson and H. E. Nixon and little daugh ter Annie Louise returned to Elizabeth City Sunday afternoon after spending several days with Mrs. W. B. Chesson. VIOLATOR OF DRY LAW TRIED Judge Zeb Vance Norman, in Recorder’s Court here Tuesday ifternoon, ordered a mistriai in :he case of John Atamanchuk,; who was charged with violating ;he prohibition law, when the iury failed to agree after deiih mating for some time. The case jonsumed the afternoon session. Atamanchuk was apprehended Saturday night by Chief Brown ind was arraigned before the : >urt on four charges filed by solicitor Carl Bailey, as follows: •eception, transportation, posses on of spirituous licquorsfor sale i id for possesing this whiskey off of bis premises. Chief Brown stated that he walked up on an automobile oper ited by Atamanchuk, on Water street, at dusk Saturday evening ind in plain view saw Mrs. Marie Jhoppick deliver a gallon of yhiskey to the defendant. When re approached Atamanchuk he ;hrew the whiskey out of tire ;ar. This was produced as eyi ler.ce. Atamanchuk alleges that. :he whiskey might have been hid' ;here by some one else and in sists that he knew nothing of the vhiskey. Mrs. Choppick was arrested on i similar charge although the :ase has not been called for rial. Negro Shot By Unknown Person Dawson Lee, 69 year-old, color id farmer of near lnr , was nysteriously shot Tuesday morn ng while in a corn crib at .work in his premises. A smaM calibre ■ifle was used by the unknown issaliant- The bullet hit the iegro in the neck an I glanced vhen it struck a bone. No serious njury wa i sustained. Lee fails to recall to mind any )erson that would commit the :rime for revenge*. No clues of he assaliant were revealed other han the bullet. Some th nk it vas a stray bullet from the rifle n the hands of a youthful hunter. L?e R >y Ha-ri3 and Roy Ca\ mport spent Sunday in Was.. ngcon. H. A. Williford and Lue Retd verein Williamston, vVednesday. DARDEN NEWS Mis* Mary Gurkin is visiting elative3 in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jorda* pent Sunday in Sunbuty with elatives. Mrs, Hoyt Gardner of Hope fell, Va., is visiting relatives in his section. Mrs. Hershel Daniel, who has teen critically ill for sometime s slowly recuperating. Mr. and Mrs. John Swinson. ,nd children have returned from ■«Iew Bern where they have been usiting for sometime. Prof. Roy Smith visited rela ives in this section this week mroute to Chapel Hill where ie is a member of the faculty 'or this session. Crowds are attending the revi val in progress here. More inter ist is being manifested than lerelot’ore. Dave Tyndall, of Jeorgia, is conducting the ser vices. Miss Mary Fagan left for the Morth Carolina College tor Women, at Greensboro, this week ind was accompanied by Mr. Dan Fagan and Mrs. Mattie Martin. TWO INJURED IN Auto-train crash Mrs. E. C. Pusey, of Princess Amvev-Md., and Vlrs. W. S- Clark, j of Davis Quartei, Md., were s eri o u s ly- injured Wednesday i nor pins' when a Chrysler coach operated by the former lady crashed' into a freight engine at a crossing' near here on the Roper-Ply mouth highway. Ac cording. to eye witnesses the automobile was running about 35 miles an hour, when the col lision occured The freight engine had stopped at the crossing preparatory to backing .into a switch which con nected the sidetrack to the main line. Apparently the occu pants of the automobile were not observing the movements of the train engine. An embankment and a store building partly 1 obscures the railroad track from view, : Local physicians rendered 1 medical aid at once. An exami natiorv-r-eveaied that lacerations ■ and bruises oh the bodies of the ladies, may prove serious. No sefioys internal injuries were 1 revealed in the examination. 1 ___ _ i , • ( Students Leave For Schools , Summer vacation is over: fes- ‘ tive scenes and gay occasions * give way to the desire for an ed ucation as the exclus back to ; school begins; Summer social ac tivities are dispensed with, and t the desire for knowledge is now ( reigning supreme in the hearts t of a number of young people in r this .section. A number of those that attended the colleges from t hers last season, will not return, £ for several reasons. A few last c year graduates of the local high r sdiot.l will enter the institutions s of higher learning in the state, t Athletes that were on the local teams will enjoy a try out in « the college'circle of athletics. ^ Over 25 stuiteiits will leave this I month, as folloiws: r The isfVrfH Carolina College for £ Women, Greensboro; Misses Minnie Guidon Cahoon, Eliza- 1 beth Norman, Ethel Spruill, ( Thelma Get&inger, Irene Harri- 1 son and fyhtiy Fagan. Salem College, Winston-Salem; Misses Gii’blyn Brinkley, Jacqui iine.Wjljjibrd and Margaret Ross Walker,.--; « ; Eastern; Carolina Teacher Col- c lege, Greenville; Misses Helen 1 White, Francis Dixon, Genevieve 5 Williams and Neva Gan Roper. 1 State College, Raleigh; James ! Wood Norman, Jack Swain, Bail jr Tetterton and Gordon Norman, j1 University of North Carolina,] Chapel Hill; Hubert Coburn. ;f Wake Forest College, Wake 5 Forest; Van B. Martin, Jr. Duke University, Durham; 1 Bennet StSphenson, Colon Bow en, Russe.l Harrison and Ned ; Sivain. • - ' New-Athletic Club Room t Now Ready 1 ••Officials of the Athletic Club announced yesterday that the room in t'RtT'olJ Hampton Academy which-AVill be the place of activity foe the club, has been renovated i and remodeled. Other equip ment has arrived and been installed. A striking bag, body bag, boxing . gloves and other equipment for an ; organization of this kind has been installed. . Officials announced that the next meetniflfwiH be held in the new club room Monday evening. This Will be a special business session and several important matters will be discussed’. Members are urged to be present at this meeting. FIREMEN MET HERE THIS WEEK Approximately 200 members of the Eastern Carolina Firemen's Association met here Tuesday even ing in their regular meeting with :he local department as host. Del egates from the following towns; Teaufort. Morehead City, Kinston, Zreenville. Williamston, Roberson /ille. Washington, Ayden, Belhaven, ~armville. New Bern, and Snow’ Till. Ed W. Davis, sports editor cf :he Wilson Times, and Ed Nadal )f the Wilson Fire Department, vere visitors. Washington lead in :he number of delegates present vith a total of 21. President W. C. Manning, of iVilliamston, presided. The Rev. f. R. Everett, pastor of the Ply nouth Baptist Church, opened the neeting with prayer. W. H. Gray, )f Robersonville, was acting secre :ary. Mayor R. P. Walker being ibsent. Judge Zeb Vance Norman nade the welcome address. Pres on Flarper of Kinston. 69 years of ige, who has been a fireman for i2 years and has attended the last !8 annual meetings of the firemen, esponded to the welcome address. Representative Flon. Van B, Mar in was the principal speaker. )thers participating in the speech naking were Atty. W. L. Whitley, Vty. Jerry Sawyer, city. Mayor i, G. Anderson of Robersonville, Tayor R. L. Coburn of William ton and Mr. Ed W. Davis of Vilson. Rev. R. G. L, Edwards, >astor of the local Methodist Tiurch, made the invocation at he banquet which followed the neeting. It was decided by popular vote hat the next meeting will be held t Beaufort, on the second Tues lay in November, after which the neetings will be held quarterly in tend of every two months as here ofore. The following officers were re lected by acclamation; President V C. Manning. Williamston; vice iresident, J. E. Jones, Ayden: sec etary, W. H. Gray. Robersonville; nd treasurer R. S. Peele, Kinston. A delightful banquet featured he meeting. The repast was serv d in the basement of the court louse. It consisted of three courses. Funeral Services Held For Mr. Chesson Mr. Whit Chesson. 58 years of ige, died at his home near here, arly Sunday morning, after a pro* onged illness of several weeks. Ha uccumbcd to a violent attack of a hronic disease. For a number of ■ears before the period of fatal ill less he served on the city police orce. He is survivived by a widow and me daughter. Mrs. Garland Hardi on. and two sons. John Chesson of Durham and Hubert Chesson of done ure. Funeral services were conducted it the residence of the deceased vlonday afternoon by Rev. J. R. Everett, assisted bv Rev. W. E. vloriis and Rev /G. L. Edwards, nterment was ie in the Brink ey cemetary _ -a .• Firemen Extend Thanks We take this method of statins: mr appreciation for the contri jutions, service rendered and ;he interest manifested by the nany friends in the city, to the Eastern Carolina Firemen’s Association, which met here on ast Tuesday. Special thanks are extended the young ladies that prepared the elaborate repast, [t was a success owifig to the ;o-operation of the citizens. Plymouth Fire department

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