PLYMOUTH | EXTENDS ft HEftRTY WELCOME TO HO.vlESELKERS The DMUUIW Yesmn I I -u THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID' OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER « Y«ar, la A4vmm. 600, FOR COtOtTRY AND FOB TWIT*.* Single Copy 6 Cent*. VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N. C.K FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1927 NO. 46 LOCAL NEWS Born to Mr. and Hampton, a son. Mrs. W. R. Miss Sallie Dickens, of Enfield, is here this week. Mr. Fenton Reid was in Greenville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P M. Arps were in Columbia Sunday. Mr. W. T. Nurney was in Greensboro this week. Miss Helen Tatem, of Colum bia, was here this week. Messrs James Smith and Robert Martin spent the week end in Greensboro. Mr and Mrs. Tom Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Jackson motor ed to Jamesville Sunday. Mr. Denard Rumley, of Farm ville, has accepted a position with the 0’Henry Drug Store. Mr. Colon Bowen, student at at Duke Universitv, Durham, spent the week end here. Mrs M. E. Blount and family, of Norfolk, are the guests of Mrs. A. R- Dupree this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. R Dupree spent frVm noot- urppk-pnrl in Norfolk. Mr. Vein B Martin Jr., student at Wake Forest College, was here visi'ing his parents last week end Attorney Wade Dickens and Deputy Sherriff Henry Gray’ of Scotland Neck, were here this week. Messrs. W. C. Moore, T. L. Satterthwaite and A. F. Arnold motored to Mattamuskeet Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Leary, Mesdames Ella Marriner and E. G. Arps, motored to Scotland Neck Sunday. The local high school football team will play the Williamston squad this afternoon at the Brinkley Park. Mrs. A S. Jordon, who has been in St. Luke’s hospital, at Richmond, Va., is convalescing at her home here. “Come Out Of The Kitchen,” a farce comedy will be presented by the school faculty, No\ ember 8, at school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Brewer and Miss Blanche Riddick, of Rocky Mount, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. W. Ausbon Sunday. Misses Edna Earl Nurney and Leona Satterthwaite, students at the East Carolina Teachers Col lege, at Greenville, spent the week-end here with parents. r wlV(iss Helen White and Jack l eele motored to Greenville Mon day, where Miss White has been attending the East Carolina Teachers College, for this session TayloeRead,of Richmond, was here Sunday visiting his mother Mrs. Claudia Read. He was ac companied by Mr. and Mrs A C. Rentschler and children, and George Woodall, of Richmond. < Misses Addie Weedeand Nellie Blount, Messrs F. R. Harris and In Hordison motored t) Boykin, Va., Sunday They were accom panied by Hubert /Ven, who hag recerMy been p•. Jflkted to the jaoflk’i&l pojjjt the Gold re»* FARMERS HAVE FIELD DAY PROGRAM Approximately fifty farmers of this county were present at the field meeting held last week at the five-acre corn demonstra tion plot on the farm of Mr. W. F. Lucas, near the city. County Farm Agent, R. E. Dunning, was in charge of the program for the day. Perhaps the paramount feature of the occassion was the estimat I ing contest. Prizes were awarded the three farmers guessing the nearest fo the amount of corn raised on the plot. J- M. Clagor, of Roper, won the first prize of $5.00; Joe Snell, of Plymouth, was awarded a $3.00 prize and Onward Gaylord, of Jamesville, won a $2 00 award. Also a lengthy discussion followed on the fertilizer best suited to the production of corn. Much interest was manifested in the harvesting of the corn to determine the yield. Thefollowingingredients were used in the fertilizer in this plot; 300 pounds acid phosphate, 75 pounds muriate of potash and 300 pounds of nitrate of soda. The check rows, which did not have soda, yielded 44.73 bushels, while the rows vith soda yielded 65.18 bushels. This corn was shucked and weighed on the ear, allowing the standard weight for a bushel. Entertains Thursday After noon Club Mrs. J. W. Blount was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Liter ary Ciu'o at her pretty, home near Vlackeys, last Thursday after noon. The meeting was called to order by the president, who first welcomed the new members, Mrs. H. A. Williford and Mrs. Louis Hassel'. Plans were dis cussed regarding the sale of Red Cross Seals by the club this year. An enjoyable literary program was rendered. Mrs. B. G. Camp belLdiscussed the book entitled, “Afternoon” by Ertz, and Mrs. Z. V. Norman discussed, “Lolly Willowes,” a book by Warner. At the conclusion of the liter ary program, the hostess served a delicious chicken salad course with coffee and mints. Federal Office Remains Open An Order issued October the 22nd 1927 authoriz-s at their discretion; the Clerk and all Deputy Clerks of the United States in the Eastern District of North Carolina, to close their offices at 1 o’clock P. M. Satur days. For convienance to patrons, the Washington office will be open (By appointment only) un til 5o’clock P. M. Saturdays. "V: ALMO THEATRE Friday & Saturday Night The world’s-niost-talked-of picture “The Big Parade” STARRING John Gilbert ALSO M G. W. NEWS AND SEVENTH EPISODE Officer 444 FREE—Each cuatomer will be given a number with picket. Those numbers at 11th will prizes. TILLETT SPOKE AT PEANUT MEETING Washington county members of the North Carolina and Virginia Peanut Growers Association met here in the court house Saturday with a large number of farmers present. John R. Lawrence, of Colerain, presided over the busi ness and introduced the speaker for theoccassion A few mefrnbers were enrolled. The principal address was deliver ed by B. D. Tillett, Field Service Director whose headquarters are in Norfolk, Va. Mr. Tillett was for merly connected with the Agricul tural Department of the Federal Government, and was a member of the tarriff commission, sent out by the government a few years ago to study the cost of the production and marketing of the lowly “goober." In this manner Mr Tillett has traveled extensively and his address was interesting land in structive. The meeting was ODened for dis cussion on the matter of the final settlements for last year's crop. A show of hands revealed that every member was satisfied. Those offer ing peanuts for sale though this organization have recievcd two advances on this crop before the final settlement, which was made , last week. A number of the present mem bers signed contracts increasing their number of bags of peanuts for delivery to the Association of this year's crop A increase of this kind, according to officials of the organization, will cause the organi zation to make arrangements for increased storage capacities. This is indeed pleasing to the officials. They wish to obtain contracts to sell as many bags as possible, so that they may be able to have in fluence with the peanut buyers, and thus boost the prices. Mrs. Owens Entertains Mrs. A. L. Owens entertained the local school faculty at a de lightful Hallowe’en party at her home on Main street, Tuesday evening. Nearly thirty guests were present. Hallowe’en con tests and games comprised the amusements. A dessert course was served by the hostess assist ed by Miss Louise Brinkley. Those attending in addition to the faculty were, Misses Mavis Thigpen, Sabrie Williams, Louise Brinkley, and Messrs. Julian Brinkley, J. K. Reid, Edward L. Owens, Lloyd Owens and R. G. L. Edwards. Entertains At Birthday Party Little Miss Gale Margiereute White entertained a number ot little friends on Tuesday evening from 6 o'clock until 9 o'clock at j t he home of her parents, Mr. and 1 ‘Mrs, W'alter White celebrating her I fifth anniversary Amusing games j comprised the amusements. i The birthday cake was adorned with five beautiful candles. Refresh ments were served by the hostess. T hose present were. Misses Mar garet Everett. Opal Ray Swain and Catherine Curies and Masters George Wiley Holton and Grayson Everett. \ Local Boy Plays On Virginia Squad News has been recieved here of the recent football achieve ment of Sidney Ward Jr., in a Virginia school Ward is a for mer member of the local high school squad. This is the local ! boy’s first vear in the Virginia ■ institution. He is playing in the regular lineup of the famous "Tigers” and second football team of the Augusta Military Academy, at 'Fort. Defiance, Va., Sidney is a tackier, and is the only first-year student to make the team. SPECIAL SERIES OF SERVICES CONCLUDED There were eight accessions to the local Methodist Church, as the result of a series of services, conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. G L. Edwards. Four or five more candidates for membership will be recieved later. One new mem ber was recieved by letter from another church. This will make a total of nineteen additions dur ing the current conference year, under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Edwards. Twenty-five new members have been recieved in the churches of the Plymouth charge, during the minister’s pastorate. This charge includes Plymouth, Jamesville, Darden and Siloam churches. The services were concluded last Sunday evening. The minis ter delivered twelve sermons during the series. A large con gregation attended each service. The discourses were eloquently delivered by this pastor-evange list. Subjects chosen by the min ister were timely and proved to be interesting and instructive. This is the final revival service to be held here during the cur rent conference year. Members of all the churches manifested much interest in ihe services. A combined choir with representa tives fmm other choral organiza tions in the city aided in the SlIlglUK. opccmi muaiu wcio ainu rendered by talented members of the congregation. In a quarterly conference held here recently, the board of ste wards agreed that the services of the Rev R G L. Edwards during the current year, were satisfac tory. Perhaps this will influence the stationing committee of tha conference, to return the minis ter to this charge for the next year. Card Of Thanks We take this method of thank ing our friends for the many benevolent acts extended us dui ing the period of suffering of our son William, who was serious ly injured rece tiv in an automo bile and train wreck. Miss Viola Wyclope was a visitor here Monday. Miss Esther Stern spent last week end in Belhaven with her parents. Mr. T. R. Hassell Jr., of Nor folk, is visiting relatives here (his week The home demonstratian clubs held a federation meeting at Creswell last week. Miss Augustus Carstarphen tnd Mrs Ida Blount motored to Robersonville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hassell Sr., pf Wilson, spent last Sunday here with Mr. L. E. Hassell. Mr. C. E. Mfzelle Jr , of State College. Raleigh, spent the week end here with-his parents. Mesdames Slacum and Hydaen reic, of Creswell, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buchanan last Thursday The Roper Woman's club met Tuesday afternoon in the school auditorium, whh, a large number of members present Much in terest was manifested. Misses Vera Milzelle, Frances Dixon ard Gene\f-, ve Williams, students at the Eastern Carolina Teachers College, tat Green vilje, spent last week eipd here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sanderson. ROPER NEWS FUNERAL HELD FOR VICTIM OF WRECK Funeral services were held at the Zion Chapel Church, near here, yesterday, for Wilmer Smith, 20 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith of Roper, who was fatally injured in an automobile wreck on highway number 10 a few miles ffom Greensboro, Tuesday morning The Rev. W. E. Norris, paotor of the local Christian Church, officiat ed. A large number attended the 1 funeral. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining the church yard. He is survived by his parents i one sister and one brother. Young Smith was driving a fast j moving automobile, which crashed ; into the side wall of Rocky creek bridge, this side of Greensboro. Af* , ter hitting the bridge wall, the car skidded to the center of the road way, where a passing freight truck, which was also traveling at a fast rate of speed, struck it. Smith was accompanied by Joe and Leonard Barco, also of Roper. These two men were injured. just as the wrecked car came to a standstill in the center ot the bridge, the heavy truck came from the opposite direction. In the mean time Joe Barco had extracted him self from the car and tried to flag the oncoming truck However, Paul Key, of Charlotte, who was operat ing the truck, failed to stop the ve hicle, until after it had hit the au tomobile. When the freight vehicle finallv came to a standstill, the rear wheels were on the body of Smith. The victim was crushed a bout the chest, his right arm was broken and his body bruised and torn His companions received minor injuries. The car belonged to Leonard Barco Smith was driving to assist the owner. They were enroute to Ashville on business. It is thought that they had been traveling a good part of the night, since they were in a hurry to arrive at their desti nation. The accident occured early in the morning. Card Of Thanks I wish to thank the many friends and neighbors, also the people of Plymouth, for their kindness and < sympathy shown in my late be- i reavement, also for the floral offer ings. Mrs C. J. Mueller SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Mr. J. B. White attended l court in Plymouth Monday. ; VI i. Bruce Davenport, of Holly 1 Neck, is attending court in Ply- ' mouth this week. i Mr. an J Mrs. Henry Spruill, of ' Bertie, were the guests of Miss i Patde Spruill Sunday. r Rev. and M>s. N. G. Duncan * and daughter, of Creswell, spent Sunday in the community. j Mr. and Mrs. C. V. White spent 1 Sunday in Edenton the guests of « Mr. and Mrs. C. T. White. ( Messrs. Herbert Wheeler and t Laddie Swain spent Sunday J afternoon at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Guilford Davenpo-t. A Hallowe’en entertainment ( will be given at the Albemarle ^ school building Tuesday evening, November 1, The public is urged . to attend 1 Mr and Mrs. S. A. Holton, Mrs. Mollie Wiley, George Wiley Holton, Mrs. Emmette Grandy arid children motored to Colum bia Sunday. Quite a number of members of the Rehoboth Church attended quarterly conference at the Cres well M. P. Church, Tuesday night. Following the business meeting the Ladies' Aid served ice cream and cake JUDGE MOORE WINS ESTEEM LOCAL BAR Superior Court opened here Mon day morning with Judge Clayton Moore of Williamston presiding as special judge, instead of Judge F. Daniels of Goldsboro, who was supposed to hold this session. AI :hough young. Judge Moore has presided over the local court in an admirable manner, and many com mendable remarks have been made af the disposal of the cases during :his term. He is an able jurist and las won the esteem of the local bar members. A large criminal docket was dis posed of during the first two days, several of the nineteen civil cases lave been terminated A number af attorneys from Beaufort, Halifax, Martin and other counties have -epresented clients here. Perhaps the most interesting ;ase on the criminal docket was :he state against Delrra Parisher. /oung white man of this section, vho was charged with an attempt :o rape Miss Eva Fauste, on the Moradoc road, several months ago. \ttorneys for the defendant entered a plea of simple assault on a female This was accepted by the state, judge Moore imposed the following sentence on the defendant: that he pay a fine of $28.50 and costs of :he court action amounting to 5121.50, making a total of $150.00, Fifty dollars of this to be paid cash :he remaining amount to be paid at $12,50 per month. Also further judgement was that the defendant oe confined in the common jail of :he county, six months.and to be assigned to the county roads, judg jment suspended provided the de endant pay the money allotted as :he above sentence every month. The October term Grand Jury endered their report, stating that he county home, jail and convict :amps were in good condition Rec )mmended a new cook stove for he convict camp. It was ordered hat the county auditor obtain a eport from R. W. Lewis, W. O. \Torman, W A. Swain, M, F, Dav :nport, J. F. Snell and T. F. Dav inport, as justices of the peace, or hat the next grand jury will pre ent them for action, in neglecting he law. Bov Scouts To Have Special Meeting There will be a special meeting >f the local troop of Boy Scouts his evening at the regular hour it the court house. A program h degree work and scoutcraft vill be discussed. This marks the nitiatory meeting in a series vhich will be very interesting, ,s matters relative to the enroll nent and work of the scouts will >e planned. Official documents from the 5oy Scout Headquarters in New rork have been received by Icoutmaster Walter H. Paramore. Certificates of membership have ,een issued the following bovs: ohn W. Darden Jr., Joey Brown, tobert Bowen, William Clagon, lardy Williams, Harry Lyon and Charlie Hale. Tenderfoot badges gill be rendered a few of this lumber upon arrival. Those tak ng the tenderfoot degree work it the present are asked to be iresent this evening ready for est work. This troop was organized un ler the auspices of the local :hamber of commerce. The fl owing constitute the local scout executive committee: John W. Darden chairman; J. R. EJ nundson, secretary and D V. '<*yton \..'. E_^ * d ' ^

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