PLYMOUTH j EXTENDS ft HEftRTY WELCOME TO HOMESELKKRS The Dokmoke THE-entom THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER a Year, III AdvMM. TOM COO, FOR COUNTRY AMO FOR TRVTH." Single C*py 5 Cota. VOL. 33 PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1927 NO. 47 LOCAL NEWS Mr. J. W. Read was in Raleigh this week. Mr. Lewis Horton was in Nor folk this week. Mr. Linwood Hassell was in Kinston Sunday. Mr. T. W. Woodley was in New Bern Sunday. Mr. T. L. Smith, of Halifax, was here last week. Atty Jerry Sawyer was in Columbia this week. Mr. Jack Peele motored to Washington Monday. Sheriff J K Reid motored to Morehead City Sunday. Mr Onward Davis, of Green ville, was here Sunday. Mrs. T. L. Bray has been spend ing a few days in Smithfieid. Messrs. Lue Read and Louis Horton were in Wilson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watts, of Williamston, was iw town Mon day. Messrs. B. F. Read and Lloyd Horton left Sunday for Rich mond. Mrs. M. E. Blount, of Norfolk, spent last week with Mrs. A. R. Dupree. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore and family, motored to Columbia Sunday. Messrs. Lelard Thompson and Jack Peele motored to Greenville Sunday. Dr. R. L. Whitehurst and Miss Heather Stern were in Rocky Mount Sunday. Mrs. R. P. Walker and Miss Louise Brinkley spent the week end in Raleigh. Miss Mary Sullivan,of Norfolk, was the week end guest of Miss Velma Satterlhwaite. Mr. Linwood Cooke, of New Bern, was the guest of Miss Mary Brinsor. last week. Miss Ruby Templeton, of New Bern, was here during the week end the guest of Mrs. H. V. Aus tin. Mr. Wilbur Darden of Wilson, was here this week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Darden. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Hayes, Mesdames E R. Jackson and S W. Beasley were in Washington Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E R. Jackson and daughter, Miss Margaret Ward, motored to Swan Quarter last week. Mesdames A. R. Dupree, Ray mond Leggett, Claudia Read and Mr. P. W. Brown motored to Washington Wednesday. There will be services at the Grace Episcopal Church Sunday. Dr. J. M. Robeson is the rector of the local parish. Sunday school will be held at 9:45. Holy com munion and sermon at 11 o’clock in the morning. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. The public is cordially invited. , WHITE WOMAN ATTACKED BY NEGRO Levi Wynn, young Negro of this vicinity, was sentenced to work the county roads for two years, by Judge Zeb Vance Norman of Re corder’s Court Tuesday morning, when the defendant was identified for the fourth time, as the Negro who assaulted Mrs L. L. Owens Saturday night on Main street. Mrs. Owens was on her way up town walking, when she was ac costed by the Negro, in front of Mr. W R. Hampton's residence. The assailant grabbed at Mrs. Owens. In turn the lady tried to get hold of the collar of the assail ant’s shirt. The Negro eluded the grasp of Mrs. Owens and ran toward the Coast Line station. Mrs. Owens followed him to the corner, where she saw him disappear around the opposite corner at the intersec tion of Adams and Water streets. The incident was reported to the local law officials. A search began for a Negro dressed as described by Mrs. Owens. Someone notified au thorities of the appearance of a Negro in the Sugar Hill section answering the description of Mrs, Owens. Officer Brown hastened to the place and arrested Wynn, immediately iouowing cne appre hension of Wynn, he was taken to the home of Mrs. Owens. She rec ognized him as the assailant. Again on Sunday night the Negro was taken to the home of Mrs. Owens, and was identified the second time. On Monday, feeling that she was perhaps mistaken, she telephoned the sheriff of her doubts, whereupon the county officer liberate'^ him. After being released by Ihe officer the accused Negro started home, walking, and passed the home of Mrs. Owens. She recognized the the Negro’s peculiar walk. At this time she telephoned Sheriff J. K. Reid to take the Negro in custody again; that she was sure of his guilt. He was apprehended the second time. Hallowe’en Entertainment At Albemarle School A large number of people from the various sections of the county attended the Hallowe’en entertainment at the Albemarle school building last Tuesday. Oiange and black was the color s heme, with a mixture of Hal lowe’en decorations. Th*1 program included songs and recitations by the school children. Missgg Edna Stillman and Alice White, teachers, di rected the affair. Ice cream and candy was sold. A fishing pond was also enjoyed. A cake was sold at auction in honor of MissSabra Bateman, who was decided the prettiest girl present. The cake was sold for $16.75. _ COUNTY COURT Arthur McNair, colored, was fined $25 and costs, on the charge of being a nuisance and resisting an officer, by Judge Zeb Vance Norman, in Recorder’s Court, this week. Officer Brown was informed Saturday evening that the Negro was in a restaurant in the colored section of the city, making himseif repulsive by his boisterous manner- The officer proceeded to the scene. After stepping inside of the building to make the arrest, he was grabbed by the robust, stalwart Negro. A scuffle ensued. A number of white people arrived just as Chief Brown was bringing his pistol into the fracas. A few hard knocks on the side of the head with the pistol made McNair eas ier to handle. Then it took several of the w'hite citizens to carry the Negro safely to jaii. Leon Spruill was fined $5 and costs, for striking Elijah Howell, colored, on the head with a ham mer Saturday night during a fracas. Elijah Howmll was found guilty of damaging property and judge ment was suspended upon the payment of the costs of the court Dalias Norman was exonerated of these charges. Mary Loftin was released from charges of violating the prohibition law. Cada Brown was fined $15 and) costs for violating the dry law. Norman Ford was assigned to the county roads for three months for escaping the convict camp. This term will begin at the expiration of the present sen tence, passed for the theft of an automobile He was f un i in Morehead City Saturday operat ing a car owned by Mr. .1. F. Snell. _ Auto Crashes Into Truck A high powered automobile driven by Louis Horton, of this place, crashed into a truck operated by Allen Smith, of Wil liamston, on the highwav out of William3ton toward Everetts, Wednesday night. Glare from the lights of a car meeting Mr. Horton blinded him, causing him ,to crash into the rear of the truck, which had no rear light. lathe car with Mr. Horton was Lue Read and Jack Peeie. Neither of the occupants were injured. Mr. Horton’s car was damaged to the extent of about $100. -——— Birthday Party Little Miss Elizabeth Read entertained about thirty guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. B. F. Read, on Wash ington street, Tuesday afternoon. It was a joint Hollowe’en and birthday party celebrating the young hostess sixth anniver sary. Hallowe’en decorations were used. A birthday cake was cut. A dessert cour.-e was served. Favors consisted of litJe Hal-; lowe’en baskets filled with mints. Faculty lo Present Play “Come Out of the Kitchen,” a farce comedy in three acts will! be presented at the local school auditorium Tuesday i.i> at 8 o’clock by the school facuii; The proceeds will be used by t! school. This is a. royalty play and one of the most attractive ever given in the local auditorium. Ii is full of Irish wit and humor. It has been played in several nearby towns and wonprestige. A popular admission fee wM be charged. Every one is urged to attend and aid the school. Cara Of Thanks — , We wish to thank our many ! friends and neighbors for the ‘ kind .less and sympathy shown • a$ the death of Ifur beloved bro ther and son, Wfkner; also for beautiful floret offerings. r. and Mrs. Sr A. Smith • a^p Family LAST CHANCE TO OBTAIN PYROTOL On or before January 1st, 1928’, the supply of government explosive pyrotol, will be exhausted. Farmers in this section wishing to obtain some of this cheap explosive for blasting will have to act at once. The state has been allotted only 525,000 pounds for this season and this amount is diminishing fastly. During the month of September, orders were received for 108,950 pounds. This small allottment will soon be used. County Farm Agent R. E. Dun ning, announced yesterday, that he had obtained orders from a number of farmers for this commodity. He still thinks there are others. Since Mr. Dunning is getting only a por tion of a car, he thinks it advisable to order jointly with E. P. Welch. Beaufort County Farm Agent. This will save freight charges. The order for this car, which will be the last, will be placed on November 10. Those wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to obtain this cheap explosive will have to act be fore November 9 Washington county farmers are asked to mail their orders, including their checks, to Mr, Dunning at this place Fail ure to do this before the date men' nk/swo will in o Incc for those wishing the explosive. This car will be ready for delivery about the first day of December. The method of delivery and the location of the cars have not beer decided yet, however, anyone inter ested may interview Mr. Dunning On November 18. there will be placed at a convenient siding ai Mackeys a car for the purchase o: poultry. This car will be shipped tc the Northern markets to supply the Thanksgiving demand. Primarily the persons sponsoring this cai wish to buy turkeys, however prices will be submitted for othei poultry. Fowls purchased in Cres well will be brought to Mackeys b> truck. Mr. Dunning will aid in the arrangements and will furnish fur ther details. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Mrs. Ida Brickhouse has beet; quite ili this week. Mr. Waite- White made a busi ness trip to Edenton Monday. Misses Edna Stillman, Alice ar.u Eva White and mother were in Plymouth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swain and family, of Plymouth, spent Sun day at the home of Mrs. Henri etta Swain. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. White and family, were the guests of Mr and Mrs Herbert Owens ir Columbia Sunday. A number of ladies from the community attended the meeting of the federation of women’s clubs at Creswell last week. Mrs. M, .T Elliot, Mr. and Mrs Andrew Phelps motored to Bav Post Office Sunday the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phelps. Attorney and Mrs. Jerry Saw ytrof Ph mouth, attended th« entertainment at the Albemarh school building Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs Guilford Daven port and Miss Jessie Curies speni Sunday at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. Ike Davenport. atColumbb Messrs J. B. White and Guil ford Davenport left Thursday foi Asheboro to attend the annua Methodist Protestant Churcf conference. , Mesdames Matilda Aumack Will Chesson. White, C. L , page . execute. White at 5$ of January, 1926, ilefavj i]me' tier, made in payment of^ i Snds of indebtedness ^ | y at the request , -d bonds.^L will I wthe hid" C.OFC.TO ELECT OFFICERS AT BANQUET Members of the local chamber of commerce will meet Monday even ing at the court house to elect officers for the ensuing year. At a previous meeting last Monday evening President A. L Alexander, was instructed by popular vote to appoint a nominating, committee. The names of this committee were made public Wednesday. Those serving according to appointment are. Mayor R, P. Walker, chairman' and Messrs, L. W. Gurkin, J W. Norman, H. A. Williford and C. L. Groves A barbecue supner will be served in the basement of the court house on next Monday at the regular an nual meeting. The repast will be * served by Mr. P. H. Darden, mem 1 ber of the commercial organization. | Improvised tables will be used for , the purpose. ] In the business session many j matters of importance will be dis ! cussed concerning the work for the | new year. It is thought that a new meeting place will be secured. Ar rangements are being made with the town councilmen to remove the partition in the office of the town clerk and convert the two rooms adjoining into one spacious meeting place, to be used by the town board and the commercialists. Chairs and other iurniture win ue puit-cu be the hall, if arrangements can made by the commercial body. Information disclosed by author ities at their regular meeting last Monday evening revealed that there were 45,000 acres of farm land under cultivafion this year in Washington county Nearly 1500 acres of tobacco will be harvested this year About 3000 acres repre sents the county's cotton crop Corn will be harvested from around 1500 acres. Peanuts will be sold from the yield on about 8,000 acres. Information obtained by the chamber of commerce officials also showed that the cotton crop good this year. Farmers in Lake Phelps section are very pleased with the yield and the mar ket for this commodity Activities against the boll weevil in this sec tion have counteracted the destroy ing effects of the pest, Several farmers claim a bale of cotton to the acre. was the veil ROPER NEWS Mr. and .VIra. E. B. Norman, of New Bern, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hassell. Miss Neva Gan Roper, of St Mary’s College, Raleigh, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs R R. Roper. The Episcopal Church Sunday school entertained the little folk of the church Monday evening at *i delightful Hallowe’en party. Many games were placed arm enjoyed. Refreshments were served. Prof. B. G O’Brien, accom panied by seven of his students, motored to Goldsboro Friday, to engage in the judging contest, i for agriculture students. Follow ing inis Prof. O’Brien wentto Raleigh for the Football game accompanied by Hallet Chesson and Robt Knowles. ■: Miss Mildred Swain was hos tess at a d lightful Hallowe’en partv at her home Monday even ing. The home was beautifullv decorated for th® occasion with appropriate ornaipents. Games comprised the amusments. A delicious course of refreshments were served by the hostess Those present wyry Misses Mildred \^MH||fcirrow, Matilda ' ' jpwles, Helen Swain, and Jord, Clyde , Aubrey Wesley JUDGE MOORE LAU DED BY ATTORNEYS Immediately following the Octo ber term of Superior Court, which concluded its session last Saturday, the Washington County Bar Asso ciation, drafted the following reso lutions, commending the services of special Judge Clayton Moore, of Williamston. Whereas, the Honorable Clay ton Moore has presided over the above named term of Court with dignity and fairness, and has ex tended to the bar, litigants and jury, courtesy and consideration, and that the bar recognizes the value and high order of services that he has rendered at said term of Court, and Whereas, said bar holds in esteem and regard, the said Honor able Clayton \loore on account of former association with him and on account of its recognition of the high character of services that he has rendered at said term oi Court and Whereas, the said bar desires to communicate its appreciation to him. tor the above, in this manner, and to express a desire and welcome to him, to return to this County whenever he has opportunity so to do, by visit or to preside over said C'r»i irt Mow, Therefore, Be It Re solved, that the foregoing is the unanimous consensus of the s< nti mentof the bar of Washington County, and that we commend him most highly, to the people of North Carolina, as an Honorable and potent factor in the Judiciary of the said State, and that copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Court, a copy be transmitted to the Honorable Clayton Moore, and a copy to the Roanoke Beacon and to the News and Observer, for publication. WASHINGTON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Missionary Society Entertains The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Methedist Church entertained about sixty guests at a delightful Hallowe’en party at the home of Mrs. D. A. Hurley on Main street, Monday evening. The iiome was artistically decor ated with cornstalks, pumpkins, witchcraft pictures and rther suitable ornaments. Stories were told, games were played and fortunes were told to amuse the guests Two little girls dressed as witches stood at the.door with baskets in their hand accepting silver offerin j for tl \enefit of the society. A pert on—^present ing the devil stood a/j the foot of the stairs and invitee the guests to the rooms on the second story, where the guests were assembl ed. The hostess with the aid of others served sandwiches and coffee. Entertains Little Friends On Thursday afternoon little Miss Helen Harrison entertained twenty five little guests at her home* oh Washington street celebrating her fifth birthday. The little guests were met at the door by the hostess and were given orange and green caps to wear during the party. A color scheme of orange and green was carried out using chrysanthemums and festoons of orange and green crepe paper. . Many games were placed, after which all were directed to the dining hall for refreshments, i Chrysanthemum place cards were | used. Jello with ice> cream and cake , was served Little ! bankets of mints were given as [favors. 4

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