j PLYMOUTH j EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HO ivSELKURS The Doanoke Demon THE BEACGxN OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER • Year, In Mmwm. "TOR 600, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single Copy 5 Cent*. vr L. 38 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1927 NO 48 LOCAL NEWS Leland Thompson was in Cone toe Sunday. Mr. Denard Rumley was in Farm viile Sunday. * Mr. Arthur Chesson, of Wilson, is in t)wn this week. Mr. W. B. Watts, of William ston, was here *h;s week Mr. W. R. Hardison motored to Williamston yesterday. Jack Peele motored to Green ville during the wetk-end. Mr. and Mrs Geo-ge Sexton spent Sunday in Jan.esville. Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Taylor, of Rich Square, were here Sunday. Messrs Lmis Horton and Jack Peele motored to Greenville Tuesday. Mr. Vance Satte*-thwaite, of Norfolk, was here during the week end. Mrs C. L. Murphy, of Norfolk, spent the week-end with Mrs. A R. Dupree. Mr. Russel! Jackson, of Eden ton, is the guest of Mrs. Ray mond Leggett. Mrs. Herman Hornthal, of Nor folk, is visiting Mrs. L P. Horn thal this week. Mri. E. J- Conklin, of Green ville, is here this week visiti g Mrs. Harry Stell. Mr. Rasser Edwards, of Stan tonsburg, was (he guest of Miss Lyda B. Ange Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Parker, of Rocky Mount, were guests of Mr. and If_D t1 Drt.irl Qunrloxr lUlO. *_*•-*-• < Mr and Mrs. Jerry Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. S W. Beasley spent Sunday in New Holland. Messrs. Louis H irton and Tommie Bateman were in Nor folk during the week-end. Attorneys W. L Whitley. Z V. Norman and Mr. W. T Nur ney motored to Norfolk Tue.-day. Misses Margaret Ward Jackson, Thelma and L >uise Harrison motored to Greeville Sunday. Mr. Van B. Martin, a student at Wake Forest College, spent the week end her3 with his par ents. Miss Hazel Ausbon left Mon day for Rocky Mount where she will spend sometime with ••ela tives. Mr. and Mrs. R. P Walker, Miss Lenore Stone and Mr Frank Brinkley were in Raleigh during the i^eek end. Mrs Ed Ayers and Mr Aubrey i Owens, of Rocky Mount, spent! week-end here with their mother, Mrs. S. L. Owens. Mr. Lee Roy Harris motored to Wilson during the week end -and was accompanied on the return trip by Miss Pattie Ruffin. rMiss Lelia Dunbar, of Wenona. and Miss Mvrtle Jackson, of Hoke, were the guests of Miss Miriam Ausbon Monday evening. ►- _ WesdamesG. H Harrison and! E. G. Harrison are attending the annual conference of the Metho dist. Church. South, at Raleigh this week. A Misses Edna Earl Nurney and Leona Satterthwaite, students at * « the East Carolina Teacher's Col *we, at Greenville, spent the ' -end beie with their parents. h. f PEANUT SHOW AT AHOSKIE THIS YEAR The next big event aftei the regular fall fairs close, is the second annual Eastern Carolina and Tide Water Virginia Peanut Exposition which will be held at Ahoskie, the week of December 5th. 1 his annual fair will be muc h larger and more interesting this year, according to announcements from the head quarters of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, at Kinston, which is sponsoring this show. A special effort is being made to have every square foot of floor space used by some exhibitor whether he be a peanut manufac turer, grower or any kind of manu facturer. From inquiries up to this date for floor space, it looks as there will be no floor space left. A program of entertainment is being arrainged that will appeal to all classes of people A historical pagant is being arranged for the opening night, under the direction of Mrs. Frances Winston, of Wind sor. Secretary N. G. Bartlett promises the most spectecular parade ever held in North Carolina. The parade will begin at 6 o'clock, and the floats will march down the principal street where the reflection of the lights from the beautifully lighted street lamps, shining on the floats, will present a very pleasing scene. The usual queens contest will be held and $100 in gold will be given to each of the candidates in the three seperate contest One queen will be selected from Eastern North Carohna towns; one from Hertford county, and one from the Tide Water towns of Virginia. A Junior queens contest has been added. Mrs. Blount Entertains I Mrs. J. E. Blount was hostess' to theThursday Afternoon Liter* j ary C*ub at her beautiful count ry j home ‘ Oaklands” Thursday aftern oon of last week. Various reportswere rendered, and com mittees were appoi. ted for the Red Cross seal sale which begins this month. The literary program dealt with the book “Medici Follies” by Fishbein. Mrs. R P. Walker road a paper on “j-’nne Healing Cults.” “Fads and Fancies” was the subject of a paper by Mrs. Henry S. Midgett: and Mrs. Louis Hasesli's subject was “Phy sical Culture.” At the close of the literary pro gram the hostess served a deli cious two course luncheon. Mes dames Blount and Mizelle, of Roper, Mrs Edison Davenpoit, of .Viackevs, and Miss Fannie Hilliard, of this place, were in vit-d guests. ALMO THEATRE TONIGHT John Gilbert IN Twelve Miles Out PRIZES GIVEN TO NIGHT Those holding tickets must be present i;i order to win a prize. Saturday Night Monte Blue IN “Bitter Apples” ALSO M G. M. NEWS ALSO NINTH EPISODE Officer 444 Tues. and Wed. Ronald Coleman IN ‘ The Dark Angel” ROPER HOST TO TEACHERS MEETING Approximately seventy teachers of the county were present at the Roper High school auditorium F- iday evening, when the Washington county unit, of the North Carolina Teachers Association, was perfected. A bout thirty teachers were absent Professor J. W. Norman, County Superintendent of Public In struction, sponsored the organi zation. At the general in which all the teachers participated officers were elected for the term. Prof. E. N.* Riddle, of the Roper school was elected president: Herbert Swain, of the Creswell school, vice-president, and Miss Nellie Tarkenton, of the local school faculty, secretary. At this time, Professor J. W. Norman spoke on the special emphasis to be placed on the average attendance of the various schools. He further urged all the teachers to be present at the district meeting of the Association, to be held at the East Carolina Teachers Col lege, at Greenville, November, 17 and 18. Following Mr. Norman’s ad dress, the meeting was disolved into departments,primary, gram mar and high school. Officers were elected for the various de partments. Mrs. Bateman, ot the rural schools was elected to head the primary department; Prof. Roy Litchfiefd, of the Scupper nong school, for the grammar department, and L. H. Hubble, was elected president of the high school department. A program was rendered in the various depariment. Mrs. R, G. L. Edwards read a paper to her department on “Teaching A.ith metic.” Mrs. L. A. Spruill spoke nn “stpaf wnrlf Among the Pupils.” Miss A C Carstar phen talked on “ Making History Interesting.” Messrs Riddle and Hubble spike to the high school department on attendance. The next c >unty unit meeting will be held December 2, at the Roper school auditorium. This will be the last meeting before Christmas: the remaining two meetings will be held next year. ROPER NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Williams, and son, Charles, motored to Greenville Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church gave a benefit salad supper Fridav night. Mrs. G. W. Dixon and son, Rit ter, accompanied Mr Lawrence Jones to Greenville Sunday. Mr C. E. Mizelle, of State College. R ileigh, spent last week end in Roper with his parents. Messrs. William Lewis and Reynold Sp-uill spent last week end in Roper with their parents. Mrs. James Williamson and! Miss Fannie Hilliard, of Ply mouth. spent some time with Miss A. C. Carstarphen last week Miss Vera Mixelle. a student at Eaat Carolina Teachers Col lege, at Greeville, spent Sunday i here with her parents. Mr. Jack Swain, of State Col lege. Raleigh, was accompanied on the return trip to school by Mr. and Mrs. Edison Swain, after spending the week end with them here. Mr. D. M. Tetterton, a student at State College, Raleigh spent the week-end here, and was accompanied on the return trip by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tetterton, and children. NEGRO WOMAN KILLED; SEEK MURDERER Mystery continues to surround the death of Mittie Boston, middle aged Negro woman of the Darden section of Martin county, whose lifeless body was found on the rail road track near that place early Monday morning, by trainmen. Just as the train engine was gaining speed after the stop at the Darden station, the engineer espied an ob ject resembling a body laying across the track, The engine was stopped immediately and the train crew and a number of passengers went for ward to investigate. News was transmitted to authorities at once The body was identified by the woman's husband It is certain that death came by foul means, because of the long gash cut in the head of the victim. Those who have seen the body think that the slayer used an axe or hatchet. A few clues found around the body are expected to lead to the slayer These are being followed by authorities. To Erect Confederate Marker Soon Secretary C. L. Groves, of the local chamber of commerce, announced today that the marker to commemorate the battle of Plymouth and the sinking of the Confederate ram Albemarle will soon be erected Specifications desired by the State Historical Commission hive been complied with. The marker will be erected on toe court house lawn near high way No. 90 Representatives from the highway commission assert that the highway force will haul the marker and main tain it. A definite date for the erection and unveiling has not been an nounced. Officials of the com mercial body corresponding with v , ioiu civic o ganizations to romi'i ale pl-ins ror a form u un vaing with nri elaborate celebra tion. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holton and family were visitors in Plymouth Sunday afternoon. Mrs C. L. Doughtie, of Eden ton, attended a business meeting at Oak Grove Church the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. White and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pattie Spruill. Misses Edna Stillman and Alice White attended the teachers meeting at Roper Fri day evening. Mr. Jack Swain, a student at State College, Raleigh, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. j Henriette Swain. Mr and Mrs. Henry Phelps and j family, of Bay Post Office, were | tne guests of Mr. and Mrs. An drew Phelps Sunday. Messrs. Wilbur N. Cooper and Hubert Rawlins, of Greensboto, ire spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Daven sort. J Mesdames Matilda Aumack; ind " alter White spent Tuesday ifternoon with Mrs: Edgar Zlhesson in the Pleasant Grove neighborhood. Mr. Joe White was accom panied home by Rev. R. L. Heth ;ox, of Creswell, from the North Carolina conference of the Metho dist Protestant church, which! convened at Asheboro. Rev. Hethcox vill continue his pasto rate of the Creswell circuit. While away Mr. White visited the Children's Home, at High j Point, and gave interesting re- j port at hie return. > COUNCILMEN ADOPT NEW BUDGET Councilmen in session here Mon day evening adopted a budget which calls for higher taxes for the year of 1927. The tax rate has been boosted from $ 2 27 in 1926 to $2.40 for 1927. There has been an increase in the grand total of taxes, to be raised, of about $871.79. In the year of 1926 the budget called for taxes amounting to $24^ 509.61: while the present budget calls for $25,381.40 in taxes. The city's total tax valuation of real and personal property is about $1,066,301,00. The special tax rate is $1,81. This money will be used to pay interest on light and power bonds, sewer bonds, street improvement bonds, retiring bonds and notes in bank and bond issues amounting to $40,891 40 Funds collected on abutment- assessments and interest on same, amounts due from light and power and uncollected assess ments amounting to $21,700.00 is to be subtracted from the above figures, making a total amount of $19,191.40 to be raised for the special tax fund. The general tax rate is 59 cents. This money will be expended on street labor, police salary, commis sion on taxes to be collected, salaries of the mayor, city attorney and town clerk, feed for team, on the upkeep of the town ditch, fire hose, miscellaneous, outslanding indebt edness and 5 per cent contingent fund, making a total of $9 240.00. From this amount will be subtract ed $3,050 00, a fund raised from dogs, privilege, automobile license and poll taxes. This will make a total amount of general taxes of $6,190.00. Stores Close Today Twentj-five local firms have ag-eed to close their doors i. c mmemoration of Armistice day These facts have been obtained fr m a petition carried aroui d bv Dr. C. McGowan Drugstores • i nrl fi m o 1 li •> r n jnn I lit t n \i a ri l, * i on other holidays w ill not close. The day wi I be spent in various ways by the celebrating business men. MACKEYS NEWS Vlrs Mary Seel1, of near Cres well, was the guest of Mrs. C. vV. Snell last week. Miss Corrinne Bell accompanied by Messrs. Corbett and Jack Swain motored to Tarboro Sui day. Mr. and Mrs William Liver man, of Coiurmda, -pent Suiday at the heme of Mrs Nathan Everett. Rev H A. Chesson delivered his farewell sermon of the con ference year at the Pleasant Grove and \lackeys Chutches on Sunday Mesdames C. H. Tippett, A P. Hicks and Miss Addie Rice and Mr. .T. H. Tippett, of Henderson, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. W. B. Chesson. The L&die ’ Aid Society held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. C. W. Snell to formulate plans for their annual bazaar which will be held at the Pleasant Grove school house November 18. The l adies’ Aid Society of the Pleasant Grove community will hold their annual bazaar next Friday night at the Pleasant Grove school house. There wi'l be a contest for the prettiest young ladv Also theri will be a fancy work booth. Many games will feature the amuse ments. Oysters, chicken salad, ice cream, cake and coffee will be served. Every one is urged to attend. C.OFC ELECTED OFFICERS AT ANNUAL MEET Zeb Vance Norman was unamiously elected president of the local chamber of commerce for the comming year at the organization's third anniversary banquet and busi ness meeting held in the cout c house last Monday/vening. Other officers proposed by the committee on nominations also were unamiously elected. These officers are C. L Groves, secretary; R. P Walker, first vice president; L. W. Gurkin, second vice president J. W, Norman, third vice-president and Leland Thomp son, Dwight Weathers, C M. Tet terton, H. E. Beam, C. E. Ayers, L C. Willoughby, M T. Bradshaw, P. H Darden and O. H. Lyon, directors. The nominating commit tee was composed of R. P. Walker, L. W. Gurkin, J W Norman, H. A. Williford and C L. Groves. A. L. Alexander was appointed to the place on the nominating committee made vacant by the absence of H. A. Williford. The new president deferred appointing the standing committees until the meeting next Monday evening A committee on publicity, membership, industry and others constritute the annual committee men. C. L. Groves, who succeeded himself as secretary and treasurer, submitted his annual report on finances, showing that the commer cial body had operated on a com paratively small amount of money, considering the work done. All assests included, he said, they had a baiancr of about $100. The retiring president. A, L. Alexander, thanked the members for their co-eperation during his two years in office. However, he refused to serve a third term Zeb Vance Norman, newly elect ed president, who was promoted from the vice-presidency, reviewed the various activities of the cl"am ber's work in the past year, and pronounced it a success. However, in a stirring appeal, he pleaded for the co operation of the body and invited their suggestions and ad vice. He means to double the Counciliren in session at their last meeting agreed to allow the chamber oi commerce to enlarge the office of the city clerk, and place, chairs, and desks in the room to be used bs a council chamber and also a meeting place for the commercialists. The members thanked the offic ers of last year for their splendid work by a rising vote. A loud applause greeted the speach by the retiring president. A, L Alexander. Following the business session, the members retired to the base ment of the court house ,_w here P. H. Darden, member com mercial body, ser\ca^^^ptcue, drinks, and cake, on i^Kovised tables Mayor R. P. W*ker was appointed toa'tmaster of the occas sion. Among the speakers were, Mayor Walker, R. G. L. Edwards, J. M. Robeson and J. R. Everett Livery Barn Erected On Highway A livery bar.i is being erected on the highway toward Roper near White City by J. S. Shugar, local livestock dealer. It is a large spacious wooden structure estimated to contain about fifty horses and mules. The 3tab'es will be completed in a few more weeks It will present a very good appearance when completed, as it will be painted, and the surrounding premises will he cleaned up Horses an ; mules will Le kept to trade and sell.