FFICE CAT ▼ RADI HARK RIO. fy Junius A thing of beauty isn't a joy forever if she’s dumb. Jiggs must be struck quite as often by Maggie’s as her rolling pin. Hell hath no fury like a woman when you track mud into her house. Since the girls quit wearing corsets they are all unstrung. It’s pitiful. In this changing world the down and outs today are the up and ins tomorrow. Justice will prevail The in ventor of the calliope never made any money out of it. The only time a married women misses her husband is when h i is out of tne city. At home her aim is perfect. Eve was satisfied with a fig leaf dress because there was no other women in the garden try ing to outdress her. “I’d face* death for you!” “Why did you run from that dog?” “It wasn’t dead.” The expression “the four cor ners of the earth” probably originated when the flat system of geography was being tatight. The drone bee is said to have more than 13,000 eyes, it we were that well equipped we could pos sibly see how to avoid work, too. Mid pleasures and palaces, Tho' we may roam, When the stomach is empty There’s no place like home. He wrote to the editor: “How can I keep postage stamps from sticking together?” The editor’s reply: “Buy ’em one at a time." “Do you ever worry, old man?" “Never-" "How do you work it?” “In the daytime I’m too busy and at night I'm too sleepy." The “rumor" is that the pre sent notorious type of Ford cer is to be replaced by a gearshift model. No more pushing our selves up hill with the left foot. Hair dressers say that bobbed hair is going out. Parents inter viewed on the subject say that it’s not going out, but refusing to come home at a reasonable hour. The whins and fancies of the consuming puplic are not to be treated lightly, nor ignored. Within the hollow of their hand they hold the success or failure of all products--your product. Browne—“Did you give your wife that little lecture on economy you talked about?” Baker-“Yes." “Any results?" “Yes—-I’ve got to live up icking account a family is the names they children. . . Some fortune might fc'who" made lm light NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO and by virtue ol a decree of the Superior Court of Washington County, signed by his Honor, Clayton Moore, at the October term of said Court, 1927, in an action entitled “D. O. Brinkley et al vs Z. V. Norman et al”, authorizing and directing a sale of the property here inafter described, the undersigned Commissioners appointed in said decree will exj^^L at public sale to the highest bid^^^^ the Court House door of Wa^^^kon County, for cash, on the d^^^Eiy of November, 1927, at twelvt^^Bck noon, the fol lowing df-scrib^^Hl estate, together with the impro^^^Kts thereon: FIRST l'Al|^H Lying on the Southwest con^^Wt the intersection of Madison Streets, in the Town of PlyvfS^^^ North Carolina, and being t.|g^^Hnrch lot of New ( hapel Baptis^^fcrch, said lot being rectangular iii^^B, and fronting on Madison Streel^^Beet, more or less, running a^^^Vhird Street from said corner, ^^^nrdly, as far the church and steps ex tend.--, togethe^^^B all buildings and improvements^^Hfon. SECOND T^^Pr: Lying and being or. the Soutfi^Bfe of Third Street, and adjoiningew Chapel Baptist Church lot on^^BEast, and being the parsonage lot^Hphaid New Chape! Baptist ChurcPPnd being LOO by 200 feet Together with the buildings and improvements thereon, excepting that part of said parsonage lot which the New Chapel Baptist Church building and steps may occupy, if any. The two parcels of land above de scribed will be offered for sale sep arately. This 29th day of October, 1927. v W. L. WHITLEY, ZEB VANCE NORMAN, Commissioners. NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court, signed on the 26th day of Sep tember, 1927, and another signed on the 3lst day of October, 1927, each of said days being Monday, directing the undersigned Commissioner to offer at public sale the land hereinafter de scribed, said Commissioner will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House Door, in Piy mouth, North Carolina, on the 1st day of December, 1927, at 12o’clock noon, the following described real estate: Lyirg and being in the Town of Ply mouth, North Carolina, and being the Western part of Lot No 44, of the Plan af the Town of Plymouth, and being 60 feet front and i unning back 150 ft. This the 31st day of October, 1927 P. W. BRINKLEY, 4t COMMISSIONER. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Washington County made at October term 1927 in a cer tain action entitled “Mrs. Alice N. Ayers vs Mrs. Maude Harrison, Ad ministratrix of A. J. Newbery, H. V. Austin, Administrator of T. Gray Coburn, H. C. Spruill, W. B. Watts and Mrs. Mattie Coburn, Eleanor Cob um, Muriel Coburn, substituting the undersigned as Trustees in lieu of Washington County Bank; and by vir tue of the authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by T. Gray Coburn, W. B .Watts and H. C. Spruill to the aforesaid of Washing ton County Bank, Trustee, to the use of A. J. Newberry, which said deed of trust is registered in Book 74, page 112 Register’s office of Wash ington County, the authority of the said Trustee being transferred to the undersigend by the decree of the court hereinafter mentioned, the un (It'i&lglUAl ^uiimiiasiuiicis win acn oi public sale at the courthouse door in Plymouth on Monday, December 5 j‘)27 at one o’clock P. M., that cer tain tract of land conveyed in the {.lore said deed of trust, to-wit: The part of the tract well known as the Conaby farm, which lies on the North side of the Plymouth-Columbia road about three miles from Plymouth comprising 177.57 acres. See deeo from A. J. Newberry to T. G. Coburn. W. B. Watts and H. C. Spruill, Book 78, page 72 and also the trust deeu i.bove referred to Book 74, page 112 for complete description. The sale is made to satisfy the balance due on eight bonds of Six teen Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars and eighty five cents ($1098.85) and will be for cash, or such negotiable securities as may be negotiated for cash within a period not to exceed sixty days and will be made subject to confirmation by the Clerk of the court. This the 28th day of October 1927. H. S. WARD, VAN B. MARTIN, Commissioners. NOTICE OF RESALE Pursuant to order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Washington County, entered this date, the bid heretofore made for the property hereinafter described having been .u cr. ased, the undersigned Executor will offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Washington County, at 12 o’clock Noon, on Friday the 18th day of No vember, 1927, that certain real pro perty described as follows: All that certain real property situat ed, lying and being in the town of Plymouth and beiug the house and lot on Jefferson Street, extended, in said town, ownedbyAbramNewberry at the time of his death and being the same, property conveyed to him by deed from W. B. Watts and others, dated Decern, ber 29th, 1920, and rec rded in the of. fice of the Register of Deeds of Wash ington County, North Carolina, in Book 78, Page 437, to which referetce is hereby made and same made a part hereof for purposes of description. The bidding at such sale will begin with the bid of Mrs, S. N Bateman, to wit: 11155.00 and the bidder will be re quired to deposit as much as ten per. cent of the amount bid pending con firmation of the sale by the Court, the right bmug reserved to reject any and all bids This the 2nd day of November, 1927. E. A. CARTER, Txecutor as aforesaid, Whitley, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE FOR TAXES The following property will be sold at the courthouse door for taxes on Mon day, Sth day of December, 1927: Plymouth Township John YV. Darden, 1924, 1925, 1926 .$259.33 Louis L Owens, 1926 . 369.78 W. H. Ange, 1926 . 26.40 S*afford Allen, 1926 . 6.60 Everetts & Taylor 4.92 Wm. Howard and Fannie Smith 1924 . 12.15 Thos. Madre, 1925 . 7.38 James Mitchell . 3.09 Willie Spruill, 1925 . 13.11 Aaron Spruill . 4.53 Hattie Fagan, 1925 . 5.90 Nancy Johnson, 1925 . 36.90 John L. Williams, 1926 5.30 Lee’s Mills Township W. C. Spruill Grocery Store 1924, 1925, 1926 179.90 George Gaylord Estate, 1926 1.54 Wm. Perry, 1925, 1926 . 1.46 John W. Chesson (col.), 1925 7.32 William Holly Heirs. 1925, 1926 1.84 Julia Howard, 1925. 1926 1.84 Maggie Jenkins, 1925, 1926 . 1.84 Ellen Bell, 1925 . 6.97 Abram Satchell Estate, 1925, 1926 . 1.46 Robert Matthews, 1925 15.40 Ihad Wilson, 1926 . 6.62 N. C. Land & Investment Co., 1926 207.20 A. F. I,ohman, 1926 25.72 Mrs. D. N. Batemartf 1926 36.01 Mrs. Deldee Norman. 1926 . 67.45 John K. Radcliffe. 1926 . 19.98 A. B. Walston. 1926 . 15.05 Henry Brown (col.), 1926 . 2.35 J. K. REID, Sheriff. V Your tongue tells when jrou need Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy skin, groggy nerves and sour stomach suggest its use. l/E PAY $1 20 dozen, sewing bungalow aprons a t home. Spare time Thread furnished. Nn button holes. Send Stamp. CEDAR GARMENT FAC TORY, Amsterdam, N«w York. TRAIGHT SALARY—$35 00 per week and expenses. Man or voman with rig to intro duce egg producer. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, 111. Pay your bill with a chadLitei you have a check cm your Mis. check is a receipt. ©SfO-Jj* PAY YOUR BILLS WITH A CHECK AND AVOID ERRORS. EVERY CHECK YOU WRITE IS A RECEIPT. THIS WILL AID YOU IN EVADING MANY UNPLES ANT DISPUTES. CAPITALIST, FINANCIERS, MERCHANTS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN RESORT TO THE CHECK BOOK TO SETTLE MONEY MATTERS. THIS PROVIDES A METHOD OF KEEPING UP WITH YOUR BUDGET. AN EFFICIENT HOUSE HOLD :|j MANAGEMENT WILL ADOPT THIS PLAN. I. BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. PLYMOUTH, N. C. ship PEANUTS to WINBORNE & CO. Commission Merchants NORFOLK, Va , Cotton SUFFOLK, Va., Peanuts "Will loan 6 per cent Der year three to four cents per pound on peanuts shipped to us at Suffolk to store.” REFERENCE: SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK Norfolk, Va. Business and Correspondence Solicited This Car «IIUa«S «k«r* vljgjog vlUdUtor WH.M.JI'lgl v Starting vLllhttag v Ignition V Battery ntf!g”.;v vTop Stress* Reconditioned Right* and Priced Right! When we recondition a used car, we do a thor ough job. All work is done by efficient expert me chanics, using genuine parts for all replacements. Then we price it right. icy is your assurance that you pay only for what you get when you buy a used car from us—and that your car will give thousands of miles of de pendable service. This square-deal recon- Lookforourred‘‘O.K.’’tag ditioning and selling pol- when buying your used car. WOODLEY CHEVROLET COMPANY PLYMOUTH—COLUMBIA SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DINNER — AT — BRINKLEY HOTEL oj=rio r=gq> $1.00 MENU: $1.00 Cream Tomato Soup - Turkey with Oyster Dressing Apple and Cranberry Sauce - Roast Ham (Barbecue Style) Lady Holland Salad Candied Sweet Potatoes - Green Peas Pumpkin Pie • Coffee or Iced Tea BLANCHE RING Noted Star of the Stage writes: "The life of an actress is one of nerve-strain. If she sings, also, her worries are doubled. Her audiences reflect her moods. If she is mentally tired, she cannot help but convey her fa tigue to those out in front and the result is a form of ennui on both sides of the footlights. I have found a sure cure for such fatigue, on the part of the player, is a good ciga rette. For years I have smoked Lucky S trikes and the mental balm and real enjoyment I have derived from them have helped me marvelously. In addi tion they have protected my voice. 1 use no other brand.” MADE OF THE CREAM OF THE TOBACCO CROP It’s toasted” No ihroat Irritation-No Cough. YELLOW FRONT STORES FOR THAT DINNER CALIFORNIA YELLOW CLING Peaches, 6 BIG CANS 97/ Asparagus Tips, HILLSDALE NO. 1 SQUARE CAN 23/ LIBBY’S SLICED Pineapple, large can 25/ Blue Rose Rice, WHOLE GRAIN 5 lbs. 29/ VAN C A M PS Pumpkin can \2