Beacon and News ^ Offers Splendid Opportuni ties for Advertisers. AND The Washington County News A Family Newspaper Published for Benefit of En tire Family. Correspondents Cover County. ■* VOL. 40 PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1929 no. as FAIL TO MARK , BUILDINGS FOR AID AVIATORS No straps were taken in the aneeting of the ehamper of commence here Monday evening to sponsoh a move ment to mark -roofs in the town for identifification as an aid-to;*erial com merce, This suggestion was received from the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics which has as its member Col. Charles-A. Lind bergh. This .project was to be under taken with the cooperation of the Post Office Department -and the De partment of Commerce. Plymouth is one of the -2,000 out-of 7,500 towns of intermediate size that has failed to ” Is t^ie announcement that will fee heard by people jn Washington comty during the next two months on each Wednes day at IZ'.IO noon. The lectures which have been ar ranged on this program are as fol lows: June 5.—Fur*** Outlook for 1929 ®tu| ■j930—Dr. G. W. Forster, head de» pertinent of agricultural economics. June 12.—Parasites of Poultry—H, ft WitfSP.** rese§rfJ? jWSltiy™"1 June 19.—Preventing Decay of tiun—M. Gray, **£jetary. Farm 'Women’s Short Course, Mrs. Estelle % Smith, secretary. Fruits and Vegetables in the Home— Dr. R. F. Fc&Je, plant pathologist. Jane 26.-='S$jrfe Farmers’ Cfljtven HOME AOEMfS SCHEDULE Weew BepinaWg June 10 Monday, Scuppernawg Tuesday, Mackeys Wednseday, AlbemarJs Thursday, Monti* ejly Friday, Wenon* ^atSf«3<»y. Office Eminent Attorney Cites Usual Causes Of Bank Failures To Prove They Are Inexcusable For*ner Representative Martin Talks To Newspaperman In Interview On Skiddish Thing (Known As Money And The Institution In Which It Is Kept For Safety “There is no excuse for bank fail ures,” former representative Van B. Martin told a representative of the Beacon and News in an interview yes terday regarding the bank failures in different sections of the State ^during this year. There are only three main causes for a bank to close its doors, .accord ing to Mr. Martin. These are negli gence on the part of officials in pass ing loans or delegating too much au thority to one man as is done in many banks. Each bank should be careful to have its own finance committee and not resort to allowing the cashier or other officials to pass on the applica tions alone. Another cause is the officials com prising the finance committee or others passing favorably on ’.a note for personal benefit or gain. Many times a person may pass on a note because of friendship for the applicant. At other times it may be that the of ficials will favor the notes