:* Beacon and News Offers Splendid Opportuni ties ‘for Advertisers. .-.v t A Family Newspaper Published for Benefit of En tire Family. Correspondent Cover County. The Washington County News *VOL. 40 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER6, 1929 NO. 52 n ‘live At V. Prograi Di _ c B^T.. Ferguson of the Agricul ture* Department of State College! at ltaleigh was here Wednesday and gavethe' State plan of work for Washington county during the com ing year. “We want the farmers of North Carolina to learn to live at home,” said Mr. Ferguson. “Strictly live at home, will be our slogan and . ( plans for Washington county dur ing the coining year,” he continued. .Every farm should and must pro duce what it consumes, including the house and the barn, if this plan is to be successful. All of the hay and feeds of any kind for the ani mals cmust be raised. All of the meat, lard and vegetables must be f raised at home and every farm should at least have one cow for the family. In line with this program of work, the enriching of soil will be ' necessary • and work to that end has been planned. “The only way that the farmer in Eastern Carolina are ever going • to be independent is when they move their flour barrel and smokehouse, and their-corn crib and hay loft out of' the West. Today North < Carolina is' having to pay freight. , ;Ou material that can be raised here g -Reaper,’’bsaid the visitor. !Eastern 'Carolina has a better ^ , opportunity agriculturely than, t;any :other ^section of the Unit - ejcL-States, ‘ Especially does the far * mers of' Washington county have it' . if they >would wake up to the fact that it is 'cheaper to raise their feed-stdffs than it is to buy them.; Now iis i the: time . to really begin ‘ 'fitting' on* the farm.” IFOUND DBAIX SATURDAY MommG |]^iffitwgyc«:diaters and cylinder iheifjtis- were: apt \theoonly fatalities occwred last Friday night when :aui*ieaipeetej(i cold-.spell began. iSMUton (Gaylord, >Negro shop ;keeper df’.R tfefflu found irozento, death Saturday .morning rf*hibfiar«semtes --^ted lor .fighting and««ther bois ess inn his iplaoe of business. J been iin '.business ip iitopor a miKpber of years .-and had never tbeen in any tnoubfe. ‘He was held up and robbed ft>y itkwee unknown White men some time qgq, of :his fifcgs savings. KiG^dt CIRCUIT R«|. J, Bascom Hurley, Pastor Roper Church- Morning services every seoegid and fourth Sunday at 11 «’<&><&. Evening mnritm emy flint and third Sunday at 7 o clock Pleasant Ch;ove Church-Morning servfeeevery fest Sunday at il o’clock. Evening services every mo oild Sunday at%Vock. . Mackeyv Cfc$fitfc4|orning service O every third Sunday (ft 11 o’clock. Evening service every fourth Sun day at 7 o’clock. TO PRESENT OPERETTA Roper ;-Miss Elizabeth Gu n n , with the assistance ot Musses Esth t her Stern and Elizabeth A vent, members of the Roper School facul ty have prepared an operetta which will; tie presented hi the school au ditorium tonight, Tfef cast will be “ ' of studeate is the first, . J ■ A/ic lome” To Be n Of Farm Work curing Year In County Recorders Judge Sawyer Had Very Large Docket Tuesday Recorders Judge Jerry -Sawyer’’ had a vary bnsy day Tuesday with a variety of eases ranging ifram murder to bad cheeks. Roger Hill was ffoasad not guilty in a charge of assault with a.deadly! weapon, while Jordan Stallmgs was; fined $10 and 1-3 the costs and’ James McCleaae a»d Robert Hilli were fined $25 and 1-3 off the costs each, in an afiray. Stallings took am appeal. Edmund Norman was given six months on the county roads or a fine of $200 and costs. He paid the §jie and costs. R. Batemai was found not gyilty on a charge of violating the prp&Jbition law. Tons McCary was found guilty of violating State traffic laws and fined $20. and costs. J. J. Jpjinston was found guilty J ipxtjiree bafi cheek casos and order- : i-d to pay the checks and costs. He . fcapk an appeal and his total bonds shunted to $450. Joe Boston, victim of the holiday spirit, snostly moonshine, decided to come to Plymouth Thanksgiving morning, and when fee attempted to make'the turn at the foot of Washington street, he ran in the surb and R. W. Tarkington's car, which was parked in front of the Etexall Drug Store. It cost him a few hours in jail, *40.40 to repair Mr. Tarkington's car, a fine of *oo, josts of trial, and his lawyers fee. Van B. Owens was found not guilty of a charge of assault with i deadly weapon. J. W, Williamson was found guil -v nf vioifctincr the nrohibitlon laws trad fined $100 and costs. Wesley Norman is now resting in the county jail, awaiting ithe Janu ary term of Superior court, when he will face a charge of murdering a Negro woman. (Cornelia Sheron and George Harris were held for the January term of Superior -court on a charge of stealing clothing from A. G. Walker’s store Creewell. U. D. CL TQ MEET The Major Charles Louis Latham Chapiter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the home of Mrs. A. L. Alexander Fri day afternoon with Mrs. J.. P. Sut ton and Mrs. B. A. Sumner as joint hostess with Mrs. Alexander. G1RACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. A. H. Marshall, Rector Mr. Frith Winslow, Lay Reader. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Mom ng Prayer and Sermon 11 A. M. AUTO THEATRE TONIGHT AMD Saturday Night Nancy Carroll IN "Manhattan Cocktail” Fifth Episode Tuesday & Wed. Richard Dix IN “Rod Skin” A True Color Picture DON’T MISS IT CHRISTMAS SEALS NOW ON SALE; SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT MONEY KEPT The 1929 Christmas seals are now on sale in Washington county under the direction of the Book club, and everybody will be given the opportunity to purchase some during the next few days. Mrs. H. E. Midgett is in charge of the sales in this county. Washington county did not have a Red Cross Roll Call, and it should give whole-heartedly to this particular work. Seventy-five per cent o f the moneys collected will be used in this county for charities. The other 25 per cent goes to State head quarters to help eradicate that dreaded disease, tuberculosis. For these two very important reasons we should buy all the seals we can when we are visited by soli citors. Some of us feel that we are in terrible straits financially but when we see the hungry, naked and cold, right at our doors, we must divide what we have. Plymouth and Washington County should answer this call. ONE-DAY CONVENTON WILLIAMSTON CHURCH NEXT WEDNESDAY Williamston, N. C. :-The seventh animal series of One Day Conven tions conducted by the United Christian Missionary Society of the Christian Church is being held in •212churches throughout the country tins month.. The theme of all these conventions will be “Witnessing for Christ.” The local Christian church will entertain the One Day Convention for the Roanoke district Wednesday of next week. Preparations are be ing made to aecomodate all who will come and share the wonderful fellowship that these meetings afford The *team that has been chosen ior the meeting here ie composed of Mr.