AN L THE WASHINGTON COUNTY NEWS Published Every Friday iu Plymouth, North Carolina LEE ROY HARRIS.Publisher and Pd it hr $1.50 A YEAH T5P SIX MONTHS Address all communications to the Roanoke Beacon, Plymouth, N. C. Entered as second-class mail matter at the Postoffica, Plymouth, North Carolina, under the act of March 3rd, 1887. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1930 The Water System On this page of this issue will be found a full page advertisemen carrying with it a blank to be filled in by the people of Plymouth making a direct appeal to the City Fathers, asking that they do some thing to better the condition of the water system in Plymouth. The Beacon and News feels that this is one of the most impottant things that will come before the councilman during the next twelve months, liven the sale of the ice plant is not near so important as is the installation of some kind of a filtering system whereby the present water supply can be bettered. It is costing the tax payers far more money every year to keep up their plumbing fixtures than it would cost them w'ere two cents added to their taxes. Many have said that to install some kind of a filtering system would have meant far more to the town than the purchase of a new fire truck. Taxes AH taxes should normally and regularly come out of income. Pro perty taxes are only an indirect way of getting at income, and a very antiquated way. at that. We are far behind the times in cur system of taxation in Washington county and North Carolina. The experi ence of the world in the last 50 years has shown the practicability of getting a large proportion of all taxes from incomes. These may be supplemented by reasonable property taxes, but in the case of farm land, the property tax should be cut down to one per cent of selling value. At the present there is much agitation to call a special session of the legislature to get immediate relief from the burden. There would have to be some legislation before the first of May to get any relief from the 1930 taxes and with the legislators we had in the last legis lature, a special session would be nothing more nor less than a flop. Even men with executive ability would have to spend more than twelve months to prepare a fair system. Farm land needs and should have some relief from taxes but to call a special session of the legisla ture as it is now composed would give no relief and would be an ad ded expense to the tax payer. NOTICE! DR. C. C. HODGENS. OPTOMETRIST WITH THE BELL JEWELRY CO.. WASHINGTON. N. C. WILL BE AT THE The O’HENRY DRUG STORE Plymouth, N. C. The 3rd., Wednesday of Each Month EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Condensed Statement of Condition Branch Banking & Trust Company PLYMOUTH. NORTH CAROLINA Wilson Whitakers Bailey Warsaw Selma Goldsboro At the close of Business December 31st. 1929 RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts.$2,611,941.87 U. S. and N. C. Bonds. 1.218.486.05 All other Stocks and Bonds .... 7.100.00 Banking Houses Fur. and Fix. 105.251.62 Cash and Due from Banks .... 781,898.32 $4,724,677.86 LIABILITIES: Capita! Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Deposits $ 2 JO,000.00 250,000.00 185,920.60 4,038,757.26 $4,724,677.86 Upon the strength of the above statement and the backing of our Directors we solicit your business, promising every accommodation consistent with sound banking. NOTICE OF SALE Underand by virtue of a powet of sale embraced in a mortgage executed by George H. Downing to Maggie E. Phelps, Mortgagee, on the 1st. dayof February, 1021 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County in Book 77 page 415, and default having been mane in the payment of the note thereby se cured, the undersigned mortgagee will expose at public sale to 'he highest bidder for cash on the 6th day of March, 1030, at the courthouse door of Washington County at 12 o’clock noon the following described land: Lying and being in Lees Mill Town ship and adjoining the lands of Chris tine Allen, W. L. Roberson Heirs, T W- Blount Heirs and being the eastern half of the tract of land formerly own ed by George Masse!, deceased, whereon the said George Downing now resides containing 12J acres, more or less. This the 3rd day of February, 1930. Maggie E, Phelps Mortgagee Zeb Vance Norman, Attorney NOTICE North Carolina, Washington County. Pursuant to the terms of a certain mortgage deed executed by Richmond Ruffin and wife, Robertcr Ruffin, to J. C. Spruill, recorded in book 77, page 407, Washington County registry, de fault having been made in payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 3rd day of March. 1930, at the courthouse door in Plymouth, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that cer tain tract of land in Plymouth Town ship, Washington County, more par ticuLrlv described as follows, to wit: “Beginning at a pine, running an easterly course 17S yards to a scrub oak; thence northeastwardly 280 yards to an ash, thence west ward ly 175 yards to a gum. thence southerly 280 yards 'to a pine, the beginning, containing ten acres, more or less. 11 being the same land conveyed by deed from John Cole man and wife to Richmond Ruffin and wife, said deed dated January 30th, 1(!22. and recorded in book 82, page 87, to which deed reference is hereby made for further description." Dated and posted this 25th day of January, 1930. J. C. SPRUILL, t'20 Mortgagee. NOTICE! SALE OF t<E \L PROPERTY NORTH CAROLINA. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the authority ot saie contained in that certain Deed of Trust from P. I>. Allen and Wife, Minnie Allen, to Zeb Vance Norman, Trustee, dated February 12th, 1920, and recorded in Book 29, at Page 306, Washington County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and demand having been made upon the undersig ned Trustee to foreclose said deed of Trust according to its terms, the un dersigned Trustee will on Wednesdry the 19th day of February, 1930, at or about the hour of Twelve O’clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse door in the Town of Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property situate in the Town of Plymouth, and known and designated as follows: The Harrison place on Jefferson street, extended and beginning at J. T. Bullock's heirs lino Jefferson Street thence with their line Westward 200 ft. cornering; thence Kastwardly parallel with Bullock’s heirs line 200 feet to said Jefferson Street .cornering; thence Northwardly with said Street to the firs! station. This the 17th day of January, 1030, MILKY C. OI.OVER, Attorney ZKB VANCE NORMAN. Trustee. Lumbago The Famous Q-623—Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Ar thritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now a vailable to all sufferers from these tor tures. Q-623 is a prescri[ition of a famous specialist that has done wonders for thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. We ask you to try this famous prescription, as it is absolutely guaranteed to help you. A few doses usually stops the pain, and many people say “it is worth its weight in gold.” Sold and recommended by O Henry Drug Store, Plymouth, N. C. 6 6 6 Tablets Releaves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malara in t hree days. 666 also in Liquid ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Martha E.Tarkenton this is to notify all persons having claims against saidestate present themj to the undersigned at Plymouth, N. C J Washington County, N C. on or before' the 20th day of January, 1931 or fWs notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to saidi estate Will please make immediate' settlement with the undersigned Ad-j ministrator. This 20th day of January, 1930. H. W. TAKKENTON, JR. Administrator Estate of Mrs. Martha E. Tarkenton MAH WANTED IMMEDIATELY — by giant internationpl industry; over 700() already started; some doing an nual business $13,000; no experience orcapital required; everythingsupplied realize success, independence Haw. leigh’s way; retail food products, ,oap toilet preparations, stock, pout try supplies; your own business sup. ported by big American, Caaadiab Australian irdustries; resources over $17,000,000; established 40 yeais; gel our proposition; all say it’s great! Raw eigh Compay, D «pt NC-45-J, Rich mond, Va. Schedule for week beginning Feb ruary 10th: Monday, Scuppernong; Tuesday. Mackeys; Wednesday, Albemar/e Thursday, Plymouth; Friday, We nona; Saturday, Office. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE WATER SUPPLY OF PLYMOUTH? WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IT BETTERED? ARE YOU WILLING TO HAVE BONDS ISSUED IF NECCESSARY TO MAKE THE WATER SUPPLY BETTER? These are the questions that everyone should ash themselves before signing their name to the following statement. If after reading the state ment over you decide that you are in favor with it, fill in your name and bring it to the BEACON & NEWS office where a petition will be compiled and carried before the city fathers at their next regular meeting. I am interested in the bettering of the presort water supply for the Town of Plymouth and feel that although bonds would have to be issued and my taxes would prababljr be increased a small amount In order to defray the expense of installing a filtering system, I wonld Kke to see it installed and do of my own free will and acerd sign this, a petition to the honorable city council of said town, asking that they take immediate steps towards install inor came THIS THE DAY OF FEBRURAY, 1930 SIGNED

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