No Refunds /^i 1 ^1 ' T^l ■ 1 vaood-oye lo rlymouth Sale Starts FrL, Feb. 7th., 1930. And Continues Until Entire Stock Is Sold After \yi year of dealings with people of Plpouth and surrounding country we have decided to close out of business and offer our entire stock to the public at unheard of prices. Never before in the history of Plpouth has there been such a sale and at such low prices, instead of sacrificing our stock to the wholesale buyers we have refused all of their offers and will sell out every article less than wholesale cost. This is a chance of a lifetime and remember folks, opportunity knocks but once so don't fail to take advantage of this wonderful chance. Every article in the store has been marked down and everything must be sold. ‘‘POSITIVELY NO GOODS WILL BE SOLD TO MERCHANTS.” Fixtures for sale no reasonable offer refused. BELOW YOU WILL FIND A FEW OF THE MARKED DOWN ITEMS SHIRTS $3.95 value $2.98 3.50 “ 2.48 2.95 “ 2.18 2.50 “ 1.95 1.95 “ 1.44 1.50 “ 97c 96c “ 69c MEN’S SUITS $50.00 value $25.00 40.00 “ 20.00 30.00 “ 17.50 25.00 “ 15.00 20.00 “ 12.50 17.50 “ 9.95 15.00 “ 7.95 1 Special Lot Mens Suits $3.95 UNDERWEAR $1.50 nine 98c 1.00 IhriOH Suits 79c Men’s 2 pc 64c each MEN’S HATS $5.00 Hats 3.00 2.00 it $2.95 2.75 1.95 98C it PLYMOUTH MEN’S SHOES $5.00 Shoes 4.00 2.95 << << $3.35 2.95 2.25 MEN’STIES $1.00 Ties 75c “ 69c 49c MEN’S PANTS $6.50 value 4.95 3.95 2.95 1.95 1.50 << u «< $4.50 3.45 2.80 2.19 1.29 97C MEN’S BELTS $1.00 value 69c 75c “ 49c 50c “ 29c MEN'S OVERALLS & COATS $1.50 value 98c MEN’S SILK SOCKS Second* 5c pr. HOUSE DRESSES Short Sleeve Dresses 69c $1.25 value House Dresses 79c SILK DRESSES $15 Dresses $8.95 12.50 “ 7.95 10.00 “ 5.95 8.50 “ 4.95 7.50 “ 3.95 6.00 “ 2.95 All Winter Coats Vfc price Every Coat Must Be Sold New Spring Coats 1-3 off Ladies Shoes $3.95 value $2.88 3.50 “ 2.65 2.95 “ 1.98 1.98 “ 1.49 Work Shirts 65c value 36c $1.25 Blue & Kaki 69c Bedspreads $4 value $1.98 $2.25 “ 98c Bathrobes $2.98 value $1.88 5.00 “ 2 95 8.00 “ 4.50 Rain Coats 1 lot Rain Coats 69c $4.00 “ “ $1.96 6.50 “ “ 3.96 8.00“ “ 4.96 BLANKETS Vi off SWEATERS Boys Sweaters Part Wool 88c Ml Wool $5. val. $2.97 Ladies Coat Sweaters $5. value $1.97 LADIES HATS 10c Child’s Stockings 7c MISSES ONION SUITS Size 1G Only 47c Rayon Underwear $1 value 77c 75c “ 49c 50c “ 29c SILK PAJAMAS $2.95 value $1.69 DANCE SETS $1.95 value $1.49 OUTING GOWNS $1.25 value 77c OUTING SUPS 75c value 39c OUTING BLOOMERS 75c value 36c NORTH CAROLINA